blob: 2b58f6ce38c54a13f03226fe55c84f37fa7241d2 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt < %s -cost-model -analyze -mtriple=thumbv7-apple-ios6.0.0 -mcpu=swift | FileCheck %s
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:32:64-v128:32:128-a0:0:32-n32-S32"
target triple = "thumbv7-apple-ios6.0.0"
define i32 @casts() {
; -- scalars --
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r0 = sext i1 undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r1 = zext i1 undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r2 = sext i1 undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r3 = zext i1 undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r4 = sext i1 undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r5 = zext i1 undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r6 = sext i1 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r7 = zext i1 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r8 = trunc i8 undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r9 = sext i8 undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r10 = zext i8 undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r11 = sext i8 undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r12 = zext i8 undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r13 = sext i8 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r14 = zext i8 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r15 = trunc i16 undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r16 = trunc i16 undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r17 = sext i16 undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r18 = zext i16 undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sext
%r19 = sext i16 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r20 = zext i16 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r21 = trunc i32 undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r22 = trunc i32 undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r23 = trunc i32 undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} sext
%r24 = sext i32 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} zext
%r25 = zext i32 undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r26 = trunc i64 undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r27 = trunc i64 undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r28 = trunc i64 undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} trunc
%r29 = trunc i64 undef to i32
; -- floating point conversions --
; Moves between scalar and NEON registers.
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r30 = fptoui float undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r31 = fptosi float undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r32 = fptoui float undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r33 = fptosi float undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r34 = fptoui float undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r35 = fptosi float undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r36 = fptoui float undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r37 = fptosi float undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} fptoui
%r38 = fptoui float undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} fptosi
%r39 = fptosi float undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r40 = fptoui double undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r41 = fptosi double undef to i1
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r42 = fptoui double undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r43 = fptosi double undef to i8
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r44 = fptoui double undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r45 = fptosi double undef to i16
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptoui
%r46 = fptoui double undef to i32
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptosi
%r47 = fptosi double undef to i32
; Function call
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} fptoui
%r48 = fptoui double undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} fptosi
%r49 = fptosi double undef to i64
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r50 = sitofp i1 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r51 = uitofp i1 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r52 = sitofp i1 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r53 = uitofp i1 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r54 = sitofp i8 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r55 = uitofp i8 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r56 = sitofp i8 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r57 = uitofp i8 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r58 = sitofp i16 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r59 = uitofp i16 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r60 = sitofp i16 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r61 = uitofp i16 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r62 = sitofp i32 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r63 = uitofp i32 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} sitofp
%r64 = sitofp i32 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} uitofp
%r65 = uitofp i32 undef to double
; Function call
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} sitofp
%r66 = sitofp i64 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} uitofp
%r67 = uitofp i64 undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} sitofp
%r68 = sitofp i64 undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 10 {{.*}} uitofp
%r69 = uitofp i64 undef to double
; Vector cast cost of instructions lowering the cast to the stack.
; CHECK: cost of 24 {{.*}} sext
%r70 = sext <8 x i8> undef to <8 x i32>
; CHECK: cost of 48 {{.*}} sext
%r71 = sext <16 x i8> undef to <16 x i32>
; CHECK: cost of 22 {{.*}} zext
%r72 = zext <8 x i8> undef to <8 x i32>
; CHECK: cost of 44 {{.*}} zext
%r73 = zext <16 x i8> undef to <16 x i32>
; CHECK: cost of 19 {{.*}} trunc
%r74 = trunc <8 x i32> undef to <8 x i8>
; CHECK: cost of 38 {{.*}} trunc
%r75 = trunc <16 x i32> undef to <16 x i8>
; Floating point truncation costs.
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} fptrunc double
%r80 = fptrunc double undef to float
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fptrunc <2 x double
%r81 = fptrunc <2 x double> undef to <2 x float>
; CHECK: cost of 4 {{.*}} fptrunc <4 x double
%r82 = fptrunc <4 x double> undef to <4 x float>
; CHECK: cost of 8 {{.*}} fptrunc <8 x double
%r83 = fptrunc <8 x double> undef to <8 x float>
; CHECK: cost of 16 {{.*}} fptrunc <16 x double
%r84 = fptrunc <16 x double> undef to <16 x float>
; Floating point extension costs.
; CHECK: cost of 1 {{.*}} fpext float
%r85 = fpext float undef to double
; CHECK: cost of 2 {{.*}} fpext <2 x float
%r86 = fpext <2 x float> undef to <2 x double>
; CHECK: cost of 4 {{.*}} fpext <4 x float
%r87 = fpext <4 x float> undef to <4 x double>
; CHECK: cost of 8 {{.*}} fpext <8 x float
%r88 = fpext <8 x float> undef to <8 x double>
; CHECK: cost of 16 {{.*}} fpext <16 x float
%r89 = fpext <16 x float> undef to <16 x double>
;CHECK: cost of 0 {{.*}} ret
ret i32 undef