| The non-test part of the code is expected to have 2 failures. |
| |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: false |
| Actual: false |
| Expected: true |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: 3 |
| Expected: 2 |
| [==========] Running 57 tests from 26 test cases. |
| [----------] Global test environment set-up. |
| FooEnvironment::SetUp() called. |
| BarEnvironment::SetUp() called. |
| [----------] 1 test from ADeathTest |
| [ RUN ] ADeathTest.ShouldRunFirst |
| [ OK ] ADeathTest.ShouldRunFirst |
| [----------] 1 test from ATypedDeathTest/0, where TypeParam = int |
| [ RUN ] ATypedDeathTest/0.ShouldRunFirst |
| [ OK ] ATypedDeathTest/0.ShouldRunFirst |
| [----------] 1 test from ATypedDeathTest/1, where TypeParam = double |
| [ RUN ] ATypedDeathTest/1.ShouldRunFirst |
| [ OK ] ATypedDeathTest/1.ShouldRunFirst |
| [----------] 1 test from My/ATypeParamDeathTest/0, where TypeParam = int |
| [ RUN ] My/ATypeParamDeathTest/0.ShouldRunFirst |
| [ OK ] My/ATypeParamDeathTest/0.ShouldRunFirst |
| [----------] 1 test from My/ATypeParamDeathTest/1, where TypeParam = double |
| [ RUN ] My/ATypeParamDeathTest/1.ShouldRunFirst |
| [ OK ] My/ATypeParamDeathTest/1.ShouldRunFirst |
| [----------] 2 tests from PassingTest |
| [ RUN ] PassingTest.PassingTest1 |
| [ OK ] PassingTest.PassingTest1 |
| [ RUN ] PassingTest.PassingTest2 |
| [ OK ] PassingTest.PassingTest2 |
| [----------] 3 tests from FatalFailureTest |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInSubroutine |
| (expecting a failure that x should be 1) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: x |
| Actual: 2 |
| Expected: 1 |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInSubroutine |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInNestedSubroutine |
| (expecting a failure that x should be 1) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: x |
| Actual: 2 |
| Expected: 1 |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInNestedSubroutine |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureTest.NonfatalFailureInSubroutine |
| (expecting a failure on false) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: false |
| Actual: false |
| Expected: true |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.NonfatalFailureInSubroutine |
| [----------] 1 test from LoggingTest |
| [ RUN ] LoggingTest.InterleavingLoggingAndAssertions |
| (expecting 2 failures on (3) >= (a[i])) |
| i == 0 |
| i == 1 |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Expected: (3) >= (a[i]), actual: 3 vs 9 |
| i == 2 |
| i == 3 |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Expected: (3) >= (a[i]), actual: 3 vs 6 |
| [ FAILED ] LoggingTest.InterleavingLoggingAndAssertions |
| [----------] 5 tests from SCOPED_TRACETest |
| [ RUN ] SCOPED_TRACETest.ObeysScopes |
| (expected to fail) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| This failure is expected, and shouldn't have a trace. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| This failure is expected, and should have a trace. |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Expected trace |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| This failure is expected, and shouldn't have a trace. |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.ObeysScopes |
| [ RUN ] SCOPED_TRACETest.WorksInLoop |
| (expected to fail) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: n |
| Actual: 1 |
| Expected: 2 |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: i = 1 |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: n |
| Actual: 2 |
| Expected: 1 |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: i = 2 |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.WorksInLoop |
| [ RUN ] SCOPED_TRACETest.WorksInSubroutine |
| (expected to fail) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: n |
| Actual: 1 |
| Expected: 2 |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: n = 1 |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: n |
| Actual: 2 |
| Expected: 1 |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: n = 2 |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.WorksInSubroutine |
| [ RUN ] SCOPED_TRACETest.CanBeNested |
| (expected to fail) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: n |
| Actual: 2 |
| Expected: 1 |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: n = 2 |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.CanBeNested |
| [ RUN ] SCOPED_TRACETest.CanBeRepeated |
| (expected to fail) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| This failure is expected, and should contain trace point A. |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: A |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| This failure is expected, and should contain trace point A and B. |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: B |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: A |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| This failure is expected, and should contain trace point A, B, and C. |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: C |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: B |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: A |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| This failure is expected, and should contain trace point A, B, and D. |
| Google Test trace: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: D |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: B |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: A |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.CanBeRepeated |
| [----------] 1 test from NonFatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest |
| [ RUN ] NonFatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest.FailureInConstructor |
| (expecting 5 failures) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #1, in the test fixture c'tor. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #2, in SetUp(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #3, in the test body. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #4, in TearDown. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #5, in the test fixture d'tor. |
| [ FAILED ] NonFatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest.FailureInConstructor |
| [----------] 1 test from FatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest.FailureInConstructor |
| (expecting 2 failures) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #1, in the test fixture c'tor. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #2, in the test fixture d'tor. |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest.FailureInConstructor |
| [----------] 1 test from NonFatalFailureInSetUpTest |
| [ RUN ] NonFatalFailureInSetUpTest.FailureInSetUp |
| (expecting 4 failures) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #1, in SetUp(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #2, in the test function. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #3, in TearDown(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #4, in the test fixture d'tor. |
| [ FAILED ] NonFatalFailureInSetUpTest.FailureInSetUp |
| [----------] 1 test from FatalFailureInSetUpTest |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureInSetUpTest.FailureInSetUp |
| (expecting 3 failures) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #1, in SetUp(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #2, in TearDown(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #3, in the test fixture d'tor. |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureInSetUpTest.FailureInSetUp |
| [----------] 1 test from ExceptionInFixtureCtorTest |
| [ RUN ] ExceptionInFixtureCtorTest.ExceptionInFixtureCtor |
| (expecting a failure on thrown exception in the test fixture's constructor) |
| unknown file: error: Exception thrown with code 0xc0000005 in the test fixture's constructor. |
| [----------] 1 test from ExceptionInSetUpTest |
| [ RUN ] ExceptionInSetUpTest.ExceptionInSetUp |
| (expecting 3 failures) |
| unknown file: error: Exception thrown with code 0xc0000005 in SetUp(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #2, in TearDown(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #3, in the test fixture d'tor. |
| [ FAILED ] ExceptionInSetUpTest.ExceptionInSetUp |
| [----------] 1 test from ExceptionInTestFunctionTest |
| [ RUN ] ExceptionInTestFunctionTest.SEH |
| (expecting 3 failures) |
| unknown file: error: Exception thrown with code 0xc0000005 in the test body. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #2, in TearDown(). |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected failure #3, in the test fixture d'tor. |
| [ FAILED ] ExceptionInTestFunctionTest.SEH |
| [----------] 4 tests from MixedUpTestCaseTest |
| [ RUN ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.FirstTestFromNamespaceFoo |
| [ OK ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.FirstTestFromNamespaceFoo |
| [ RUN ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.SecondTestFromNamespaceFoo |
| [ OK ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.SecondTestFromNamespaceFoo |
| [ RUN ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.ThisShouldFail |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Failed |
| All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture |
| class. However, in test case MixedUpTestCaseTest, |
| you defined test FirstTestFromNamespaceFoo and test ThisShouldFail |
| using two different test fixture classes. This can happen if |
| the two classes are from different namespaces or translation |
| units and have the same name. You should probably rename one |
| of the classes to put the tests into different test cases. |
| [ FAILED ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.ThisShouldFail |
| [ RUN ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.ThisShouldFailToo |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Failed |
| All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture |
| class. However, in test case MixedUpTestCaseTest, |
| you defined test FirstTestFromNamespaceFoo and test ThisShouldFailToo |
| using two different test fixture classes. This can happen if |
| the two classes are from different namespaces or translation |
| units and have the same name. You should probably rename one |
| of the classes to put the tests into different test cases. |
| [ FAILED ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.ThisShouldFailToo |
| [----------] 2 tests from MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest |
| [ RUN ] MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest.TheSecondTestWithThisNameShouldFail |
| [ OK ] MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest.TheSecondTestWithThisNameShouldFail |
| [ RUN ] MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest.TheSecondTestWithThisNameShouldFail |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Failed |
| All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture |
| class. However, in test case MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest, |
| you defined test TheSecondTestWithThisNameShouldFail and test TheSecondTestWithThisNameShouldFail |
| using two different test fixture classes. This can happen if |
| the two classes are from different namespaces or translation |
| units and have the same name. You should probably rename one |
| of the classes to put the tests into different test cases. |
| [ FAILED ] MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest.TheSecondTestWithThisNameShouldFail |
| [----------] 2 tests from TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case |
| [ RUN ] TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTEST_F |
| [ OK ] TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTEST_F |
| [ RUN ] TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTESTAndShouldFail |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Failed |
| All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture |
| class, so mixing TEST_F and TEST in the same test case is |
| illegal. In test case TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case, |
| test DefinedUsingTEST_F is defined using TEST_F but |
| test DefinedUsingTESTAndShouldFail is defined using TEST. You probably |
| want to change the TEST to TEST_F or move it to another test |
| case. |
| [ FAILED ] TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTESTAndShouldFail |
| [----------] 2 tests from TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case |
| [ RUN ] TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTEST |
| [ OK ] TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTEST |
| [ RUN ] TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTEST_FAndShouldFail |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Failed |
| All tests in the same test case must use the same test fixture |
| class, so mixing TEST_F and TEST in the same test case is |
| illegal. In test case TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case, |
| test DefinedUsingTEST_FAndShouldFail is defined using TEST_F but |
| test DefinedUsingTEST is defined using TEST. You probably |
| want to change the TEST to TEST_F or move it to another test |
| case. |
| [ FAILED ] TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTEST_FAndShouldFail |
| [----------] 7 tests from ExpectNonfatalFailureTest |
| [ RUN ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.CanReferenceGlobalVariables |
| [ OK ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.CanReferenceGlobalVariables |
| [ RUN ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.CanReferenceLocalVariables |
| [ OK ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.CanReferenceLocalVariables |
| [ RUN ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.SucceedsWhenThereIsOneNonfatalFailure |
| [ OK ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.SucceedsWhenThereIsOneNonfatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsNoNonfatalFailure |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: 0 failures |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsNoNonfatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereAreTwoNonfatalFailures |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: 2 failures |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Non-fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure 1. |
| |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Non-fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure 2. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereAreTwoNonfatalFailures |
| [ RUN ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsOneFatalFailure |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsOneFatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenStatementReturns |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: 0 failures |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenStatementReturns |
| [----------] 7 tests from ExpectFatalFailureTest |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.CanReferenceGlobalVariables |
| [ OK ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.CanReferenceGlobalVariables |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.CanReferenceLocalStaticVariables |
| [ OK ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.CanReferenceLocalStaticVariables |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.SucceedsWhenThereIsOneFatalFailure |
| [ OK ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.SucceedsWhenThereIsOneFatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsNoFatalFailure |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: 0 failures |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsNoFatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereAreTwoFatalFailures |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: 2 failures |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereAreTwoFatalFailures |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsOneNonfatalFailure |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Non-fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsOneNonfatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenStatementReturns |
| (expecting a failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: 0 failures |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenStatementReturns |
| [----------] 2 tests from TypedTest/0, where TypeParam = int |
| [ RUN ] TypedTest/0.Success |
| [ OK ] TypedTest/0.Success |
| [ RUN ] TypedTest/0.Failure |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: TypeParam() |
| Actual: 0 |
| Expected: 1 |
| Expected failure |
| [ FAILED ] TypedTest/0.Failure |
| [----------] 2 tests from Unsigned/TypedTestP/0, where TypeParam = unsigned char |
| [ RUN ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/0.Success |
| [ OK ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/0.Success |
| [ RUN ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/0.Failure |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: TypeParam() |
| Actual: \0 |
| Expected: 1 |
| Expected failure |
| [ FAILED ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/0.Failure |
| [----------] 2 tests from Unsigned/TypedTestP/1, where TypeParam = unsigned int |
| [ RUN ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/1.Success |
| [ OK ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/1.Success |
| [ RUN ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/1.Failure |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: TypeParam() |
| Actual: 0 |
| Expected: 1 |
| Expected failure |
| [ FAILED ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/1.Failure |
| [----------] 4 tests from ExpectFailureTest |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectFatalFailure |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Success: |
| Succeeded |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Non-fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure. |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure containing "Some other fatal failure expected." |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectFatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectNonFatalFailure |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Success: |
| Succeeded |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure containing "Some other non-fatal failure." |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Non-fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectNonFatalFailure |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectFatalFailureOnAllThreads |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Success: |
| Succeeded |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Non-fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure. |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 fatal failure containing "Some other fatal failure expected." |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectFatalFailureOnAllThreads |
| [ RUN ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectNonFatalFailureOnAllThreads |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Success: |
| Succeeded |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| |
| (expecting 1 failure) |
| gtest.cc:#: error: Expected: 1 non-fatal failure containing "Some other non-fatal failure." |
| Actual: |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: Non-fatal failure: |
| Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure. |
| |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectNonFatalFailureOnAllThreads |
| [----------] Global test environment tear-down |
| BarEnvironment::TearDown() called. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected non-fatal failure. |
| FooEnvironment::TearDown() called. |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Failed |
| Expected fatal failure. |
| [==========] 57 tests from 26 test cases ran. |
| [ PASSED ] 21 tests. |
| [ FAILED ] 36 tests, listed below: |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInSubroutine |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInNestedSubroutine |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.NonfatalFailureInSubroutine |
| [ FAILED ] LoggingTest.InterleavingLoggingAndAssertions |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.ObeysScopes |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.WorksInLoop |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.WorksInSubroutine |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.CanBeNested |
| [ FAILED ] SCOPED_TRACETest.CanBeRepeated |
| [ FAILED ] NonFatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest.FailureInConstructor |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureInFixtureConstructorTest.FailureInConstructor |
| [ FAILED ] NonFatalFailureInSetUpTest.FailureInSetUp |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureInSetUpTest.FailureInSetUp |
| [ FAILED ] ExceptionInFixtureCtorTest.ExceptionInFixtureCtor |
| [ FAILED ] ExceptionInSetUpTest.ExceptionInSetUp |
| [ FAILED ] ExceptionInTestFunctionTest.SEH |
| [ FAILED ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.ThisShouldFail |
| [ FAILED ] MixedUpTestCaseTest.ThisShouldFailToo |
| [ FAILED ] MixedUpTestCaseWithSameTestNameTest.TheSecondTestWithThisNameShouldFail |
| [ FAILED ] TEST_F_before_TEST_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTESTAndShouldFail |
| [ FAILED ] TEST_before_TEST_F_in_same_test_case.DefinedUsingTEST_FAndShouldFail |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsNoNonfatalFailure |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereAreTwoNonfatalFailures |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsOneFatalFailure |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectNonfatalFailureTest.FailsWhenStatementReturns |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsNoFatalFailure |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereAreTwoFatalFailures |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenThereIsOneNonfatalFailure |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFatalFailureTest.FailsWhenStatementReturns |
| [ FAILED ] TypedTest/0.Failure, where TypeParam = int |
| [ FAILED ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/0.Failure, where TypeParam = unsigned char |
| [ FAILED ] Unsigned/TypedTestP/1.Failure, where TypeParam = unsigned int |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectFatalFailure |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectNonFatalFailure |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectFatalFailureOnAllThreads |
| [ FAILED ] ExpectFailureTest.ExpectNonFatalFailureOnAllThreads |
| |
| |
| Note: Google Test filter = FatalFailureTest.*:LoggingTest.* |
| [==========] Running 4 tests from 2 test cases. |
| [----------] Global test environment set-up. |
| [----------] 3 tests from FatalFailureTest |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInSubroutine |
| (expecting a failure that x should be 1) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: x |
| Actual: 2 |
| Expected: 1 |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInSubroutine (? ms) |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInNestedSubroutine |
| (expecting a failure that x should be 1) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: x |
| Actual: 2 |
| Expected: 1 |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInNestedSubroutine (? ms) |
| [ RUN ] FatalFailureTest.NonfatalFailureInSubroutine |
| (expecting a failure on false) |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Value of: false |
| Actual: false |
| Expected: true |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.NonfatalFailureInSubroutine (? ms) |
| [----------] 3 tests from FatalFailureTest (? ms total) |
| |
| [----------] 1 test from LoggingTest |
| [ RUN ] LoggingTest.InterleavingLoggingAndAssertions |
| (expecting 2 failures on (3) >= (a[i])) |
| i == 0 |
| i == 1 |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Expected: (3) >= (a[i]), actual: 3 vs 9 |
| i == 2 |
| i == 3 |
| gtest_output_test_.cc:#: error: Expected: (3) >= (a[i]), actual: 3 vs 6 |
| [ FAILED ] LoggingTest.InterleavingLoggingAndAssertions (? ms) |
| [----------] 1 test from LoggingTest (? ms total) |
| |
| [----------] Global test environment tear-down |
| [==========] 4 tests from 2 test cases ran. (? ms total) |
| [ PASSED ] 0 tests. |
| [ FAILED ] 4 tests, listed below: |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInSubroutine |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.FatalFailureInNestedSubroutine |
| [ FAILED ] FatalFailureTest.NonfatalFailureInSubroutine |
| [ FAILED ] LoggingTest.InterleavingLoggingAndAssertions |
| |
| |
| Note: Google Test filter = *DISABLED_* |
| [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case. |
| [----------] Global test environment set-up. |
| [----------] 1 test from DisabledTestsWarningTest |
| [ RUN ] DisabledTestsWarningTest.DISABLED_AlsoRunDisabledTestsFlagSuppressesWarning |
| [ OK ] DisabledTestsWarningTest.DISABLED_AlsoRunDisabledTestsFlagSuppressesWarning |
| [----------] Global test environment tear-down |
| [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. |
| [ PASSED ] 1 test. |
| Note: Google Test filter = PassingTest.* |
| Note: This is test shard 1 of 2. |
| [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case. |
| [----------] Global test environment set-up. |
| [----------] 1 test from PassingTest |
| [ RUN ] PassingTest.PassingTest2 |
| [ OK ] PassingTest.PassingTest2 |
| [----------] Global test environment tear-down |
| [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. |
| [ PASSED ] 1 test. |
| |
| |