blob: ed7dea4478ad1343c817d5eb9790d0a385457e5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/image_loading_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/url_pattern.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
class Extension;
class MessageLoop;
class Profile;
class InfoBarDelegate;
class TabContents;
// Displays all the UI around extension installation and uninstallation.
class ExtensionInstallUI : public ImageLoadingTracker::Observer {
enum PromptType {
// A mapping from PromptType to message ID for various dialog content.
static const int kTitleIds[NUM_PROMPT_TYPES];
static const int kHeadingIds[NUM_PROMPT_TYPES];
static const int kButtonIds[NUM_PROMPT_TYPES];
static const int kWarningIds[NUM_PROMPT_TYPES];
class Delegate {
// We call this method to signal that the installation should continue.
virtual void InstallUIProceed() = 0;
// We call this method to signal that the installation should stop.
virtual void InstallUIAbort() = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() {}
explicit ExtensionInstallUI(Profile* profile);
virtual ~ExtensionInstallUI();
// This is called by the installer to verify whether the installation should
// proceed. This is declared virtual for testing.
// We *MUST* eventually call either Proceed() or Abort() on |delegate|.
virtual void ConfirmInstall(Delegate* delegate, const Extension* extension);
// This is called by the app handler launcher to verify whether the app
// should be re-enabled. This is declared virtual for testing.
// We *MUST* eventually call either Proceed() or Abort() on |delegate|.
virtual void ConfirmReEnable(Delegate* delegate, const Extension* extension);
// Installation was successful. This is declared virtual for testing.
virtual void OnInstallSuccess(const Extension* extension, SkBitmap* icon);
// Installation failed. This is declared virtual for testing.
virtual void OnInstallFailure(const std::string& error);
// ImageLoadingTracker::Observer:
virtual void OnImageLoaded(
SkBitmap* image, const ExtensionResource& resource, int index);
// Show an infobar for a newly-installed theme. previous_theme_id
// should be empty if the previous theme was the system/default
// theme.
// TODO(akalin): Find a better home for this (and
// GetNewThemeInstalledInfoBarDelegate()).
static void ShowThemeInfoBar(
const std::string& previous_theme_id, bool previous_use_system_theme,
const Extension* new_theme, Profile* profile);
// Sets the icon that will be used in any UI. If |icon| is NULL, or contains
// an empty bitmap, then a default icon will be used instead.
void SetIcon(SkBitmap* icon);
// Starts the process of showing a confirmation UI, which is split into two.
// 1) Set off a 'load icon' task.
// 2) Handle the load icon response and show the UI (OnImageLoaded).
void ShowConfirmation(PromptType prompt_type);
// Returns the delegate to control the browser's info bar. This is
// within its own function due to its platform-specific nature.
static InfoBarDelegate* GetNewThemeInstalledInfoBarDelegate(
TabContents* tab_contents,
const Extension* new_theme,
const std::string& previous_theme_id,
bool previous_use_system_theme);
Profile* profile_;
MessageLoop* ui_loop_;
// Used to undo theme installation.
std::string previous_theme_id_;
bool previous_use_system_theme_;
// The extensions installation icon.
SkBitmap icon_;
// The extension we are showing the UI for.
const Extension* extension_;
// The delegate we will call Proceed/Abort on after confirmation UI.
Delegate* delegate_;
// The type of prompt we are going to show.
PromptType prompt_type_;
// Keeps track of extension images being loaded on the File thread for the
// purpose of showing the install UI.
ImageLoadingTracker tracker_;