blob: fb69e2a66b3eb986d8935b0046534b79f49fd9d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/task.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/device_management_backend.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/policy_notifier.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/proto/device_management_backend.pb.h"
namespace policy {
class CloudPolicyCacheBase;
class DeviceManagementService;
namespace em = enterprise_management;
// Fetches the device token that can be used for policy requests with the device
// management server, either from disk if it already has been successfully
// requested, otherwise from the device management server. An instance of the
// fetcher is shared as a singleton by all users of the device management token
// to ensure they all get the same token.
class DeviceTokenFetcher
: public DeviceManagementBackend::DeviceRegisterResponseDelegate {
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
virtual void OnDeviceTokenAvailable() = 0;
// |service| is used to talk to the device management service and |cache| is
// used to persist whether the device is unmanaged.
DeviceTokenFetcher(DeviceManagementService* service,
CloudPolicyCacheBase* cache,
PolicyNotifier* notifier);
// Version for tests that allows to set timing parameters.
DeviceTokenFetcher(DeviceManagementService* service,
CloudPolicyCacheBase* cache,
PolicyNotifier* notifier,
int64 token_fetch_error_delay_ms,
int64 token_fetch_error_max_delay_ms,
int64 unmanaged_device_refresh_rate_ms);
virtual ~DeviceTokenFetcher();
// Starts fetching a token.
// Declared virtual so it can be overridden by mocks.
virtual void FetchToken(const std::string& auth_token,
const std::string& device_id,
em::DeviceRegisterRequest_Type policy_type,
const std::string& machine_id,
const std::string& machine_model);
virtual void SetUnmanagedState();
// Returns the device management token or the empty string if not available.
// Declared virtual so it can be overridden by mocks.
virtual const std::string& GetDeviceToken();
// Disables the auto-retry-on-error behavior of this token fetcher.
void StopAutoRetry();
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// DeviceManagementBackend::DeviceRegisterResponseDelegate method overrides:
virtual void HandleRegisterResponse(
const em::DeviceRegisterResponse& response);
virtual void OnError(DeviceManagementBackend::ErrorCode code);
friend class DeviceTokenFetcherTest;
// The different states that the fetcher can be in during the process of
// getting the device token. |state_| is initialized to INACTIVE, depending
// on the result of a token fetching attempt can transition to either of
// TOKEN_AVAILABLE, UNMANAGED, or ERROR. The first attempt must be triggered
// externally. When |state_| is UNMANAGED, a new fetching attempt is
// performed every |unmanaged_device_refresh_rate_ms_|; when it's ERROR,
// a new attempt is done after |effective_token_fetch_error_delay_ms_|.
enum FetcherState {
// Fetcher inactive.
// Token available.
// Device unmanaged.
// Error, retry later.
// Temporary error. Retry sooner.
// Server rejected the auth token.
// Common initialization helper.
void Initialize(DeviceManagementService* service,
CloudPolicyCacheBase* cache,
PolicyNotifier* notifier,
int64 token_fetch_error_delay_ms,
int64 token_fetch_error_max_delay_ms,
int64 unmanaged_device_refresh_rate_ms);
// Moves the fetcher into a new state.
void SetState(FetcherState state);
// Resets |backend_|, then uses |auth_token_| and |device_id_| to perform
// an actual token fetch.
void FetchTokenInternal();
// Called back from the |retry_task_|.
void ExecuteRetryTask();
// Cancels the |retry_task_|.
void CancelRetryTask();
// Service and backend. A new backend is created whenever the fetcher gets
// reset.
DeviceManagementService* service_; // weak
scoped_ptr<DeviceManagementBackend> backend_;
// Reference to the cache. Used to persist and read unmanaged state.
CloudPolicyCacheBase* cache_;
PolicyNotifier* notifier_;
// Refresh parameters.
int64 token_fetch_error_delay_ms_;
int64 token_fetch_error_max_delay_ms_;
int64 effective_token_fetch_error_delay_ms_;
int64 unmanaged_device_refresh_rate_ms_;
// State the fetcher is currently in.
FetcherState state_;
// Current device token.
std::string device_token_;
// Contains the AuthToken for the device management server.
std::string auth_token_;
// Device identifier to send to the server.
std::string device_id_;
// Contains policy type to send to the server.
em::DeviceRegisterRequest_Type policy_type_;
// Contains physical machine id to send to the server.
std::string machine_id_;
// Contains physical machine model to send to server.
std::string machine_model_;
// Task that has been scheduled to retry fetching a token.
CancelableTask* retry_task_;
ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<DeviceTokenFetcher> method_factory_;
ObserverList<Observer, true> observer_list_;
} // namespace policy