blob: 6ea90b3862bdeab6b393f1831881ecf839a6db91 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Abstracts the way area code data is stored into memory and serialized to a stream.
* @author Philippe Liard
// @VisibleForTesting
abstract class AreaCodeMapStorageStrategy {
protected final int countryCallingCode;
protected final boolean isLeadingZeroPossible;
protected int numOfEntries = 0;
protected final TreeSet<Integer> possibleLengths = new TreeSet<Integer>();
* Constructs a new area code map storage strategy from the provided country calling code and
* boolean parameter.
* @param countryCallingCode the country calling code of the number prefixes contained in the map
* @param isLeadingZeroPossible whether the phone number prefixes belong to a region which
* {@link PhoneNumberUtil#isLeadingZeroPossible isLeadingZeroPossible}
public AreaCodeMapStorageStrategy(int countryCallingCode, boolean isLeadingZeroPossible) {
this.countryCallingCode = countryCallingCode;
this.isLeadingZeroPossible = isLeadingZeroPossible;
* Returns whether the underlying implementation of this abstract class is flyweight.
* It is expected to be flyweight if it implements the {@code FlyweightMapStorage} class.
* @return whether the underlying implementation of this abstract class is flyweight
public abstract boolean isFlyweight();
* @return the number of entries contained in the area code map
public int getNumOfEntries() {
return numOfEntries;
* @return the set containing the possible lengths of prefixes
public TreeSet<Integer> getPossibleLengths() {
return possibleLengths;
* Gets the phone number prefix located at the provided {@code index}.
* @param index the index of the prefix that needs to be returned
* @return the phone number prefix at the provided index
public abstract int getPrefix(int index);
* Gets the description corresponding to the phone number prefix located at the provided {@code
* index}.
* @param index the index of the phone number prefix that needs to be returned
* @return the description corresponding to the phone number prefix at the provided index
public abstract String getDescription(int index);
* Sets the internal state of the underlying storage implementation from the provided {@code
* sortedAreaCodeMap} that maps phone number prefixes to description strings.
* @param sortedAreaCodeMap a sorted map that maps phone number prefixes including country
* calling code to description strings
public abstract void readFromSortedMap(SortedMap<Integer, String> sortedAreaCodeMap);
* Sets the internal state of the underlying storage implementation reading the provided {@code
* objectInput}.
* @param objectInput the object input stream from which the area code map is read
* @throws IOException if an error occurred reading the provided input stream
public abstract void readExternal(ObjectInput objectInput) throws IOException;
* Writes the internal state of the underlying storage implementation to the provided {@code
* objectOutput}.
* @param objectOutput the object output stream to which the area code map is written
* @throws IOException if an error occurred writing to the provided output stream
public abstract void writeExternal(ObjectOutput objectOutput) throws IOException;
* Utility class used to pass arguments by "reference".
protected static class Reference<T> {
private T data;
T get () {
return data;
void set (T data) { = data;
* Removes the country calling code from the provided {@code prefix} if the country can't have any
* leading zero; otherwise it is left as it is. Sets the provided {@code lengthOfPrefixRef}
* parameter to the length of the resulting prefix.
* @param prefix a phone number prefix containing a leading country calling code
* @param lengthOfPrefixRef a "reference" to an integer set to the length of the resulting
* prefix. This parameter is ignored when set to null.
* @return the resulting prefix which may have been stripped
protected int stripPrefix(int prefix, Reference<Integer> lengthOfPrefixRef) {
int lengthOfCountryCode = (int) Math.log10(countryCallingCode) + 1;
int lengthOfPrefix = (int) Math.log10(prefix) + 1;
if (!isLeadingZeroPossible) {
lengthOfPrefix -= lengthOfCountryCode;
prefix -= countryCallingCode * (int) Math.pow(10, lengthOfPrefix);
if (lengthOfPrefixRef != null) {
return prefix;
* Removes the country calling code from the provided {@code prefix} if the country can't have any
* leading zero; otherwise it is left as it is.
* @param prefix a phone number prefix containing a leading country calling code
* @return the resulting prefix which may have been stripped
protected int stripPrefix(int prefix) {
return stripPrefix(prefix, null);