blob: f7cc09d273ae42d9897d6bfd065e5788452abd07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Google, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ui;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.IColorConstants;
* Utilities for drawing on {@link GC}.
* @author scheglov_ke
* @coverage core.ui
public class DrawUtils {
private static final String DOTS = "...";
// Drawing
* Draws given text clipped horizontally and centered vertically.
public static final void drawStringCV(GC gc, String text, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
Rectangle oldClipping = gc.getClipping();
try {
gc.setClipping(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height));
int textStartY = y + (height - gc.getFontMetrics().getHeight()) / 2;
gc.drawString(clipString(gc, text, width), x, textStartY, true);
} finally {
* Draws given text clipped or centered horizontally and centered vertically.
public static final void drawStringCHCV(GC gc, String text, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
int textStartY = y + (height - gc.getFontMetrics().getHeight()) / 2;
Point textSize = gc.stringExtent(text);
if (textSize.x > width) {
gc.drawString(clipString(gc, text, width), x, textStartY);
} else {
gc.drawString(text, x + (width - textSize.x) / 2, textStartY);
* Draws image at given <code>x</code> and centered vertically.
public static final void drawImageCV(GC gc, Image image, int x, int y, int height) {
if (image != null) {
Rectangle imageBounds = image.getBounds();
gc.drawImage(image, x, y + (height - imageBounds.height) / 2);
* Draws image at given <code>x</code> and centered vertically.
public static final void drawImageCHCV(GC gc, Image image, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if (image != null) {
Rectangle imageBounds = image.getBounds();
int centerX = (width - imageBounds.width) / 2;
int centerY = y + (height - imageBounds.height) / 2;
gc.drawImage(image, x + centerX, centerY);
* Draws {@link Image} on {@link GC} centered in given {@link Rectangle}. If {@link Image} is
* bigger that {@link Rectangle}, {@link Image} will be scaled down as needed with keeping
* proportions.
public static void drawScaledImage(GC gc, Image image, Rectangle targetRectangle) {
int imageWidth = image.getBounds().width;
int imageHeight = image.getBounds().height;
// prepare scaled image size
int newImageWidth;
int newImageHeight;
if (imageWidth <= targetRectangle.width && imageHeight <= targetRectangle.height) {
newImageWidth = imageWidth;
newImageHeight = imageHeight;
} else {
// prepare minimal scale
double k;
double k_w = targetRectangle.width / (double) imageWidth;
double k_h = targetRectangle.height / (double) imageHeight;
k = Math.min(k_w, k_h);
// calculate scaled image size
newImageWidth = (int) (imageWidth * k);
newImageHeight = (int) (imageHeight * k);
// draw image centered in target rectangle
int destX = targetRectangle.x + (targetRectangle.width - newImageWidth) / 2;
int destY = targetRectangle.y + (targetRectangle.height - newImageHeight) / 2;
gc.drawImage(image, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, destX, destY, newImageWidth, newImageHeight);
* @return the string clipped to have width less than given. Clipping is done as trailing "...".
public static String clipString(GC gc, String text, int width) {
if (width <= 0) {
return "";
// check if text already fits in given width
if (gc.stringExtent(text).x <= width) {
return text;
// use average count of characters as base
int count = Math.min(width / gc.getFontMetrics().getAverageCharWidth(), text.length());
if (gc.stringExtent(text.substring(0, count) + DOTS).x > width) {
while (count > 0 && gc.stringExtent(text.substring(0, count) + DOTS).x > width) {
} else {
while (count < text.length() - 1
&& gc.stringExtent(text.substring(0, count + 1) + DOTS).x < width) {
return text.substring(0, count) + DOTS;
* Draws {@link String} in rectangle, wraps at any character (not by words).
public static void drawTextWrap(GC gc, String text, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
int y_ = y;
int x_ = x;
int lineHeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
String c = text.substring(i, i + 1);
Point extent = gc.stringExtent(c);
if (x_ + extent.x > x + width) {
y_ += lineHeight;
if (y_ > y + height) {
x_ = x;
gc.drawText(c, x_, y_);
x_ += extent.x;
lineHeight = Math.max(lineHeight, extent.y);
* Draws 3D highlight rectangle.
public static void drawHighlightRectangle(GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
int right = x + width - 1;
int bottom = y + height - 1;
Color oldForeground = gc.getForeground();
try {
gc.drawLine(x, y, right, y);
gc.drawLine(x, y, x, bottom);
gc.drawLine(right, y, right, bottom);
gc.drawLine(x, bottom, right, bottom);
} finally {
// Images
* @return the {@link Image} loaded relative to given {@link Class}.
public static Image loadImage(Class<?> clazz, String path) {
try {
URL resource = clazz.getResource(path);
if (resource != null) {
InputStream stream = resource.openStream();
try {
return new Image(null, stream);
} finally {
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;
* @return the thumbnail {@link Image} of required size for given "big" {@link Image}, centered or
* scaled down.
public static Image getThubmnail(Image image,
int minWidth,
int minHeight,
int maxWidth,
int maxHeight) {
Rectangle imageBounds = image.getBounds();
int imageWidth = imageBounds.width;
int imageHeight = imageBounds.height;
if (imageWidth < minWidth && imageHeight < minHeight) {
// create "thumbnail" Image with required size
Image thumbnail = new Image(null, minWidth, minHeight);
GC gc = new GC(thumbnail);
try {
drawImageCHCV(gc, image, 0, 0, minWidth, minHeight);
} finally {
// recreate "thumbnail" Image with transparent pixel
try {
ImageData thumbnailData = thumbnail.getImageData();
thumbnailData.transparentPixel = thumbnailData.getPixel(0, 0);
return new Image(null, thumbnailData);
} finally {
} else if (imageWidth <= maxWidth && imageHeight <= maxHeight) {
return new Image(null, image, SWT.IMAGE_COPY);
} else {
double kX = (double) maxWidth / imageWidth;
double kY = (double) maxHeight / imageHeight;
double k = Math.max(kX, kY);
int dWidth = (int) (imageWidth * k);
int dHeight = (int) (imageHeight * k);
ImageData scaledImageData = image.getImageData().scaledTo(dWidth, dHeight);
return new Image(null, scaledImageData);
// Colors
* @return new {@link Color} based on given {@link Color} and shifted on given value to make it
* darker or lighter.
public static Color getShiftedColor(Color color, int delta) {
int r = Math.max(0, Math.min(color.getRed() + delta, 255));
int g = Math.max(0, Math.min(color.getGreen() + delta, 255));
int b = Math.max(0, Math.min(color.getBlue() + delta, 255));
return new Color(color.getDevice(), r, g, b);
* @return <code>true</code> if the given <code>color</code> is dark.
public static boolean isDarkColor(Color c) {
int value =
(int) Math.sqrt(c.getRed()
* c.getRed()
* .241
+ c.getGreen()
* c.getGreen()
* .691
+ c.getBlue()
* c.getBlue()
* .068);
return value < 130;
// Fonts
* @return the bold version of given {@link Font}.
public static Font getBoldFont(Font baseFont) {
FontData[] boldData = getModifiedFontData(baseFont, SWT.BOLD);
return new Font(Display.getCurrent(), boldData);
* @return the italic version of given {@link Font}.
public static Font getBoldItalicFont(Font baseFont) {
FontData[] boldData = getModifiedFontData(baseFont, SWT.BOLD | SWT.ITALIC);
return new Font(Display.getCurrent(), boldData);
* @return the italic version of given {@link Font}.
public static Font getItalicFont(Font baseFont) {
FontData[] boldData = getModifiedFontData(baseFont, SWT.ITALIC);
return new Font(Display.getCurrent(), boldData);
* @return the array of {@link FontData} with the specified style.
private static FontData[] getModifiedFontData(Font baseFont, int style) {
FontData[] baseData = baseFont.getFontData();
FontData[] styleData = new FontData[baseData.length];
for (int i = 0; i < styleData.length; i++) {
FontData base = baseData[i];
styleData[i] = new FontData(base.getName(), base.getHeight(), base.getStyle() | style);
return styleData;