blob: f83c4275abc9df07f72d10fd4f42e94860098160 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/geolocation_observer.h"
#include "chrome/common/geoposition.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
class GeolocationArbitrator;
template<typename Type>
struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
// This is the main API to the geolocaiton subsystem. The application
// will hold a single instance of this class, and can register multiple
// observers which will be notified of location updates. Underlying location
// arbitrator will only be enabled whilst there is at least one observer
// registered.
class GeolocationProvider : public base::Thread, public GeolocationObserver {
// Must be called from the same thread as the GeolocationProvider was created
// on. The GeolocationObserverOptions passed are used as a 'hint' for the
// provider preferences for this particular observer, however the observer
// could receive callbacks for best available locations from any active
// provider whilst it is registered.
// If an existing observer is added a second time it's options are updated
// but only a single call to RemoveObserver() is required to remove it.
void AddObserver(GeolocationObserver* delegate,
const GeolocationObserverOptions& update_options);
// Remove a previously registered observer. No-op if not previously registered
// via AddObserver(). Returns true if the observer was removed.
bool RemoveObserver(GeolocationObserver* delegate);
void OnPermissionGranted(const GURL& requesting_frame);
bool HasPermissionBeenGranted() const;
// GeolocationObserver
virtual void OnLocationUpdate(const Geoposition& position);
// Gets a pointer to the singleton instance of the location relayer, which
// is in turn bound to the browser's global context objects. Ownership is NOT
// returned.
static GeolocationProvider* GetInstance();
typedef std::map<GeolocationObserver*, GeolocationObserverOptions>
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<GeolocationProvider>;
bool OnClientThread() const;
bool OnGeolocationThread() const;
void OnObserversChanged();
// Passes the observers' geolocation options through to the arbitrator.
void SetObserverOptions(const GeolocationObserverOptions& options);
// Update the providers on the geolocation thread, which must be running.
void InformProvidersPermissionGranted(const GURL& requesting_frame);
// Notifies observers when a new position fix is available.
void NotifyObservers(const Geoposition& position);
// Thread
virtual void Init();
virtual void CleanUp();
scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> client_loop_;
// Only used on client thread
ObserverMap observers_;
GURL most_recent_authorized_frame_;
Geoposition position_;
// Only to be used on the geolocation thread.
GeolocationArbitrator* arbitrator_;