blob: 181c83a33b877e2da693c741f49f549f302f57f3 [file] [log] [blame]
save/restore problem of owner match
- userspace
u32 match
- can wait
XDMCP conntrack/nat
- can wait
nf_debug stuff
- can wait
- can wait
UDP stream timeout (180s) doens't apply for first reply packet
- fix by Martin Josefsson, needs review/testing
SLOG target
- no further work expected
- needs to be integrated with recent nfnetlink/ctnetlink
loop detection / nf_hipac (mail from dec 15
- need time
reject --with-admin-prohibited
- most compatible version needs to be used
IPv6 REJECT target fix
- important, it's a pity that it's still broken
bi-directional ftp state tracking
- do we want this?
final ACK of a SYN - SYN/ACK - ACK tcp handshake establishes ASSURED
- patch is on list, needs testing + comments from kadlec
expectations allegedly don't work on sparc64
- see <>
- is this in bugzilla yet?
new bytelimit match
- unify it with 'limit' for 2.5.x
new hash (abcdx/...) for conntrack
- put patch in p-o-m, do testing, submit to kernel
PPTP reverse key lookup <>
- ?
boolean MARK operations
- patch by Anders Fugmann, needs 64bit testing