blob: da9d4b2eb2295130fc05133009f1a7e01103e53e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/shell_dialogs.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui.h"
class FilePath;
class PrintSystemTaskProxy;
class FundamentalValue;
namespace printing {
class PrintBackend;
// The handler for Javascript messages related to the "print preview" dialog.
class PrintPreviewHandler : public WebUIMessageHandler,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<PrintPreviewHandler>,
public SelectFileDialog::Listener {
virtual ~PrintPreviewHandler();
// WebUIMessageHandler implementation.
virtual void RegisterMessages();
// SelectFileDialog::Listener implementation.
virtual void FileSelected(const FilePath& path, int index, void* params);
// Displays a modal dialog, prompting the user to select a file.
void SelectFile(const FilePath& default_path);
friend class PrintSystemTaskProxy;
// Get the list of printers. |args| is unused.
void HandleGetPrinters(const ListValue* args);
// Ask the initiator renderer to generate a preview.
// First element of |args| is a job settings JSON string.
void HandleGetPreview(const ListValue* args);
// Get the job settings from Web UI and initiate printing.
// First element of |args| is a job settings JSON string.
void HandlePrint(const ListValue* args);
// Get the printer capabilities.
// First element of |args| is the printer name.
void HandleGetPrinterCapabilities(const ListValue* args);
// Send the printer capabilities to the Web UI.
// |settings_info| contains printer capabilities information.
void SendPrinterCapabilities(const DictionaryValue& settings_info);
// Send the list of printers to the Web UI.
void SendPrinterList(const ListValue& printers,
const FundamentalValue& default_printer_index);
// Helper function to process the color setting in the dictionary.
void ProcessColorSetting(const DictionaryValue& settings);
// Helper function to process the landscape setting in the dictionary.
void ProcessLandscapeSetting(const DictionaryValue& settings);
// Pointer to current print system.
scoped_refptr<printing::PrintBackend> print_backend_;
// The underlying dialog object.
scoped_refptr<SelectFileDialog> select_file_dialog_;
static FilePath* last_saved_path_;