blob: 6a15f2d042ce56071d7e0d5f570000ced68c925d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/find_bar/find_bar.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/focus_store_gtk.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/owned_widget_gtk.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/gtk/slide_animator_gtk.h"
#include "content/common/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/common/notification_registrar.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
class Browser;
class BrowserWindowGtk;
class CustomDrawButton;
class FindBarController;
class GtkThemeService;
class NineBox;
class SlideAnimatorGtk;
class TabContentsContainerGtk;
typedef struct _GtkFloatingContainer GtkFloatingContainer;
// Currently this class contains both a model and a view. We may want to
// eventually pull out the model specific bits and share with Windows.
class FindBarGtk : public FindBar,
public FindBarTesting,
public NotificationObserver {
explicit FindBarGtk(Browser* browser);
virtual ~FindBarGtk();
GtkWidget* widget() const { return slide_widget_->widget(); }
// Methods from FindBar.
virtual FindBarController* GetFindBarController() const;
virtual void SetFindBarController(FindBarController* find_bar_controller);
virtual void Show(bool animate);
virtual void Hide(bool animate);
virtual void SetFocusAndSelection();
virtual void ClearResults(const FindNotificationDetails& results);
virtual void StopAnimation();
virtual void MoveWindowIfNecessary(const gfx::Rect& selection_rect,
bool no_redraw);
virtual void SetFindText(const string16& find_text);
virtual void UpdateUIForFindResult(const FindNotificationDetails& result,
const string16& find_text);
virtual void AudibleAlert();
virtual bool IsFindBarVisible();
virtual void RestoreSavedFocus();
virtual FindBarTesting* GetFindBarTesting();
// Methods from FindBarTesting.
virtual bool GetFindBarWindowInfo(gfx::Point* position,
bool* fully_visible);
virtual string16 GetFindText();
virtual string16 GetFindSelectedText();
virtual string16 GetMatchCountText();
// Overridden from NotificationObserver:
virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details);
void InitWidgets();
// Store the currently focused widget if it is not in the find bar.
// This should always be called before we claim focus.
void StoreOutsideFocus();
// For certain keystrokes, such as up or down, we want to forward the event
// to the renderer rather than handling it ourselves. Returns true if the
// key event was forwarded.
// See similar function in FindBarWin.
bool MaybeForwardKeyEventToRenderer(GdkEventKey* event);
// Searches for another occurrence of the entry text, moving forward if
// |forward_search| is true.
void FindEntryTextInContents(bool forward_search);
void UpdateMatchLabelAppearance(bool failure);
// Asynchronously repositions the dialog.
void Reposition();
// Returns the rectangle representing where to position the find bar. If
// |avoid_overlapping_rect| is specified, the return value will be a rectangle
// located immediately to the left of |avoid_overlapping_rect|, as long as
// there is enough room for the dialog to draw within the bounds. If not, the
// dialog position returned will overlap |avoid_overlapping_rect|.
// Note: |avoid_overlapping_rect| is expected to use coordinates relative to
// the top of the page area, (it will be converted to coordinates relative to
// the top of the browser window, when comparing against the dialog
// coordinates). The returned value is relative to the browser window.
gfx::Rect GetDialogPosition(gfx::Rect avoid_overlapping_rect);
// Adjust the text alignment according to the text direction of the widget
// and |text_entry_|'s content, to make sure the real text alignment is
// always in sync with the UI language direction.
void AdjustTextAlignment();
// Get the position of the findbar within the floating container.
gfx::Point GetPosition();
static void OnParentSet(GtkWidget* widget, GtkObject* old_parent,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
static void OnSetFloatingPosition(GtkFloatingContainer* floating_container,
GtkAllocation* allocation,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
// Callback when the entry text changes.
static gboolean OnChanged(GtkWindow* window, FindBarGtk* find_bar);
static gboolean OnKeyPressEvent(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventKey* event,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
static gboolean OnKeyReleaseEvent(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventKey* event,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
// Callback for previous, next, and close button.
static void OnClicked(GtkWidget* button, FindBarGtk* find_bar);
// Handles shapping and drawing the find bar background.
static gboolean OnExpose(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event,
FindBarGtk* bar);
// Expose that draws the text entry background in GTK mode.
static gboolean OnContentEventBoxExpose(GtkWidget* widget,
GdkEventExpose* event,
FindBarGtk* bar);
// These are both used for focus management.
static gboolean OnFocus(GtkWidget* text_entry, GtkDirectionType focus,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
static gboolean OnButtonPress(GtkWidget* text_entry, GdkEventButton* e,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
// Forwards ctrl-Home/End key bindings to the renderer.
static void OnMoveCursor(GtkEntry* entry, GtkMovementStep step, gint count,
gboolean selection, FindBarGtk* bar);
// Handles Enter key.
static void OnActivate(GtkEntry* entry, FindBarGtk* bar);
static void OnWidgetDirectionChanged(GtkWidget* widget,
GtkTextDirection previous_direction,
FindBarGtk* find_bar) {
static void OnKeymapDirectionChanged(GdkKeymap* keymap,
FindBarGtk* find_bar) {
static gboolean OnFocusIn(GtkWidget* entry, GdkEventFocus* event,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
static gboolean OnFocusOut(GtkWidget* entry, GdkEventFocus* event,
FindBarGtk* find_bar);
Browser* browser_;
BrowserWindowGtk* window_;
// Provides colors and information about GTK.
GtkThemeService* theme_service_;
// The widget that animates the slide-in and -out of the findbar.
scoped_ptr<SlideAnimatorGtk> slide_widget_;
// A GtkAlignment that is the child of |slide_widget_|.
GtkWidget* container_;
// Cached allocation of |container_|. We keep this on hand so that we can
// reset the widget's shape when the width/height change.
int container_width_;
int container_height_;
// The widget where text is entered.
GtkWidget* text_entry_;
// An event box and alignment that wrap the entry area and the count label.
GtkWidget* content_event_box_;
GtkWidget* content_alignment_;
// The border around the text entry area.
GtkWidget* border_bin_;
GtkWidget* border_bin_alignment_;
// The next and previous match buttons.
scoped_ptr<CustomDrawButton> find_previous_button_;
scoped_ptr<CustomDrawButton> find_next_button_;
// The GtkLabel listing how many results were found.
GtkWidget* match_count_label_;
GtkWidget* match_count_event_box_;
// Cache whether the match count label is showing failure or not so that
// we can update its appearance without changing its semantics.
bool match_label_failure_;
// The X to close the find bar.
scoped_ptr<CustomDrawButton> close_button_;
// The last matchcount number we reported to the user.
int last_reported_matchcount_;
// Pointer back to the owning controller.
FindBarController* find_bar_controller_;
// Saves where the focus used to be whenever we get it.
FocusStoreGtk focus_store_;
// If true, the change signal for the text entry is ignored.
bool ignore_changed_signal_;
// This is the width of widget(). We cache it so we can recognize whether
// allocate signals have changed it, and if so take appropriate actions.
int current_fixed_width_;
scoped_ptr<NineBox> dialog_background_;
// The selection rect we are currently showing. We cache it to avoid covering
// it up.
gfx::Rect selection_rect_;
NotificationRegistrar registrar_;