blob: cf53341949df763719c33074ad56a4c370b46a63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "libxml/xmlreader.h"
#include "libxml/xmlwriter.h"
class FilePath;
// Converts a libxml xmlChar* into a UTF-8 std::string.
// NULL inputs produce an empty string.
std::string XmlStringToStdString(const xmlChar* xmlstring);
// libxml uses a global error function pointer for reporting errors.
// A ScopedXmlErrorFunc object lets you change the global error pointer
// for the duration of the object's lifetime.
class ScopedXmlErrorFunc {
ScopedXmlErrorFunc(void* context, xmlGenericErrorFunc func) {
old_error_func_ = xmlGenericError;
old_error_context_ = xmlGenericErrorContext;
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(context, func);
~ScopedXmlErrorFunc() {
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(old_error_context_, old_error_func_);
xmlGenericErrorFunc old_error_func_;
void* old_error_context_;
// XmlReader is a wrapper class around libxml's xmlReader,
// providing a simplified C++ API.
class XmlReader {
// Load a document into the reader from memory. |input| must be UTF-8 and
// exist for the lifetime of this object. Returns false on error.
// TODO(evanm): handle encodings other than UTF-8?
bool Load(const std::string& input);
// Load a document into the reader from a file. Returns false on error.
bool LoadFile(const FilePath& file_path);
// Wrappers around libxml functions -----------------------------------------
// Read() advances to the next node. Returns false on EOF or error.
bool Read() { return xmlTextReaderRead(reader_) == 1; }
// Next(), when pointing at an opening tag, advances to the node after
// the matching closing tag. Returns false on EOF or error.
bool Next() { return xmlTextReaderNext(reader_) == 1; }
// Return the depth in the tree of the current node.
int Depth() { return xmlTextReaderDepth(reader_); }
// Returns the "local" name of the current node.
// For a tag like <foo:bar>, this is the string "foo:bar".
std::string NodeName() {
return XmlStringToStdString(xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader_));
// When pointing at a tag, retrieves the value of an attribute.
// Returns false on failure.
// E.g. for <foo bar:baz="a">, NodeAttribute("bar:baz", &value)
// returns true and |value| is set to "a".
bool NodeAttribute(const char* name, std::string* value);
// Helper functions not provided by libxml ----------------------------------
// Return the string content within an element.
// "<foo>bar</foo>" is a sequence of three nodes:
// (1) open tag, (2) text, (3) close tag.
// With the reader currently at (1), this returns the text of (2),
// and advances past (3).
// Returns false on error.
bool ReadElementContent(std::string* content);
// Skip to the next opening tag, returning false if we reach a closing
// tag or EOF first.
// If currently on an opening tag, doesn't advance at all.
bool SkipToElement();
// Returns the errors reported by libxml, if any.
// (libxml normally just dumps these errors to stderr.)
const std::string& errors() const { return errors_; }
// A callback for libxml to report errors.
static void GenericErrorCallback(void* context, const char* msg, ...);
// Returns the libxml node type of the current node.
int NodeType() { return xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader_); }
// The underlying libxml xmlTextReader.
xmlTextReaderPtr reader_;
// error_func_ is used to reassign libxml's global error function
// to report errors into |errors_| for the lifetime of this object.
ScopedXmlErrorFunc error_func_;
std::string errors_;
// XmlWriter is a wrapper class around libxml's xmlWriter,
// providing a simplified C++ API.
// StartWriting must be called before other methods, and StopWriting
// must be called before GetWrittenString() will return results.
class XmlWriter {
// Allocates the xmlTextWriter and an xmlBuffer and starts an XML document.
// This must be called before any other functions. By default, indenting is
// set to true.
void StartWriting();
// Ends the XML document and frees the xmlTextWriter.
// This must be called before GetWrittenString() is called.
void StopWriting();
// Wrappers around libxml functions -----------------------------------------
// All following elements will be indented to match their depth.
void StartIndenting() { xmlTextWriterSetIndent(writer_, 1); }
// All follow elements will not be indented.
void StopIndenting() { xmlTextWriterSetIndent(writer_, 0); }
// Start an element with the given name. All future elements added will be
// children of this element, until it is ended. Returns false on error.
bool StartElement(const std::string& element_name) {
return xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer_,
BAD_CAST element_name.c_str()) >= 0;
// Ends the current open element. Returns false on error.
bool EndElement() {
return xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer_) >= 0;
// Adds an attribute to the current open element. Returns false on error.
bool AddAttribute(const std::string& attribute_name,
const std::string& attribute_value) {
return xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(writer_,
BAD_CAST attribute_name.c_str(),
BAD_CAST attribute_value.c_str()) >= 0;
// Adds a new element with name |element_name| and content |content|
// to the buffer. Example: <|element_name|>|content|</|element_name|>
// Returns false on errors.
bool WriteElement(const std::string& element_name,
const std::string& content) {
return xmlTextWriterWriteElement(writer_,
BAD_CAST element_name.c_str(),
BAD_CAST content.c_str()) >= 0;
// Helper functions not provided by xmlTextWriter ---------------------------
// Returns the string that has been written to the buffer.
std::string GetWrittenString() {
if (buffer_ == NULL)
return "";
return XmlStringToStdString(buffer_->content);
// The underlying libxml xmlTextWriter.
xmlTextWriterPtr writer_;
// Stores the output.
xmlBufferPtr buffer_;