blob: 303a4744cfaae3fbaaeffee4b1f90778cfea5259 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* A formatter which formats phone numbers as they are entered.
* An AsYouTypeFormatter could be created by invoking the getAsYouTypeFormatter method of the
* PhoneNumberUtil. After that digits could be added by invoking the inputDigit method on the
* formatter instance, and the partially formatted phone number will be returned each time a digit
* is added. The clear method could be invoked before a new number needs to be formatted.
* See testAsYouTypeFormatterUS(), testAsYouTestFormatterGB() and testAsYouTypeFormatterDE() in
* for more details on how the formatter is to be used.
* @author Shaopeng Jia
public class AsYouTypeFormatter {
private StringBuffer currentOutput;
private String formattingTemplate;
private StringBuffer accruedInput;
private StringBuffer accruedInputWithoutFormatting;
private boolean ableToFormat = true;
private boolean isInternationalFormatting = false;
private final PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
private String defaultCountry;
private Phonemetadata.PhoneMetadata defaultMetaData;
private PhoneMetadata currentMetaData;
// A pattern that is used to match character classes in regular expressions. An example of a
// character class is [1-4].
private final Pattern CHARACTER_CLASS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[([^\\[\\]])*\\]");
// Any digit in a regular expression that actually denotes a digit. For example, in the regular
// expression 80[0-2]\d{6,10}, the first 2 digits (8 and 0) are standalone digits, but the rest
// are not.
// Two look-aheads are needed because the number following \\d could be a two-digit number, since
// the phone number can be as long as 15 digits.
private static final Pattern STANDALONE_DIGIT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d(?=[^,}][^,}])");
// The digits that have not been entered yet will be represented by a \u2008, the punctuation
// space.
private String digitPlaceholder = "\u2008";
private Pattern digitPattern = Pattern.compile(digitPlaceholder);
private int lastMatchPosition = 0;
// The position of a digit upon which inputDigitAndRememberPosition is most recently invoked, as
// found in the current output.
private int positionRemembered = 0;
// The position of a digit upon which inputDigitAndRememberPosition is most recently invoked, as
// found in the original sequence of characters the user entered.
private int originalPosition = 0;
private Pattern nationalPrefixForParsing;
private Pattern internationalPrefix;
private StringBuffer prefixBeforeNationalNumber;
private StringBuffer nationalNumber;
* Constructs a light-weight formatter which does no formatting, but outputs exactly what is
* fed into the inputDigit method.
* @param regionCode the country/region where the phone number is being entered
AsYouTypeFormatter(String regionCode) {
accruedInput = new StringBuffer();
accruedInputWithoutFormatting = new StringBuffer();
currentOutput = new StringBuffer();
prefixBeforeNationalNumber = new StringBuffer();
nationalNumber = new StringBuffer();
defaultCountry = regionCode;
defaultMetaData = currentMetaData;
private void initializeCountrySpecificInfo(String regionCode) {
currentMetaData = phoneUtil.getMetadataForRegion(regionCode);
nationalPrefixForParsing =
internationalPrefix =
Pattern.compile("\\+|" + currentMetaData.getInternationalPrefix());
private void chooseFormatAndCreateTemplate(String leadingFourDigitsOfNationalNumber) {
List<NumberFormat> formatList = getAvailableFormats(leadingFourDigitsOfNationalNumber);
if (formatList.size() < 1) {
ableToFormat = false;
} else {
// When there are multiple available formats, the formatter uses the first format.
NumberFormat format = formatList.get(0);
if (!createFormattingTemplate(format)) {
ableToFormat = false;
} else {
currentOutput = new StringBuffer(formattingTemplate);
private List<NumberFormat> getAvailableFormats(String leadingFourDigits) {
List<NumberFormat> matchedList = new ArrayList<NumberFormat>();
List<NumberFormat> formatList =
(isInternationalFormatting && currentMetaData.getIntlNumberFormatCount() > 0)
? currentMetaData.getIntlNumberFormatList()
: currentMetaData.getNumberFormatList();
for (NumberFormat format : formatList) {
if (format.hasLeadingDigits()) {
Pattern leadingDigitsPattern = Pattern.compile(format.getLeadingDigits());
Matcher m = leadingDigitsPattern.matcher(leadingFourDigits);
if (m.lookingAt()) {
} else {
return matchedList;
private boolean createFormattingTemplate(NumberFormat format) {
String numberFormat = format.getFormat();
String numberPattern = format.getPattern();
// The formatter doesn't format numbers when numberPattern contains "|", e.g.
// (20|3)\d{4}. In those cases we quickly return.
if (numberPattern.indexOf('|') != -1) {
return false;
// Replace anything in the form of [..] with \d
numberPattern = CHARACTER_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(numberPattern).replaceAll("\\\\d");
// Replace any standalone digit (not the one in d{}) with \d
numberPattern = STANDALONE_DIGIT_PATTERN.matcher(numberPattern).replaceAll("\\\\d");
formattingTemplate = getFormattingTemplate(numberPattern, numberFormat);
return true;
// Gets a formatting template which could be used to efficiently format a partial number where
// digits are added one by one.
private String getFormattingTemplate(String numberPattern, String numberFormat) {
// Creates a phone number consisting only of the digit 9 that matches the
// numberPattern by applying the pattern to the longestPhoneNumber string.
String longestPhoneNumber = "999999999999999";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(numberPattern).matcher(longestPhoneNumber);
m.find(); // this will always succeed
String aPhoneNumber =;
// Formats the number according to numberFormat
String template = aPhoneNumber.replaceAll(numberPattern, numberFormat);
// Replaces each digit with character digitPlaceholder
template = template.replaceAll("9", digitPlaceholder);
return template;
* Clears the internal state of the formatter, so it could be reused.
public void clear() {
lastMatchPosition = 0;
ableToFormat = true;
positionRemembered = 0;
originalPosition = 0;
isInternationalFormatting = false;
if (!currentMetaData.equals(defaultMetaData)) {
public String inputDigit(char nextChar) {
return inputDigitWithOptionToRememberPosition(nextChar, false);
* Same as inputDigit, but remembers the position where nextChar is inserted, so that it could be
* retrieved later by using getRememberedPosition(). The remembered position will be automatically
* adjusted if additional formatting characters are later inserted/removed in front of nextChar.
public String inputDigitAndRememberPosition(char nextChar) {
return inputDigitWithOptionToRememberPosition(nextChar, true);
private String inputDigitWithOptionToRememberPosition(char nextChar, boolean rememberPosition) {
if (rememberPosition) {
positionRemembered = accruedInput.length();
originalPosition = positionRemembered;
// We do formatting on-the-fly only when each character entered is either a plus sign or a
// digit.
if (!PhoneNumberUtil.VALID_START_CHAR_PATTERN.matcher(Character.toString(nextChar)).matches()) {
ableToFormat = false;
if (!ableToFormat) {
return accruedInput.toString();
nextChar = normalizeAndAccrueDigitsAndPlusSign(nextChar);
// We start to attempt to format only when at least 6 digits (the plus sign is counted as a
// digit as well for this purpose) have been entered.
switch (accruedInputWithoutFormatting.length()) {
case 0: // this is the case where the first few inputs are neither digits nor the plus sign.
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
return accruedInput.toString();
case 6:
if (!extractIddAndValidCountryCode()) {
ableToFormat = false;
return accruedInput.toString();
return attemptToChooseFormattingPattern(rememberPosition);
if (nationalNumber.length() > 4) { // The formatting pattern is already chosen.
String temp = inputDigitHelper(nextChar, rememberPosition);
return ableToFormat
? prefixBeforeNationalNumber + temp
: temp;
} else {
return attemptToChooseFormattingPattern(rememberPosition);
private void resetPositionOnFailureToFormat() {
if (positionRemembered > 0) {
positionRemembered = originalPosition;
* Returns the current position in the partially formatted phone number of the character which was
* previously passed in as the parameter of inputDigitAndRememberPosition().
public int getRememberedPosition() {
return positionRemembered;
// Attempts to set the formatting template and returns a string which contains the formatted
// version of the digits entered so far.
private String attemptToChooseFormattingPattern(boolean rememberPosition) {
// We start to attempt to format only when as least 4 digits of national number (excluding
// national prefix) have been entered.
if (nationalNumber.length() >= 4) {
chooseFormatAndCreateTemplate(nationalNumber.substring(0, 4));
return inputAccruedNationalNumber(rememberPosition);
} else {
if (rememberPosition) {
positionRemembered = prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length() + nationalNumber.length();
return prefixBeforeNationalNumber + nationalNumber.toString();
// Invokes inputDigitHelper on each digit of the national number accrued, and returns a formatted
// string in the end.
private String inputAccruedNationalNumber(boolean rememberPosition) {
int lengthOfNationalNumber = nationalNumber.length();
if (lengthOfNationalNumber > 0) {
// The positionRemembered should be only adjusted once in the loop that follows.
boolean positionAlreadyAdjusted = false;
String tempNationalNumber = "";
for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfNationalNumber; i++) {
tempNationalNumber = inputDigitHelper(nationalNumber.charAt(i), rememberPosition);
if (!positionAlreadyAdjusted &&
positionRemembered - prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length() == i + 1) {
positionRemembered = prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length() + tempNationalNumber.length();
positionAlreadyAdjusted = true;
return ableToFormat
? prefixBeforeNationalNumber + tempNationalNumber
: tempNationalNumber;
} else {
if (rememberPosition) {
positionRemembered = prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length();
return prefixBeforeNationalNumber.toString();
private void removeNationalPrefixFromNationalNumber() {
int startOfNationalNumber = 0;
if (currentMetaData.getCountryCode() == 1 && nationalNumber.charAt(0) == '1') {
startOfNationalNumber = 1;
prefixBeforeNationalNumber.append("1 ");
// Since a space is inserted after the national prefix in this case, we increase the
// remembered position by 1 for anything that is after the national prefix.
if (positionRemembered > prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length() - 1) {
} else if (currentMetaData.hasNationalPrefix()) {
Matcher m = nationalPrefixForParsing.matcher(nationalNumber);
if (m.lookingAt()) {
startOfNationalNumber = m.end();
prefixBeforeNationalNumber.append(nationalNumber.substring(0, startOfNationalNumber));
nationalNumber.delete(0, startOfNationalNumber);
* Extracts IDD, plus sign and country code to prefixBeforeNationalNumber when they are available,
* and places the remaining input into nationalNumber.
* @return false when accruedInputWithoutFormatting begins with the plus sign or valid IDD for
* defaultCountry, but the sequence of digits after that does not form a valid country code.
* It returns true for all other cases.
private boolean extractIddAndValidCountryCode() {
Matcher iddMatcher = internationalPrefix.matcher(accruedInputWithoutFormatting);
if (iddMatcher.lookingAt()) {
isInternationalFormatting = true;
int startOfCountryCode = iddMatcher.end();
StringBuffer numberIncludeCountryCode =
new StringBuffer(accruedInputWithoutFormatting.substring(startOfCountryCode));
int countryCode = phoneUtil.extractCountryCode(numberIncludeCountryCode, nationalNumber);
if (countryCode == 0) {
return false;
} else {
String newRegionCode = phoneUtil.getRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCode);
if (!newRegionCode.equals(defaultCountry)) {
accruedInputWithoutFormatting.substring(0, startOfCountryCode));
if (accruedInputWithoutFormatting.charAt(0) != PhoneNumberUtil.PLUS_SIGN ) {
if (positionRemembered > prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length()) {
// Since a space will be inserted in front of the country code in this case, we increase
// the remembered position by 1.
prefixBeforeNationalNumber.append(" ");
String countryCodeString = Integer.toString(countryCode);
if (positionRemembered > prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length() + countryCodeString.length()) {
// Since a space will be inserted after the country code in this case, we increase the
// remembered position by 1.
prefixBeforeNationalNumber.append(countryCodeString).append(" ");
} else {
return true;
// Accrues digits and the plus sign to accruedInputWithoutFormatting for later use. If nextChar
// contains a digit in non-ASCII format (e.g. the full-width version of digits), it is first
// normalized to the ASCII version. The return value is nextChar itself, or its normalized
// version, if nextChar is a digit in non-ASCII format.
private char normalizeAndAccrueDigitsAndPlusSign(char nextChar) {
if (nextChar == PhoneNumberUtil.PLUS_SIGN) {
if (PhoneNumberUtil.DIGIT_MAPPINGS.containsKey(nextChar)) {
nextChar = PhoneNumberUtil.DIGIT_MAPPINGS.get(nextChar);
return nextChar;
private String inputDigitHelper(char nextChar, boolean rememberPosition) {
if (!PhoneNumberUtil.DIGIT_MAPPINGS.containsKey(nextChar)) {
return currentOutput.toString();
Matcher digitMatcher = digitPattern.matcher(currentOutput);
if (digitMatcher.find(lastMatchPosition)) {
currentOutput = new StringBuffer(digitMatcher.replaceFirst(Character.toString(nextChar)));
lastMatchPosition = digitMatcher.start();
if (rememberPosition) {
positionRemembered = prefixBeforeNationalNumber.length() + lastMatchPosition + 1;
return currentOutput.substring(0, lastMatchPosition + 1);
} else { // More digits are entered than we could handle.
ableToFormat = false;
return accruedInput.toString();