blob: 85c4145de2275ba0a0517f695f4e27c7b8ada764 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
// Determines whether certain gpu-related features are blacklisted or not.
// A valid gpu_blacklist.json file are in the format of
// {
// "entries": [
// { // entry 1
// },
// ...
// { // entry n
// }
// ]
// }
// Each entry contains the following fields:
// "os", "vendor_id", "device_id", "driver_version", and "blacklist".
// Only "blacklist" is mandatory.
// 1. "os" contains "type" and an optional "version". "type" could be "macosx",
// "linux", "win", or "any". "any" is the same as not specifying "os".
// "version" is a VERSION structure (defined later).
// 2. "vendor_id" has the value of a string.
// 3. "device_id" has the value of a string.
// 4. "driver_version" is a VERSION structure (defined later).
// 5. "blacklist" is a list of gpu feature strings, valid values include
// "accelerated_2d_canvas", "accelerated_compositing", "webgl", and "all".
// Currently whatever feature is selected, the effect is the same as "all",
// i.e., it's not supported to turn off one GPU feature and not the others.
// VERSION includes "op" "number", and "number2". "op" can be any of the
// following value: "=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "any", "between". "number2" is
// only used if "op" is "between". "number" is used for all "op" values except
// "any". "number" and "number2" are in the format of x, x.x, x.x.x, ect.
// Check out "" for examples.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/common/gpu_feature_flags.h"
class DictionaryValue;
class GPUInfo;
class Version;
class GpuBlacklist {
enum OsType {
// Loads blacklist information from a json file.
// current_os_only==true indicates all blacklist entries that don't belong to
// the current OS are discarded; current_os_only==false should only be used
// for testing purpose.
// If failed, the current GpuBlacklist is un-touched.
bool LoadGpuBlacklist(const std::string& json_context,
bool current_os_only);
// Collects system information and combines them with gpu_info and blacklist
// information to determine gpu feature flags.
// If os is kOsAny, use the current OS; if os_version is null, use the
// current OS version.
GpuFeatureFlags DetermineGpuFeatureFlags(OsType os,
Version* os_version,
const GPUInfo& gpu_info) const;
class VersionInfo {
VersionInfo(const std::string& version_op,
const std::string& version_string,
const std::string& version_string2);
// Determines if a given version is included in the VersionInfo range.
bool Contains(const Version& version) const;
// Determines if the VersionInfo contains valid information.
bool IsValid() const;
enum Op {
kBetween, // <= * <=
kEQ, // =
kLT, // <
kLE, // <=
kGT, // >
kGE, // >=
kUnknown // Indicates VersionInfo data is invalid.
// Maps string to Op; returns kUnknown if it's not a valid Op.
static Op StringToOp(const std::string& version_op);
Op op_;
scoped_ptr<Version> version_;
scoped_ptr<Version> version2_;
class OsInfo {
OsInfo(const std::string& os,
const std::string& version_op,
const std::string& version_string,
const std::string& version_string2);
// Determines if a given os/version is included in the OsInfo set.
bool Contains(OsType type, const Version& version) const;
// Determines if the VersionInfo contains valid information.
bool IsValid() const;
OsType type() const;
// Maps string to OsType; returns kOsUnknown if it's not a valid os.
static OsType StringToOsType(const std::string& os);
OsType type_;
scoped_ptr<VersionInfo> version_info_;
class GpuBlacklistEntry {
// Constructs GpuBlacklistEntry from DictionaryValue loaded from json.
static GpuBlacklistEntry* GetGpuBlacklistEntryFromValue(
DictionaryValue* value);
// Determines if a given os/gc/driver is included in the Entry set.
bool Contains(OsType os_type, const Version& os_version,
uint32 vendor_id, uint32 device_id,
const Version& driver_version) const;
// Returns the OsType.
OsType GetOsType() const;
// Returns the GpuFeatureFlags.
GpuFeatureFlags GetGpuFeatureFlags() const;
bool SetOsInfo(const std::string& os,
const std::string& version_op,
const std::string& version_string,
const std::string& version_string2);
bool SetVendorId(const std::string& vendor_id_string);
bool SetDeviceId(const std::string& device_id_string);
bool SetDriverVersionInfo(const std::string& version_op,
const std::string& version_string,
const std::string& version_string2);
bool SetBlacklistedFeatures(
const std::vector<std::string>& blacklisted_features);
scoped_ptr<OsInfo> os_info_;
uint32 vendor_id_;
uint32 device_id_;
scoped_ptr<VersionInfo> driver_version_info_;
scoped_ptr<GpuFeatureFlags> feature_flags_;
// Gets the current OS type.
static OsType GetOsType();
void Clear();
std::vector<GpuBlacklistEntry*> blacklist_;