Move mkv parser to libvpx project

bug - 3322129

Change-Id: If1261dba67bd16a4c0e0de56a01add9b3960e544
diff --git a/ b/
index 40209bd..6a72fec 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+    mkvparser/mkvparser.cpp \
     vpx/src/vpx_codec.c \
     vpx/src/vpx_decoder.c \
     vpx/src/vpx_image.c \
diff --git a/mkvparser/mkvparser.cpp b/mkvparser/mkvparser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ce5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkvparser/mkvparser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4516 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.


+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license

+// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source

+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found

+// in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may

+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.


+#include "mkvparser.hpp"

+#include <cassert>

+#include <cstring>

+#include <new>

+//#include <windows.h>

+//#include "odbgstream.hpp"

+//using std::endl;







+void mkvparser::GetVersion(int& major, int& minor, int& build, int& revision)


+    major = 1;

+    minor = 0;

+    build = 0;

+    revision = 4;




+long long mkvparser::ReadUInt(IMkvReader* pReader, long long pos, long& len)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(pos < available);

+    assert((available - pos) >= 1);  //assume here max u-int len is 8


+    unsigned char b;


+    hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b);

+    if (hr < 0)

+        return hr;


+    assert(hr == 0L);


+    if (b & 0x80)       //1000 0000

+    {

+        len = 1;

+        b &= 0x7F;      //0111 1111

+    }

+    else if (b & 0x40)  //0100 0000

+    {

+        len = 2;

+        b &= 0x3F;      //0011 1111

+    }

+    else if (b & 0x20)  //0010 0000

+    {

+        len = 3;

+        b &= 0x1F;      //0001 1111

+    }

+    else if (b & 0x10)  //0001 0000

+    {

+        len = 4;

+        b &= 0x0F;      //0000 1111

+    }

+    else if (b & 0x08)  //0000 1000

+    {

+        len = 5;

+        b &= 0x07;      //0000 0111

+    }

+    else if (b & 0x04)  //0000 0100

+    {

+        len = 6;

+        b &= 0x03;      //0000 0011

+    }

+    else if (b & 0x02)  //0000 0010

+    {

+        len = 7;

+        b &= 0x01;      //0000 0001

+    }

+    else

+    {

+        assert(b & 0x01);  //0000 0001

+        len = 8;

+        b = 0;             //0000 0000

+    }


+    assert((available - pos) >= len);


+    long long result = b;

+    ++pos;

+    for (long i = 1; i < len; ++i)

+    {

+        hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b);


+        if (hr < 0)

+            return hr;


+        assert(hr == 0L);


+        result <<= 8;

+        result |= b;


+        ++pos;

+    }


+    return result;




+long long mkvparser::GetUIntLength(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos,

+    long& len)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);


+    if (pos >= available)

+        return pos;  //too few bytes available


+    unsigned char b;


+    hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b);


+    if (hr < 0)

+        return hr;


+    assert(hr == 0L);


+    if (b == 0)  //we can't handle u-int values larger than 8 bytes

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    unsigned char m = 0x80;

+    len = 1;


+    while (!(b & m))

+    {

+        m >>= 1;

+        ++len;

+    }


+    return 0;  //success




+long long mkvparser::SyncReadUInt(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos,

+    long long stop,

+    long& len)


+    assert(pReader);


+    if (pos >= stop)

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    unsigned char b;


+    long hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b);


+    if (hr < 0)

+        return hr;


+    if (hr != 0L)

+        return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;


+    if (b == 0)  //we can't handle u-int values larger than 8 bytes

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    unsigned char m = 0x80;

+    len = 1;


+    while (!(b & m))

+    {

+        m >>= 1;

+        ++len;

+    }


+    if ((pos + len) > stop)

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    long long result = b & (~m);

+    ++pos;


+    for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i)

+    {

+        hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b);


+        if (hr < 0)

+            return hr;


+        if (hr != 0L)

+            return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;


+        result <<= 8;

+        result |= b;


+        ++pos;

+    }


+    return result;




+long long mkvparser::UnserializeUInt(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos,

+    long long size)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);

+    assert(size > 0);

+    assert(size <= 8);


+    long long result = 0;


+    for (long long i = 0; i < size; ++i)

+    {

+        unsigned char b;


+        const long hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b);


+        if (hr < 0)

+            return hr;

+        result <<= 8;

+        result |= b;


+        ++pos;

+    }


+    return result;




+float mkvparser::Unserialize4Float(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);

+    assert((pos + 4) <= available);


+    float result;


+    unsigned char* const p = (unsigned char*)&result;

+    unsigned char* q = p + 4;


+    for (;;)

+    {

+        hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, --q);

+        assert(hr == 0L);


+        if (q == p)

+            break;


+        ++pos;

+    }


+    return result;




+double mkvparser::Unserialize8Double(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    double result;


+    unsigned char* const p = (unsigned char*)&result;

+    unsigned char* q = p + 8;


+    for (;;)

+    {

+        const long hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, --q);

+        assert(hr == 0L);


+        if (q == p)

+            break;


+        ++pos;

+    }


+    return result;



+signed char mkvparser::Unserialize1SInt(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr == 0);

+    assert(available <= total);

+    assert(pos < available);


+    signed char result;


+    hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, (unsigned char*)&result);

+    assert(hr == 0);


+    return result;



+short mkvparser::Unserialize2SInt(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);

+    assert((pos + 2) <= available);


+    short result;


+    unsigned char* const p = (unsigned char*)&result;

+    unsigned char* q = p + 2;


+    for (;;)

+    {

+        hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, --q);

+        assert(hr == 0L);


+        if (q == p)

+            break;


+        ++pos;

+    }


+    return result;




+bool mkvparser::Match(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long& pos,

+    unsigned long id_,

+    long long& val)



+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);


+    long len;


+    const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(id >= 0);

+    assert(len > 0);

+    assert(len <= 8);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    if ((unsigned long)id != id_)

+        return false;


+    pos += len;  //consume id


+    const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(size >= 0);

+    assert(size <= 8);

+    assert(len > 0);

+    assert(len <= 8);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    pos += len;  //consume length of size of payload


+    val = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size);

+    assert(val >= 0);


+    pos += size;  //consume size of payload


+    return true;



+bool mkvparser::Match(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long& pos,

+    unsigned long id_,

+    char*& val)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);


+    long len;


+    const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(id >= 0);

+    assert(len > 0);

+    assert(len <= 8);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    if ((unsigned long)id != id_)

+        return false;


+    pos += len;  //consume id


+    const long long size_ = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(size_ >= 0);

+    assert(len > 0);

+    assert(len <= 8);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    pos += len;  //consume length of size of payload

+    assert((pos + size_) <= available);


+    const size_t size = static_cast<size_t>(size_);

+    val = new char[size+1];


+    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)

+    {

+        char c;


+        hr = pReader->Read(pos + i, 1, (unsigned char*)&c);

+        assert(hr == 0L);


+        val[i] = c;


+        if (c == '\0')

+            break;


+    }


+    val[size] = '\0';

+    pos += size_;  //consume size of payload


+    return true;



+bool mkvparser::Match(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long& pos,

+    unsigned long id_,

+    unsigned char*& buf,

+    size_t& buflen)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);


+    long len;

+    const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(id >= 0);

+    assert(len > 0);

+    assert(len <= 8);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    if ((unsigned long)id != id_)

+        return false;


+    pos += len;  //consume id


+    const long long size_ = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(size_ >= 0);

+    assert(len > 0);

+    assert(len <= 8);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    pos += len;  //consume length of size of payload

+    assert((pos + size_) <= available);


+    const long buflen_ = static_cast<long>(size_);


+    buf = new (std::nothrow) unsigned char[buflen_];

+    assert(buf);  //TODO


+    hr = pReader->Read(pos, buflen_, buf);

+    assert(hr == 0L);


+    buflen = buflen_;


+    pos += size_;  //consume size of payload

+    return true;




+bool mkvparser::Match(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long& pos,

+    unsigned long id_,

+    double& val)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);

+    long idlen;

+    const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, idlen);

+    assert(id >= 0);  //TODO


+    if ((unsigned long)id != id_)

+        return false;


+    long sizelen;

+    const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos + idlen, sizelen);


+    switch (size)

+    {

+        case 4:

+        case 8:

+            break;

+        default:

+            return false;

+    }


+    pos += idlen + sizelen;  //consume id and size fields

+    assert((pos + size) <= available);


+    if (size == 4)

+        val = Unserialize4Float(pReader, pos);

+    else

+    {

+        assert(size == 8);

+        val = Unserialize8Double(pReader, pos);

+    }


+    pos += size;  //consume size of payload


+    return true;




+bool mkvparser::Match(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long& pos,

+    unsigned long id_,

+    short& val)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);


+    long len;

+    const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(id >= 0);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    if ((unsigned long)id != id_)

+        return false;


+    pos += len;  //consume id


+    const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(size <= 2);

+    assert((pos + len) <= available);


+    pos += len;  //consume length of size of payload

+    assert((pos + size) <= available);


+    //TODO:

+    // Generalize this to work for any size signed int

+    if (size == 1)

+        val = Unserialize1SInt(pReader, pos);

+    else

+        val = Unserialize2SInt(pReader, pos);


+    pos += size;  //consume size of payload


+    return true;




+namespace mkvparser




+    m_docType(NULL)






+    delete[] m_docType;



+long long EBMLHeader::Parse(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long& pos)


+    assert(pReader);


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);


+    if (hr < 0)

+        return hr;


+    pos = 0;

+    long long end = (1024 < available)? 1024: available;


+    for (;;)

+    {

+        unsigned char b = 0;


+        while (pos < end)

+        {

+            hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &b);


+            if (hr < 0)

+                return hr;


+            if (b == 0x1A)

+                break;


+            ++pos;

+        }


+        if (b != 0x1A)

+        {

+            if ((pos >= 1024) ||

+                (available >= total) ||

+                ((total - available) < 5))

+                  return -1;


+            return available + 5;  //5 = 4-byte ID + 1st byte of size

+        }


+        if ((total - pos) < 5)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if ((available - pos) < 5)

+            return pos + 5;  //try again later


+        long len;


+        const long long result = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result < 0)  //error

+            return result;


+        if (result == 0x0A45DFA3)  //ReadId masks-off length indicator bits

+        {

+            assert(len == 4);

+            pos += len;

+            break;

+        }


+        ++pos;  //throw away just the 0x1A byte, and try again

+    }


+    long len;

+    long long result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len);


+    if (result < 0)  //error

+        return result;


+    if (result > 0)  //need more data

+        return result;


+    assert(len > 0);

+    assert(len <= 8);


+    if ((total -  pos) < len)

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;

+    if ((available - pos) < len)

+        return pos + len;  //try again later


+    result = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);


+    if (result < 0)  //error

+        return result;


+    pos += len;  //consume u-int


+    if ((total - pos) < result)

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    if ((available - pos) < result)

+        return pos + result;


+    end = pos + result;


+    m_version = 1;

+    m_readVersion = 1;

+    m_maxIdLength = 4;

+    m_maxSizeLength = 8;

+    m_docTypeVersion = 1;

+    m_docTypeReadVersion = 1;


+    while (pos < end)

+    {

+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0286, m_version))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x02F7, m_readVersion))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x02F2, m_maxIdLength))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x02F3, m_maxSizeLength))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0282, m_docType))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0287, m_docTypeVersion))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0285, m_docTypeReadVersion))

+            ;

+        else

+        {

+            result = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(result > 0);

+            assert(len > 0);

+            assert(len <= 8);


+            pos += len;

+            assert(pos < end);


+            result = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(result >= 0);

+            assert(len > 0);

+            assert(len <= 8);


+            pos += len + result;

+            assert(pos <= end);

+        }

+    }


+    assert(pos == end);


+    return 0;





+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long start,

+    long long size) :

+    m_pReader(pReader),

+    m_start(start),

+    m_size(size),

+    m_pos(start),

+    m_pInfo(NULL),

+    m_pTracks(NULL),

+    m_pCues(NULL),

+    m_clusters(NULL),

+    m_clusterCount(0),

+    m_clusterPreloadCount(0),

+    m_clusterSize(0)







+    const long count = m_clusterCount + m_clusterPreloadCount;


+    Cluster** i = m_clusters;

+    Cluster** j = m_clusters + count;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+        Cluster* const p = *i++;

+        assert(p);


+        delete p;

+    }


+    delete[] m_clusters;


+    delete m_pTracks;

+    delete m_pInfo;

+    delete m_pCues;




+long long Segment::CreateInstance(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long pos,

+    Segment*& pSegment)


+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    pSegment = NULL;


+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);


+    //I would assume that in practice this loop would execute

+    //exactly once, but we allow for other elements (e.g. Void)

+    //to immediately follow the EBML header.  This is fine for

+    //the source filter case (since the entire file is available),

+    //but in the splitter case over a network we should probably

+    //just give up early.  We could for example decide only to

+    //execute this loop a maximum of, say, 10 times.


+    while (pos < total)

+    {

+        //Read ID


+        long len;

+        long long result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result)  //error, or too few available bytes

+            return result;


+        if ((pos + len) > total)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if ((pos + len) > available)

+            return pos + len;


+        //TODO: if we liberalize the behavior of ReadUInt, we can

+        //probably eliminate having to use GetUIntLength here.

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);


+        if (id < 0)  //error

+            return id;


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        //Read Size


+        result = GetUIntLength(pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result)  //error, or too few available bytes

+            return result;


+        if ((pos + len) > total)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if ((pos + len) > available)

+            return pos + len;


+        //TODO: if we liberalize the behavior of ReadUInt, we can

+        //probably eliminate having to use GetUIntLength here.

+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);


+        if (size < 0)

+            return size;


+        pos += len;  //consume length of size of element


+        //Pos now points to start of payload


+        if ((pos + size) > total)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if (id == 0x08538067)  //Segment ID

+        {

+            pSegment = new  Segment(pReader, pos, size);

+            assert(pSegment);  //TODO


+            return 0;    //success

+        }


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+    }


+    assert(pos == total);


+    pSegment = new Segment(pReader, pos, 0);

+    assert(pSegment);  //TODO


+    return 0;  //success (sort of)




+long long Segment::ParseHeaders()


+    //Outermost (level 0) segment object has been constructed,

+    //and pos designates start of payload.  We need to find the

+    //inner (level 1) elements.

+    long long total, available;


+    long hr = m_pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+    assert(hr >= 0);

+    assert(available <= total);


+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;

+    assert(stop <= total);

+    assert(m_pos <= stop);


+    bool bQuit = false;


+    while ((m_pos < stop) && !bQuit)

+    {

+        long long pos = m_pos;


+        long len;

+        long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result)  //error, or too few available bytes

+            return result;


+        if ((pos + len) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if ((pos + len) > available)

+            return pos + len;


+        const long long idpos = pos;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len);


+        if (id < 0)  //error

+            return id;


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        //Read Size

+        result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result)  //error, or too few available bytes

+            return result;


+        if ((pos + len) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if ((pos + len) > available)

+            return pos + len;


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (size < 0)

+            return size;


+        pos += len;  //consume length of size of element


+        //Pos now points to start of payload


+        if ((pos + size) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        //We read EBML elements either in total or nothing at all.


+        if ((pos + size) > available)

+            return pos + size;


+        if (id == 0x0549A966)  //Segment Info ID

+        {

+            assert(m_pInfo == NULL);


+            m_pInfo = new SegmentInfo(this, pos, size);

+            assert(m_pInfo);  //TODO

+        }

+        else if (id == 0x0654AE6B)  //Tracks ID

+        {

+            assert(m_pTracks == NULL);


+            m_pTracks = new Tracks(this, pos, size);

+            assert(m_pTracks);  //TODO

+        }

+        else if (id == 0x0C53BB6B)  //Cues ID

+        {

+            if (m_pCues == NULL)

+            {

+                m_pCues = new Cues(this, pos, size);

+                assert(m_pCues);  //TODO

+            }

+        }

+        else if (id == 0x014D9B74)  //SeekHead ID

+        {

+            ParseSeekHead(pos, size);

+        }

+        else if (id == 0x0F43B675)  //Cluster ID

+        {

+            bQuit = true;

+        }


+        if (!bQuit)

+            m_pos = pos + size;  //consume payload

+    }


+    assert(m_pos <= stop);


+    if (m_pInfo == NULL)  //TODO: liberalize this behavior

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    if (m_pTracks == NULL)

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    return 0;  //success




+#if 0

+long Segment::ParseCluster(Cluster*& pCluster, long long& pos_) const


+    pCluster = NULL;

+    pos_ = -1;


+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;

+    assert(m_pos <= stop);


+    long long pos = m_pos;

+    long long off = -1;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        long len;

+        const long long idpos = pos;


+        const long long id = SyncReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, stop, len);


+        if (id < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(id);


+        if (id == 0)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        pos += len;  //consume id

+        assert(pos < stop);


+        const long long size = SyncReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, stop, len);


+        if (size < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(size);


+        pos += len;  //consume size

+        assert(pos <= stop);


+        if (size == 0)  //weird

+            continue;


+        //pos now points to start of payload


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos <= stop);


+        if (id == 0x0F43B675)  //Cluster ID

+        {

+            off = idpos - m_start;  // >= 0 means we found a cluster

+            break;

+        }

+    }


+    assert(pos <= stop);


+    //Indicate to caller how much of file has been consumed. This is

+    //used later in AddCluster to adjust the current parse position

+    //(the value cached in the segment object itself) to the

+    //file position value just past the cluster we parsed.


+    if (off < 0)  //we did not found any more clusters

+    {

+        pos_ = stop;  //pos_ >= 0 here means EOF (cluster is NULL)

+        return 0;     //TODO: confirm this return value

+    }


+    //We found a cluster.  Now read something, to ensure that it is

+    //fully loaded in the network cache.


+    if (pos >= stop)  //we parsed the entire segment

+    {

+        //We did find a cluster, but it was very last element in the segment.

+        //Our preference is that the loop above runs 1 1/2 times:

+        //the first pass finds the cluster, and the second pass

+        //finds the element the follows the cluster.  In this case, however,

+        //we reached the end of the file without finding another element,

+        //so we didn't actually read anything yet associated with "end of the

+        //cluster".  And we must perform an actual read, in order

+        //to guarantee that all of the data that belongs to this

+        //cluster has been loaded into the network cache.  So instead

+        //of reading the next element that follows the cluster, we

+        //read the last byte of the cluster (which is also the last

+        //byte in the file).


+        //Read the last byte of the file. (Reading 0 bytes at pos

+        //might work too -- it would depend on how the reader is

+        //implemented.  Here we take the more conservative approach,

+        //since this makes fewer assumptions about the network

+        //reader abstraction.)


+        unsigned char b;


+        const int result = m_pReader->Read(pos - 1, 1, &b);

+        assert(result == 0);


+        pos_ = stop;

+    }

+    else

+    {

+        long len;

+        const long long idpos = pos;


+        const long long id = SyncReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, stop, len);


+        if (id < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(id);


+        if (id == 0)

+            return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;


+        pos += len;  //consume id

+        assert(pos < stop);


+        const long long size = SyncReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, stop, len);


+        if (size < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(size);


+        pos_ = idpos;

+    }


+    //We found a cluster, and it has been completely loaded into the

+    //network cache.  (We can guarantee this because we actually read

+    //the EBML tag that follows the cluster, or, if we reached EOF,

+    //because we actually read the last byte of the cluster).


+    Segment* const this_ = const_cast<Segment*>(this);


+    pCluster = Cluster::Parse(this_, m_clusterCount, off);

+    assert(pCluster);

+    assert(pCluster->m_index == m_clusterCount);


+    return 0;




+bool Segment::AddCluster(Cluster* pCluster, long long pos)


+    assert(pos >= m_start);


+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;

+    assert(pos <= stop);


+    if (pCluster)

+    {

+        AppendCluster(pCluster);

+        assert(m_clusters);

+        assert(m_clusterSize > pCluster->m_index);

+        assert(m_clusters[pCluster->m_index] == pCluster);

+    }


+    m_pos = pos;  //m_pos >= stop is now we know we have all clusters


+    return (pos >= stop);





+long Segment::LoadCluster()


+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;


+    while (m_pos < stop)

+    {

+        long long pos = m_pos;


+        long len;


+        long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(result);


+        if ((pos + len) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        const long long idpos = pos;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len);


+        if (id < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(id);


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        //Read Size

+        result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(result);


+        if ((pos + len) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (size < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(size);


+        pos += len;  //consume length of size of element


+        if (size == 0)  //weird

+        {

+            m_pos = pos;

+            continue;

+        }


+        //Pos now points to start of payload


+        if ((pos + size) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if (id == 0x0C53BB6B)  //Cues ID

+        {

+            if (m_pCues == NULL)

+            {

+                m_pCues = new Cues(this, pos, size);

+                assert(m_pCues);  //TODO

+            }


+            m_pos = pos + size;  //consume payload

+            continue;

+        }


+        if (id != 0x0F43B675)  //Cluster ID

+        {

+            m_pos = pos + size;  //consume payload

+            continue;

+        }


+        const long idx = m_clusterCount;

+        const long long idoff = idpos - m_start;


+        if (m_clusterPreloadCount > 0)

+        {

+            assert(idx < m_clusterSize);


+            Cluster* const pCluster = m_clusters[idx];

+            assert(pCluster);

+            assert(pCluster->m_index < 0);


+            const long long off_ = pCluster->m_pos;

+            assert(off_);


+            const long long off = off_ * ((off_ >= 0) ? 1 : -1);

+            assert(idoff <= off);


+            if (idoff == off)  //cluster has been preloaded already

+            {

+                pCluster->m_index = idx;

+                ++m_clusterCount;

+                --m_clusterPreloadCount;


+                m_pos = pos + size;  //consume payload

+                break;

+            }

+        }


+        Cluster* const pCluster = Cluster::Parse(this, idx, idoff);

+        assert(pCluster);

+        assert(pCluster->m_index == idx);


+        AppendCluster(pCluster);

+        assert(m_clusters);

+        assert(idx < m_clusterSize);

+        assert(m_clusters[idx] == pCluster);


+        m_pos = pos + size;  //consume payload

+        break;

+    }


+    assert(m_pos <= stop);

+    return 0;




+void Segment::AppendCluster(Cluster* pCluster)


+    assert(pCluster);

+    assert(pCluster->m_index >= 0);


+    const long count = m_clusterCount + m_clusterPreloadCount;


+    long& size = m_clusterSize;

+    assert(size >= count);


+    const long idx = pCluster->m_index;

+    assert(idx == m_clusterCount);


+    if (count >= size)

+    {

+        long n;


+        if (size > 0)

+            n = 2 * size;

+        else if (m_pInfo == 0)

+            n = 2048;

+        else

+        {

+            const long long ns = m_pInfo->GetDuration();


+            if (ns <= 0)

+                n = 2048;

+            else

+            {

+                const long long sec = (ns + 999999999LL) / 1000000000LL;

+                n = static_cast<long>(sec);

+            }

+        }


+        Cluster** const qq = new Cluster*[n];

+        Cluster** q = qq;


+        Cluster** p = m_clusters;

+        Cluster** const pp = p + count;


+        while (p != pp)

+            *q++ = *p++;


+        delete[] m_clusters;


+        m_clusters = qq;

+        size = n;

+    }


+    if (m_clusterPreloadCount > 0)

+    {

+        assert(m_clusters);


+        Cluster** const p = m_clusters + m_clusterCount;

+        assert(*p);

+        assert((*p)->m_index < 0);


+        Cluster** q = p + m_clusterPreloadCount;

+        assert(q < (m_clusters + size));


+        for (;;)

+        {

+            Cluster** const qq = q - 1;

+            assert((*qq)->m_index < 0);


+            *q = *qq;

+            q = qq;


+            if (q == p)

+                break;

+        }

+    }


+    m_clusters[idx] = pCluster;

+    ++m_clusterCount;




+void Segment::PreloadCluster(Cluster* pCluster, ptrdiff_t idx)


+    assert(pCluster);

+    assert(pCluster->m_index < 0);

+    assert(idx >= m_clusterCount);


+    const long count = m_clusterCount + m_clusterPreloadCount;


+    long& size = m_clusterSize;

+    assert(size >= count);


+    if (count >= size)

+    {

+        long n;


+        if (size > 0)

+            n = 2 * size;

+        else if (m_pInfo == 0)

+            n = 2048;

+        else

+        {

+            const long long ns = m_pInfo->GetDuration();


+            if (ns <= 0)

+                n = 2048;

+            else

+            {

+                const long long sec = (ns + 999999999LL) / 1000000000LL;

+                n = static_cast<long>(sec);

+            }

+        }


+        Cluster** const qq = new Cluster*[n];

+        Cluster** q = qq;


+        Cluster** p = m_clusters;

+        Cluster** const pp = p + count;


+        while (p != pp)

+            *q++ = *p++;


+        delete[] m_clusters;


+        m_clusters = qq;

+        size = n;

+    }


+    assert(m_clusters);


+    Cluster** const p = m_clusters + idx;


+    Cluster** q = m_clusters + count;

+    assert(q >= p);

+    assert(q < (m_clusters + size));


+    while (q > p)

+    {

+        Cluster** const qq = q - 1;

+        assert((*qq)->m_index < 0);


+        *q = *qq;

+        q = qq;

+    }


+    m_clusters[idx] = pCluster;

+    ++m_clusterPreloadCount;




+long Segment::Load()


+    assert(m_clusters == NULL);

+    assert(m_clusterSize == 0);

+    assert(m_clusterCount == 0);


+    //Outermost (level 0) segment object has been constructed,

+    //and pos designates start of payload.  We need to find the

+    //inner (level 1) elements.

+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;


+#ifdef _DEBUG  //TODO: this is really Microsoft-specific

+    {

+        long long total, available;


+        long hr = m_pReader->Length(&total, &available);

+        assert(hr >= 0);

+        assert(available >= total);

+        assert(stop <= total);

+    }



+    while (m_pos < stop)

+    {

+        long long pos = m_pos;


+        long len;


+        long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(result);


+        if ((pos + len) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        const long long idpos = pos;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len);


+        if (id < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(id);


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        //Read Size

+        result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (result < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(result);


+        if ((pos + len) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);


+        if (size < 0)  //error

+            return static_cast<long>(size);


+        pos += len;  //consume length of size of element


+        //Pos now points to start of payload


+        if ((pos + size) > stop)

+            return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+        if (id == 0x0F43B675)  //Cluster ID

+        {

+            const long idx = m_clusterCount;

+            const long long off = idpos - m_start;


+            Cluster* const pCluster = Cluster::Parse(this, idx, off);

+            assert(pCluster);

+            assert(pCluster->m_index == idx);


+            AppendCluster(pCluster);

+            assert(m_clusters);

+            assert(m_clusterSize > idx);

+            assert(m_clusters[idx] == pCluster);

+        }

+        else if (id == 0x0C53BB6B)  //Cues ID

+        {

+            assert(m_pCues == NULL);


+            m_pCues = new Cues(this, pos, size);

+            assert(m_pCues);  //TODO

+        }

+        else if (id == 0x0549A966)  //SegmentInfo ID

+        {

+            assert(m_pInfo == NULL);


+            m_pInfo = new  SegmentInfo(this, pos, size);

+            assert(m_pInfo);

+        }

+        else if (id == 0x0654AE6B)  //Tracks ID

+        {

+            assert(m_pTracks == NULL);


+            m_pTracks = new Tracks(this, pos, size);

+            assert(m_pTracks);  //TODO

+        }


+        m_pos = pos + size;  //consume payload

+    }


+    assert(m_pos >= stop);


+    if (m_pInfo == NULL)

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;  //TODO: ignore this case?


+    if (m_pTracks == NULL)

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    if (m_clusters == NULL)  //TODO: ignore this case?

+        return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    //TODO: decide whether we require Cues element

+    //if (m_pCues == NULL)

+    //   return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID;


+    return 0;




+void Segment::ParseSeekHead(long long start, long long size_)


+    long long pos = start;

+    const long long stop = start + size_;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume Size field

+        assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+        if (id == 0x0DBB)  //SeekEntry ID

+            ParseSeekEntry(pos, size);


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos <= stop);

+    }


+    assert(pos == stop);




+void Segment::ParseCues(long long off)


+    if (m_pCues)

+        return;


+    //odbgstream os;

+    //os << "Segment::ParseCues (begin)" << endl;


+    long long pos = m_start + off;

+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;


+    long len;


+    long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(result == 0);

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    const long long idpos = pos;


+    const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len);

+    assert(id == 0x0C53BB6B);  //Cues ID


+    pos += len;  //consume ID

+    assert(pos < stop);


+    //Read Size


+    result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(result == 0);

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(size >= 0);


+    pos += len;  //consume length of size of element

+    assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+    //Pos now points to start of payload


+    m_pCues = new Cues(this, pos, size);

+    assert(m_pCues);  //TODO


+    //os << "Segment::ParseCues (end)" << endl;




+void Segment::ParseSeekEntry(

+   long long start,

+   long long size_)


+    long long pos = start;


+    const long long stop = start + size_;


+    long len;


+    const long long seekIdId = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+    //seekIdId;

+    assert(seekIdId == 0x13AB);  //SeekID ID

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    pos += len;  //consume id


+    const long long seekIdSize = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(seekIdSize >= 0);

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    pos += len;  //consume size


+    const long long seekId = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);  //payload

+    assert(seekId >= 0);

+    assert(len == seekIdSize);

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    pos += seekIdSize;  //consume payload


+    const long long seekPosId = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+    //seekPosId;

+    assert(seekPosId == 0x13AC);  //SeekPos ID

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    pos += len;  //consume id


+    const long long seekPosSize = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(seekPosSize >= 0);

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    pos += len;  //consume size

+    assert((pos + seekPosSize) <= stop);


+    const long long seekOff = UnserializeUInt(m_pReader, pos, seekPosSize);

+    assert(seekOff >= 0);

+    assert(seekOff < m_size);


+    pos += seekPosSize;  //consume payload

+    assert(pos == stop);


+    const long long seekPos = m_start + seekOff;

+    assert(seekPos < (m_start + m_size));


+    if (seekId == 0x0C53BB6B)  //Cues ID

+        ParseCues(seekOff);




+Cues::Cues(Segment* pSegment, long long start_, long long size_) :

+    m_pSegment(pSegment),

+    m_start(start_),

+    m_size(size_),

+    m_cue_points(NULL),

+    m_count(0),

+    m_preload_count(0),

+    m_pos(start_)







+    const size_t n = m_count + m_preload_count;


+    CuePoint** p = m_cue_points;

+    CuePoint** const q = p + n;


+    while (p != q)

+    {

+        CuePoint* const pCP = *p++;

+        assert(pCP);


+        delete pCP;

+    }


+    delete[] m_cue_points;




+void Cues::Init() const


+    if (m_cue_points)

+        return;


+    assert(m_count == 0);

+    assert(m_preload_count == 0);


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;

+    long long pos = m_start;


+    size_t cue_points_size = 0;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        const long long idpos = pos;


+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume Size field

+        assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+        if (id == 0x3B)  //CuePoint ID

+            PreloadCuePoint(cue_points_size, idpos);


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos <= stop);

+    }




+void Cues::PreloadCuePoint(

+    size_t& cue_points_size,

+    long long pos) const


+    assert(m_count == 0);


+    if (m_preload_count >= cue_points_size)

+    {

+        size_t n;


+        if (cue_points_size > 0)

+            n = static_cast<size_t>(2 * cue_points_size);

+        else

+        {

+            const SegmentInfo* const pInfo = m_pSegment->GetInfo();


+            if (pInfo == NULL)

+                n = 2048;

+            else

+            {

+                const long long ns = pInfo->GetDuration();


+                if (ns <= 0)

+                    n = 2048;

+                else

+                {

+                    const long long sec = (ns + 999999999LL) / 1000000000LL;

+                    n = static_cast<size_t>(sec);

+                }

+            }

+        }


+        CuePoint** const qq = new CuePoint*[n];

+        CuePoint** q = qq;  //beginning of target


+        CuePoint** p = m_cue_points;                //beginning of source

+        CuePoint** const pp = p + m_preload_count;  //end of source


+        while (p != pp)

+            *q++ = *p++;


+        delete[] m_cue_points;


+        m_cue_points = qq;

+        cue_points_size = n;

+    }


+    CuePoint* const pCP = new CuePoint(m_preload_count, pos);

+    m_cue_points[m_preload_count++] = pCP;




+bool Cues::LoadCuePoint() const


+    //odbgstream os;

+    //os << "Cues::LoadCuePoint" << endl;


+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;


+    if (m_pos >= stop)

+        return false;  //nothing else to do


+    Init();


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    while (m_pos < stop)

+    {

+        const long long idpos = m_pos;


+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, m_pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+        assert((m_pos + len) <= stop);


+        m_pos += len;  //consume ID


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, m_pos, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        assert((m_pos + len) <= stop);


+        m_pos += len;  //consume Size field

+        assert((m_pos + size) <= stop);


+        if (id != 0x3B)  //CuePoint ID

+        {

+            m_pos += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(m_pos <= stop);


+            continue;

+        }


+        assert(m_preload_count > 0);


+        CuePoint* const pCP = m_cue_points[m_count];

+        assert(pCP);

+        assert((pCP->GetTimeCode() >= 0) || (-pCP->GetTimeCode() == idpos));


+        pCP->Load(pReader);

+        ++m_count;

+        --m_preload_count;


+        m_pos += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(m_pos <= stop);


+        break;

+    }


+    return (m_pos < stop);




+bool Cues::Find(

+    long long time_ns,

+    const Track* pTrack,

+    const CuePoint*& pCP,

+    const CuePoint::TrackPosition*& pTP) const


+    assert(time_ns >= 0);

+    assert(pTrack);


+    LoadCuePoint();


+    assert(m_cue_points);

+    assert(m_count > 0);


+    CuePoint** const ii = m_cue_points;

+    CuePoint** i = ii;


+    CuePoint** const jj = ii + m_count + m_preload_count;

+    CuePoint** j = jj;


+    pCP = *i;

+    assert(pCP);


+    if (time_ns <= pCP->GetTime(m_pSegment))

+    {

+        pTP = pCP->Find(pTrack);

+        return (pTP != NULL);

+    }


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    while (i < j)

+    {

+        //INVARIANT:

+        //[ii, i) <= time_ns

+        //[i, j)  ?

+        //[j, jj) > time_ns


+        CuePoint** const k = i + (j - i) / 2;

+        assert(k < jj);


+        CuePoint* const pCP = *k;

+        assert(pCP);


+        pCP->Load(pReader);


+        const long long t = pCP->GetTime(m_pSegment);


+        if (t <= time_ns)

+            i = k + 1;

+        else

+            j = k;


+        assert(i <= j);

+    }


+    assert(i == j);

+    assert(i <= jj);

+    assert(i > ii);


+    pCP = *--i;

+    assert(pCP);

+    assert(pCP->GetTime(m_pSegment) <= time_ns);


+    //TODO: here and elsewhere, it's probably not correct to search

+    //for the cue point with this time, and then search for a matching

+    //track.  In principle, the matching track could be on some earlier

+    //cue point, and with our current algorithm, we'd miss it.  To make

+    //this bullet-proof, we'd need to create a secondary structure,

+    //with a list of cue points that apply to a track, and then search

+    //that track-based structure for a matching cue point.


+    pTP = pCP->Find(pTrack);

+    return (pTP != NULL);




+#if 0

+bool Cues::FindNext(

+    long long time_ns,

+    const Track* pTrack,

+    const CuePoint*& pCP,

+    const CuePoint::TrackPosition*& pTP) const


+    pCP = 0;

+    pTP = 0;


+    if (m_count == 0)

+        return false;


+    assert(m_cue_points);


+    const CuePoint* const* const ii = m_cue_points;

+    const CuePoint* const* i = ii;


+    const CuePoint* const* const jj = ii + m_count;

+    const CuePoint* const* j = jj;


+    while (i < j)

+    {

+        //INVARIANT:

+        //[ii, i) <= time_ns

+        //[i, j)  ?

+        //[j, jj) > time_ns


+        const CuePoint* const* const k = i + (j - i) / 2;

+        assert(k < jj);


+        pCP = *k;

+        assert(pCP);


+        const long long t = pCP->GetTime(m_pSegment);


+        if (t <= time_ns)

+            i = k + 1;

+        else

+            j = k;


+        assert(i <= j);

+    }


+    assert(i == j);

+    assert(i <= jj);


+    if (i >= jj)  //time_ns is greater than max cue point

+        return false;


+    pCP = *i;

+    assert(pCP);

+    assert(pCP->GetTime(m_pSegment) > time_ns);


+    pTP = pCP->Find(pTrack);

+    return (pTP != NULL);





+const CuePoint* Cues::GetFirst() const


+    LoadCuePoint();  //init cues


+    const size_t count = m_count + m_preload_count;


+    if (count == 0)  //weird

+        return NULL;


+    CuePoint* const* const pp = m_cue_points;

+    assert(pp);


+    CuePoint* const pCP = pp[0];

+    assert(pCP);

+    assert(pCP->GetTimeCode() >= 0);


+    return pCP;




+const CuePoint* Cues::GetLast() const


+    LoadCuePoint();  //init cues


+    const size_t count = m_count + m_preload_count;


+    if (count == 0)  //weird

+        return NULL;


+    const size_t index = count - 1;


+    CuePoint* const* const pp = m_cue_points;

+    assert(pp);


+    CuePoint* const pCP = pp[index];

+    assert(pCP);


+    pCP->Load(m_pSegment->m_pReader);

+    assert(pCP->GetTimeCode() >= 0);


+    return pCP;




+const CuePoint* Cues::GetNext(const CuePoint* pCurr) const


+    if (pCurr == NULL)

+        return NULL;


+    assert(pCurr->GetTimeCode() >= 0);

+    assert(m_cue_points);

+    assert(m_count >= 1);


+    const size_t count = m_count + m_preload_count;


+    size_t index = pCurr->m_index;

+    assert(index < count);


+    CuePoint* const* const pp = m_cue_points;

+    assert(pp);

+    assert(pp[index] == pCurr);


+    ++index;


+    if (index >= count)

+        return NULL;


+    CuePoint* const pNext = pp[index];

+    assert(pNext);


+    pNext->Load(m_pSegment->m_pReader);


+    return pNext;




+const BlockEntry* Cues::GetBlock(

+    const CuePoint* pCP,

+    const CuePoint::TrackPosition* pTP) const


+    if (pCP == NULL)

+        return NULL;


+    if (pTP == NULL)

+        return NULL;


+    return m_pSegment->GetBlock(*pCP, *pTP);




+const BlockEntry* Segment::GetBlock(

+    const CuePoint& cp,

+    const CuePoint::TrackPosition& tp)


+    Cluster** const ii = m_clusters;

+    Cluster** i = ii;


+    const long count = m_clusterCount + m_clusterPreloadCount;


+    Cluster** const jj = ii + count;

+    Cluster** j = jj;


+    while (i < j)

+    {

+        //INVARIANT:

+        //[ii, i) < pTP->m_pos

+        //[i, j) ?

+        //[j, jj)  > pTP->m_pos


+        Cluster** const k = i + (j - i) / 2;

+        assert(k < jj);


+        Cluster* const pCluster = *k;

+        assert(pCluster);


+        const long long pos_ = pCluster->m_pos;

+        assert(pos_);


+        const long long pos = pos_ * ((pos_ < 0) ? -1 : 1);


+        if (pos < tp.m_pos)

+            i = k + 1;

+        else if (pos > tp.m_pos)

+            j = k;

+        else

+            return pCluster->GetEntry(cp, tp);

+    }


+    assert(i == j);


+    Cluster* const pCluster = Cluster::Parse(this, -1, tp.m_pos);

+    const ptrdiff_t idx = i - m_clusters;


+    PreloadCluster(pCluster, idx);

+    assert(m_clusters);

+    assert(m_clusterPreloadCount > 0);

+    assert(m_clusters[idx] == pCluster);


+    return pCluster->GetEntry(cp, tp);





+CuePoint::CuePoint(size_t idx, long long pos) :

+    m_index(idx),

+    m_timecode(-1 * pos),

+    m_track_positions(NULL),

+    m_track_positions_count(0)


+    assert(pos > 0);






+    delete[] m_track_positions;




+void CuePoint::Load(IMkvReader* pReader)


+    //odbgstream os;

+    //os << "CuePoint::Load(begin): timecode=" << m_timecode << endl;


+    if (m_timecode >= 0)  //already loaded

+        return;


+    assert(m_track_positions == NULL);

+    assert(m_track_positions_count == 0);


+    long long pos_ = -m_timecode;


+    long long stop;


+    {

+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos_, len);

+        assert(id == 0x3B);  //CuePoint ID

+        //assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos_ += len;  //consume ID


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos_, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        //assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos_ += len;  //consume Size field

+        //assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+        //pos_ now points to start of payload


+        stop = pos_ + size;

+    }


+    long long pos = pos_;


+    //First count number of track positions


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume Size field

+        assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+        if (id == 0x33)  //CueTime ID

+            m_timecode = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size);


+        else if (id == 0x37) //CueTrackPosition(s) ID

+            ++m_track_positions_count;


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos <= stop);

+    }


+    assert(m_timecode >= 0);

+    assert(m_track_positions_count > 0);


+    //os << "CuePoint::Load(cont'd): idpos=" << idpos

+    //   << " timecode=" << m_timecode

+    //   << endl;


+    m_track_positions = new TrackPosition[m_track_positions_count];


+    //Now parse track positions


+    TrackPosition* p = m_track_positions;

+    pos = pos_;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume Size field

+        assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+        if (id == 0x37) //CueTrackPosition(s) ID

+        {

+            TrackPosition& tp = *p++;

+            tp.Parse(pReader, pos, size);

+        }


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos <= stop);

+    }


+    assert(size_t(p - m_track_positions) == m_track_positions_count);





+void CuePoint::TrackPosition::Parse(

+    IMkvReader* pReader,

+    long long start_,

+    long long size_)


+    const long long stop = start_ + size_;

+    long long pos = start_;


+    m_track = -1;

+    m_pos = -1;

+    m_block = 1;  //default


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume Size field

+        assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+        if (id == 0x77)  //CueTrack ID

+            m_track = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size);


+        else if (id == 0x71)  //CueClusterPos ID

+            m_pos = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size);


+        else if (id == 0x1378)  //CueBlockNumber

+            m_block = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size);


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos <= stop);

+    }


+    assert(m_pos >= 0);

+    //assert(m_track > 0);

+    //assert(m_block > 0);




+const CuePoint::TrackPosition* CuePoint::Find(const Track* pTrack) const


+    assert(pTrack);


+    const long long n = pTrack->GetNumber();


+    const TrackPosition* i = m_track_positions;

+    const TrackPosition* const j = i + m_track_positions_count;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+        const TrackPosition& p = *i++;


+        if (p.m_track == n)

+            return &p;

+    }


+    return NULL;  //no matching track number found




+long long CuePoint::GetTimeCode() const


+    return m_timecode;



+long long CuePoint::GetTime(Segment* pSegment) const


+    assert(pSegment);

+    assert(m_timecode >= 0);


+    const SegmentInfo* const pInfo = pSegment->GetInfo();

+    assert(pInfo);


+    const long long scale = pInfo->GetTimeCodeScale();

+    assert(scale >= 1);


+    const long long time = scale * m_timecode;


+    return time;




+long long Segment::Unparsed() const


+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;


+    const long long result = stop - m_pos;

+    assert(result >= 0);


+    return result;




+Cluster* Segment::GetFirst()


+    if ((m_clusters == NULL) || (m_clusterCount <= 0))

+       return &m_eos;


+    Cluster* const pCluster = m_clusters[0];

+    assert(pCluster);


+    return pCluster;




+Cluster* Segment::GetLast()


+    if ((m_clusters == NULL) || (m_clusterCount <= 0))

+        return &m_eos;


+    const long idx = m_clusterCount - 1;


+    Cluster* const pCluster = m_clusters[idx];

+    assert(pCluster);


+    return pCluster;




+unsigned long Segment::GetCount() const


+    return m_clusterCount;




+Cluster* Segment::GetNext(const Cluster* pCurr)


+    assert(pCurr);

+    assert(pCurr != &m_eos);

+    assert(m_clusters);


+    long idx =  pCurr->m_index;


+    if (idx >= 0)

+    {

+        assert(m_clusterCount > 0);

+        assert(idx < m_clusterCount);

+        assert(pCurr == m_clusters[idx]);


+        ++idx;


+        if (idx >= m_clusterCount)

+            return &m_eos;  //caller will LoadCluster as desired


+        Cluster* const pNext = m_clusters[idx];

+        assert(pNext);

+        assert(pNext->m_index >= 0);

+        assert(pNext->m_index == idx);


+        return pNext;

+    }


+    assert(m_clusterPreloadCount > 0);


+    const long long off_ = pCurr->m_pos;

+    const long long off = off_ * ((off_ < 0) ? -1 : 1);


+    long long pos = m_start + off;

+    const long long stop = m_start + m_size;  //end of segment


+    {

+        long len;


+        long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(result == 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);  //TODO


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id == 0x0F43B675);  //Cluster ID   //TODO


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        //Read Size

+        result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(result == 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);  //TODO


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size > 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pCurr->m_size <= 0) || (pCurr->m_size == size));


+        pos += len;  //consume length of size of element

+        assert((pos + size) <= stop);  //TODO


+        //Pos now points to start of payload


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+    }


+    long long off_next = 0;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        long len;


+        long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(result == 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);  //TODO


+        const long long idpos = pos;  //pos of next (potential) cluster


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len);

+        assert(id > 0);  //TODO


+        pos += len;  //consume ID


+        //Read Size

+        result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(result == 0);  //TODO

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);  //TODO


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);  //TODO


+        pos += len;  //consume length of size of element

+        assert((pos + size) <= stop);  //TODO


+        //Pos now points to start of payload


+        if (size == 0)  //weird

+            continue;


+        if (id == 0x0F43B675)  //Cluster ID

+        {

+            off_next = idpos - m_start;

+            break;

+        }


+        pos += size;  //consume payload

+    }


+    if (off_next <= 0)

+        return 0;


+    Cluster** const ii = m_clusters + m_clusterCount;

+    Cluster** i = ii;


+    Cluster** const jj = ii + m_clusterPreloadCount;

+    Cluster** j = jj;


+    while (i < j)

+    {

+        //INVARIANT:

+        //[0, i) < pos_next

+        //[i, j) ?

+        //[j, jj)  > pos_next


+        Cluster** const k = i + (j - i) / 2;

+        assert(k < jj);


+        Cluster* const pNext = *k;

+        assert(pNext);

+        assert(pNext->m_index < 0);


+        const long long pos_ = pNext->m_pos;

+        assert(pos_);


+        pos = pos_ * ((pos_ < 0) ? -1 : 1);


+        if (pos < off_next)

+            i = k + 1;

+        else if (pos > off_next)

+            j = k;

+        else

+            return pNext;

+    }


+    assert(i == j);


+    Cluster* const pNext = Cluster::Parse(this, -1, off_next);

+    const ptrdiff_t idx_next = i - m_clusters;  //insertion position


+    PreloadCluster(pNext, idx_next);

+    assert(m_clusters);

+    assert(idx_next < m_clusterSize);

+    assert(m_clusters[idx_next] == pNext);


+    return pNext;




+Cluster* Segment::FindCluster(long long time_ns)


+    if ((m_clusters == NULL) || (m_clusterCount <= 0))

+        return &m_eos;


+    {

+        Cluster* const pCluster = m_clusters[0];

+        assert(pCluster);

+        assert(pCluster->m_index == 0);


+        if (time_ns <= pCluster->GetTime())

+            return pCluster;

+    }


+    //Binary search of cluster array


+    long i = 0;

+    long j = m_clusterCount;


+    while (i < j)

+    {

+        //INVARIANT:

+        //[0, i) <= time_ns

+        //[i, j) ?

+        //[j, m_clusterCount)  > time_ns


+        const long k = i + (j - i) / 2;

+        assert(k < m_clusterCount);


+        Cluster* const pCluster = m_clusters[k];

+        assert(pCluster);

+        assert(pCluster->m_index == k);


+        const long long t = pCluster->GetTime();


+        if (t <= time_ns)

+            i = k + 1;

+        else

+            j = k;


+        assert(i <= j);

+    }


+    assert(i == j);

+    assert(i > 0);

+    assert(i <= m_clusterCount);


+    const long k = i - 1;


+    Cluster* const pCluster = m_clusters[k];

+    assert(pCluster);

+    assert(pCluster->m_index == k);

+    assert(pCluster->GetTime() <= time_ns);


+    return pCluster;




+const BlockEntry* Segment::Seek(

+    long long time_ns,

+    const Track* pTrack)


+    assert(pTrack);


+    if ((m_clusters == NULL) || (m_clusterCount <= 0))

+        return pTrack->GetEOS();


+    Cluster** const i = m_clusters;

+    assert(i);


+    {

+        Cluster* const pCluster = *i;

+        assert(pCluster);

+        assert(pCluster->m_index == 0);  //m_clusterCount > 0

+        assert(pCluster->m_pSegment == this);


+        if (time_ns <= pCluster->GetTime())

+            return pCluster->GetEntry(pTrack);

+    }


+    Cluster** const j = i + m_clusterCount;


+    if (pTrack->GetType() == 2)  //audio

+    {

+        //TODO: we could decide to use cues for this, as we do for video.

+        //But we only use it for video because looking around for a keyframe

+        //can get expensive.  Audio doesn't require anything special so a

+        //straight cluster search is good enough (we assume).


+        Cluster** lo = i;

+        Cluster** hi = j;


+        while (lo < hi)

+        {

+            //INVARIANT:

+            //[i, lo) <= time_ns

+            //[lo, hi) ?

+            //[hi, j)  > time_ns


+            Cluster** const mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;

+            assert(mid < hi);


+            Cluster* const pCluster = *mid;

+            assert(pCluster);

+            assert(pCluster->m_index == long(mid - m_clusters));

+            assert(pCluster->m_pSegment == this);


+            const long long t = pCluster->GetTime();


+            if (t <= time_ns)

+                lo = mid + 1;

+            else

+                hi = mid;


+            assert(lo <= hi);

+        }


+        assert(lo == hi);

+        assert(lo > i);

+        assert(lo <= j);


+        Cluster* const pCluster = *--lo;

+        assert(pCluster);

+        assert(pCluster->GetTime() <= time_ns);


+        return pCluster->GetEntry(pTrack);

+    }


+    assert(pTrack->GetType() == 1);  //video


+    Cluster** lo = i;

+    Cluster** hi = j;


+    while (lo < hi)

+    {

+        //INVARIANT:

+        //[i, lo) <= time_ns

+        //[lo, hi) ?

+        //[hi, j)  > time_ns


+        Cluster** const mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;

+        assert(mid < hi);


+        Cluster* const pCluster = *mid;

+        assert(pCluster);


+        const long long t = pCluster->GetTime();


+        if (t <= time_ns)

+            lo = mid + 1;

+        else

+            hi = mid;


+        assert(lo <= hi);

+    }


+    assert(lo == hi);

+    assert(lo > i);

+    assert(lo <= j);


+    Cluster* pCluster = *--lo;

+    assert(pCluster);

+    assert(pCluster->GetTime() <= time_ns);


+    {

+        const BlockEntry* const pBlockEntry = pCluster->GetEntry(pTrack);

+        assert(pBlockEntry);


+        if (!pBlockEntry->EOS())  //found a keyframe

+        {

+            const Block* const pBlock = pBlockEntry->GetBlock();

+            assert(pBlock);


+            //TODO: this isn't necessarily the keyframe we want,

+            //since there might another keyframe on this same

+            //cluster with a greater timecode that but that is

+            //still less than the requested time.  For now we

+            //simply return the first keyframe we find.


+            if (pBlock->GetTime(pCluster) <= time_ns)

+                return pBlockEntry;

+        }

+    }


+    const VideoTrack* const pVideo = static_cast<const VideoTrack*>(pTrack);


+    while (lo != i)

+    {

+        pCluster = *--lo;

+        assert(pCluster);

+        assert(pCluster->GetTime() <= time_ns);


+        const BlockEntry* const pBlockEntry = pCluster->GetMaxKey(pVideo);

+        assert(pBlockEntry);


+        if (!pBlockEntry->EOS())

+            return pBlockEntry;

+    }


+    //weird: we're on the first cluster, but no keyframe found

+    //should never happen but we must return something anyway


+    return pTrack->GetEOS();




+#if 0

+bool Segment::SearchCues(

+    long long time_ns,

+    Track* pTrack,

+    Cluster*& pCluster,

+    const BlockEntry*& pBlockEntry,

+    const CuePoint*& pCP,

+    const CuePoint::TrackPosition*& pTP)


+    if (pTrack->GetType() != 1)  //not video

+        return false;  //TODO: for now, just handle video stream


+    if (m_pCues == NULL)

+        return false;


+    if (!m_pCues->Find(time_ns, pTrack, pCP, pTP))

+        return false;  //weird


+    assert(pCP);

+    assert(pTP);

+    assert(pTP->m_track == pTrack->GetNumber());


+    //We have the cue point and track position we want,

+    //so we now need to search for the cluster having

+    //the indicated position.


+    return GetCluster(pCP, pTP, pCluster, pBlockEntry);





+Tracks* Segment::GetTracks() const


+    return m_pTracks;




+const SegmentInfo* Segment::GetInfo() const


+    return m_pInfo;




+const Cues* Segment::GetCues() const


+    return m_pCues;




+long long Segment::GetDuration() const


+    assert(m_pInfo);

+    return m_pInfo->GetDuration();




+SegmentInfo::SegmentInfo(Segment* pSegment, long long start, long long size_) :

+    m_pSegment(pSegment),

+    m_start(start),

+    m_size(size_),

+    m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8(NULL),

+    m_pWritingAppAsUTF8(NULL),

+    m_pTitleAsUTF8(NULL)


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    long long pos = start;

+    const long long stop = start + size_;


+    m_timecodeScale = 1000000;

+    m_duration = -1;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0AD7B1, m_timecodeScale))

+            assert(m_timecodeScale > 0);


+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0489, m_duration))

+            assert(m_duration >= 0);


+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0D80, m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8))   //[4D][80]

+            assert(m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8);


+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x1741, m_pWritingAppAsUTF8))  //[57][41]

+            assert(m_pWritingAppAsUTF8);


+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x3BA9, m_pTitleAsUTF8))       //[7B][A9]

+            assert(m_pTitleAsUTF8);


+        else

+        {

+            long len;


+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            //id;

+            assert(id >= 0);

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume id

+            assert((stop - pos) > 0);


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len + size;  //consume size and payload

+            assert(pos <= stop);

+        }

+    }


+    assert(pos == stop);





+    if (m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8)

+    {

+        delete[] m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8;

+        m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8 = NULL;

+    }


+    if (m_pWritingAppAsUTF8)

+    {

+        delete[] m_pWritingAppAsUTF8;

+        m_pWritingAppAsUTF8 = NULL;

+    }


+    if (m_pTitleAsUTF8)

+    {

+        delete[] m_pTitleAsUTF8;

+        m_pTitleAsUTF8 = NULL;

+    }



+long long SegmentInfo::GetTimeCodeScale() const


+    return m_timecodeScale;




+long long SegmentInfo::GetDuration() const


+    if (m_duration < 0)

+        return -1;


+    assert(m_timecodeScale >= 1);


+    const double dd = double(m_duration) * double(m_timecodeScale);

+    const long long d = static_cast<long long>(dd);


+    return d;



+const char* SegmentInfo::GetMuxingAppAsUTF8() const


+    return m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8;




+const char* SegmentInfo::GetWritingAppAsUTF8() const


+    return m_pWritingAppAsUTF8;



+const char* SegmentInfo::GetTitleAsUTF8() const


+    return m_pTitleAsUTF8;



+Track::Track(Segment* pSegment, const Info& i) :

+    m_pSegment(pSegment),

+    m_info(i)






+    Info& info = const_cast<Info&>(m_info);

+    info.Clear();




+    type(-1),

+    number(-1),

+    uid(-1),

+    nameAsUTF8(NULL),

+    codecId(NULL),

+    codecPrivate(NULL),

+    codecPrivateSize(0),

+    codecNameAsUTF8(NULL)





+void Track::Info::Clear()


+    delete[] nameAsUTF8;

+    nameAsUTF8 = NULL;


+    delete[] codecId;

+    codecId = NULL;


+    delete[] codecPrivate;

+    codecPrivate = NULL;


+    codecPrivateSize = 0;


+    delete[] codecNameAsUTF8;

+    codecNameAsUTF8 = NULL;



+const BlockEntry* Track::GetEOS() const


+    return &m_eos;



+long long Track::GetType() const


+    return m_info.type;



+long long Track::GetNumber() const


+    return m_info.number;



+const char* Track::GetNameAsUTF8() const


+    return m_info.nameAsUTF8;



+const char* Track::GetCodecNameAsUTF8() const


+    return m_info.codecNameAsUTF8;




+const char* Track::GetCodecId() const


+    return m_info.codecId;



+const unsigned char* Track::GetCodecPrivate(size_t& size) const


+    size = m_info.codecPrivateSize;

+    return m_info.codecPrivate;




+long Track::GetFirst(const BlockEntry*& pBlockEntry) const


+    Cluster* pCluster = m_pSegment->GetFirst();


+    //If Segment::GetFirst returns NULL, then this must be a network

+    //download, and we haven't loaded any clusters yet.  In this case,

+    //returning NULL from Track::GetFirst means the same thing.


+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)  //arbitrary upper bound

+    {

+        if (pCluster == NULL)

+        {

+            pBlockEntry = GetEOS();

+            return 1;

+        }


+        if (pCluster->EOS())

+        {

+            if (m_pSegment->Unparsed() <= 0)  //all clusters have been loaded

+            {

+                pBlockEntry = GetEOS();

+                return 1;

+            }


+            pBlockEntry = 0;

+            return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;

+        }


+        pBlockEntry = pCluster->GetFirst();


+        while (pBlockEntry)

+        {

+            const Block* const pBlock = pBlockEntry->GetBlock();

+            assert(pBlock);


+            if (pBlock->GetTrackNumber() == m_info.number)

+                return 0;


+            pBlockEntry = pCluster->GetNext(pBlockEntry);

+        }


+        pCluster = m_pSegment->GetNext(pCluster);

+    }


+    //NOTE: if we get here, it means that we didn't find a block with

+    //a matching track number.  We interpret that as an error (which

+    //might be too conservative).


+    pBlockEntry = GetEOS();  //so we can return a non-NULL value

+    return 1;




+long Track::GetNext(

+    const BlockEntry* pCurrEntry,

+    const BlockEntry*& pNextEntry) const


+    assert(pCurrEntry);

+    assert(!pCurrEntry->EOS());  //?


+    const Block* const pCurrBlock = pCurrEntry->GetBlock();

+    assert(pCurrBlock->GetTrackNumber() == m_info.number);


+    Cluster* pCluster = pCurrEntry->GetCluster();

+    assert(pCluster);

+    assert(!pCluster->EOS());


+    pNextEntry = pCluster->GetNext(pCurrEntry);


+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)  //arbitrary upper bound to search

+    {

+        while (pNextEntry)

+        {

+            const Block* const pNextBlock = pNextEntry->GetBlock();

+            assert(pNextBlock);


+            if (pNextBlock->GetTrackNumber() == m_info.number)

+                return 0;


+            pNextEntry = pCluster->GetNext(pNextEntry);

+        }


+        pCluster = m_pSegment->GetNext(pCluster);


+        if (pCluster == NULL)

+        {

+            pNextEntry = GetEOS();

+            return 1;

+        }


+        if (pCluster->EOS())

+        {

+            if (m_pSegment->Unparsed() <= 0)   //all clusters have been loaded

+            {

+                pNextEntry = GetEOS();

+                return 1;

+            }


+            //TODO: there is a potential O(n^2) problem here: we tell the

+            //caller to (pre)load another cluster, which he does, but then he

+            //calls GetNext again, which repeats the same search.  This is

+            //a pathological case, since the only way it can happen is if

+            //there exists a long sequence of clusters none of which contain a

+            // block from this track.  One way around this problem is for the

+            //caller to be smarter when he loads another cluster: don't call

+            //us back until you have a cluster that contains a block from this

+            //track. (Of course, that's not cheap either, since our caller

+            //would have to scan the each cluster as it's loaded, so that

+            //would just push back the problem.)


+            pNextEntry = NULL;

+            return E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL;

+        }


+        pNextEntry = pCluster->GetFirst();

+    }


+    //NOTE: if we get here, it means that we didn't find a block with

+    //a matching track number after lots of searching, so we give

+    //up trying.


+    pNextEntry = GetEOS();  //so we can return a non-NULL value

+    return 1;









+bool Track::EOSBlock::EOS() const


+    return true;




+Cluster* Track::EOSBlock::GetCluster() const


+    return NULL;




+size_t Track::EOSBlock::GetIndex() const


+    return 0;




+const Block* Track::EOSBlock::GetBlock() const


+    return NULL;




+bool Track::EOSBlock::IsBFrame() const


+    return false;




+VideoTrack::VideoTrack(Segment* pSegment, const Info& i) :

+    Track(pSegment, i),

+    m_width(-1),

+    m_height(-1),

+    m_rate(-1)


+    assert(i.type == 1);

+    assert(i.number > 0);


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = pSegment->m_pReader;


+    const Settings& s = i.settings;

+    assert(s.start >= 0);

+    assert(s.size >= 0);


+    long long pos = s.start;

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    const long long stop = pos + s.size;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+#ifdef _DEBUG

+        long len;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x30, m_width))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x3A, m_height))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x0383E3, m_rate))

+            ;

+        else

+        {

+            long len;

+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(id >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume id


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume length of size

+            assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+            //pos now designates start of payload


+            pos += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(pos <= stop);

+        }

+    }


+    return;




+bool VideoTrack::VetEntry(const BlockEntry* pBlockEntry) const


+    assert(pBlockEntry);


+    const Block* const pBlock = pBlockEntry->GetBlock();

+    assert(pBlock);

+    assert(pBlock->GetTrackNumber() == m_info.number);


+    return pBlock->IsKey();




+long long VideoTrack::GetWidth() const


+    return m_width;




+long long VideoTrack::GetHeight() const


+    return m_height;




+double VideoTrack::GetFrameRate() const


+    return m_rate;




+AudioTrack::AudioTrack(Segment* pSegment, const Info& i) :

+    Track(pSegment, i),

+    m_rate(0.0),

+    m_channels(0),

+    m_bitDepth(-1)


+    assert(i.type == 2);

+    assert(i.number > 0);


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = pSegment->m_pReader;


+    const Settings& s = i.settings;

+    assert(s.start >= 0);

+    assert(s.size >= 0);


+    long long pos = s.start;

+    assert(pos >= 0);


+    const long long stop = pos + s.size;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+#ifdef _DEBUG

+        long len;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x35, m_rate))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x1F, m_channels))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x2264, m_bitDepth))

+            ;

+        else

+        {

+            long len;

+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(id >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume id


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume length of size

+            assert((pos + size) <= stop);


+            //pos now designates start of payload


+            pos += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(pos <= stop);

+        }

+    }


+    return;




+bool AudioTrack::VetEntry(const BlockEntry* pBlockEntry) const


+    assert(pBlockEntry);


+    const Block* const pBlock = pBlockEntry->GetBlock();

+    assert(pBlock);

+    assert(pBlock->GetTrackNumber() == m_info.number);


+    return true;




+double AudioTrack::GetSamplingRate() const


+    return m_rate;




+long long AudioTrack::GetChannels() const


+    return m_channels;



+long long AudioTrack::GetBitDepth() const


+    return m_bitDepth;



+Tracks::Tracks(Segment* pSegment, long long start, long long size_) :

+    m_pSegment(pSegment),

+    m_start(start),

+    m_size(size_),

+    m_trackEntries(NULL),

+    m_trackEntriesEnd(NULL)


+    long long stop = m_start + m_size;

+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    long long pos1 = m_start;

+    int count = 0;


+    while (pos1 < stop)

+    {

+        long len;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos1, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);

+        assert((pos1 + len) <= stop);


+        pos1 += len;  //consume id


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos1, len);

+        assert(size >= 0);

+        assert((pos1 + len) <= stop);


+        pos1 += len;  //consume length of size


+        //pos now desinates start of element

+        if (id == 0x2E)  //TrackEntry ID

+            ++count;


+        pos1 += size;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos1 <= stop);

+    }


+    if (count <= 0)

+        return;


+    m_trackEntries = new Track*[count];

+    m_trackEntriesEnd = m_trackEntries;


+    long long pos = m_start;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        long len;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(id >= 0);

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume id


+        const long long size1 = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size1 >= 0);

+        assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+        pos += len;  //consume length of size


+        //pos now desinates start of element


+        if (id == 0x2E)  //TrackEntry ID

+            ParseTrackEntry(pos, size1, *m_trackEntriesEnd++);


+        pos += size1;  //consume payload

+        assert(pos <= stop);

+    }




+unsigned long Tracks::GetTracksCount() const


+    const ptrdiff_t result = m_trackEntriesEnd - m_trackEntries;

+    assert(result >= 0);


+    return static_cast<unsigned long>(result);




+void Tracks::ParseTrackEntry(

+    long long start,

+    long long size,

+    Track*& pTrack)


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    long long pos = start;

+    const long long stop = start + size;


+    Track::Info i;


+    Track::Settings videoSettings;

+    videoSettings.start = -1;

+    videoSettings.size = 0;


+    Track::Settings audioSettings;

+    audioSettings.start = -1;

+    audioSettings.size = 0;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+#ifdef _DEBUG

+        long len;

+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        len;

+        id;


+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x57, i.number))

+            assert(i.number > 0);

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x33C5, i.uid))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x03, i.type))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x136E, i.nameAsUTF8))

+            assert(i.nameAsUTF8);

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x06, i.codecId))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader,

+                       pos,

+                       0x23A2,

+                       i.codecPrivate,

+                       i.codecPrivateSize))

+            ;

+        else if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x058688, i.codecNameAsUTF8))

+            assert(i.codecNameAsUTF8);

+        else

+        {

+            long len;


+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(id >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume id


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);  //TODO: handle error case

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume length of size

+            const long long start = pos;


+            pos += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(pos <= stop);


+            if (id == 0x60)

+            {

+                videoSettings.start = start;

+                videoSettings.size = size;

+            }

+            else if (id == 0x61)

+            {

+                audioSettings.start = start;

+                audioSettings.size = size;

+            }

+        }

+    }


+    assert(pos == stop);

+    //TODO: propertly vet info.number, to ensure both its existence,

+    //and that it is unique among all tracks.

+    assert(i.number > 0);


+    //TODO: vet settings, to ensure that video settings (0x60)

+    //were specified when type = 1, and that audio settings (0x61)

+    //were specified when type = 2.

+    if (i.type == 1)  //video

+    {

+        assert(audioSettings.start < 0);

+        assert(videoSettings.start >= 0);


+        i.settings = videoSettings;


+        VideoTrack* const t = new VideoTrack(m_pSegment, i);

+        assert(t);  //TODO

+        pTrack = t;

+    }

+    else if (i.type == 2)  //audio

+    {

+        assert(videoSettings.start < 0);

+        assert(audioSettings.start >= 0);


+        i.settings = audioSettings;


+        AudioTrack* const t = new  AudioTrack(m_pSegment, i);

+        assert(t);  //TODO

+        pTrack = t;

+    }

+    else

+    {

+        // for now we do not support other track types yet.

+        // TODO: support other track types

+        i.Clear();


+        pTrack = NULL;

+    }


+    return;






+    Track** i = m_trackEntries;

+    Track** const j = m_trackEntriesEnd;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+        Track* const pTrack = *i++;

+        delete pTrack;

+    }


+    delete[] m_trackEntries;




+Track* Tracks::GetTrackByNumber(unsigned long tn_) const


+    const long long tn = tn_;


+    Track** i = m_trackEntries;

+    Track** const j = m_trackEntriesEnd;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+        Track* const pTrack = *i++;


+        if (pTrack == NULL)

+            continue;


+        if (tn == pTrack->GetNumber())

+            return pTrack;

+    }


+    return NULL;  //not found




+Track* Tracks::GetTrackByIndex(unsigned long idx) const


+    const ptrdiff_t count = m_trackEntriesEnd - m_trackEntries;


+    if (idx >= static_cast<unsigned long>(count))

+         return NULL;


+    return m_trackEntries[idx];




+void Cluster::Load()


+    assert(m_pSegment);

+    assert(m_pos);

+    assert(m_size);


+    if (m_pos > 0)  //loaded

+    {

+        assert(m_size > 0);

+        assert(m_timecode >= 0);

+        return;

+    }


+    assert(m_pos < 0);  //not loaded yet

+    assert(m_size < 0);

+    assert(m_timecode < 0);


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    m_pos *= -1;                                  //relative to segment

+    long long pos = m_pSegment->m_start + m_pos;  //absolute


+    long len;


+    const long long id_ = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(id_ >= 0);

+    assert(id_ == 0x0F43B675);  //Cluster ID


+    pos += len;  //consume id


+    const long long size_ = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(size_ >= 0);


+    pos += len;  //consume size


+    m_size = size_;

+    const long long stop = pos + size_;


+    long long timecode = -1;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x67, timecode))

+            break;

+        else

+        {

+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume id


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume size


+            if (id == 0x20)  //BlockGroup ID

+                break;


+            if (id == 0x23)  //SimpleBlock ID

+                break;


+            pos += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(pos <= stop);

+        }

+    }


+    assert(pos <= stop);

+    assert(timecode >= 0);


+    m_timecode = timecode;




+Cluster* Cluster::Parse(

+    Segment* pSegment,

+    long idx,

+    long long off)


+    assert(pSegment);

+    assert(off >= 0);

+    assert(off < pSegment->m_size);


+    Cluster* const pCluster = new Cluster(pSegment, idx, -off);

+    assert(pCluster);


+    return pCluster;




+Cluster::Cluster() :

+    m_pSegment(NULL),

+    m_index(0),

+    m_pos(0),

+    m_size(0),

+    m_timecode(0),

+    m_entries(NULL),

+    m_entriesCount(0)






+    Segment* pSegment,

+    long idx,

+    long long off) :

+    m_pSegment(pSegment),

+    m_index(idx),

+    m_pos(off),

+    m_size(-1),

+    m_timecode(-1),

+    m_entries(NULL),

+    m_entriesCount(0)







+    BlockEntry** i = m_entries;

+    BlockEntry** const j = m_entries + m_entriesCount;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+         BlockEntry* p = *i++;

+         assert(p);


+         delete p;

+    }


+    delete[] m_entries;




+bool Cluster::EOS() const


+    return (m_pSegment == NULL);




+void Cluster::LoadBlockEntries()


+    if (m_entries)

+        return;


+    assert(m_pSegment);

+    assert(m_pos);

+    assert(m_size);

+    assert(m_entriesCount == 0);


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    if (m_pos < 0)

+        m_pos *= -1;  //relative to segment


+    long long pos = m_pSegment->m_start + m_pos;  //absolute


+    {

+        long len;


+        const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        id;

+        assert(id >= 0);

+        assert(id == 0x0F43B675);  //Cluster ID


+        pos += len;  //consume id


+        const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+        assert(size > 0);


+        pos += len;  //consume size


+        //pos now points to start of payload


+        if (m_size >= 0)

+            assert(size == m_size);

+        else

+            m_size = size;

+    }


+    const long long stop = pos + m_size;

+    long long timecode = -1;  //of cluster itself


+    //First count the number of entries


+    long long idx = pos;  //points to start of payload

+    m_entriesCount = 0;


+    while (idx < stop)

+    {

+        if (Match(pReader, idx, 0x67, timecode))

+        {

+            if (m_timecode >= 0)

+                assert(timecode == m_timecode);

+            else

+                m_timecode = timecode;

+        }

+        else

+        {

+            long len;


+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, idx, len);

+            assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((idx + len) <= stop);


+            idx += len;  //consume id


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, idx, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((idx + len) <= stop);


+            idx += len;  //consume size


+            if (id == 0x20)  //BlockGroup ID

+                ++m_entriesCount;

+            else if (id == 0x23)  //SimpleBlock ID

+                ++m_entriesCount;


+            idx += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(idx <= stop);

+        }

+    }


+    assert(idx == stop);

+    assert(m_timecode >= 0);


+    if (m_entriesCount == 0)  //TODO: handle empty clusters

+        return;


+    m_entries = new BlockEntry*[m_entriesCount];

+    size_t index = 0;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x67, timecode))

+            assert(timecode == m_timecode);

+        else

+        {

+            long len;

+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume id


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume size


+            if (id == 0x20)  //BlockGroup ID

+                ParseBlockGroup(pos, size, index++);

+            else if (id == 0x23)  //SimpleBlock ID

+                ParseSimpleBlock(pos, size, index++);


+            pos += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(pos <= stop);

+        }

+    }


+    assert(pos == stop);

+    assert(timecode >= 0);

+    assert(index == m_entriesCount);





+long long Cluster::GetTimeCode()


+    Load();

+    return m_timecode;




+long long Cluster::GetTime()


+    const long long tc = GetTimeCode();

+    assert(tc >= 0);


+    const SegmentInfo* const pInfo = m_pSegment->GetInfo();

+    assert(pInfo);


+    const long long scale = pInfo->GetTimeCodeScale();

+    assert(scale >= 1);


+    const long long t = m_timecode * scale;


+    return t;




+long long Cluster::GetFirstTime()


+    const BlockEntry* const pEntry = GetFirst();


+    if (pEntry == NULL)  //empty cluster

+        return GetTime();


+    const Block* const pBlock = pEntry->GetBlock();

+    assert(pBlock);


+    return pBlock->GetTime(this);




+long long Cluster::GetLastTime()


+    const BlockEntry* const pEntry = GetLast();


+    if (pEntry == NULL)  //empty cluster

+        return GetTime();


+    const Block* const pBlock = pEntry->GetBlock();

+    assert(pBlock);


+    return pBlock->GetTime(this);




+void Cluster::ParseBlockGroup(long long start, long long size, size_t index)


+    assert(m_entries);

+    assert(m_entriesCount);

+    assert(index < m_entriesCount);


+    BlockGroup* const pGroup =

+        new (std::nothrow) BlockGroup(this, index, start, size);

+    assert(pGroup);  //TODO


+    m_entries[index] = pGroup;





+void Cluster::ParseSimpleBlock(long long start, long long size, size_t index)


+    assert(m_entries);

+    assert(m_entriesCount);

+    assert(index < m_entriesCount);


+    SimpleBlock* const pSimpleBlock =

+        new (std::nothrow) SimpleBlock(this, index, start, size);

+    assert(pSimpleBlock);  //TODO


+    m_entries[index] = pSimpleBlock;




+const BlockEntry* Cluster::GetFirst()


+    LoadBlockEntries();

+    //assert(m_entries);

+    //assert(m_entriesCount >= 1);


+    if ((m_entries == NULL) || (m_entriesCount == 0))

+        return NULL;


+    const BlockEntry* const pFirst = m_entries[0];

+    assert(pFirst);


+    return pFirst;




+const BlockEntry* Cluster::GetLast()


+    LoadBlockEntries();

+    //assert(m_entries);

+    //assert(m_entriesCount >= 1);


+    if ((m_entries == NULL) || (m_entriesCount == 0))

+        return NULL;


+    const size_t idx = m_entriesCount - 1;


+    const BlockEntry* const pLast = m_entries[idx];

+    assert(pLast);


+    return pLast;




+const BlockEntry* Cluster::GetNext(const BlockEntry* pEntry) const


+    assert(pEntry);

+    assert(m_entries);

+    assert(m_entriesCount);


+    size_t idx = pEntry->GetIndex();

+    assert(idx < m_entriesCount);

+    assert(m_entries[idx] == pEntry);


+    ++idx;


+    if (idx >= m_entriesCount)

+      return NULL;


+    return m_entries[idx];




+const BlockEntry* Cluster::GetEntry(const Track* pTrack)


+    assert(pTrack);


+    if (m_pSegment == NULL)  //EOS

+        return pTrack->GetEOS();


+    LoadBlockEntries();


+    if ((m_entries == NULL) || (m_entriesCount == 0))

+        return NULL;


+    BlockEntry** i = m_entries;

+    assert(i);


+    BlockEntry** const j = i + m_entriesCount;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+        const BlockEntry* const pEntry = *i++;

+        assert(pEntry);

+        assert(!pEntry->EOS());


+        const Block* const pBlock = pEntry->GetBlock();

+        assert(pBlock);


+        if (pBlock->GetTrackNumber() != pTrack->GetNumber())

+            continue;


+        if (pTrack->VetEntry(pEntry))

+            return pEntry;

+    }


+    return pTrack->GetEOS();  //no satisfactory block found




+const BlockEntry*


+    const CuePoint& cp,

+    const CuePoint::TrackPosition& tp)


+    assert(m_pSegment);


+    LoadBlockEntries();


+    if (m_entries == NULL)

+        return NULL;


+    const long long count = m_entriesCount;


+    if (count <= 0)

+        return NULL;


+    const long long tc = cp.GetTimeCode();


+    if ((tp.m_block > 0) && (tp.m_block <= count))

+    {

+        const size_t block = static_cast<size_t>(tp.m_block);

+        const size_t index = block - 1;


+        const BlockEntry* const pEntry = m_entries[index];

+        assert(pEntry);

+        assert(!pEntry->EOS());


+        const Block* const pBlock = pEntry->GetBlock();

+        assert(pBlock);


+        if ((pBlock->GetTrackNumber() == tp.m_track) &&

+            (pBlock->GetTimeCode(this) == tc))

+        {

+            return pEntry;

+        }

+    }


+    const BlockEntry* const* i = m_entries;

+    const BlockEntry* const* const j = i + count;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+        const BlockEntry* const pEntry = *i++;

+        assert(pEntry);

+        assert(!pEntry->EOS());


+        const Block* const pBlock = pEntry->GetBlock();

+        assert(pBlock);


+        if (pBlock->GetTrackNumber() != tp.m_track)

+            continue;


+        const long long tc_ = pBlock->GetTimeCode(this);


+        if (tc_ < tc)

+            continue;


+        if (tc_ > tc)

+            return NULL;


+        const Tracks* const pTracks = m_pSegment->GetTracks();

+        assert(pTracks);


+        const long tn = static_cast<long>(tp.m_track);

+        const Track* const pTrack = pTracks->GetTrackByNumber(tn);


+        if (pTrack == NULL)

+            return NULL;


+        const long long type = pTrack->GetType();


+        if (type == 2)  //audio

+            return pEntry;


+        if (type != 1)  //not video

+            return NULL;


+        if (!pBlock->IsKey())

+            return NULL;


+        return pEntry;

+    }


+    return NULL;




+const BlockEntry* Cluster::GetMaxKey(const VideoTrack* pTrack)


+    assert(pTrack);


+    if (m_pSegment == NULL)  //EOS

+        return pTrack->GetEOS();


+    LoadBlockEntries();

+    //assert(m_entries);


+    BlockEntry** i = m_entries + m_entriesCount;

+    BlockEntry** const j = m_entries;


+    while (i != j)

+    {

+        const BlockEntry* const pEntry = *--i;

+        assert(pEntry);

+        assert(!pEntry->EOS());


+        const Block* const pBlock = pEntry->GetBlock();

+        assert(pBlock);


+        if (pBlock->GetTrackNumber() != pTrack->GetNumber())

+            continue;


+        if (pBlock->IsKey())

+            return pEntry;

+    }


+    return pTrack->GetEOS();  //no satisfactory block found
















+    Cluster* pCluster,

+    size_t idx,

+    long long start,

+    long long size) :

+    m_pCluster(pCluster),

+    m_index(idx),

+    m_block(start, size, pCluster->m_pSegment->m_pReader)





+bool SimpleBlock::EOS() const


+    return false;




+Cluster* SimpleBlock::GetCluster() const


+    return m_pCluster;




+size_t SimpleBlock::GetIndex() const


+    return m_index;




+const Block* SimpleBlock::GetBlock() const


+    return &m_block;




+bool SimpleBlock::IsBFrame() const


+    return false;





+    Cluster* pCluster,

+    size_t idx,

+    long long start,

+    long long size_) :

+    m_pCluster(pCluster),

+    m_index(idx),

+    m_prevTimeCode(0),

+    m_nextTimeCode(0),

+    m_pBlock(NULL)  //TODO: accept multiple blocks within a block group


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pCluster->m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    long long pos = start;

+    const long long stop = start + size_;


+    bool bSimpleBlock = false;

+    bool bReferenceBlock = false;


+    while (pos < stop)

+    {

+        short t;


+        if (Match(pReader, pos, 0x7B, t))

+        {

+            if (t < 0)

+                m_prevTimeCode = t;

+            else if (t > 0)

+                m_nextTimeCode = t;

+            else

+                assert(false);


+            bReferenceBlock = true;

+        }

+        else

+        {

+            long len;

+            const long long id = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(id >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume ID


+            const long long size = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+            assert(size >= 0);  //TODO

+            assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+            pos += len;  //consume size


+            switch (id)

+            {

+                case 0x23:  //SimpleBlock ID

+                    bSimpleBlock = true;

+                    //YES, FALL THROUGH TO NEXT CASE


+                case 0x21:  //Block ID

+                    ParseBlock(pos, size);

+                    break;


+                default:

+                    break;

+            }


+            pos += size;  //consume payload

+            assert(pos <= stop);

+        }

+    }


+    assert(pos == stop);

+    assert(m_pBlock);


+    if (!bSimpleBlock)

+        m_pBlock->SetKey(!bReferenceBlock);






+    delete m_pBlock;




+void BlockGroup::ParseBlock(long long start, long long size)


+    IMkvReader* const pReader = m_pCluster->m_pSegment->m_pReader;


+    Block* const pBlock = new Block(start, size, pReader);

+    assert(pBlock);  //TODO


+    //TODO: the Matroska spec says you have multiple blocks within the

+    //same block group, with blocks ranked by priority (the flag bits).


+    assert(m_pBlock == NULL);

+    m_pBlock = pBlock;




+bool BlockGroup::EOS() const


+    return false;




+Cluster* BlockGroup::GetCluster() const


+    return m_pCluster;




+size_t BlockGroup::GetIndex() const


+    return m_index;




+const Block* BlockGroup::GetBlock() const


+    return m_pBlock;




+short BlockGroup::GetPrevTimeCode() const


+    return m_prevTimeCode;




+short BlockGroup::GetNextTimeCode() const


+    return m_nextTimeCode;




+bool BlockGroup::IsBFrame() const


+    return (m_nextTimeCode > 0);





+Block::Block(long long start, long long size_, IMkvReader* pReader) :

+    m_start(start),

+    m_size(size_)


+    long long pos = start;

+    const long long stop = start + size_;


+    long len;


+    m_track = ReadUInt(pReader, pos, len);

+    assert(m_track > 0);

+    assert((pos + len) <= stop);


+    pos += len;  //consume track number

+    assert((stop - pos) >= 2);


+    m_timecode = Unserialize2SInt(pReader, pos);


+    pos += 2;

+    assert((stop - pos) >= 1);


+    const long hr = pReader->Read(pos, 1, &m_flags);

+    assert(hr == 0L);


+    ++pos;

+    assert(pos <= stop);


+    m_frameOff = pos;


+    const long long frame_size = stop - pos;


+    assert(frame_size <= 2147483647L);


+    m_frameSize = static_cast<long>(frame_size);




+long long Block::GetTimeCode(Cluster* pCluster) const


+    assert(pCluster);


+    const long long tc0 = pCluster->GetTimeCode();

+    assert(tc0 >= 0);


+    const long long tc = tc0 + static_cast<long long>(m_timecode);

+    assert(tc >= 0);


+    return tc;  //unscaled timecode units




+long long Block::GetTime(Cluster* pCluster) const


+    assert(pCluster);


+    const long long tc = GetTimeCode(pCluster);


+    const Segment* const pSegment = pCluster->m_pSegment;

+    const SegmentInfo* const pInfo = pSegment->GetInfo();

+    assert(pInfo);


+    const long long scale = pInfo->GetTimeCodeScale();

+    assert(scale >= 1);


+    const long long ns = tc * scale;


+    return ns;




+long long Block::GetTrackNumber() const


+    return m_track;




+bool Block::IsKey() const


+    return ((m_flags & static_cast<unsigned char>(1 << 7)) != 0);



+unsigned char Block::Flags() const {

+    return m_flags;



+void Block::SetKey(bool bKey)


+    if (bKey)

+        m_flags |= static_cast<unsigned char>(1 << 7);

+    else

+        m_flags &= 0x7F;




+long long Block::GetOffset() const


+  return m_frameOff;




+long Block::GetSize() const


+    return m_frameSize;




+long Block::Read(IMkvReader* pReader, unsigned char* buf) const



+    assert(pReader);

+    assert(buf);


+    const long hr = pReader->Read(m_frameOff, m_frameSize, buf);


+    return hr;




+}  //end namespace mkvparser

diff --git a/mkvparser/mkvparser.hpp b/mkvparser/mkvparser.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7d8948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkvparser/mkvparser.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.


+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license

+// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source

+// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found

+// in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may

+// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.





+#include <cstdlib>

+#include <cstdio>


+namespace mkvparser



+const int E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID = -2;

+const int E_BUFFER_NOT_FULL = -3;


+class IMkvReader



+    virtual int Read(long long pos, long len, unsigned char* buf) = 0;

+    virtual int Length(long long* total, long long* available) = 0;


+    virtual ~IMkvReader();



+long long GetUIntLength(IMkvReader*, long long, long&);

+long long ReadUInt(IMkvReader*, long long, long&);

+long long SyncReadUInt(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long stop, long&);

+long long UnserializeUInt(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);

+float Unserialize4Float(IMkvReader*, long long);

+double Unserialize8Double(IMkvReader*, long long);

+short Unserialize2SInt(IMkvReader*, long long);

+signed char Unserialize1SInt(IMkvReader*, long long);

+bool Match(IMkvReader*, long long&, unsigned long, long long&);

+bool Match(IMkvReader*, long long&, unsigned long, char*&);

+bool Match(IMkvReader*, long long&, unsigned long,unsigned char*&, size_t&);

+bool Match(IMkvReader*, long long&, unsigned long, double&);

+bool Match(IMkvReader*, long long&, unsigned long, short&);


+void GetVersion(int& major, int& minor, int& build, int& revision);


+struct EBMLHeader


+    EBMLHeader();

+    ~EBMLHeader();

+    long long m_version;

+    long long m_readVersion;

+    long long m_maxIdLength;

+    long long m_maxSizeLength;

+    char* m_docType;

+    long long m_docTypeVersion;

+    long long m_docTypeReadVersion;


+    long long Parse(IMkvReader*, long long&);




+class Segment;

+class Track;

+class Cluster;


+class Block


+    Block(const Block&);

+    Block& operator=(const Block&);



+    const long long m_start;

+    const long long m_size;


+    Block(long long start, long long size, IMkvReader*);


+    long long GetTrackNumber() const;

+    long long GetTimeCode(Cluster*) const;  //absolute, but not scaled

+    long long GetTime(Cluster*) const;      //absolute, and scaled (ns units)

+    bool IsKey() const;

+    void SetKey(bool);


+    unsigned char Flags() const;


+    long long GetOffset() const;

+    long GetSize() const;

+    long Read(IMkvReader*, unsigned char*) const;



+    long long m_track;   //Track::Number()

+    short m_timecode;  //relative to cluster

+    unsigned char m_flags;

+    long long m_frameOff;

+    long m_frameSize;





+class BlockEntry


+    BlockEntry(const BlockEntry&);

+    BlockEntry& operator=(const BlockEntry&);



+    virtual ~BlockEntry();

+    virtual bool EOS() const = 0;

+    virtual Cluster* GetCluster() const = 0;

+    virtual size_t GetIndex() const = 0;

+    virtual const Block* GetBlock() const = 0;

+    virtual bool IsBFrame() const = 0;



+    BlockEntry();





+class SimpleBlock : public BlockEntry


+    SimpleBlock(const SimpleBlock&);

+    SimpleBlock& operator=(const SimpleBlock&);



+    SimpleBlock(Cluster*, size_t, long long start, long long size);


+    bool EOS() const;

+    Cluster* GetCluster() const;

+    size_t GetIndex() const;

+    const Block* GetBlock() const;

+    bool IsBFrame() const;



+    Cluster* const m_pCluster;

+    const size_t m_index;

+    Block m_block;





+class BlockGroup : public BlockEntry


+    BlockGroup(const BlockGroup&);

+    BlockGroup& operator=(const BlockGroup&);



+    BlockGroup(Cluster*, size_t, long long, long long);

+    ~BlockGroup();


+    bool EOS() const;

+    Cluster* GetCluster() const;

+    size_t GetIndex() const;

+    const Block* GetBlock() const;

+    bool IsBFrame() const;


+    short GetPrevTimeCode() const;  //relative to block's time

+    short GetNextTimeCode() const;  //as above



+    Cluster* const m_pCluster;

+    const size_t m_index;



+    BlockGroup(Cluster*, size_t, unsigned long);

+    void ParseBlock(long long start, long long size);


+    short m_prevTimeCode;

+    short m_nextTimeCode;


+    //TODO: the Matroska spec says you can have multiple blocks within the

+    //same block group, with blocks ranked by priority (the flag bits).

+    //For now we just cache a single block.

+#if 0

+    typedef std::deque<Block*> blocks_t;

+    blocks_t m_blocks;  //In practice should contain only a single element.


+    Block* m_pBlock;






+class Track


+    Track(const Track&);

+    Track& operator=(const Track&);



+    Segment* const m_pSegment;

+    virtual ~Track();


+    long long GetType() const;

+    long long GetNumber() const;

+    const char* GetNameAsUTF8() const;

+    const char* GetCodecNameAsUTF8() const;

+    const char* GetCodecId() const;

+    const unsigned char* GetCodecPrivate(size_t&) const;


+    const BlockEntry* GetEOS() const;


+    struct Settings

+    {

+        long long start;

+        long long size;

+    };


+    struct Info

+    {

+        long long type;

+        long long number;

+        long long uid;

+        char* nameAsUTF8;

+        char* codecId;

+        unsigned char* codecPrivate;

+        size_t codecPrivateSize;

+        char* codecNameAsUTF8;

+        Settings settings;

+        Info();

+        void Clear();

+    };


+    long GetFirst(const BlockEntry*&) const;

+    long GetNext(const BlockEntry* pCurr, const BlockEntry*& pNext) const;

+    virtual bool VetEntry(const BlockEntry*) const = 0;



+    Track(Segment*, const Info&);

+    const Info m_info;


+    class EOSBlock : public BlockEntry

+    {

+    public:

+        EOSBlock();


+        bool EOS() const;

+        Cluster* GetCluster() const;

+        size_t GetIndex() const;

+        const Block* GetBlock() const;

+        bool IsBFrame() const;

+    };


+    EOSBlock m_eos;





+class VideoTrack : public Track


+    VideoTrack(const VideoTrack&);

+    VideoTrack& operator=(const VideoTrack&);



+    VideoTrack(Segment*, const Info&);

+    long long GetWidth() const;

+    long long GetHeight() const;

+    double GetFrameRate() const;


+    bool VetEntry(const BlockEntry*) const;



+    long long m_width;

+    long long m_height;

+    double m_rate;





+class AudioTrack : public Track


+    AudioTrack(const AudioTrack&);

+    AudioTrack& operator=(const AudioTrack&);



+    AudioTrack(Segment*, const Info&);

+    double GetSamplingRate() const;

+    long long GetChannels() const;

+    long long GetBitDepth() const;

+    bool VetEntry(const BlockEntry*) const;



+    double m_rate;

+    long long m_channels;

+    long long m_bitDepth;




+class Tracks


+    Tracks(const Tracks&);

+    Tracks& operator=(const Tracks&);



+    Segment* const m_pSegment;

+    const long long m_start;

+    const long long m_size;


+    Tracks(Segment*, long long start, long long size);

+    virtual ~Tracks();


+    Track* GetTrackByNumber(unsigned long tn) const;

+    Track* GetTrackByIndex(unsigned long idx) const;



+    Track** m_trackEntries;

+    Track** m_trackEntriesEnd;


+    void ParseTrackEntry(long long, long long, Track*&);



+    unsigned long GetTracksCount() const;




+class SegmentInfo


+    SegmentInfo(const SegmentInfo&);

+    SegmentInfo& operator=(const SegmentInfo&);



+    Segment* const m_pSegment;

+    const long long m_start;

+    const long long m_size;


+    SegmentInfo(Segment*, long long start, long long size);

+    ~SegmentInfo();

+    long long GetTimeCodeScale() const;

+    long long GetDuration() const;  //scaled

+    const char* GetMuxingAppAsUTF8() const;

+    const char* GetWritingAppAsUTF8() const;

+    const char* GetTitleAsUTF8() const;



+    long long m_timecodeScale;

+    double m_duration;

+    char* m_pMuxingAppAsUTF8;

+    char* m_pWritingAppAsUTF8;

+    char* m_pTitleAsUTF8;



+class Cues;

+class CuePoint


+    friend class Cues;


+    CuePoint(size_t, long long);

+    ~CuePoint();


+    CuePoint(const CuePoint&);

+    CuePoint& operator=(const CuePoint&);



+    void Load(IMkvReader*);


+    long long GetTimeCode() const;      //absolute but unscaled

+    long long GetTime(Segment*) const;  //absolute and scaled (ns units)


+    struct TrackPosition

+    {

+        long long m_track;

+        long long m_pos;  //of cluster

+        long long m_block;

+        //codec_state  //defaults to 0

+        //reference = clusters containing req'd referenced blocks

+        //  reftime = timecode of the referenced block


+        void Parse(IMkvReader*, long long, long long);

+    };


+    const TrackPosition* Find(const Track*) const;



+    const size_t m_index;

+    long long m_timecode;

+    TrackPosition* m_track_positions;

+    size_t m_track_positions_count;





+class Cues


+    friend class Segment;


+    Cues(Segment*, long long start, long long size);

+    ~Cues();


+    Cues(const Cues&);

+    Cues& operator=(const Cues&);



+    Segment* const m_pSegment;

+    const long long m_start;

+    const long long m_size;


+    bool Find(  //lower bound of time_ns

+        long long time_ns,

+        const Track*,

+        const CuePoint*&,

+        const CuePoint::TrackPosition*&) const;


+#if 0

+    bool FindNext(  //upper_bound of time_ns

+        long long time_ns,

+        const Track*,

+        const CuePoint*&,

+        const CuePoint::TrackPosition*&) const;



+    const CuePoint* GetFirst() const;

+    const CuePoint* GetLast() const;


+    const CuePoint* GetNext(const CuePoint*) const;


+    const BlockEntry* GetBlock(

+                        const CuePoint*,

+                        const CuePoint::TrackPosition*) const;



+    void Init() const;

+    bool LoadCuePoint() const;

+    void PreloadCuePoint(size_t&, long long) const;


+    mutable CuePoint** m_cue_points;

+    mutable size_t m_count;

+    mutable size_t m_preload_count;

+    mutable long long m_pos;





+class Cluster


+    Cluster(const Cluster&);

+    Cluster& operator=(const Cluster&);



+    Segment* const m_pSegment;



+    static Cluster* Parse(Segment*, long, long long off);


+    Cluster();  //EndOfStream

+    ~Cluster();


+    bool EOS() const;


+    long long GetTimeCode();   //absolute, but not scaled

+    long long GetTime();       //absolute, and scaled (nanosecond units)

+    long long GetFirstTime();  //time (ns) of first (earliest) block

+    long long GetLastTime();   //time (ns) of last (latest) block


+    const BlockEntry* GetFirst();

+    const BlockEntry* GetLast();

+    const BlockEntry* GetNext(const BlockEntry*) const;

+    const BlockEntry* GetEntry(const Track*);

+    const BlockEntry* GetEntry(

+        const CuePoint&,

+        const CuePoint::TrackPosition&);

+    const BlockEntry* GetMaxKey(const VideoTrack*);



+    Cluster(Segment*, long, long long off);



+    //TODO: these should all be private, with public selector functions

+    long m_index;

+    long long m_pos;

+    long long m_size;



+    long long m_timecode;

+    BlockEntry** m_entries;

+    size_t m_entriesCount;


+    void Load();

+    void LoadBlockEntries();

+    void ParseBlockGroup(long long, long long, size_t);

+    void ParseSimpleBlock(long long, long long, size_t);





+class Segment


+    friend class Cues;


+    Segment(const Segment&);

+    Segment& operator=(const Segment&);



+    Segment(IMkvReader*, long long pos, long long size);



+    IMkvReader* const m_pReader;

+    const long long m_start;  //posn of segment payload

+    const long long m_size;   //size of segment payload

+    Cluster m_eos;  //TODO: make private?


+    static long long CreateInstance(IMkvReader*, long long, Segment*&);

+    ~Segment();


+    long Load();  //loads headers and all clusters


+    //for incremental loading (splitter)

+    long long Unparsed() const;

+    long long ParseHeaders();  //stops when first cluster is found

+    long LoadCluster();        //loads one cluster


+#if 0

+    //This pair parses one cluster, but only changes the state of the

+    //segment object when the cluster is actually added to the index.

+    long ParseCluster(Cluster*&, long long& newpos) const;

+    bool AddCluster(Cluster*, long long);



+    Tracks* GetTracks() const;

+    const SegmentInfo* GetInfo() const;

+    const Cues* GetCues() const;


+    long long GetDuration() const;


+    unsigned long GetCount() const;

+    Cluster* GetFirst();

+    Cluster* GetLast();

+    Cluster* GetNext(const Cluster*);


+    Cluster* FindCluster(long long time_nanoseconds);

+    const BlockEntry* Seek(long long time_nanoseconds, const Track*);




+    long long m_pos;  //absolute file posn; what has been consumed so far

+    SegmentInfo* m_pInfo;

+    Tracks* m_pTracks;

+    Cues* m_pCues;

+    Cluster** m_clusters;

+    long m_clusterCount;         //number of entries for which m_index >= 0

+    long m_clusterPreloadCount;  //number of entries for which m_index < 0

+    long m_clusterSize;          //array size


+    void AppendCluster(Cluster*);

+    void PreloadCluster(Cluster*, ptrdiff_t);


+    void ParseSeekHead(long long pos, long long size);

+    void ParseSeekEntry(long long pos, long long size);

+    void ParseCues(long long);


+    const BlockEntry* GetBlock(

+        const CuePoint&,

+        const CuePoint::TrackPosition&);





+}  //end namespace mkvparser


+#endif  //MKVPARSER_HPP