blob: 46b0348775107f47deb18de56cffa341a716b51a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/image_loading_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/common/web_apps.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
class Extension;
class TabContentsWrapper;
struct WebApplicationInfo;
// Per-tab extension helper. Also handles non-extension apps.
class ExtensionTabHelper : public TabContentsObserver,
public ImageLoadingTracker::Observer {
explicit ExtensionTabHelper(TabContentsWrapper* wrapper);
virtual ~ExtensionTabHelper();
// Copies the internal state from another ExtensionTabHelper.
void CopyStateFrom(const ExtensionTabHelper& source);
// Call this after updating a page action to notify clients about the changes.
void PageActionStateChanged();
// Requests application info for the specified page. This is an asynchronous
// request. The delegate is notified by way of OnDidGetApplicationInfo when
// the data is available.
void GetApplicationInfo(int32 page_id);
// App extensions ------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the extension denoting this as an app. If |extension| is non-null this
// tab becomes an app-tab. TabContents does not listen for unload events for
// the extension. It's up to consumers of TabContents to do that.
// NOTE: this should only be manipulated before the tab is added to a browser.
// TODO(sky): resolve if this is the right way to identify an app tab. If it
// is, than this should be passed in the constructor.
void SetExtensionApp(const Extension* extension);
// Convenience for setting the app extension by id. This does nothing if
// |extension_app_id| is empty, or an extension can't be found given the
// specified id.
void SetExtensionAppById(const std::string& extension_app_id);
const Extension* extension_app() const { return extension_app_; }
bool is_app() const { return extension_app_ != NULL; }
const WebApplicationInfo& web_app_info() const {
return web_app_info_;
// If an app extension has been explicitly set for this TabContents its icon
// is returned.
// NOTE: the returned icon is larger than 16x16 (its size is
SkBitmap* GetExtensionAppIcon();
TabContents* tab_contents() const {
return TabContentsObserver::tab_contents();
// Sets a non-extension app icon associated with TabContents and fires an
// INVALIDATE_TITLE navigation state change to trigger repaint of title.
void SetAppIcon(const SkBitmap& app_icon);
// TabContentsObserver overrides.
virtual void DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(
const NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails& details,
const ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params& params) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
// Message handlers.
void OnDidGetApplicationInfo(int32 page_id, const WebApplicationInfo& info);
void OnInstallApplication(const WebApplicationInfo& info);
// App extensions related methods:
// Resets app_icon_ and if |extension| is non-null creates a new
// ImageLoadingTracker to load the extension's image.
void UpdateExtensionAppIcon(const Extension* extension);
// ImageLoadingTracker::Observer.
virtual void OnImageLoaded(SkBitmap* image, const ExtensionResource& resource,
int index);
// Data for app extensions ---------------------------------------------------
// If non-null this tab is an app tab and this is the extension the tab was
// created for.
const Extension* extension_app_;
// Icon for extension_app_ (if non-null) or a manually-set icon for
// non-extension apps.
SkBitmap extension_app_icon_;
// Used for loading extension_app_icon_.
scoped_ptr<ImageLoadingTracker> extension_app_image_loader_;
// Cached web app info data.
WebApplicationInfo web_app_info_;
TabContentsWrapper* wrapper_;