blob: dcc68f0aec0504d8e4588d7d43ca93e717ed7146 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "google_update_idl.h"
class MessageLoop;
namespace views {
class Window;
// The status of the upgrade. UPGRADE_STARTED and UPGRADE_CHECK_STARTED are
// internal states and will not be reported as results to the listener.
enum GoogleUpdateUpgradeResult {
// The upgrade has started.
// A check for upgrade has been initiated.
// An update is available.
// The upgrade happened successfully.
// No need to upgrade, we are up to date.
// An error occurred.
enum GoogleUpdateErrorCode {
// The upgrade completed successfully (or hasn't been started yet).
// Google Update only supports upgrading if Chrome is installed in the default
// location. This error will appear for developer builds and with
// installations unzipped to random locations.
// Failed to create Google Update JobServer COM class.
// Failed to create Google Update OnDemand COM class.
// Google Update OnDemand COM class reported an error during a check for
// update (or while upgrading).
// A call to GetResults failed.
// A call to GetVersionInfo failed.
// An error occurred while upgrading (or while checking for update).
// Check the Google Update log in %TEMP% for more details.
// Updates can not be downloaded because the administrator has disabled them.
// The GoogleUpdateStatusListener interface is used by components to receive
// notifications about the results of an Google Update operation.
class GoogleUpdateStatusListener {
// This function is called when Google Update has finished its operation and
// wants to notify us about the results. |results| represents what the end
// state is, |error_code| represents what error occurred and |version|
// specifies what new version Google Update detected (or installed). This
// value can be a blank string, if the version tag in the Update{} block
// (in Google Update's server config for Chrome) is blank.
virtual void OnReportResults(GoogleUpdateUpgradeResult results,
GoogleUpdateErrorCode error_code,
const std::wstring& version) = 0;
// The Google Update class is responsible for communicating with Google Update
// and get it to perform operations on our behalf (for example, CheckForUpdate).
// This class will report back to its parent via the GoogleUpdateStatusListener
// interface and will delete itself after reporting back.
class GoogleUpdate : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<GoogleUpdate> {
// Ask Google Update to see if a new version is available. If the parameter
// |install_if_newer| is true then Google Update will also install that new
// version.
// |window| should point to a foreground window. This is needed to ensure
// that Vista/Windows 7 UAC prompts show up in the foreground. It may also
// be null.
void CheckForUpdate(bool install_if_newer, views::Window* window);
// Pass NULL to clear the listener
void set_status_listener(GoogleUpdateStatusListener* listener) {
listener_ = listener;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<GoogleUpdate>;
virtual ~GoogleUpdate();
// The chromeos implementation is in browser/chromeos/google_update.cpp
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// This function reports failure from the Google Update operation to the
// listener.
// Note, after this function completes, this object will have deleted itself.
bool ReportFailure(HRESULT hr, GoogleUpdateErrorCode error_code,
MessageLoop* main_loop);
// We need to run the update check on another thread than the main thread, and
// therefore CheckForUpdate will delegate to this function. |main_loop| points
// to the message loop that we want the response to come from.
// |window| should point to a foreground window. This is needed to ensure that
// Vista/Windows 7 UAC prompts show up in the foreground. It may also be null.
bool InitiateGoogleUpdateCheck(bool install_if_newer, views::Window* window,
MessageLoop* main_loop);
// This function reports the results of the GoogleUpdate operation to the
// listener. If results indicates an error, the error_code will indicate which
// error occurred.
// Note, after this function completes, this object will have deleted itself.
void ReportResults(GoogleUpdateUpgradeResult results,
GoogleUpdateErrorCode error_code);
// Which version string Google Update found (if a new one was available).
// Otherwise, this will be blank.
std::wstring version_available_;
// The listener who is interested in finding out the result of the operation.
GoogleUpdateStatusListener* listener_;