blob: 334914cf4082ca9de6f94d219f320c56c2af7baf [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="Automated VE Testing" default="all" basedir="." >
<!--properties file containing the plugin directory name including version number-->
<property file="" />
<!--default directory where test-eclipse will be installed-->
<property name="install" value="${basedir}/target" />
<!--name that can be added to report name to identify which platform tests results come from-->
<property name="platform" value="" />
<!-- The root of the eclipse installation -->
<property name="eclipse-home" value="${install}/eclipse" />
<!-- The directory that will contain the xml and html results from the tests that are run -->
<property name="results" value="${basedir}/results" />
<target name="init">
<target name="setup" if="clean" description="Reinstall the test Eclipse installation if specified by user">
<delete dir="${install}" />
<mkdir dir="${install}" />
<!--The eclipse SDK must exist before this script is executed-->
<exec dir="." executable="unzip">
<arg line="-o -qq eclipse-SDK*.zip -d ${install}"/>
<exec dir="." executable="unzip">
<arg line="-o -qq GEF*.zip -d ${install}/eclipse"/>
<exec dir="." executable="unzip">
<arg line="-o -qq emf*.zip -d ${install}/eclipse"/>
<exec dir="." executable="unzip">
<arg line="-o -qq VE-runtime-*.zip -d ${install}/eclipse"/>
<exec dir="." executable="unzip">
<arg line="-o -qq VE-junit-tests-*.zip -d ${install}"/>
<target name="runtests" depends="setup" description="Runs ant on the test.xml for a specified plugin. Requires a property value setting for testPlugin only if is not available. The property testPlugin represents a directory name made up of the plugin id and plugin version. This directory must contain a valid test.xml.">
<ant antfile="${eclipse-home}/plugins/${testPlugin}/test.xml" dir="${eclipse-home}" />
<copy file="${eclipse-home}/${report}.xml" tofile="${results}/xml/${report}_${platform}.xml" />
<target name="ve" description="Runs the test.xml">
<antcall target="runtests">
<param name="testPlugin" value="${}" />
<param name="report" value="" />
<target name="jem" description="Runs the org.eclipse.jem.tests test.xml">
<antcall target="runtests">
<param name="testPlugin" value="${org.eclipse.jem.tests}" />
<param name="report" value="org.eclipse.jem.tests" />
<target name="all">
<antcall target="jem" />
<antcall target="ve" />
<antcall target="genHtml" />
<target name="genHtml" description="Generates HTML results with provided JUNIT.XSL provided">
<style style="JUNIT.XSL" basedir="${results}/xml" destdir="${results}/html" />