blob: fdb6bbbe52268eeeadb6a9bc6a41d802357e8174 [file] [log] [blame]
//== BasicObjCFoundationChecks.cpp - Simple Apple-Foundation checks -*- C++ -*--
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines BasicObjCFoundationChecks, a class that encapsulates
// a set of simple checks to run on Objective-C code using Apple's Foundation
// classes.
#include "ClangSACheckers.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtObjC.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/DomainSpecific/CocoaConventions.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugType.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CheckerManager.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerContext.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExplodedGraph.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/MemRegion.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace clang;
using namespace ento;
namespace {
class APIMisuse : public BugType {
APIMisuse(const char* name) : BugType(name, "API Misuse (Apple)") {}
} // end anonymous namespace
// Utility functions.
static StringRef GetReceiverInterfaceName(const ObjCMethodCall &msg) {
if (const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID = msg.getReceiverInterface())
return ID->getIdentifier()->getName();
return StringRef();
enum FoundationClass {
static FoundationClass findKnownClass(const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID) {
static llvm::StringMap<FoundationClass> Classes;
if (Classes.empty()) {
Classes["NSArray"] = FC_NSArray;
Classes["NSDictionary"] = FC_NSDictionary;
Classes["NSEnumerator"] = FC_NSEnumerator;
Classes["NSOrderedSet"] = FC_NSOrderedSet;
Classes["NSSet"] = FC_NSSet;
Classes["NSString"] = FC_NSString;
// FIXME: Should we cache this at all?
FoundationClass result = Classes.lookup(ID->getIdentifier()->getName());
if (result == FC_None)
if (const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Super = ID->getSuperClass())
return findKnownClass(Super);
return result;
static inline bool isNil(SVal X) {
return X.getAs<loc::ConcreteInt>().hasValue();
// NilArgChecker - Check for prohibited nil arguments to ObjC method calls.
namespace {
class NilArgChecker : public Checker<check::PreObjCMessage> {
mutable OwningPtr<APIMisuse> BT;
void WarnNilArg(CheckerContext &C,
const ObjCMethodCall &msg, unsigned Arg) const;
void checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &M, CheckerContext &C) const;
void NilArgChecker::WarnNilArg(CheckerContext &C,
const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
unsigned int Arg) const
if (!BT)
BT.reset(new APIMisuse("nil argument"));
if (ExplodedNode *N = C.generateSink()) {
SmallString<128> sbuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(sbuf);
os << "Argument to '" << GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg) << "' method '"
<< msg.getSelector().getAsString() << "' cannot be nil";
BugReport *R = new BugReport(*BT, os.str(), N);
void NilArgChecker::checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
CheckerContext &C) const {
const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID = msg.getReceiverInterface();
if (!ID)
if (findKnownClass(ID) == FC_NSString) {
Selector S = msg.getSelector();
if (S.isUnarySelector())
// FIXME: This is going to be really slow doing these checks with
// lexical comparisons.
std::string NameStr = S.getAsString();
StringRef Name(NameStr);
// FIXME: Checking for initWithFormat: will not work in most cases
// yet because [NSString alloc] returns id, not NSString*. We will
// need support for tracking expected-type information in the analyzer
// to find these errors.
if (Name == "caseInsensitiveCompare:" ||
Name == "compare:" ||
Name == "compare:options:" ||
Name == "compare:options:range:" ||
Name == "compare:options:range:locale:" ||
Name == "componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:" ||
Name == "initWithFormat:") {
if (isNil(msg.getArgSVal(0)))
WarnNilArg(C, msg, 0);
// Error reporting.
namespace {
class CFNumberCreateChecker : public Checker< check::PreStmt<CallExpr> > {
mutable OwningPtr<APIMisuse> BT;
mutable IdentifierInfo* II;
CFNumberCreateChecker() : II(0) {}
void checkPreStmt(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
void EmitError(const TypedRegion* R, const Expr *Ex,
uint64_t SourceSize, uint64_t TargetSize, uint64_t NumberKind);
} // end anonymous namespace
enum CFNumberType {
kCFNumberSInt8Type = 1,
kCFNumberSInt16Type = 2,
kCFNumberSInt32Type = 3,
kCFNumberSInt64Type = 4,
kCFNumberFloat32Type = 5,
kCFNumberFloat64Type = 6,
kCFNumberCharType = 7,
kCFNumberShortType = 8,
kCFNumberIntType = 9,
kCFNumberLongType = 10,
kCFNumberLongLongType = 11,
kCFNumberFloatType = 12,
kCFNumberDoubleType = 13,
kCFNumberCFIndexType = 14,
kCFNumberNSIntegerType = 15,
kCFNumberCGFloatType = 16
static Optional<uint64_t> GetCFNumberSize(ASTContext &Ctx, uint64_t i) {
static const unsigned char FixedSize[] = { 8, 16, 32, 64, 32, 64 };
if (i < kCFNumberCharType)
return FixedSize[i-1];
QualType T;
switch (i) {
case kCFNumberCharType: T = Ctx.CharTy; break;
case kCFNumberShortType: T = Ctx.ShortTy; break;
case kCFNumberIntType: T = Ctx.IntTy; break;
case kCFNumberLongType: T = Ctx.LongTy; break;
case kCFNumberLongLongType: T = Ctx.LongLongTy; break;
case kCFNumberFloatType: T = Ctx.FloatTy; break;
case kCFNumberDoubleType: T = Ctx.DoubleTy; break;
case kCFNumberCFIndexType:
case kCFNumberNSIntegerType:
case kCFNumberCGFloatType:
// FIXME: We need a way to map from names to Type*.
return None;
return Ctx.getTypeSize(T);
#if 0
static const char* GetCFNumberTypeStr(uint64_t i) {
static const char* Names[] = {
return i <= kCFNumberCGFloatType ? Names[i-1] : "Invalid CFNumberType";
void CFNumberCreateChecker::checkPreStmt(const CallExpr *CE,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
const FunctionDecl *FD = C.getCalleeDecl(CE);
if (!FD)
ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
if (!II)
II = &Ctx.Idents.get("CFNumberCreate");
if (FD->getIdentifier() != II || CE->getNumArgs() != 3)
// Get the value of the "theType" argument.
const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
SVal TheTypeVal = state->getSVal(CE->getArg(1), LCtx);
// FIXME: We really should allow ranges of valid theType values, and
// bifurcate the state appropriately.
Optional<nonloc::ConcreteInt> V = TheTypeVal.getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>();
if (!V)
uint64_t NumberKind = V->getValue().getLimitedValue();
Optional<uint64_t> OptTargetSize = GetCFNumberSize(Ctx, NumberKind);
// FIXME: In some cases we can emit an error.
if (!OptTargetSize)
uint64_t TargetSize = *OptTargetSize;
// Look at the value of the integer being passed by reference. Essentially
// we want to catch cases where the value passed in is not equal to the
// size of the type being created.
SVal TheValueExpr = state->getSVal(CE->getArg(2), LCtx);
// FIXME: Eventually we should handle arbitrary locations. We can do this
// by having an enhanced memory model that does low-level typing.
Optional<loc::MemRegionVal> LV = TheValueExpr.getAs<loc::MemRegionVal>();
if (!LV)
const TypedValueRegion* R = dyn_cast<TypedValueRegion>(LV->stripCasts());
if (!R)
QualType T = Ctx.getCanonicalType(R->getValueType());
// FIXME: If the pointee isn't an integer type, should we flag a warning?
// People can do weird stuff with pointers.
if (!T->isIntegerType())
uint64_t SourceSize = Ctx.getTypeSize(T);
// CHECK: is SourceSize == TargetSize
if (SourceSize == TargetSize)
// Generate an error. Only generate a sink if 'SourceSize < TargetSize';
// otherwise generate a regular node.
// FIXME: We can actually create an abstract "CFNumber" object that has
// the bits initialized to the provided values.
if (ExplodedNode *N = SourceSize < TargetSize ? C.generateSink()
: C.addTransition()) {
SmallString<128> sbuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(sbuf);
os << (SourceSize == 8 ? "An " : "A ")
<< SourceSize << " bit integer is used to initialize a CFNumber "
"object that represents "
<< (TargetSize == 8 ? "an " : "a ")
<< TargetSize << " bit integer. ";
if (SourceSize < TargetSize)
os << (TargetSize - SourceSize)
<< " bits of the CFNumber value will be garbage." ;
os << (SourceSize - TargetSize)
<< " bits of the input integer will be lost.";
if (!BT)
BT.reset(new APIMisuse("Bad use of CFNumberCreate"));
BugReport *report = new BugReport(*BT, os.str(), N);
// CFRetain/CFRelease/CFMakeCollectable checking for null arguments.
namespace {
class CFRetainReleaseChecker : public Checker< check::PreStmt<CallExpr> > {
mutable OwningPtr<APIMisuse> BT;
mutable IdentifierInfo *Retain, *Release, *MakeCollectable;
CFRetainReleaseChecker(): Retain(0), Release(0), MakeCollectable(0) {}
void checkPreStmt(const CallExpr *CE, CheckerContext &C) const;
} // end anonymous namespace
void CFRetainReleaseChecker::checkPreStmt(const CallExpr *CE,
CheckerContext &C) const {
// If the CallExpr doesn't have exactly 1 argument just give up checking.
if (CE->getNumArgs() != 1)
ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
const FunctionDecl *FD = C.getCalleeDecl(CE);
if (!FD)
if (!BT) {
ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
Retain = &Ctx.Idents.get("CFRetain");
Release = &Ctx.Idents.get("CFRelease");
MakeCollectable = &Ctx.Idents.get("CFMakeCollectable");
new APIMisuse("null passed to CFRetain/CFRelease/CFMakeCollectable"));
// Check if we called CFRetain/CFRelease/CFMakeCollectable.
const IdentifierInfo *FuncII = FD->getIdentifier();
if (!(FuncII == Retain || FuncII == Release || FuncII == MakeCollectable))
// FIXME: The rest of this just checks that the argument is non-null.
// It should probably be refactored and combined with NonNullParamChecker.
// Get the argument's value.
const Expr *Arg = CE->getArg(0);
SVal ArgVal = state->getSVal(Arg, C.getLocationContext());
Optional<DefinedSVal> DefArgVal = ArgVal.getAs<DefinedSVal>();
if (!DefArgVal)
// Get a NULL value.
SValBuilder &svalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
DefinedSVal zero =
// Make an expression asserting that they're equal.
DefinedOrUnknownSVal ArgIsNull = svalBuilder.evalEQ(state, zero, *DefArgVal);
// Are they equal?
ProgramStateRef stateTrue, stateFalse;
llvm::tie(stateTrue, stateFalse) = state->assume(ArgIsNull);
if (stateTrue && !stateFalse) {
ExplodedNode *N = C.generateSink(stateTrue);
if (!N)
const char *description;
if (FuncII == Retain)
description = "Null pointer argument in call to CFRetain";
else if (FuncII == Release)
description = "Null pointer argument in call to CFRelease";
else if (FuncII == MakeCollectable)
description = "Null pointer argument in call to CFMakeCollectable";
llvm_unreachable("impossible case");
BugReport *report = new BugReport(*BT, description, N);
bugreporter::trackNullOrUndefValue(N, Arg, *report);
// From here on, we know the argument is non-null.
// Check for sending 'retain', 'release', or 'autorelease' directly to a Class.
namespace {
class ClassReleaseChecker : public Checker<check::PreObjCMessage> {
mutable Selector releaseS;
mutable Selector retainS;
mutable Selector autoreleaseS;
mutable Selector drainS;
mutable OwningPtr<BugType> BT;
void checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg, CheckerContext &C) const;
void ClassReleaseChecker::checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
CheckerContext &C) const {
if (!BT) {
BT.reset(new APIMisuse("message incorrectly sent to class instead of class "
ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
releaseS = GetNullarySelector("release", Ctx);
retainS = GetNullarySelector("retain", Ctx);
autoreleaseS = GetNullarySelector("autorelease", Ctx);
drainS = GetNullarySelector("drain", Ctx);
if (msg.isInstanceMessage())
const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Class = msg.getReceiverInterface();
Selector S = msg.getSelector();
if (!(S == releaseS || S == retainS || S == autoreleaseS || S == drainS))
if (ExplodedNode *N = C.addTransition()) {
SmallString<200> buf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(buf);
os << "The '" << S.getAsString() << "' message should be sent to instances "
"of class '" << Class->getName()
<< "' and not the class directly";
BugReport *report = new BugReport(*BT, os.str(), N);
// Check for passing non-Objective-C types to variadic methods that expect
// only Objective-C types.
namespace {
class VariadicMethodTypeChecker : public Checker<check::PreObjCMessage> {
mutable Selector arrayWithObjectsS;
mutable Selector dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeysS;
mutable Selector setWithObjectsS;
mutable Selector orderedSetWithObjectsS;
mutable Selector initWithObjectsS;
mutable Selector initWithObjectsAndKeysS;
mutable OwningPtr<BugType> BT;
bool isVariadicMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg) const;
void checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg, CheckerContext &C) const;
/// isVariadicMessage - Returns whether the given message is a variadic message,
/// where all arguments must be Objective-C types.
VariadicMethodTypeChecker::isVariadicMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg) const {
const ObjCMethodDecl *MD = msg.getDecl();
if (!MD || !MD->isVariadic() || isa<ObjCProtocolDecl>(MD->getDeclContext()))
return false;
Selector S = msg.getSelector();
if (msg.isInstanceMessage()) {
// FIXME: Ideally we'd look at the receiver interface here, but that's not
// useful for init, because alloc returns 'id'. In theory, this could lead
// to false positives, for example if there existed a class that had an
// initWithObjects: implementation that does accept non-Objective-C pointer
// types, but the chance of that happening is pretty small compared to the
// gains that this analysis gives.
const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Class = MD->getClassInterface();
switch (findKnownClass(Class)) {
case FC_NSArray:
case FC_NSOrderedSet:
case FC_NSSet:
return S == initWithObjectsS;
case FC_NSDictionary:
return S == initWithObjectsAndKeysS;
return false;
} else {
const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Class = msg.getReceiverInterface();
switch (findKnownClass(Class)) {
case FC_NSArray:
return S == arrayWithObjectsS;
case FC_NSOrderedSet:
return S == orderedSetWithObjectsS;
case FC_NSSet:
return S == setWithObjectsS;
case FC_NSDictionary:
return S == dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeysS;
return false;
void VariadicMethodTypeChecker::checkPreObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &msg,
CheckerContext &C) const {
if (!BT) {
BT.reset(new APIMisuse("Arguments passed to variadic method aren't all "
"Objective-C pointer types"));
ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
arrayWithObjectsS = GetUnarySelector("arrayWithObjects", Ctx);
dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeysS =
GetUnarySelector("dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys", Ctx);
setWithObjectsS = GetUnarySelector("setWithObjects", Ctx);
orderedSetWithObjectsS = GetUnarySelector("orderedSetWithObjects", Ctx);
initWithObjectsS = GetUnarySelector("initWithObjects", Ctx);
initWithObjectsAndKeysS = GetUnarySelector("initWithObjectsAndKeys", Ctx);
if (!isVariadicMessage(msg))
// We are not interested in the selector arguments since they have
// well-defined types, so the compiler will issue a warning for them.
unsigned variadicArgsBegin = msg.getSelector().getNumArgs();
// We're not interested in the last argument since it has to be nil or the
// compiler would have issued a warning for it elsewhere.
unsigned variadicArgsEnd = msg.getNumArgs() - 1;
if (variadicArgsEnd <= variadicArgsBegin)
// Verify that all arguments have Objective-C types.
Optional<ExplodedNode*> errorNode;
ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
for (unsigned I = variadicArgsBegin; I != variadicArgsEnd; ++I) {
QualType ArgTy = msg.getArgExpr(I)->getType();
if (ArgTy->isObjCObjectPointerType())
// Block pointers are treaded as Objective-C pointers.
if (ArgTy->isBlockPointerType())
// Ignore pointer constants.
if (msg.getArgSVal(I).getAs<loc::ConcreteInt>())
// Ignore pointer types annotated with 'NSObject' attribute.
if (C.getASTContext().isObjCNSObjectType(ArgTy))
// Ignore CF references, which can be toll-free bridged.
if (coreFoundation::isCFObjectRef(ArgTy))
// Generate only one error node to use for all bug reports.
if (!errorNode.hasValue())
errorNode = C.addTransition();
if (!errorNode.getValue())
SmallString<128> sbuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(sbuf);
StringRef TypeName = GetReceiverInterfaceName(msg);
if (!TypeName.empty())
os << "Argument to '" << TypeName << "' method '";
os << "Argument to method '";
os << msg.getSelector().getAsString()
<< "' should be an Objective-C pointer type, not '";
ArgTy.print(os, C.getLangOpts());
os << "'";
BugReport *R = new BugReport(*BT, os.str(), errorNode.getValue());
// Improves the modeling of loops over Cocoa collections.
namespace {
class ObjCLoopChecker
: public Checker<check::PostStmt<ObjCForCollectionStmt> > {
void checkPostStmt(const ObjCForCollectionStmt *FCS, CheckerContext &C) const;
static bool isKnownNonNilCollectionType(QualType T) {
const ObjCObjectPointerType *PT = T->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>();
if (!PT)
return false;
const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID = PT->getInterfaceDecl();
if (!ID)
return false;
switch (findKnownClass(ID)) {
case FC_NSArray:
case FC_NSDictionary:
case FC_NSEnumerator:
case FC_NSOrderedSet:
case FC_NSSet:
return true;
return false;
void ObjCLoopChecker::checkPostStmt(const ObjCForCollectionStmt *FCS,
CheckerContext &C) const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
// Check if this is the branch for the end of the loop.
SVal CollectionSentinel = State->getSVal(FCS, C.getLocationContext());
if (CollectionSentinel.isZeroConstant())
// See if the collection is one where we /know/ the elements are non-nil.
const Expr *Collection = FCS->getCollection();
if (!isKnownNonNilCollectionType(Collection->getType()))
// FIXME: Copied from ExprEngineObjC.
const Stmt *Element = FCS->getElement();
SVal ElementVar;
if (const DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(Element)) {
const VarDecl *ElemDecl = cast<VarDecl>(DS->getSingleDecl());
assert(ElemDecl->getInit() == 0);
ElementVar = State->getLValue(ElemDecl, C.getLocationContext());
} else {
ElementVar = State->getSVal(Element, C.getLocationContext());
if (!ElementVar.getAs<Loc>())
// Go ahead and assume the value is non-nil.
SVal Val = State->getSVal(ElementVar.castAs<Loc>());
State = State->assume(Val.castAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>(), true);
namespace {
/// \class ObjCNonNilReturnValueChecker
/// \brief The checker restricts the return values of APIs known to
/// never (or almost never) return 'nil'.
class ObjCNonNilReturnValueChecker
: public Checker<check::PostObjCMessage> {
mutable bool Initialized;
mutable Selector ObjectAtIndex;
mutable Selector ObjectAtIndexedSubscript;
ObjCNonNilReturnValueChecker() : Initialized(false) {}
void checkPostObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &M, CheckerContext &C) const;
static ProgramStateRef assumeExprIsNonNull(const Expr *NonNullExpr,
ProgramStateRef State,
CheckerContext &C) {
SVal Val = State->getSVal(NonNullExpr, C.getLocationContext());
if (Optional<DefinedOrUnknownSVal> DV = Val.getAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>())
return State->assume(*DV, true);
return State;
void ObjCNonNilReturnValueChecker::checkPostObjCMessage(const ObjCMethodCall &M,
CheckerContext &C)
const {
ProgramStateRef State = C.getState();
if (!Initialized) {
ASTContext &Ctx = C.getASTContext();
ObjectAtIndex = GetUnarySelector("objectAtIndex", Ctx);
ObjectAtIndexedSubscript = GetUnarySelector("objectAtIndexedSubscript", Ctx);
// Check the receiver type.
if (const ObjCInterfaceDecl *Interface = M.getReceiverInterface()) {
// Assume that object returned from '[self init]' or '[super init]' is not
// 'nil' if we are processing an inlined function/method.
// A defensive callee will (and should) check if the object returned by
// '[super init]' is 'nil' before doing it's own initialization. However,
// since 'nil' is rarely returned in practice, we should not warn when the
// caller to the defensive constructor uses the object in contexts where
// 'nil' is not accepted.
if (!C.inTopFrame() && M.getDecl() &&
M.getDecl()->getMethodFamily() == OMF_init &&
M.isReceiverSelfOrSuper()) {
State = assumeExprIsNonNull(M.getOriginExpr(), State, C);
// Objects returned from
// [NSArray|NSOrderedSet]::[ObjectAtIndex|ObjectAtIndexedSubscript]
// are never 'nil'.
FoundationClass Cl = findKnownClass(Interface);
if (Cl == FC_NSArray || Cl == FC_NSOrderedSet) {
Selector Sel = M.getSelector();
if (Sel == ObjectAtIndex || Sel == ObjectAtIndexedSubscript) {
// Go ahead and assume the value is non-nil.
State = assumeExprIsNonNull(M.getOriginExpr(), State, C);
// Check registration.
void ento::registerNilArgChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
void ento::registerCFNumberCreateChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
void ento::registerCFRetainReleaseChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
void ento::registerClassReleaseChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
void ento::registerVariadicMethodTypeChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
void ento::registerObjCLoopChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
void ento::registerObjCNonNilReturnValueChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {