blob: 25f2c8bd1a144ab68d2970b89d73cb1801e6fc94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/process_util.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "base/scoped_handle_win.h"
#if defined(USE_NSS)
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "net/base/x509_certificate.h"
namespace net {
// This object bounds the lifetime of an external python-based HTTP/HTTPS/FTP
// server that can provide various responses useful for testing.
// A few basic convenience methods are provided, but no
// URL handling methods (those belong at a higher layer, e.g. in
// url_request_unittest.h).
class TestServerLauncher {
TestServerLauncher(int connection_attempts, int connection_timeout);
virtual ~TestServerLauncher();
enum Protocol {
ProtoHTTP, ProtoFTP
// Load the test root cert, if it hasn't been loaded yet.
bool LoadTestRootCert();
// Tells the server to enable/disable servicing each request
// in a separate process. Takes effect only if called before Start.
void set_forking(bool forking) { forking_ = forking; }
// Start src/net/tools/testserver/ and
// ask it to serve the given protocol.
// If protocol is HTTP, and cert_path is not empty, serves HTTPS.
// file_root_url specifies the root url on the server that documents will be
// served out of. This is /files/ by default.
// Returns true on success, false if files not found or root cert
// not trusted.
bool Start(net::TestServerLauncher::Protocol protocol,
const std::string& host_name, int port,
const FilePath& document_root,
const FilePath& cert_path,
const std::wstring& file_root_url);
// Stop the server started by Start().
bool Stop();
// If you access the server's Kill url, it will exit by itself
// without a call to Stop().
// WaitToFinish is handy in that case.
// It returns true if the server exited cleanly.
bool WaitToFinish(int milliseconds);
// Paths to a good, an expired, and an invalid server certificate
// (use as arguments to Start()).
FilePath GetOKCertPath();
FilePath GetExpiredCertPath();
FilePath GetDocumentRootPath() { return document_root_dir_; }
// Issuer name of the root cert that should be trusted for the test to work.
static const wchar_t kCertIssuerName[];
// Hostname to use for test server
static const char kHostName[];
// Different hostname to use for test server (that still resolves to same IP)
static const char kMismatchedHostName[];
// Port to use for test server
static const int kOKHTTPSPort;
// Port to use for bad test server
static const int kBadHTTPSPort;
// Wait a while for the server to start, return whether
// we were able to make a connection to it.
bool WaitToStart(const std::string& host_name, int port);
// Append to PYTHONPATH so Python can find pyftpdlib and tlslite.
void SetPythonPath();
// Path to our test root certificate.
FilePath GetRootCertPath();
// Returns false if our test root certificate is not trusted.
bool CheckCATrusted();
// Initilize the certificate path.
void InitCertPath();
FilePath document_root_dir_;
FilePath cert_dir_;
FilePath python_runtime_;
base::ProcessHandle process_handle_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// JobObject used to clean up orphaned child processes.
ScopedHandle job_handle_;
// True if the server should handle each request in a separate process.
bool forking_;
// Number of tries and timeout for each try used for WaitToStart.
int connection_attempts_;
int connection_timeout_;
#if defined(USE_NSS)
scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> cert_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Launch test server as a job so that it is not orphaned if the test case is
// abnormally terminated.
bool LaunchTestServerAsJob(const std::wstring& cmdline,
bool start_hidden,
base::ProcessHandle* process_handle,
ScopedHandle* job_handle);
} // namespace net