blob: 13a7736ada85d56d4a8b84dab780653e8da5006d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "chrome/common/chrome_plugin_api.h"
// Returns the table of browser functions for use from the browser process.
CPBrowserFuncs* GetCPBrowserFuncsForBrowser();
// Interface for generic data passed to plugin UI command handlers.
// Note: All functions are called on the plugin thread.
class CPCommandInterface {
virtual ~CPCommandInterface() {}
// Returns the actual pointer to pass to the plugin.
virtual void *GetData() = 0;
// Called when the command has been invoked. The default action is deletion,
// but some callers may want to use output or check the return value before
// deleting.
virtual void OnCommandInvoked(CPError retval) {
delete this;
// Some commands have an asynchronous response. This is called some time
// after OnCommandInvoked.
virtual void OnCommandResponse(CPError retval) { }
// Called when a builtin or plugin-registered UI command is invoked by a user
// gesture. 'data' is an optional parameter that allows command-specific data
// to be passed to the plugin. Ownership of 'data' is transferred to the
// callee. CPBrowsingContext is some additional data the caller wishes to pass
// through to the receiver. OnCommandInvoked is called after the command has
// been invoked.
void CPHandleCommand(int command, CPCommandInterface* data,
CPBrowsingContext context);