blob: 7fa8950df55b336dfeb93cec4fc27f1903f3d078 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/device_management_backend.h"
namespace policy {
class DeviceManagementJobBase;
class DeviceManagementService;
// Implements the actual backend interface. It creates device management jobs
// and passes them on to the service for processing.
class DeviceManagementBackendImpl : public DeviceManagementBackend {
explicit DeviceManagementBackendImpl(DeviceManagementService* service);
virtual ~DeviceManagementBackendImpl();
static std::string GetAgentString();
static std::string GetPlatformString();
// Name constants for URL query parameters.
static const char kParamRequest[];
static const char kParamDeviceType[];
static const char kParamAppType[];
static const char kParamDeviceID[];
static const char kParamAgent[];
static const char kParamPlatform[];
// String constants for the device and app type we report to the server.
static const char kValueRequestRegister[];
static const char kValueRequestUnregister[];
static const char kValueRequestPolicy[];
static const char kValueDeviceType[];
static const char kValueAppType[];
friend class DeviceManagementJobBase;
typedef std::set<DeviceManagementJobBase*> JobSet;
// Called by the DeviceManagementJobBase dtor so we can clean up.
void JobDone(DeviceManagementJobBase* job);
// Add a job to the pending job set and register it with the service (if
// available).
void AddJob(DeviceManagementJobBase* job);
// DeviceManagementBackend overrides.
virtual void ProcessRegisterRequest(
const std::string& auth_token,
const std::string& device_id,
const em::DeviceRegisterRequest& request,
DeviceRegisterResponseDelegate* response_delegate);
virtual void ProcessUnregisterRequest(
const std::string& device_management_token,
const std::string& device_id,
const em::DeviceUnregisterRequest& request,
DeviceUnregisterResponseDelegate* response_delegate);
virtual void ProcessPolicyRequest(
const std::string& device_management_token,
const std::string& device_id,
const em::DevicePolicyRequest& request,
DevicePolicyResponseDelegate* response_delegate);
// Keeps track of the jobs currently in flight.
JobSet pending_jobs_;
DeviceManagementService* service_;
} // namespace policy