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<div id="pageTitle">
<h1 class="page_title">Permission Warnings</h1>
<div id="toc">
<a href="#examples"> Examples of permission warnings </a>
<li style="display: none; ">
<a href="#warnings"> Warnings and their triggers </a>
<li style="display: none; ">
<a href="#nowarning"> Permissions that don't cause warnings </a>
<li style="display: none; ">
<a href="#test"> Testing permission warnings </a>
<li style="display: none; ">
<li style="display: none; ">
<a href="#apiReference">API reference</a>
<a href="#properties">Properties</a>
<a href="#property-anchor">propertyName</a>
<a href="#methods">Methods</a>
<a href="#method-anchor">methodName</a>
<a href="#events">Events</a>
<a href="#event-anchor">eventName</a>
<a href="#types">Types</a>
<a href="#id-anchor">id</a>
<!-- Standard content lead-in for experimental API pages -->
<p id="classSummary" style="display: none; ">
For information on how to use experimental APIs, see the <a href="experimental.html">chrome.experimental.* APIs</a> page.
<div id="static"><div id="pageData-name" class="pageData">Permission Warnings</div>
<div id="pageData-showTOC" class="pageData">true</div>
To use most chrome.* APIs and extension capabilities,
your extension must declare its intent in the manifest,
often in the "permissions" field.
Some of these declarations
result in a warning when
a user installs your extension.
When you autoupdate your extension,
the user might see another warning
if the extension requests new permissions.
These new permissions might be new APIs that your extension uses,
or they might be new websites
that your extension needs access to.
<h2 id="examples"> Examples of permission warnings </h2>
Here's a typical dialog
that a user might see when installing an extension:
<img src="images/perms-hw1.png" width="387" height="162" alt="Permission warning: 'This extension can access: Your data on'">
The warning about access to data on
is caused by the following lines
in the extension's manifest:
<pre>"permissions": [
<p class="note">
You don't see permission warnings when
you load an unpacked extension.
You get permission warnings only when you install an extension
from a <code>.crx</code> file.
If you add a permission to the extension when you autoupdate it,
the user might see a new permission warning.
For example,
assume you add a new site and the "tabs" permission
to the previous example:
<pre>"permissions": [
When the extension autoupdates,
the increased permissions
cause the extension to be disabled
until the user re-enables it.
Here's the warning the user sees:
<img src="images/perms-hw2-disabled.png" width="814" height="30" alt="Warning text: 'The newest version of the extension Hello World requires more permissions, so it has been disabled. [Re-enable].'">
Clicking the Re-enable button
brings up the following warning:
<img src="images/perms-hw2.png" width="387" height="190" alt="Permission warning: 'This extension can access: Your data on and; Your browsing history'">
<h2 id="warnings"> Warnings and their triggers </h2>
It can be surprising when adding a permission such as "tabs"
results in the seemingly unrelated warning
that the extension can access your browsing history.
The reason for the warning is that
although the <code>chrome.tabs</code> API
might be used only to open new tabs
(<a href="tabs.html#method-create"><code>chrome.tabs.create()</code></a>),
it can also be used to see the URL that's associated
with every newly opened tab
(using their <a href="tabs.html#type-Tab">Tab</a> objects).
<p class="note">
As of Google Chrome 7,
you no longer need to specify the "tabs" permission
just to call <code>chrome.tabs.create()</code>.
The following table lists the warning messages
that users can see,
along with the <a href="manifest.html">manifest</a> entries
that trigger them.
<th>Warning&nbsp;message</th> <th>Manifest&nbsp;entry&nbsp;that&nbsp;causes&nbsp;it</th> <th>Notes</th>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
All data on your computer and the websites you visit
The "plugins" permission is required by
<a href="npapi.html">NPAPI plugins</a>.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
Your bookmarks
"bookmarks" permission
The "bookmarks" permission is required by the
<a href="bookmarks.html"><code>chrome.bookmarks</code></a> module.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
Your browsing history
<!-- HasEffectiveBrowsingHistoryPermission -->
"history" or "tabs" permission
The "tabs" permission is required by the
<a href="tabs.html"><code>chrome.tabs</code></a> and
<a href="windows.html"><code></code></a> modules.
The "history" permission is required by
<a href="history.html"><code>chrome.history</code></a>.
Adding "tabs" to an existing extension
that already has "history", or vice versa,
doesn't cause a warning when the extension is autoupdated.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
Your data on all websites
<!-- HasEffectiveAccessToAllHosts() -->
Any of the following:
<li> "proxy" permission (experimental) </li>
<li> A match pattern in the "permissions" field
that matches all hosts </li>
<li> A&nbsp;"content_scripts" field with a "matches" entry
that matches all hosts </li>
The "proxy" permission is required by the
<a href="">experimental proxy</a> module.
Any of the following URLs match all hosts:
<li> <code>http://*/*</code> </li>
<li> <code>https://*/*</code> </li>
<li> <code>*://*/*</code> </li>
<li> <code>&lt;all_urls&gt;</code> </li>
<td style="font-weight:bold">
Your data on <em>{list of websites}</em>
A match pattern in the "permissions" field
that specifies one or more hosts,
but not all hosts
Up to 3 sites are listed by name.
Subdomains aren't treated specially.
For example, <code></code> and <code></code>
are listed as different sites.
On autoupdate,
the user sees a permission warning
if the extension adds or changes sites.
For example, going from <code>,</code>
to <code>,,</code>
triggers a warning.
Going from <code></code>
to <code></code>,
or vice versa,
also triggers a warning.
<td style="font-weight:bold">
Your physical location
"geolocation" permission
Allows the extension to use the proposed HTML5
<a href="">geolocation API</a>
without prompting the user for permission.
<h2 id="nowarning"> Permissions that don't cause warnings </h2>
The following permissions don't result in a warning:
<h2 id="test"> Testing permission warnings </h2>
If you'd like to see exactly which warnings your users will get,
<a href="packaging.html">package your extension</a>
into a <code>.crx</code> file,
and install it.
To see the warnings users will get when your extension is autoupdated,
you can go to a little more trouble
and set up an autoupdate server.
To do this, first create an update manifest
and point to it from your extension,
using the "update_url" key
(see <a href="autoupdate.html">Autoupdating</a>).
Next, <a href="packaging.html">package the extension</a>
into a new <code>.crx</code> file,
and install the app from this <code>.crx</code> file.
Now, change the extension's manifest to contain the new permissions,
and <a href="packaging.html#update">repackage the extension</a>.
Finally, update the extension
(and all other extensions that have outstanding updates)
by clicking the <b>chrome://extensions</b> page's
<b>Update extensions now</b> button.
<!-- API PAGE -->
<div class="apiPage" style="display: none; ">
<a name="apiReference"></a>
<h2>API reference: chrome.apiname </h2>
<div class="apiGroup">
<a name="properties"></a>
<h3 id="properties">Properties</h3>
<div class="summary">
<!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
</div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
<!-- METHODS -->
<div class="apiGroup" id="methods">
<a name="methods"></a>
<!-- iterates over all functions -->
<div class="apiItem">
<a></a> <!-- method-anchor -->
<h4>method name</h4>
<div class="summary"><span>void</span>
<!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
<span>chrome.module.methodName</span>(<span><span>, </span><span></span>
<div class="description">
<p class="todo">Undocumented.</p>
A description from the json schema def of the function goes here.
<!-- RETURNS -->
<!-- CALLBACK -->
<h4>Callback function</h4>
The callback <em>parameter</em> should specify a function
that looks like this:
If you specify the <em>callback</em> parameter, it should
specify a function that looks like this:
<!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
<pre>function(<span>Type param1, Type param2</span>) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>;</pre>
<!-- MIN_VERSION -->
This function was added in version <b><span></span></b>.
If you require this function, the manifest key
<a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
</div> <!-- /description -->
</div> <!-- /apiItem -->
</div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
<!-- EVENTS -->
<div class="apiGroup">
<a name="events"></a>
<h3 id="events">Events</h3>
<!-- iterates over all events -->
<div class="apiItem">
<h4>event name</h4>
<div class="summary">
<!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
<span class="subdued">chrome.bookmarks</span><span>onEvent</span><span class="subdued">.addListener</span>(function(<span>Type param1, Type param2</span>) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>);
<div class="description">
<p class="todo">Undocumented.</p>
A description from the json schema def of the event goes here.
</div> <!-- /decription -->
</div> <!-- /apiItem -->
</div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
<!-- TYPES -->
<div class="apiGroup">
<a name="types"></a>
<h3 id="types">Types</h3>
<!-- iterates over all types -->
<div class="apiItem">
<h4>type name</h4>
</div> <!-- /apiItem -->
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