blob: 48cb21404266108070b5963d45efeee0d85e4eb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol for communication between sync client and server.
// Update proto_value_conversions{.h,.cc,} if you change
// any fields in this file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option retain_unknown_fields = true;
package sync_pb;
import "encryption.proto";
// Used for inspecting how long we spent performing operations in different
// backends. All times must be in millis.
message ProfilingData {
optional int64 meta_data_write_time = 1;
optional int64 file_data_write_time = 2;
optional int64 user_lookup_time = 3;
optional int64 meta_data_read_time = 4;
optional int64 file_data_read_time = 5;
optional int64 total_request_time = 6;
message EntitySpecifics {
// If a datatype is encrypted, this field will contain the encrypted
// original EntitySpecifics. The extension for the datatype will continue
// to exist, but contain only the default values.
// Note that currently passwords employ their own legacy encryption scheme and
// do not use this field.
optional EncryptedData encrypted = 1;
// To add new datatype-specific fields to the protocol, extend
// EntitySpecifics. First, pick a non-colliding tag number by
// picking a revision number of one of your past commits
// to Then, in a different protocol buffer
// definition that includes this, do the following:
// extend EntitySpecifics {
// MyDatatypeSpecifics my_datatype = 32222;
// }
// where:
// - 32222 is the non-colliding tag number you picked earlier.
// - MyDatatypeSpecifics is the type (probably a message type defined
// in your new .proto file) that you want to associate with each
// object of the new datatype.
// - my_datatype is the field identifier you'll use to access the
// datatype specifics from the code.
// Server implementations are obligated to preserve the contents of
// EntitySpecifics when it contains unrecognized extensions. In this
// way, it is possible to add new datatype fields without having
// to update the server.
extensions 30000 to max;
message SyncEntity {
// This item's identifier. In a commit of a new item, this will be a
// client-generated ID. If the commit succeeds, the server will generate
// a globally unique ID and return it to the committing client in the
// CommitResponse.EntryResponse. In the context of a GetUpdatesResponse,
// |id_string| is always the server generated ID. The original
// client-generated ID is preserved in the |originator_client_id| field.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional string id_string = 1;
// An id referencing this item's parent in the hierarchy. In a
// CommitMessage, it is accepted for this to be a client-generated temporary
// ID if there was a new created item with that ID appearing earlier
// in the message. In all other situations, it is a server ID.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional string parent_id_string = 2;
// old_parent_id is only set in commits and indicates the old server
// parent(s) to remove. When omitted, the old parent is the same as
// the new.
// Present only in CommitMessage.
optional string old_parent_id = 3;
// The version of this item -- a monotonically increasing value that is
// maintained by for each item. If zero in a CommitMessage, the server
// will interpret this entity as a newly-created item and generate a
// new server ID and an initial version number. If nonzero in a
// CommitMessage, this item is treated as an update to an existing item, and
// the server will use |id_string| to locate the item. Then, if the item's
// current version on the server does not match |version|, the commit will
// fail for that item. The server will not update it, and will return
// a result code of CONFLICT. In a GetUpdatesResponse, |version| is
// always positive and indentifies the revision of the item data being sent
// to the client.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
required int64 version = 4;
// Last modification time (in java time milliseconds)
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional int64 mtime = 5;
// Creation time.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional int64 ctime = 6;
// The name of this item.
// Historical note:
// Since November 2010, this value is no different from non_unique_name.
// Before then, server implementations would maintain a unique-within-parent
// value separate from its base, "non-unique" value. Clients had not
// depended on the uniqueness of the property since November 2009; it was
// removed from Chromium by .
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
required string name = 7;
// The name of this item. Same as |name|.
// |non_unique_name| should take precedence over the |name| value if both
// are supplied. For efficiency, clients and servers should avoid setting
// this redundant value.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional string non_unique_name = 8;
// A value from a monotonically increasing sequence that indicates when
// this item was last updated on the server. This is now equivalent
// to version. This is now deprecated in favor of version.
// Present only in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional int64 sync_timestamp = 9;
// If present, this tag identifies this item as being a uniquely
// instanced item. The server ensures that there is never more
// than one entity in a user's store with the same tag value.
// This value is used to identify and find e.g. the "Google Chrome" settings
// folder without relying on it existing at a particular path, or having
// a particular name, in the data store.
// This variant of the tag is created by the server, so clients can't create
// an item with a tag using this field.
// Use client_defined_unique_tag if you want to create one from the client.
// An item can't have both a client_defined_unique_tag and
// a server_defined_unique_tag.
// Present only in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional string server_defined_unique_tag = 10;
// If this group is present, it implies that this SyncEntity corresponds to
// a bookmark or a bookmark folder.
// This group is deprecated; clients should use the bookmark EntitySpecifics
// protocol buffer extension instead.
optional group BookmarkData = 11 {
// We use a required field to differentiate between a bookmark and a
// bookmark folder.
// Present in both GetUpdatesMessage and CommitMessage.
required bool bookmark_folder = 12;
// For bookmark objects, contains the bookmark's URL.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional string bookmark_url = 13;
// For bookmark objects, contains the bookmark's favicon. The favicon is
// represented as a 16X16 PNG image.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional bytes bookmark_favicon = 14;
// Supplies a numeric position for this item, relative to other items with
// the same parent. This value is only meaningful in server-to-client
// contexts; to specify a position in a client-to-server commit context,
// use |insert_after_item_id|.
// Present only in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional int64 position_in_parent = 15;
// Contains the ID of the element (under the same parent) after which this
// element resides. An empty string indicates that the element is the first
// element in the parent. This value is used during commits to specify
// a relative position for a position change. In the context of
// a GetUpdatesMessage, |position_in_parent| is used instead to
// communicate position.
// Present only in CommitMessage.
optional string insert_after_item_id = 16;
// Arbitrary key/value pairs associated with this item.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
// Deprecated.
// optional ExtendedAttributes extended_attributes = 17;
// If true, indicates that this item has been (or should be) deleted.
// Present in both GetUpdatesResponse and CommitMessage.
optional bool deleted = 18 [default = false];
// A GUID that identifies the the sync client who initially committed
// this entity. This value corresponds to |cache_guid| in CommitMessage.
// This field, along with |originator_client_item_id|, can be used to
// reunite the original with its official committed version in the case
// where a client does not receive or process the commit response for
// some reason.
// Present only in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional string originator_cache_guid = 19;
// The local item id of this entry from the client that initially
// committed this entity. Typically a negative integer.
// Present only in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional string originator_client_item_id = 20;
// Extensible container for datatype-specific data.
// This became available in version 23 of the protocol.
optional EntitySpecifics specifics = 21;
// Indicate whether this is a folder or not. Available in version 23+.
optional bool folder = 22 [default = false];
// A client defined unique hash for this entity.
// Similar to server_defined_unique_tag.
// When initially committing an entity, a client can request that the entity
// is unique per that account. To do so, the client should specify a
// client_defined_unique_tag. At most one entity per tag value may exist.
// per account. The server will enforce uniqueness on this tag
// and fail attempts to create duplicates of this tag.
// Will be returned in any updates for this entity.
// The difference between server_defined_unique_tag and
// client_defined_unique_tag is the creator of the entity. Server defined
// tags are entities created by the server at account creation,
// while client defined tags are entities created by the client at any time.
// During GetUpdates, a sync entity update will come back with ONE of:
// a) Originator and cache id - If client committed the item as non "unique"
// b) Server tag - If server committed the item as unique
// c) Client tag - If client committed the item as unique
// May be present in CommitMessages for the initial creation of an entity.
// If present in Commit updates for the entity, it will be ignored.
// Available in version 24+.
// May be returned in GetUpdatesMessage and sent up in CommitMessage.
optional string client_defined_unique_tag = 23;
// This message contains diagnostic information used to correlate
// commit-related traffic with extensions-related mutations to the
// data models in chromium. It plays no functional role in
// processing this CommitMessage.
message ChromiumExtensionsActivity {
// The human-readable ID identifying the extension responsible
// for the traffic reported in this ChromiumExtensionsActivity.
optional string extension_id = 1;
// How many times the extension successfully invoked a write
// operation through the bookmarks API since the last CommitMessage.
optional uint32 bookmark_writes_since_last_commit = 2;
message CommitMessage {
repeated SyncEntity entries = 1;
// A GUID that identifies the committing sync client. This value will be
// returned as originator_cache_guid for any new items.
optional string cache_guid = 2;
repeated ChromiumExtensionsActivity extensions_activity = 3;
message GetUpdatesCallerInfo {
enum GetUpdatesSource {
UNKNOWN = 0; // The source was not set by the caller.
FIRST_UPDATE = 1; // First update from an instance of Chrome.
LOCAL = 2; // The source of the update was a local change.
NOTIFICATION = 3; // The source of the update was a p2p notification.
PERIODIC = 4; // The source of the update was periodic polling.
SYNC_CYCLE_CONTINUATION = 5; // The source of the update was a
// continuation of a previous update.
CLEAR_PRIVATE_DATA = 6; // Source is a call to remove all private data
required GetUpdatesSource source = 1;
// True only if notifications were enabled for this GetUpdateMessage.
optional bool notifications_enabled = 2;
message DataTypeProgressMarker {
// An integer identifying the data type whose progress is tracked by this
// marker. The legitimate values of this field correspond to the protobuf
// field numbers of all EntitySpecifics extensions supported by the server.
// These values are externally declared in per-datatype .proto files.
optional int32 data_type_id = 1;
// An opaque-to-the-client sequence of bytes that the server may interpret
// as an indicator of the client's knowledge state. If this is empty or
// omitted by the client, it indicates that the client is initiating a
// a first-time sync of this datatype. Otherwise, clients must supply a
// value previously returned by the server in an earlier GetUpdatesResponse.
// These values are not comparable or generable on the client.
// The opaque semantics of this field are to afford server implementations
// some flexibility in implementing progress tracking. For instance,
// a server implementation built on top of a distributed storage service --
// or multiple heterogenous such services -- might need to supply a vector
// of totally ordered monotonic update timestamps, rather than a single
// monotonically increasing value. Other optimizations may also be
// possible if the server is allowed to embed arbitrary information in
// the progress token.
// Server implementations should keep the size of these tokens relatively
// small, on the order of tens of bytes, and they should remain small
// regardless of the number of items synchronized. (A possible bad server
// implementation would be for progress_token to contain a list of all the
// items ever sent to the client. Servers shouldn't do this.)
optional bytes token = 2;
// Clients that previously downloaded updates synced using the timestamp based
// progress tracking mechanism, but which wish to switch over to the opaque
// token mechanism can set this field in a GetUpdatesMessage. The server
// will perform a get updates operation as normal from the indicated
// timestamp, and return only an opaque progress token.
optional int64 timestamp_token_for_migration = 3;
// An opaque-to-the-client string of bytes, received through a notification,
// that the server may interpret as a hint about the location of the latest
// version of the data for this type.
optional string notification_hint = 4;
message GetUpdatesMessage {
// Indicates the client's current progress in downloading updates. A
// from_timestamp value of zero means that the client is requesting a first-
// time sync. After that point, clients should fill in this value with the
// value returned in the last-seen GetUpdatesResponse.new_timestamp.
// from_timestamp has been deprecated; clients should use
// |from_progress_marker| instead, which allows more flexibility.
optional int64 from_timestamp = 1;
// Indicates the reason for the GetUpdatesMessage.
optional GetUpdatesCallerInfo caller_info = 2;
// Indicates whether related folders should be fetched.
optional bool fetch_folders = 3 [default = true];
// The presence of an individual EntitySpecifics extension indicates that the
// client requests sync object types associated with that extension. This
// determination depends only on the presence of the extension field, not its
// contents -- thus clients should send empty extension messages. For
// backwards compatibility only bookmark objects will be sent to the client
// should requested_types not be present.
// requested_types may contain multiple EntitySpecifics extensions -- in this
// event, the server will return items of all the indicated types.
// requested_types has been deprecated; clients should use
// |from_progress_marker| instead, which allows more flexibility.
optional EntitySpecifics requested_types = 4;
// Client-requested limit on the maximum number of updates to return at once.
// The server may opt to return fewer updates than this amount, but it should
// not return more.
optional int32 batch_size = 5;
// Per-datatype progress marker. If present, the server will ignore
// the values of requested_types and from_timestamp, using this instead.
repeated DataTypeProgressMarker from_progress_marker = 6;
// Indicates whether the response should be sent in chunks. This may be
// needed for devices with limited memory resources. If true, the response
// will include one or more ClientToServerResponses, with the frist one
// containing GetUpdatesMetadataResponse, and the remaining ones, if any,
// containing GetUpdatesStreamingResponse. These ClientToServerResponses are
// delimited by a length prefix, which is encoded as a varint.
optional bool streaming = 7 [default = false];
message AuthenticateMessage {
required string auth_token = 1;
// This message is sent to the server to clear data. An asynchronous
// response is returned to the client indicating that the server has received
// the request and has begun to clear data.
message ClearUserDataMessage {
message ClearUserDataResponse {
message ClientToServerMessage {
required string share = 1;
optional int32 protocol_version = 2 [default = 26];
enum Contents {
required Contents message_contents = 3;
optional CommitMessage commit = 4;
optional GetUpdatesMessage get_updates = 5;
optional AuthenticateMessage authenticate = 6;
// Request to clear all Chromium data from the server
optional ClearUserDataMessage clear_user_data = 9;
optional string store_birthday = 7; // Opaque store ID; if it changes, duck!
// The client sets this if it detects a sync issue. The server will tell it
// if it should perform a refresh.
optional bool sync_problem_detected = 8 [default = false];
message CommitResponse {
enum ResponseType {
CONFLICT = 2; // You're out of date; update and check your data
// TODO(ncarter): What's the difference between RETRY and TRANSIENT_ERROR?
RETRY = 3; // Someone has a conflicting, non-expired session open
INVALID_MESSAGE = 4; // What the client sent was invalid, and trying again
// won't help.
OVER_QUOTA = 5; // This operation would put you, or you are, over quota
TRANSIENT_ERROR = 6; // Something went wrong; try again in a bit
repeated group EntryResponse = 1 {
required ResponseType response_type = 2;
// Sync servers may also return a new ID for an existing item, indicating
// a new entry's been created to hold the data the client's sending up.
optional string id_string = 3;
// should be filled if our parent was assigned a new ID.
optional string parent_id_string = 4;
// This value is the same as the position_in_parent value returned within
// the SyncEntity message in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional int64 position_in_parent = 5;
// The item's current version.
optional int64 version = 6;
// Allows the server to move-aside an entry as it's being committed.
// This name is the same as the name field returned within the SyncEntity
// message in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional string name = 7;
// This name is the same as the non_unique_name field returned within the
// SyncEntity message in GetUpdatesResponse.
optional string non_unique_name = 8;
optional string error_message = 9;
message GetUpdatesResponse {
// New sync entries that the client should apply.
repeated SyncEntity entries = 1;
// If there are more changes on the server that weren't processed during this
// GetUpdates request, the client should send another GetUpdates request and
// use new_timestamp as the from_timestamp value within GetUpdatesMessage.
// This field has been deprecated and will be returned only to clients
// that set the also-deprecated |from_timestamp| field in the update request.
// Clients should use |from_progress_marker| and |new_progress_marker|
// instead.
optional int64 new_timestamp = 2;
// DEPRECATED FIELD - server does not set this anymore.
optional int64 deprecated_newest_timestamp = 3;
// Approximate count of changes remaining - use this for UI feedback.
// If present and zero, this estimate is firm: the server has no changes
// after the current batch.
optional int64 changes_remaining = 4;
// Opaque, per-datatype timestamp-like tokens. A client should use this
// field in lieu of new_timestamp, which is deprecated in newer versions
// of the protocol. Clients should retain and persist the values returned
// in this field, and present them back to the server to indicate the
// starting point for future update requests.
// This will be sent only if the client provided |from_progress_marker|
// in the update request.
// The server may provide a new progress marker even if this is the end of
// the batch, or if there were no new updates on the server; and the client
// must save these. If the server does not provide a |new_progress_marker|
// value for a particular datatype, when the request provided a
// |from_progress_marker| value for that datatype, the client should
// interpret this to mean "no change from the previous state" and retain its
// previous progress-marker value for that datatype.
// Progress markers in the context of a response will never have the
// |timestamp_token_for_migration| field set.
repeated DataTypeProgressMarker new_progress_marker = 5;
// The metadata response for GetUpdatesMessage. This response is sent when
// streaming is set to true in the request. It is prefixed with a length
// delimiter, which is encoded in varint.
message GetUpdatesMetadataResponse {
// Approximate count of changes remaining. Detailed comment is available in
// GetUpdatesResponse.
optional int64 changes_remaining = 1;
// Opaque, per-datatype timestamp-like tokens. Detailed comment is available
// in GetUpdatesResponse.
repeated DataTypeProgressMarker new_progress_marker = 2;
// The streaming response message for GetUpdatesMessage. This message is sent
// when streaming is set to true in the request. There may be multiple
// GetUpdatesStreamingResponse messages in a response. This type of messages
// is preceded by GetUpdatesMetadataResponse. It is prefixed with a length
// delimiter, which is encoded in varint.
message GetUpdatesStreamingResponse {
// New sync entries that the client should apply.
repeated SyncEntity entries = 1;
// A user-identifying struct. For a given Google account the email and display
// name can change, but obfuscated_id should be constant.
// The obfuscated id is optional because at least one planned use of the proto
// (sharing) does not require it.
message UserIdentification {
required string email = 1; // the user's full primary email address.
optional string display_name = 2; // the user's display name.
optional string obfuscated_id = 3; // an obfuscated, opaque user id.
message AuthenticateResponse {
// Optional only for backward compatibility.
optional UserIdentification user = 1;
message ThrottleParameters {
// Deprecated. Remove this from the server side.
required int32 min_measure_payload_size = 1;
required double target_utilization = 2;
required double measure_interval_max = 3;
required double measure_interval_min = 4;
required double observation_window = 5;
// A command from the server instructing the client to update settings or
// perform some operation.
message ClientCommand {
// Time to wait before sending any requests to the server.
optional int32 set_sync_poll_interval = 1; // in seconds
optional int32 set_sync_long_poll_interval = 2; // in seconds
optional int32 max_commit_batch_size = 3;
message ClientToServerResponse {
optional CommitResponse commit = 1;
optional GetUpdatesResponse get_updates = 2;
optional AuthenticateResponse authenticate = 3;
optional ClearUserDataResponse clear_user_data = 9;
optional GetUpdatesMetadataResponse stream_metadata = 10;
// If GetUpdatesStreamingResponse is contained in the ClientToServerResponse,
// none of the other fields (error_code and etc) will be set.
optional GetUpdatesStreamingResponse stream_data = 11;
enum ErrorType {
ACCESS_DENIED = 1; // Returned when the user doesn't have access to
// store (instead of HTTP 401).
NOT_MY_BIRTHDAY = 2; // Returned when the server and client disagree on
// the store birthday.
THROTTLED = 3; // Returned when the store has exceeded the
// allowed bandwidth utilization.
AUTH_EXPIRED = 4; // Auth token or cookie has expired.
USER_NOT_ACTIVATED = 5; // User doesn't have the Chrome bit set on that
// Google Account.
AUTH_INVALID = 6; // Auth token or cookie is otherwise invalid.
CLEAR_PENDING = 7; // A clear of the user data is pending (e.g.
// initiated by privacy request). Client should
// come back later.
TRANSIENT_ERROR = 8; // A transient error occured (eg. backend
// timeout). Client should try again later.
MIGRATION_DONE = 9; // Migration has finished for one or more data
// types. Client should clear the cache for
// these data types only and then re-sync with
// a server.
UNKNOWN = 100; // Unknown value. This should never be explicitly
// used; it is the default value when an
// out-of-date client parses a value it doesn't
// recognize.
// Up until protocol_version 24, the default was SUCCESS which made it
// impossible to add new enum values since older clients would parse any
// out-of-range value as SUCCESS. Starting with 25, unless explicitly set,
// the error_code will be UNKNOWN so that clients know when they're
// out-of-date. Note also that when using protocol_version < 25,
// TRANSIENT_ERROR is not supported. Instead, the server sends back a HTTP
// 400 error code.
optional ErrorType error_code = 4 [default = UNKNOWN];
optional string error_message = 5;
// Opaque store ID; if it changes, the contents of the client's cache
// is meaningless to this server. This happens most typically when
// you switch from one storage backend instance (say, a test instance)
// to another (say, the official instance).
optional string store_birthday = 6;
optional ClientCommand client_command = 7;
optional ProfilingData profiling_data = 8;
// The data types whose storage has been migrated. Present when the value of
// error_code is MIGRATION_DONE.
repeated int32 migrated_data_type_id = 12;