blob: 85e02428fe3ff7db05375191b1d7a6ea65028201 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: llvm-mc -g -triple i686-pc-linux-gnu %s -filetype=obj -o - | elf-dump | FileCheck %s
// Test that on ELF:
// 1. the debug info has a relocation to debug_abbrev and one to to debug_line.
// 2. the debug_aranges has relocations to text and debug_line.
.globl foo
.type foo, @function
.align 4
.size foo, .-foo
// Section 4 is .debug_line
// CHECK: # Section 4
// CHECK-NEXT: # '.debug_line'
// The two relocations, one to symbol 6 and one to 4
// CHECK: # '.rel.debug_info'
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_type',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_flags'
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_addr',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_offset',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_size',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_link',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_info',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_addralign',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('sh_entsize',
// CHECK-NEXT: ('_relocations', [
// CHECK-NEXT: # Relocation 0
// CHECK-NEXT: (('r_offset', 0x00000006)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_sym', 0x000006)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_type', 0x01)
// CHECK-NEXT: # Relocation 1
// CHECK-NEXT: (('r_offset', 0x0000000c)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_sym', 0x000004)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_type', 0x01)
// Section 8 is .debug_abbrev
// CHECK: # Section 8
// CHECK-NEXT: (('sh_name', 0x00000001) # '.debug_abbrev'
// Section 9 is .debug_aranges
// CHECK: # Section 9
// CHECK-NEXT: (('sh_name', 0x0000001e) # '.debug_aranges'
// Two relocations in .debug_aranges, one to text and one to debug_info.
// CHECK: # '.rel.debug_aranges'
// CHECK: # Relocation 0
// CHECK-NEXT: (('r_offset', 0x00000006)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_sym', 0x000005)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_type', 0x01)
// CHECK-NEXT: # Relocation 1
// CHECK-NEXT: (('r_offset', 0x00000010)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_sym', 0x000001)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('r_type', 0x01)
// Symbol 1 is section 1 (.text)
// CHECK: # Symbol 1
// CHECK-NEXT: (('st_name', 0x00000000) # ''
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_value', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_size', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_bind', 0x0)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_type', 0x3)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_other', 0x00)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_shndx', 0x0001)
// Symbol 4 is section 4 (.debug_line)
// CHECK: # Symbol 4
// CHECK-NEXT: (('st_name', 0x00000000) # ''
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_value', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_size', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_bind', 0x0)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_type', 0x3)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_other', 0x00)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_shndx', 0x0004)
// Symbol 5 is section 6 (.debug_info)
// CHECK: # Symbol 5
// CHECK-NEXT: (('st_name', 0x00000000) # ''
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_value', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_size', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_bind', 0x0)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_type', 0x3)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_other', 0x00)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_shndx', 0x0006)
// Symbol 6 is section 8 (.debug_abbrev)
// CHECK: # Symbol 6
// CHECK-NEXT: (('st_name', 0x00000000) # ''
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_value', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_size', 0x00000000)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_bind', 0x0)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_type', 0x3)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_other', 0x00)
// CHECK-NEXT: ('st_shndx', 0x0008)