blob: 401cf9f8a3fedcac61cb389f0a15acaa11b54e56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors
* This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License.
package org.mockito.internal.stubbing;
import org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers.CallsRealMethods;
import org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers.Returns;
import org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers.ThrowsException;
import org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers.ThrowsExceptionClass;
import org.mockito.stubbing.DeprecatedOngoingStubbing;
import org.mockito.stubbing.OngoingStubbing;
public abstract class BaseStubbing<T> implements OngoingStubbing<T>, DeprecatedOngoingStubbing<T> {
public OngoingStubbing<T> thenReturn(T value) {
return thenAnswer(new Returns(value));
public OngoingStubbing<T> thenReturn(T value, T... values) {
OngoingStubbing<T> stubbing = thenReturn(value);
if (values == null) {
return stubbing.thenReturn(null);
for (T v: values) {
stubbing = stubbing.thenReturn(v);
return stubbing;
private OngoingStubbing<T> thenThrow(Throwable throwable) {
return thenAnswer(new ThrowsException(throwable));
public OngoingStubbing<T> thenThrow(Throwable... throwables) {
if (throwables == null) {
thenThrow((Throwable) null);
OngoingStubbing<T> stubbing = null;
for (Throwable t: throwables) {
if (stubbing == null) {
stubbing = thenThrow(t);
} else {
stubbing = stubbing.thenThrow(t);
return stubbing;
private OngoingStubbing<T> thenThrow(Class<? extends Throwable> throwableClass) {
return thenAnswer(new ThrowsExceptionClass(throwableClass));
public OngoingStubbing<T> thenThrow(Class<? extends Throwable>... throwableClasses) {
if (throwableClasses == null) {
thenThrow((Throwable) null);
OngoingStubbing<T> stubbing = null;
for (Class<? extends Throwable> t: throwableClasses) {
if (stubbing == null) {
stubbing = thenThrow(t);
} else {
stubbing = stubbing.thenThrow(t);
return stubbing;
public OngoingStubbing<T> thenCallRealMethod() {
return thenAnswer(new CallsRealMethods());
public DeprecatedOngoingStubbing<T> toReturn(T value) {
return toAnswer(new Returns(value));
public DeprecatedOngoingStubbing<T> toThrow(Throwable throwable) {
return toAnswer(new ThrowsException(throwable));