blob: cb676740a814f6d3707dc230368c3447b5e620ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit.h"
class AutocompleteEditView;
class AutocompletePopupView;
class Profile;
class SkBitmap;
class AutocompletePopupModel {
AutocompletePopupModel(AutocompletePopupView* popup_view,
AutocompleteEditModel* edit_model,
Profile* profile);
// Invoked when the profile has changed.
void set_profile(Profile* profile) { profile_ = profile; }
// TODO(sky): see about removing this.
Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
// Returns true if the popup is currently open.
bool IsOpen() const;
AutocompletePopupView* view() const { return view_; }
// Returns the AutocompleteController used by this popup.
AutocompleteController* autocomplete_controller() const {
return edit_model_->autocomplete_controller();
const AutocompleteResult& result() const {
return autocomplete_controller()->result();
size_t hovered_line() const {
return hovered_line_;
// Call to change the hovered line. |line| should be within the range of
// valid lines (to enable hover) or kNoMatch (to disable hover).
void SetHoveredLine(size_t line);
size_t selected_line() const {
return selected_line_;
// Call to change the selected line. This will update all state and repaint
// the necessary parts of the window, as well as updating the edit with the
// new temporary text. |line| will be clamped to the range of valid lines.
// |reset_to_default| is true when the selection is being reset back to the
// default match, and thus there is no temporary text (and no
// |manually_selected_match_|). If |force| is true then the selected line will
// be updated forcibly even if the |line| is same as the current selected
// line.
// NOTE: This assumes the popup is open, and thus both old and new values for
// the selected line should not be kNoMatch.
void SetSelectedLine(size_t line, bool reset_to_default, bool force);
// Called when the user hits escape after arrowing around the popup. This
// will change the selected line back to the default match and redraw.
void ResetToDefaultMatch();
// Gets the selected keyword or keyword hint for the given match. If the match
// is already keyword, then the keyword will be returned directly. Otherwise,
// it returns GetKeywordForText(match.fill_into_edit, keyword).
bool GetKeywordForMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match,
string16* keyword) const;
// Gets the selected keyword or keyword hint for the given text. Returns
// true if |keyword| represents a keyword hint, or false if |keyword|
// represents a selected keyword. (|keyword| will always be set [though
// possibly to the empty string], and you cannot have both a selected keyword
// and a keyword hint simultaneously.)
bool GetKeywordForText(const string16& text, string16* keyword) const;
// Immediately updates and opens the popup if necessary, then moves the
// current selection down (|count| > 0) or up (|count| < 0), clamping to the
// first or last result if necessary. If |count| == 0, the selection will be
// unchanged, but the popup will still redraw and modify the text in the
// AutocompleteEditModel.
void Move(int count);
// Called when the user hits shift-delete. This should determine if the item
// can be removed from history, and if so, remove it and update the popup.
void TryDeletingCurrentItem();
// If |match| is from an extension, returns the extension icon; otherwise
// returns NULL.
const SkBitmap* GetIconIfExtensionMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match) const;
// The match the user has manually chosen, if any.
const AutocompleteResult::Selection& manually_selected_match() const {
return manually_selected_match_;
// Invoked from the edit model any time the result set of the controller
// changes.
void OnResultChanged();
// The token value for selected_line_, hover_line_ and functions dealing with
// a "line number" that indicates "no line".
static const size_t kNoMatch = -1;
AutocompletePopupView* view_;
AutocompleteEditModel* edit_model_;
// Profile for current tab.
Profile* profile_;
// The line that's currently hovered. If we're not drawing a hover rect,
// this will be kNoMatch, even if the cursor is over the popup contents.
size_t hovered_line_;
// The currently selected line. This is kNoMatch when nothing is selected,
// which should only be true when the popup is closed.
size_t selected_line_;
// The match the user has manually chosen, if any.
AutocompleteResult::Selection manually_selected_match_;