| // Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #pragma once |
| |
| #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
| |
| #include "base/scoped_nsobject.h" |
| #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" |
| #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_contents_controller.h" |
| #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_controller_target.h" |
| #import "chrome/browser/cocoa/url_drop_target.h" |
| #import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMWindowSheetController.h" |
| |
| @class NewTabButton; |
| @class TabContentsController; |
| @class TabView; |
| @class TabStripView; |
| |
| class Browser; |
| class ConstrainedWindowMac; |
| class TabStripModelObserverBridge; |
| class TabStripModel; |
| class TabContents; |
| class ToolbarModel; |
| |
| // The interface for the tab strip controller's delegate. |
| // Delegating TabStripModelObserverBridge's events (in lieu of directly |
| // subscribing to TabStripModelObserverBridge events, as TabStripController |
| // does) is necessary to guarantee a proper order of subviews layout updates, |
| // otherwise it might trigger unnesessary content relayout, UI flickering etc. |
| @protocol TabStripControllerDelegate |
| |
| // Stripped down version of TabStripModelObserverBridge:selectTabWithContents. |
| - (void)onSelectTabWithContents:(TabContents*)contents; |
| |
| // Stripped down version of TabStripModelObserverBridge:tabReplacedWithContents. |
| - (void)onReplaceTabWithContents:(TabContents*)contents; |
| |
| // Stripped down version of TabStripModelObserverBridge:tabChangedWithContents. |
| - (void)onSelectedTabChange:(TabStripModelObserver::TabChangeType)change; |
| |
| // Stripped down version of TabStripModelObserverBridge:tabDetachedWithContents. |
| - (void)onTabDetachedWithContents:(TabContents*)contents; |
| |
| @end |
| |
| // A class that handles managing the tab strip in a browser window. It uses |
| // a supporting C++ bridge object to register for notifications from the |
| // TabStripModel. The Obj-C part of this class handles drag and drop and all |
| // the other Cocoa-y aspects. |
| // |
| // For a full description of the design, see |
| // http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/tab-strip-mac |
| @interface TabStripController : |
| NSObject<TabControllerTarget, |
| URLDropTargetController, |
| GTMWindowSheetControllerDelegate, |
| TabContentsControllerDelegate> { |
| @protected |
| // YES if tabs are to be laid out vertically instead of horizontally. |
| BOOL verticalLayout_; |
| |
| @private |
| scoped_nsobject<TabStripView> tabStripView_; |
| NSView* switchView_; // weak |
| scoped_nsobject<NSView> dragBlockingView_; // avoid bad window server drags |
| NewTabButton* newTabButton_; // weak, obtained from the nib. |
| |
| // Tracks the newTabButton_ for rollovers. |
| scoped_nsobject<NSTrackingArea> newTabTrackingArea_; |
| scoped_ptr<TabStripModelObserverBridge> bridge_; |
| Browser* browser_; // weak |
| TabStripModel* tabStripModel_; // weak |
| // Delegate that is informed about tab state changes. |
| id<TabStripControllerDelegate> delegate_; // weak |
| |
| // YES if the new tab button is currently displaying the hover image (if the |
| // mouse is currently over the button). |
| BOOL newTabButtonShowingHoverImage_; |
| |
| // Access to the TabContentsControllers (which own the parent view |
| // for the toolbar and associated tab contents) given an index. Call |
| // |indexFromModelIndex:| to convert a |tabStripModel_| index to a |
| // |tabContentsArray_| index. Do NOT assume that the indices of |
| // |tabStripModel_| and this array are identical, this is e.g. not true while |
| // tabs are animating closed (closed tabs are removed from |tabStripModel_| |
| // immediately, but from |tabContentsArray_| only after their close animation |
| // has completed). |
| scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> tabContentsArray_; |
| // An array of TabControllers which manage the actual tab views. See note |
| // above |tabContentsArray_|. |tabContentsArray_| and |tabArray_| always |
| // contain objects belonging to the same tabs at the same indices. |
| scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> tabArray_; |
| |
| // Set of TabControllers that are currently animating closed. |
| scoped_nsobject<NSMutableSet> closingControllers_; |
| |
| // These values are only used during a drag, and override tab positioning. |
| TabView* placeholderTab_; // weak. Tab being dragged |
| NSRect placeholderFrame_; // Frame to use |
| CGFloat placeholderStretchiness_; // Vertical force shown by streching tab. |
| NSRect droppedTabFrame_; // Initial frame of a dropped tab, for animation. |
| // Frame targets for all the current views. |
| // target frames are used because repeated requests to [NSView animator]. |
| // aren't coalesced, so we store frames to avoid redundant calls. |
| scoped_nsobject<NSMutableDictionary> targetFrames_; |
| NSRect newTabTargetFrame_; |
| // If YES, do not show the new tab button during layout. |
| BOOL forceNewTabButtonHidden_; |
| // YES if we've successfully completed the initial layout. When this is |
| // NO, we probably don't want to do any animation because we're just coming |
| // into being. |
| BOOL initialLayoutComplete_; |
| |
| // Width available for resizing the tabs (doesn't include the new tab |
| // button). Used to restrict the available width when closing many tabs at |
| // once to prevent them from resizing to fit the full width. If the entire |
| // width should be used, this will have a value of |kUseFullAvailableWidth|. |
| float availableResizeWidth_; |
| // A tracking area that's the size of the tab strip used to be notified |
| // when the mouse moves in the tab strip |
| scoped_nsobject<NSTrackingArea> trackingArea_; |
| TabView* hoveredTab_; // weak. Tab that the mouse is hovering over |
| |
| // Array of subviews which are permanent (and which should never be removed), |
| // such as the new-tab button, but *not* the tabs themselves. |
| scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> permanentSubviews_; |
| |
| // The default favicon, so we can use one copy for all buttons. |
| scoped_nsobject<NSImage> defaultFavIcon_; |
| |
| // The amount by which to indent the tabs on the left (to make room for the |
| // red/yellow/green buttons). |
| CGFloat indentForControls_; |
| |
| // Manages per-tab sheets. |
| scoped_nsobject<GTMWindowSheetController> sheetController_; |
| |
| // Is the mouse currently inside the strip; |
| BOOL mouseInside_; |
| } |
| |
| @property(nonatomic) CGFloat indentForControls; |
| |
| // Initialize the controller with a view and browser that contains |
| // everything else we'll need. |switchView| is the view whose contents get |
| // "switched" every time the user switches tabs. The children of this view |
| // will be released, so if you want them to stay around, make sure |
| // you have retained them. |
| // |delegate| is the one listening to filtered TabStripModelObserverBridge's |
| // events (see TabStripControllerDelegate for more details). |
| - (id)initWithView:(TabStripView*)view |
| switchView:(NSView*)switchView |
| browser:(Browser*)browser |
| delegate:(id<TabStripControllerDelegate>)delegate; |
| |
| // Return the view for the currently selected tab. |
| - (NSView*)selectedTabView; |
| |
| // Set the frame of the selected tab, also updates the internal frame dict. |
| - (void)setFrameOfSelectedTab:(NSRect)frame; |
| |
| // Move the given tab at index |from| in this window to the location of the |
| // current placeholder. |
| - (void)moveTabFromIndex:(NSInteger)from; |
| |
| // Drop a given TabContents at the location of the current placeholder. If there |
| // is no placeholder, it will go at the end. Used when dragging from another |
| // window when we don't have access to the TabContents as part of our strip. |
| // |frame| is in the coordinate system of the tab strip view and represents |
| // where the user dropped the new tab so it can be animated into its correct |
| // location when the tab is added to the model. If the tab was pinned in its |
| // previous window, setting |pinned| to YES will propagate that state to the |
| // new window. Mini-tabs are either app or pinned tabs; the app state is stored |
| // by the |contents|, but the |pinned| state is the caller's responsibility. |
| - (void)dropTabContents:(TabContents*)contents |
| withFrame:(NSRect)frame |
| asPinnedTab:(BOOL)pinned; |
| |
| // Returns the index of the subview |view|. Returns -1 if not present. Takes |
| // closing tabs into account such that this index will correctly match the tab |
| // model. If |view| is in the process of closing, returns -1, as closing tabs |
| // are no longer in the model. |
| - (NSInteger)modelIndexForTabView:(NSView*)view; |
| |
| // Return the view at a given index. |
| - (NSView*)viewAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index; |
| |
| // Return the number of tab views in the tab strip. It's same as number of tabs |
| // in the model, except when a tab is closing, which will be counted in views |
| // count, but no longer in the model. |
| - (NSUInteger)viewsCount; |
| |
| // Set the placeholder for a dragged tab, allowing the |frame| and |strechiness| |
| // to be specified. This causes this tab to be rendered in an arbitrary position |
| - (void)insertPlaceholderForTab:(TabView*)tab |
| frame:(NSRect)frame |
| yStretchiness:(CGFloat)yStretchiness; |
| |
| // Returns whether or not |tab| can still be fully seen in the tab strip or if |
| // its current position would cause it be obscured by things such as the edge |
| // of the window or the window decorations. Returns YES only if the entire tab |
| // is visible. |
| - (BOOL)isTabFullyVisible:(TabView*)tab; |
| |
| // Show or hide the new tab button. The button is hidden immediately, but |
| // waits until the next call to |-layoutTabs| to show it again. |
| - (void)showNewTabButton:(BOOL)show; |
| |
| // Force the tabs to rearrange themselves to reflect the current model. |
| - (void)layoutTabs; |
| |
| // Are we in rapid (tab) closure mode? I.e., is a full layout deferred (while |
| // the user closes tabs)? Needed to overcome missing clicks during rapid tab |
| // closure. |
| - (BOOL)inRapidClosureMode; |
| |
| // Returns YES if the user is allowed to drag tabs on the strip at this moment. |
| // For example, this returns NO if there are any pending tab close animtations. |
| - (BOOL)tabDraggingAllowed; |
| |
| // Default height for tabs. |
| + (CGFloat)defaultTabHeight; |
| |
| // Default indentation for tabs (see |indentForControls_|). |
| + (CGFloat)defaultIndentForControls; |
| |
| // Returns the (lazily created) window sheet controller of this window. Used |
| // for the per-tab sheets. |
| - (GTMWindowSheetController*)sheetController; |
| |
| // Destroys the window sheet controller of this window, if it exists. The sheet |
| // controller can be recreated by a subsequent call to |-sheetController|. Must |
| // not be called if any sheets are currently open. |
| // TODO(viettrungluu): This is temporary code needed to allow sheets to work |
| // (read: not crash) in fullscreen mode. Once GTMWindowSheetController is |
| // modified to support moving sheets between windows, this code can go away. |
| // http://crbug.com/19093. |
| - (void)destroySheetController; |
| |
| // Returns the currently active TabContentsController. |
| - (TabContentsController*)activeTabContentsController; |
| |
| // See comments in browser_window_controller.h for documentation about these |
| // functions. |
| - (void)attachConstrainedWindow:(ConstrainedWindowMac*)window; |
| - (void)removeConstrainedWindow:(ConstrainedWindowMac*)window; |
| |
| @end |
| |
| // Notification sent when the number of tabs changes. The object will be this |
| // controller. |
| extern NSString* const kTabStripNumberOfTabsChanged; |
| |