blob: e371ed90390274dc68504840f637ed529fb32960 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/base_session_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_command.h"
namespace net {
class FileStream;
// SessionBackend -------------------------------------------------------------
// SessionBackend is the backend used by BaseSessionService. It is responsible
// for maintaining two files:
// . The current file, which is the file commands passed to AppendCommands
// get written to.
// . The last file. When created the current file is moved to the last
// file.
// Each file contains an arbitrary set of commands supplied from
// BaseSessionService. A command consists of a unique id and a stream of bytes.
// SessionBackend does not use the id in anyway, that is used by
// BaseSessionService.
class SessionBackend : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SessionBackend> {
typedef SessionCommand::id_type id_type;
typedef SessionCommand::size_type size_type;
// Initial size of the buffer used in reading the file. This is exposed
// for testing.
static const int kFileReadBufferSize;
// Creates a SessionBackend. This method is invoked on the MAIN thread,
// and does no IO. The real work is done from Init, which is invoked on
// the file thread.
// |path_to_dir| gives the path the files are written two, and |type|
// indicates which service is using this backend. |type| is used to determine
// the name of the files to use as well as for logging.
SessionBackend(BaseSessionService::SessionType type,
const FilePath& path_to_dir);
// Moves the current file to the last file, and recreates the current file.
// NOTE: this is invoked before every command, and does nothing if we've
// already Init'ed.
void Init();
// Appends the specified commands to the current file. If reset_first is
// true the the current file is recreated.
// NOTE: this deletes SessionCommands in commands as well as the supplied
// vector.
void AppendCommands(std::vector<SessionCommand*>* commands,
bool reset_first);
// Invoked from the service to read the commands that make up the last
// session, invokes ReadLastSessionCommandsImpl to do the work.
void ReadLastSessionCommands(
scoped_refptr<BaseSessionService::InternalGetCommandsRequest> request);
// Reads the commands from the last file.
// On success, the read commands are added to commands. It is up to the
// caller to delete the commands.
bool ReadLastSessionCommandsImpl(std::vector<SessionCommand*>* commands);
// Deletes the file containing the commands for the last session.
void DeleteLastSession();
// Moves the current session to the last and resets the current. This is
// called during startup and if the user launchs the app and no tabbed
// browsers are running.
void MoveCurrentSessionToLastSession();
// Invoked from the service to read the commands that make up the current
// session, invokes ReadCurrentSessionCommandsImpl to do the work.
void ReadCurrentSessionCommands(
scoped_refptr<BaseSessionService::InternalGetCommandsRequest> request);
// Reads the commands from the current file.
// On success, the read commands are added to commands. It is up to the
// caller to delete the commands.
bool ReadCurrentSessionCommandsImpl(std::vector<SessionCommand*>* commands);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SessionBackend>;
// If current_session_file_ is open, it is truncated so that it is essentially
// empty (only contains the header). If current_session_file_ isn't open, it
// is is opened and the header is written to it. After this
// current_session_file_ contains no commands.
// NOTE: current_session_file_ may be NULL if the file couldn't be opened or
// the header couldn't be written.
void ResetFile();
// Opens the current file and writes the header. On success a handle to
// the file is returned.
net::FileStream* OpenAndWriteHeader(const FilePath& path);
// Appends the specified commands to the specified file.
bool AppendCommandsToFile(net::FileStream* file,
const std::vector<SessionCommand*>& commands);
const BaseSessionService::SessionType type_;
// Returns the path to the last file.
FilePath GetLastSessionPath();
// Returns the path to the current file.
FilePath GetCurrentSessionPath();
// Directory files are relative to.
const FilePath path_to_dir_;
// Whether the previous target file is valid.
bool last_session_valid_;
// Handle to the target file.
scoped_ptr<net::FileStream> current_session_file_;
// Whether we've inited. Remember, the constructor is run on the
// Main thread, all others on the IO thread, hence lazy initialization.
bool inited_;
// If true, the file is empty (no commands have been added to it).
bool empty_file_;