blob: 69401a0785115bd61c48a1f153f6ddc15f1fc55e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/confirm_infobar_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/translate/translate_prefs.h"
#include "chrome/common/translate_errors.h"
class SkBitmap;
class TranslateInfoBarView;
class TranslateInfoBarDelegate : public InfoBarDelegate {
// The different types of infobars that can be shown for translation.
enum Type {
// The types of background color animations.
enum BackgroundAnimationType {
static const size_t kNoIndex;
// Factory method to create a non-error translate infobar.
// The original and target language specified are the ASCII language codes
// (ex: en, fr...).
// Returns NULL if it failed, typically if |original_language| or
// |target_language| is not a supported language.
static TranslateInfoBarDelegate* CreateDelegate(
Type infobar_type,
TabContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& original_language,
const std::string& target_language);
// Factory method to create an error translate infobar.
static TranslateInfoBarDelegate* CreateErrorDelegate(
TranslateErrors::Type error_type,
TabContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& original_language,
const std::string& target_language);
virtual ~TranslateInfoBarDelegate();
// Returns the number of languages supported.
size_t GetLanguageCount() const { return languages_.size(); }
// Returns the ISO code for the language at |index|.
std::string GetLanguageCodeAt(size_t index) const;
// Returns the displayable name for the language at |index|.
string16 GetLanguageDisplayableNameAt(size_t index) const;
TabContents* tab_contents() const { return tab_contents_; }
Type type() const { return type_; }
TranslateErrors::Type error() const { return error_; }
size_t original_language_index() const { return original_language_index_; }
size_t target_language_index() const { return target_language_index_; }
// Convenience methods.
std::string GetOriginalLanguageCode() const;
std::string GetTargetLanguageCode() const;
// Called by the InfoBar to notify that the original/target language has
// changed and is now the language at |language_index|.
virtual void SetOriginalLanguage(size_t language_index);
virtual void SetTargetLanguage(size_t language_index);
// Returns true if the current infobar indicates an error (in which case it
// should get a yellow background instead of a blue one).
bool IsError() const { return type_ == TRANSLATION_ERROR; }
// Returns what kind of background fading effect the infobar should use when
// its is shown.
BackgroundAnimationType background_animation_type() const {
return background_animation_;
virtual void Translate();
virtual void RevertTranslation();
virtual void ReportLanguageDetectionError();
// Called when the user declines to translate a page, by either closing the
// infobar or pressing the "Don't translate" button.
void TranslationDeclined();
// Methods called by the Options menu delegate.
virtual bool IsLanguageBlacklisted();
virtual void ToggleLanguageBlacklist();
virtual bool IsSiteBlacklisted();
virtual void ToggleSiteBlacklist();
virtual bool ShouldAlwaysTranslate();
virtual void ToggleAlwaysTranslate();
// Methods called by the extra-buttons that can appear on the "before
// translate" infobar (when the user has accepted/declined the translation
// several times).
virtual void AlwaysTranslatePageLanguage();
virtual void NeverTranslatePageLanguage();
// The following methods are called by the infobar that displays the status
// while translating and also the one displaying the error message.
string16 GetMessageInfoBarText();
string16 GetMessageInfoBarButtonText();
void MessageInfoBarButtonPressed();
bool ShouldShowMessageInfoBarButton();
// Called by the before translate infobar to figure-out if it should show
// an extra button to let the user black-list/white-list that language (based
// on how many times the user accepted/declined translation).
bool ShouldShowNeverTranslateButton();
bool ShouldShowAlwaysTranslateButton();
// Sets this infobar background animation based on the previous infobar shown.
// A fading background effect is used when transitioning from a normal state
// to an error state (and vice-versa).
void UpdateBackgroundAnimation(TranslateInfoBarDelegate* previous_infobar);
// Convenience method that returns the displayable language name for
// |language_code| in the current application locale.
static string16 GetLanguageDisplayableName(const std::string& language_code);
// Adds the strings that should be displayed in the after translate infobar to
// |strings|. The text in that infobar is:
// "The page has been translated from <lang1> to <lang2>."
// Because <lang1> and <lang2> are displayed in menu buttons, the text is
// split in 3 chunks. |swap_languages| is set to true if <lang1> and <lang2>
// should be inverted (some languages express the sentense as "The page has
// been translate to <lang2> from <lang1>.").
static void GetAfterTranslateStrings(std::vector<string16>* strings,
bool* swap_languages);
// For testing.
TranslateInfoBarDelegate(Type infobar_type,
TranslateErrors::Type error,
TabContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& original_language,
const std::string& target_language);
Type type_;
typedef std::pair<std::string, string16> LanguageNamePair;
// InfoBarDelegate:
virtual InfoBar* CreateInfoBar();
virtual void InfoBarDismissed();
virtual void InfoBarClosed();
virtual SkBitmap* GetIcon() const;
virtual InfoBarDelegate::Type GetInfoBarType() const;
virtual TranslateInfoBarDelegate* AsTranslateInfoBarDelegate();
// Gets the host of the page being translated, or an empty string if no URL is
// associated with the current page.
std::string GetPageHost();
// The type of fading animation if any that should be used when showing this
// infobar.
BackgroundAnimationType background_animation_;
TabContents* tab_contents_;
// The list supported languages for translation.
// The pair first string is the language ISO code (ex: en, fr...), the second
// string is the displayable name on the current locale.
// The languages are sorted alphabetically based on the displayable name.
std::vector<LanguageNamePair> languages_;
// The index for language the page is originally in.
size_t original_language_index_;
// The index for language the page is originally in that was originally
// reported (original_language_index_ changes if the user selects a new
// original language, but this one does not). This is necessary to report
// language detection errors with the right original language even if the user
// changed the original language.
size_t initial_original_language_index_;
// The index for language the page should be translated to.
size_t target_language_index_;
// The error that occurred when trying to translate (NONE if no error).
TranslateErrors::Type error_;
// The current infobar view.
TranslateInfoBarView* infobar_view_;
// The translation related preferences.
TranslatePrefs prefs_;