blob: d57b4d3bd905d48177083740c7a9537e02e166f9 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.junit.experimental.categories;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
import org.junit.runners.model.RunnerBuilder;
* From a given set of test classes, runs only the classes and methods that are
* annotated with either the category given with the @IncludeCategory
* annotation, or a subtype of that category.
* Note that, for now, annotating suites with {@code @Category} has no effect.
* Categories must be annotated on the direct method or class.
* Example:
* <pre>
* public interface FastTests {
* }
* public interface SlowTests {
* }
* public static class A {
* &#064;Test
* public void a() {
* fail();
* }
* &#064;Category(SlowTests.class)
* &#064;Test
* public void b() {
* }
* }
* &#064;Category( { SlowTests.class, FastTests.class })
* public static class B {
* &#064;Test
* public void c() {
* }
* }
* &#064;RunWith(Categories.class)
* &#064;IncludeCategory(SlowTests.class)
* &#064;SuiteClasses( { A.class, B.class })
* // Note that Categories is a kind of Suite
* public static class SlowTestSuite {
* }
* </pre>
public class Categories extends Suite {
// the way filters are implemented makes this unnecessarily complicated,
// buggy, and difficult to specify. A new way of handling filters could
// someday enable a better new implementation.
public @interface IncludeCategory {
public Class<?> value();
public @interface ExcludeCategory {
public Class<?> value();
public static class CategoryFilter extends Filter {
public static CategoryFilter include(Class<?> categoryType) {
return new CategoryFilter(categoryType, null);
private final Class<?> fIncluded;
private final Class<?> fExcluded;
public CategoryFilter(Class<?> includedCategory,
Class<?> excludedCategory) {
fIncluded= includedCategory;
fExcluded= excludedCategory;
public String describe() {
return "category " + fIncluded;
public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
if (hasCorrectCategoryAnnotation(description))
return true;
for (Description each : description.getChildren())
if (shouldRun(each))
return true;
return false;
private boolean hasCorrectCategoryAnnotation(Description description) {
List<Class<?>> categories= categories(description);
if (categories.isEmpty())
return fIncluded == null;
for (Class<?> each : categories)
if (fExcluded != null && fExcluded.isAssignableFrom(each))
return false;
for (Class<?> each : categories)
if (fIncluded == null || fIncluded.isAssignableFrom(each))
return true;
return false;
private List<Class<?>> categories(Description description) {
ArrayList<Class<?>> categories= new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
return categories;
private Description parentDescription(Description description) {
Class<?> testClass= description.getTestClass();
if (testClass == null)
return null;
return Description.createSuiteDescription(testClass);
private Class<?>[] directCategories(Description description) {
if (description == null)
return new Class<?>[0];
Category annotation= description.getAnnotation(Category.class);
if (annotation == null)
return new Class<?>[0];
return annotation.value();
public Categories(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder)
throws InitializationError {
super(klass, builder);
try {
filter(new CategoryFilter(getIncludedCategory(klass),
} catch (NoTestsRemainException e) {
throw new InitializationError(e);
private Class<?> getIncludedCategory(Class<?> klass) {
IncludeCategory annotation= klass.getAnnotation(IncludeCategory.class);
return annotation == null ? null : annotation.value();
private Class<?> getExcludedCategory(Class<?> klass) {
ExcludeCategory annotation= klass.getAnnotation(ExcludeCategory.class);
return annotation == null ? null : annotation.value();
private void assertNoCategorizedDescendentsOfUncategorizeableParents(Description description) throws InitializationError {
if (!canHaveCategorizedChildren(description))
for (Description each : description.getChildren())
private void assertNoDescendantsHaveCategoryAnnotations(Description description) throws InitializationError {
for (Description each : description.getChildren()) {
if (each.getAnnotation(Category.class) != null)
throw new InitializationError("Category annotations on Parameterized classes are not supported on individual methods.");
// If children have names like [0], our current magical category code can't determine their
// parentage.
private static boolean canHaveCategorizedChildren(Description description) {
for (Description each : description.getChildren())
if (each.getTestClass() == null)
return false;
return true;