blob: e521b3100fe4b84174a483978daeebb1588671e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_client_host.h"
class DebuggerRemoteService;
class DevToolsClientHost;
class DevToolsClientHostImpl;
class NavigationController;
struct DevToolsMessageData;
// Proxies debugged tabs' NavigationControllers using their UIDs.
// Keeps track of tabs being debugged so that we can detach from
// them on remote debugger connection loss.
class InspectableTabProxy {
typedef base::hash_map<int32, NavigationController*> ControllersMap;
typedef base::hash_map<int32, DevToolsClientHostImpl*> IdToClientHostMap;
virtual ~InspectableTabProxy();
// Returns a map of NavigationControllerKeys to NavigationControllers
// for all Browser instances. Clients should not keep the result around
// for extended periods of time as tabs might get closed thus invalidating
// the map.
const ControllersMap& controllers_map();
// Returns a DevToolsClientHostImpl for the given tab |id|.
DevToolsClientHostImpl* ClientHostForTabId(int32 id);
// Creates a new DevToolsClientHost implementor instance.
// |id| is the UID of the tab to debug.
// |service| is the DebuggerRemoteService instance the DevToolsClient
// messages shall be dispatched to.
DevToolsClientHost* NewClientHost(int32 id,
DebuggerRemoteService* service);
// Gets invoked when a remote debugger is detached. In this case we should
// send the corresponding message to the V8 debugger for each of the tabs
// the debugger is attached to, and invoke InspectedTabClosing().
void OnRemoteDebuggerDetached();
ControllersMap controllers_map_;
IdToClientHostMap id_to_client_host_map_;
// An internal implementation of DevToolsClientHost that delegates
// messages sent for DevToolsClient to a DebuggerShell instance.
class DevToolsClientHostImpl : public DevToolsClientHost {
int32 id,
DebuggerRemoteService* service,
InspectableTabProxy::IdToClientHostMap* map);
DebuggerRemoteService* debugger_remote_service() {
return service_;
void Close();
// DevToolsClientHost interface
virtual void InspectedTabClosing();
virtual void SendMessageToClient(const IPC::Message& msg);
virtual void TabReplaced(TabContentsWrapper* new_tab);
// Message handling routines
void OnDebuggerOutput(const std::string& msg);
virtual void FrameNavigating(const std::string& url);
void TabClosed();
int32 id_;
DebuggerRemoteService* service_;
InspectableTabProxy::IdToClientHostMap* map_;