blob: 9d39f9bfbe013e6d7d1b10e91481ca7bd5daf391 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The LibYuv project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "libyuv/general.h"
#include <string.h> // memcpy(), memset()
#include "libyuv/planar_functions.h"
namespace libyuv {
I420Mirror(const uint8* src_yplane, int src_ystride,
const uint8* src_uplane, int src_ustride,
const uint8* src_vplane, int src_vstride,
uint8* dst_yplane, int dst_ystride,
uint8* dst_uplane, int dst_ustride,
uint8* dst_vplane, int dst_vstride,
int width, int height) {
if (src_yplane == NULL || src_uplane == NULL || src_vplane == NULL ||
dst_yplane == NULL || dst_uplane == NULL || dst_vplane == NULL) {
return -1;
int indO = 0;
int indS = 0;
int wind, hind;
uint8 tmpVal, tmpValU, tmpValV;
// Will swap two values per iteration
const int halfWidth = (width + 1) >> 1;
// Y
for (wind = 0; wind < halfWidth; wind++) {
for (hind = 0; hind < height; hind++) {
indO = hind * src_ystride + wind;
indS = hind * dst_ystride + (width - wind - 1);
tmpVal = src_yplane[indO];
dst_yplane[indO] = src_yplane[indS];
dst_yplane[indS] = tmpVal;
const int halfHeight = (height + 1) >> 1;
const int halfSrcuvStride = (height + 1) >> 1;
const int halfuvWidth = (width + 1) >> 2;
for (wind = 0; wind < halfuvWidth; wind++) {
for (hind = 0; hind < halfHeight; hind++) {
indO = hind * halfSrcuvStride + wind;
indS = hind * halfSrcuvStride + (halfuvWidth - wind - 1);
// U
tmpValU = src_uplane[indO];
dst_uplane[indO] = src_uplane[indS];
dst_uplane[indS] = tmpValU;
// V
tmpValV = src_vplane[indO];
dst_vplane[indO] = src_vplane[indS];
dst_vplane[indS] = tmpValV;
return 0;
// Make a center cut
I420Crop(uint8* frame,
int src_width, int src_height,
int dst_width, int dst_height)
if (frame == NULL)
return -1;
if (src_width == dst_width && src_height == dst_height) {
// Nothing to do
return 3 * dst_height * dst_width / 2;
if (dst_width > src_width || dst_height > src_height) {
// error
return -1;
int i = 0;
int m = 0;
int loop = 0;
int half_dst_width = dst_width / 2;
int halfdst_height = dst_height / 2;
int halfsrc_width = src_width / 2;
int half_dst_height= src_height / 2;
int crop_height = ( src_height - dst_height ) / 2;
int crop_width = ( src_width - dst_width ) / 2;
for (i = src_width * crop_height + crop_width; loop < dst_height ;
loop++, i += src_width) {
m += dst_width;
i = src_width * src_height; // ilum
loop = 0;
for ( i += (halfsrc_width * crop_height / 2 + crop_width / 2);
loop < halfdst_height; loop++,i += halfsrc_width) {
m += half_dst_width;
loop = 0;
i = src_width * src_height + half_dst_height * halfsrc_width; // ilum + Cr
for ( i += (halfsrc_width * crop_height / 2 + crop_width / 2);
loop < halfdst_height; loop++, i += halfsrc_width) {
m += half_dst_width;
return 0;
I420CropPad(const uint8* src_frame, int src_width,
int src_height, uint8* dst_frame,
int dst_width, int dst_height)
if (src_width < 1 || dst_width < 1 || src_height < 1 || dst_height < 1) {
return -1;
if (src_width == dst_width && src_height == dst_height) {
memcpy(dst_frame, src_frame, 3 * dst_width * (dst_height >> 1));
} else {
if (src_height < dst_height) {
// pad height
int pad_height = dst_height - src_height;
int i = 0;
int pad_width = 0;
int crop_width = 0;
int width = src_width;
if (src_width < dst_width) {
// pad width
pad_width = dst_width - src_width;
} else {
// cut width
crop_width = src_width - dst_width;
width = dst_width;
if (pad_height) {
memset(dst_frame, 0, dst_width * (pad_height >> 1));
dst_frame += dst_width * (pad_height >> 1);
for (i = 0; i < src_height;i++) {
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 0, pad_width / 2);
dst_frame += pad_width / 2;
src_frame += crop_width >> 1; // in case we have a cut
memcpy(dst_frame,src_frame ,width);
src_frame += crop_width >> 1;
dst_frame += width;
src_frame += width;
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 0, pad_width / 2);
dst_frame += pad_width / 2;
if (pad_height) {
memset(dst_frame, 0, dst_width * (pad_height >> 1));
dst_frame += dst_width * (pad_height >> 1);
if (pad_height) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, (dst_width >> 2) * (pad_height >> 1));
dst_frame += (dst_width >> 2) * (pad_height >> 1);
for (i = 0; i < (src_height >> 1); i++) {
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
src_frame += crop_width >> 2; // in case we have a cut
memcpy(dst_frame, src_frame,width >> 1);
src_frame += crop_width >> 2;
dst_frame += width >> 1;
src_frame += width >> 1;
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
if (pad_height) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, (dst_width >> 1) * (pad_height >> 1));
dst_frame += (dst_width >> 1) * (pad_height >> 1);
for (i = 0; i < (src_height >> 1); i++) {
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
src_frame += crop_width >> 2; // in case we have a cut
memcpy(dst_frame, src_frame,width >> 1);
src_frame += crop_width >> 2;
dst_frame += width >> 1;
src_frame += width >> 1;
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
if (pad_height) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, (dst_width >> 2) * (pad_height >> 1));
dst_frame += (dst_width >> 2) * (pad_height >> 1);
} else {
// cut height
int i = 0;
int pad_width = 0;
int crop_width = 0;
int width = src_width;
if (src_width < dst_width) {
// pad width
pad_width = dst_width - src_width;
} else {
// cut width
crop_width = src_width - dst_width;
width = dst_width;
int diff_height = src_height - dst_height;
src_frame += src_width * (diff_height >> 1); // skip top I
for (i = 0; i < dst_height; i++) {
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 0, pad_width / 2);
dst_frame += pad_width / 2;
src_frame += crop_width >> 1; // in case we have a cut
memcpy(dst_frame,src_frame ,width);
src_frame += crop_width >> 1;
dst_frame += width;
src_frame += width;
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 0, pad_width / 2);
dst_frame += pad_width / 2;
src_frame += src_width * (diff_height >> 1); // skip end I
src_frame += (src_width >> 2) * (diff_height >> 1); // skip top of Cr
for (i = 0; i < (dst_height >> 1); i++) {
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
src_frame += crop_width >> 2; // in case we have a cut
memcpy(dst_frame, src_frame,width >> 1);
src_frame += crop_width >> 2;
dst_frame += width >> 1;
src_frame += width >> 1;
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
src_frame += (src_width >> 2) * (diff_height >> 1); // skip end of Cr
src_frame += (src_width >> 2) * (diff_height >> 1); // skip top of Cb
for (i = 0; i < (dst_height >> 1); i++) {
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
src_frame += crop_width >> 2; // in case we have a cut
memcpy(dst_frame, src_frame, width >> 1);
src_frame += crop_width >> 2;
dst_frame += width >> 1;
src_frame += width >> 1;
if (pad_width) {
memset(dst_frame, 127, pad_width >> 2);
dst_frame += pad_width >> 2;
return 0;
} // namespace libyuv