blob: 776a82b9a746ea8dcd618f0d6f2c9d96563f4670 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/browser_main_chromeos.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
class MessageLoopObserver : public MessageLoopForUI::Observer {
virtual void WillProcessEvent(GdkEvent* event) {
// On chromeos we want to map Alt-left click to right click.
// This code only changes presses and releases. We could decide to also
// modify drags and crossings. It doesn't seem to be a problem right now
// with our support for context menus (the only real need we have).
// There are some inconsistent states both with what we have and what
// we would get if we added drags. You could get a right drag without a
// right down for example, unless we started synthesizing events, which
// seems like more trouble than it's worth.
if ((event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS ||
event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS ||
event->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS ||
event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) &&
event->button.button == 1 &&
event->button.state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) {
// Change the button to the third (right) one.
event->button.button = 3;
// Remove the Alt key and first button state.
event->button.state &= ~(GDK_MOD1_MASK | GDK_BUTTON1_MASK);
// Add the third (right) button state.
event->button.state |= GDK_BUTTON3_MASK;
virtual void DidProcessEvent(GdkEvent* event) {
static base::LazyInstance<MessageLoopObserver> g_message_loop_observer(
void BrowserMainPartsChromeos::PostMainMessageLoopStart() {
MessageLoopForUI* message_loop = MessageLoopForUI::current();
// static
BrowserMainParts* BrowserMainParts::CreateBrowserMainParts(
const MainFunctionParams& parameters) {
return new BrowserMainPartsChromeos(parameters);