| U32 tests whether quantities of up to 4 bytes extracted from a packet have |
| specified values. The specification of what to extract is general enough to |
| find data at given offsets from tcp headers or payloads. |
| .TP |
| [\fB!\fP] \fB\-\-u32\fP \fItests\fP |
| The argument amounts to a program in a small language described below. |
| .IP |
| tests := location "=" value | tests "&&" location "=" value |
| .IP |
| value := range | value "," range |
| .IP |
| range := number | number ":" number |
| .PP |
| a single number, \fIn\fR, is interpreted the same as \fIn:n\fR. \fIn:m\fR is |
| interpreted as the range of numbers \fB>=n\fR and \fB<=m\fR. |
| .IP "" 4 |
| location := number | location operator number |
| .IP "" 4 |
| operator := "&" | "<<" | ">>" | "@" |
| .PP |
| The operators \fB&\fR, \fB<<\fR, \fB>>\fR and \fB&&\fR mean the same as in C. |
| The \fB=\fR is really a set membership operator and the value syntax describes |
| a set. The \fB@\fR operator is what allows moving to the next header and is |
| described further below. |
| .PP |
| There are currently some artificial implementation limits on the size of the |
| tests: |
| .IP " *" |
| no more than 10 of "\fB=\fR" (and 9 "\fB&&\fR"s) in the u32 argument |
| .IP " *" |
| no more than 10 ranges (and 9 commas) per value |
| .IP " *" |
| no more than 10 numbers (and 9 operators) per location |
| .PP |
| To describe the meaning of location, imagine the following machine that |
| interprets it. There are three registers: |
| .IP |
| A is of type \fBchar *\fR, initially the address of the IP header |
| .IP |
| B and C are unsigned 32 bit integers, initially zero |
| .PP |
| The instructions are: |
| .IP |
| number B = number; |
| .IP |
| C = (*(A+B)<<24) + (*(A+B+1)<<16) + (*(A+B+2)<<8) + *(A+B+3) |
| .IP |
| &number C = C & number |
| .IP |
| << number C = C << number |
| .IP |
| >> number C = C >> number |
| .IP |
| @number A = A + C; then do the instruction number |
| .PP |
| Any access of memory outside [skb\->data,skb\->end] causes the match to fail. |
| Otherwise the result of the computation is the final value of C. |
| .PP |
| Whitespace is allowed but not required in the tests. However, the characters |
| that do occur there are likely to require shell quoting, so it is a good idea |
| to enclose the arguments in quotes. |
| .PP |
| Example: |
| .IP |
| match IP packets with total length >= 256 |
| .IP |
| The IP header contains a total length field in bytes 2-3. |
| .IP |
| \-\-u32 "\fB0 & 0xFFFF = 0x100:0xFFFF\fP" |
| .IP |
| read bytes 0-3 |
| .IP |
| AND that with 0xFFFF (giving bytes 2-3), and test whether that is in the range |
| [0x100:0xFFFF] |
| .PP |
| Example: (more realistic, hence more complicated) |
| .IP |
| match ICMP packets with icmp type 0 |
| .IP |
| First test that it is an ICMP packet, true iff byte 9 (protocol) = 1 |
| .IP |
| \-\-u32 "\fB6 & 0xFF = 1 &&\fP ... |
| .IP |
| read bytes 6-9, use \fB&\fR to throw away bytes 6-8 and compare the result to |
| 1. Next test that it is not a fragment. (If so, it might be part of such a |
| packet but we cannot always tell.) N.B.: This test is generally needed if you |
| want to match anything beyond the IP header. The last 6 bits of byte 6 and all |
| of byte 7 are 0 iff this is a complete packet (not a fragment). Alternatively, |
| you can allow first fragments by only testing the last 5 bits of byte 6. |
| .IP |
| ... \fB4 & 0x3FFF = 0 &&\fR ... |
| .IP |
| Last test: the first byte past the IP header (the type) is 0. This is where we |
| have to use the @syntax. The length of the IP header (IHL) in 32 bit words is |
| stored in the right half of byte 0 of the IP header itself. |
| .IP |
| ... \fB0 >> 22 & 0x3C @ 0 >> 24 = 0\fR" |
| .IP |
| The first 0 means read bytes 0-3, \fB>>22\fR means shift that 22 bits to the |
| right. Shifting 24 bits would give the first byte, so only 22 bits is four |
| times that plus a few more bits. \fB&3C\fR then eliminates the two extra bits |
| on the right and the first four bits of the first byte. For instance, if IHL=5, |
| then the IP header is 20 (4 x 5) bytes long. In this case, bytes 0-1 are (in |
| binary) xxxx0101 yyzzzzzz, \fB>>22\fR gives the 10 bit value xxxx0101yy and |
| \fB&3C\fR gives 010100. \fB@\fR means to use this number as a new offset into |
| the packet, and read four bytes starting from there. This is the first 4 bytes |
| of the ICMP payload, of which byte 0 is the ICMP type. Therefore, we simply |
| shift the value 24 to the right to throw out all but the first byte and compare |
| the result with 0. |
| .PP |
| Example: |
| .IP |
| TCP payload bytes 8-12 is any of 1, 2, 5 or 8 |
| .IP |
| First we test that the packet is a tcp packet (similar to ICMP). |
| .IP |
| \-\-u32 "\fB6 & 0xFF = 6 &&\fP ... |
| .IP |
| Next, test that it is not a fragment (same as above). |
| .IP |
| ... \fB0 >> 22 & 0x3C @ 12 >> 26 & 0x3C @ 8 = 1,2,5,8\fR" |
| .IP |
| \fB0>>22&3C\fR as above computes the number of bytes in the IP header. \fB@\fR |
| makes this the new offset into the packet, which is the start of the TCP |
| header. The length of the TCP header (again in 32 bit words) is the left half |
| of byte 12 of the TCP header. The \fB12>>26&3C\fR computes this length in bytes |
| (similar to the IP header before). "@" makes this the new offset, which is the |
| start of the TCP payload. Finally, 8 reads bytes 8-12 of the payload and |
| \fB=\fR checks whether the result is any of 1, 2, 5 or 8. |