| import javassist.tools.reflect.Loader;
| The "verbose metaobject" example (JDK 1.2 or later only).
| Since this program registers class Person as a reflective class
| (in a more realistic demonstration, what classes are reflective
| would be specified by some configuration file), the class loader
| modifies Person.class when loading into the JVM so that the class
| Person is changed into a reflective class and a Person object is
| controlled by a VerboseMetaobj.
| % java javassist.tools.reflect.Loader sample.reflect.Main Joe
| Compare this result with that of the regular execution without reflection:
| % java sample.reflect.Person Joe
| public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
| Loader cl = (Loader)Main.class.getClassLoader();
| cl.makeReflective("sample.reflect.Person",
| "sample.reflect.VerboseMetaobj",
| "javassist.tools.reflect.ClassMetaobject");
| cl.run("sample.reflect.Person", args);