blob: 6cea09186d7c532a68616b13ecb522c1c1b15af5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors
* This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License.
package org.mockito.internal.util.reflection;
import org.mockito.Incubating;
import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException;
import org.mockito.internal.util.Checks;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class can retrieve generic meta-data that the compiler stores on classes
* and accessible members.
* <p>
* The main idea of this code is to create a Map that will help to resolve return types.
* In order to actually work with nested generics, this map will have to be passed along new instances
* as a type context.
* </p>
* <p>
* Hence :
* <ul>
* <li>A new instance representing the metadata is created using the {@link #inferFrom(Type)} method from a real
* <code>Class</code> or from a <code>ParameterizedType</code>, other types are not yet supported.</li>
* <li>Then from this metadata, we can extract meta-data for a generic return type of a method, using
* {@link #resolveGenericReturnType(Method)}.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* For now this code support the following kind of generic declarations :
* <pre class="code"><code class="java">
* interface GenericsNest&lt;K extends Comparable&lt;K&gt; & Cloneable&gt; extends Map&lt;K, Set&lt;Number&gt;&gt; {
* Set&lt;Number&gt; remove(Object key); // override with fixed ParameterizedType
* List&lt;? super Integer&gt; returning_wildcard_with_class_lower_bound();
* List&lt;? super K&gt; returning_wildcard_with_typeVar_lower_bound();
* List&lt;? extends K&gt; returning_wildcard_with_typeVar_upper_bound();
* K returningK();
* &lt;O extends K&gt; List&lt;O&gt; paramType_with_type_params();
* &lt;S, T extends S&gt; T two_type_params();
* &lt;O extends K&gt; O typeVar_with_type_params();
* Number returningNonGeneric();
* }
* </code></pre>
* @see #inferFrom(Type)
* @see #resolveGenericReturnType(Method)
* @see org.mockito.internal.stubbing.defaultanswers.ReturnsDeepStubs
public abstract class GenericMetadataSupport {
// public static MockitoLogger logger = new ConsoleMockitoLogger();
* Represents actual type variables resolved for current class.
protected Map<TypeVariable, Type> contextualActualTypeParameters = new HashMap<TypeVariable, Type>();
protected void registerTypeVariablesOn(Type classType) {
if (!(classType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) classType;
TypeVariable[] typeParameters = ((Class<?>) parameterizedType.getRawType()).getTypeParameters();
Type[] actualTypeArguments = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < actualTypeArguments.length; i++) {
TypeVariable typeParameter = typeParameters[i];
Type actualTypeArgument = actualTypeArguments[i];
if (actualTypeArgument instanceof WildcardType) {
contextualActualTypeParameters.put(typeParameter, boundsOf((WildcardType) actualTypeArgument));
} else {
contextualActualTypeParameters.put(typeParameter, actualTypeArgument);
// logger.log("For '" + parameterizedType + "' found type variable : { '" + typeParameter + "(" + System.identityHashCode(typeParameter) + ")" + "' : '" + actualTypeArgument + "(" + System.identityHashCode(typeParameter) + ")" + "' }");
protected void registerTypeParametersOn(TypeVariable[] typeParameters) {
for (TypeVariable typeParameter : typeParameters) {
contextualActualTypeParameters.put(typeParameter, boundsOf(typeParameter));
// logger.log("For '" + typeParameter.getGenericDeclaration() + "' found type variable : { '" + typeParameter + "(" + System.identityHashCode(typeParameter) + ")" + "' : '" + boundsOf(typeParameter) + "' }");
* @param typeParameter The TypeVariable parameter
* @return A {@link BoundedType} for easy bound information, if first bound is a TypeVariable
* then retrieve BoundedType of this TypeVariable
private BoundedType boundsOf(TypeVariable typeParameter) {
if (typeParameter.getBounds()[0] instanceof TypeVariable) {
return boundsOf((TypeVariable) typeParameter.getBounds()[0]);
return new TypeVarBoundedType(typeParameter);
* @param wildCard The WildCard type
* @return A {@link BoundedType} for easy bound information, if first bound is a TypeVariable
* then retrieve BoundedType of this TypeVariable
private BoundedType boundsOf(WildcardType wildCard) {
* According to JLS(
* - Lower and upper can't coexist: (for instance, this is not allowed: <? extends List<String> & super MyInterface>)
* - Multiple bounds are not supported (for instance, this is not allowed: <? extends List<String> & MyInterface>)
WildCardBoundedType wildCardBoundedType = new WildCardBoundedType(wildCard);
if (wildCardBoundedType.firstBound() instanceof TypeVariable) {
return boundsOf((TypeVariable) wildCardBoundedType.firstBound());
return wildCardBoundedType;
* @return Raw type of the current instance.
public abstract Class<?> rawType();
* @return Returns extra interfaces <strong>if relevant</strong>, otherwise empty List.
public List<Type> extraInterfaces() {
return Collections.emptyList();
* @return Returns an array with the raw types of {@link #extraInterfaces()} <strong>if relevant</strong>.
public Class<?>[] rawExtraInterfaces() {
return new Class[0];
* @return Actual type arguments matching the type variables of the raw type represented by this {@link GenericMetadataSupport} instance.
public Map<TypeVariable, Type> actualTypeArguments() {
TypeVariable[] typeParameters = rawType().getTypeParameters();
LinkedHashMap<TypeVariable, Type> actualTypeArguments = new LinkedHashMap<TypeVariable, Type>();
for (TypeVariable typeParameter : typeParameters) {
Type actualType = getActualTypeArgumentFor(typeParameter);
actualTypeArguments.put(typeParameter, actualType);
// logger.log("For '" + rawType().getCanonicalName() + "' returning explicit TypeVariable : { '" + typeParameter + "(" + System.identityHashCode(typeParameter) + ")" + "' : '" + actualType +"' }");
return actualTypeArguments;
protected Type getActualTypeArgumentFor(TypeVariable typeParameter) {
Type type = this.contextualActualTypeParameters.get(typeParameter);
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
TypeVariable typeVariable = (TypeVariable) type;
return getActualTypeArgumentFor(typeVariable);
return type;
* Resolve current method generic return type to a {@link GenericMetadataSupport}.
* @param method Method to resolve the return type.
* @return {@link GenericMetadataSupport} representing this generic return type.
public GenericMetadataSupport resolveGenericReturnType(Method method) {
Type genericReturnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
// logger.log("Method '" + method.toGenericString() + "' has return type : " + genericReturnType.getClass().getInterfaces()[0].getSimpleName() + " : " + genericReturnType);
if (genericReturnType instanceof Class) {
return new NotGenericReturnTypeSupport(genericReturnType);
if (genericReturnType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
return new ParameterizedReturnType(this, method.getTypeParameters(), (ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType());
if (genericReturnType instanceof TypeVariable) {
return new TypeVariableReturnType(this, method.getTypeParameters(), (TypeVariable) genericReturnType);
throw new MockitoException("Ouch, it shouldn't happen, type '" + genericReturnType.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "' on method : '" + method.toGenericString() + "' is not supported : " + genericReturnType);
* Create an new instance of {@link GenericMetadataSupport} inferred from a {@link Type}.
* <p>
* At the moment <code>type</code> can only be a {@link Class} or a {@link ParameterizedType}, otherwise
* it'll throw a {@link MockitoException}.
* </p>
* @param type The class from which the {@link GenericMetadataSupport} should be built.
* @return The new {@link GenericMetadataSupport}.
* @throws MockitoException Raised if type is not a {@link Class} or a {@link ParameterizedType}.
public static GenericMetadataSupport inferFrom(Type type) {
Checks.checkNotNull(type, "type");
if (type instanceof Class) {
return new FromClassGenericMetadataSupport((Class<?>) type);
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
return new FromParameterizedTypeGenericMetadataSupport((ParameterizedType) type);
throw new MockitoException("Type meta-data for this Type (" + type.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ") is not supported : " + type);
//// Below are specializations of GenericMetadataSupport that could handle retrieval of possible Types
* Generic metadata implementation for {@link Class}.
* Offer support to retrieve generic metadata on a {@link Class} by reading type parameters and type variables on
* the class and its ancestors and interfaces.
private static class FromClassGenericMetadataSupport extends GenericMetadataSupport {
private Class<?> clazz;
public FromClassGenericMetadataSupport(Class<?> clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
private void readActualTypeParametersOnDeclaringClass() {
for (Type genericInterface : clazz.getGenericInterfaces()) {
public Class<?> rawType() {
return clazz;
* Generic metadata implementation for "standalone" {@link ParameterizedType}.
* Offer support to retrieve generic metadata on a {@link ParameterizedType} by reading type variables of
* the related raw type and declared type variable of this parameterized type.
* This class is not designed to work on ParameterizedType returned by {@link Method#getGenericReturnType()}, as
* the ParameterizedType instance return in these cases could have Type Variables that refer to type declaration(s).
* That's what meant the "standalone" word at the beginning of the Javadoc.
* Instead use {@link ParameterizedReturnType}.
private static class FromParameterizedTypeGenericMetadataSupport extends GenericMetadataSupport {
private ParameterizedType parameterizedType;
public FromParameterizedTypeGenericMetadataSupport(ParameterizedType parameterizedType) {
this.parameterizedType = parameterizedType;
private void readActualTypeParameters() {
public Class<?> rawType() {
return (Class<?>) parameterizedType.getRawType();
* Generic metadata specific to {@link ParameterizedType} returned via {@link Method#getGenericReturnType()}.
private static class ParameterizedReturnType extends GenericMetadataSupport {
private final ParameterizedType parameterizedType;
private final TypeVariable[] typeParameters;
public ParameterizedReturnType(GenericMetadataSupport source, TypeVariable[] typeParameters, ParameterizedType parameterizedType) {
this.parameterizedType = parameterizedType;
this.typeParameters = typeParameters;
this.contextualActualTypeParameters = source.contextualActualTypeParameters;
private void readTypeParameters() {
private void readTypeVariables() {
public Class<?> rawType() {
return (Class<?>) parameterizedType.getRawType();
* Generic metadata for {@link TypeVariable} returned via {@link Method#getGenericReturnType()}.
private static class TypeVariableReturnType extends GenericMetadataSupport {
private final TypeVariable typeVariable;
private final TypeVariable[] typeParameters;
private Class<?> rawType;
public TypeVariableReturnType(GenericMetadataSupport source, TypeVariable[] typeParameters, TypeVariable typeVariable) {
this.typeParameters = typeParameters;
this.typeVariable = typeVariable;
this.contextualActualTypeParameters = source.contextualActualTypeParameters;
private void readTypeParameters() {
private void readTypeVariables() {
for (Type type : typeVariable.getBounds()) {
public Class<?> rawType() {
if (rawType == null) {
rawType = extractRawTypeOf(typeVariable);
return rawType;
private Class<?> extractRawTypeOf(Type type) {
if (type instanceof Class) {
return (Class<?>) type;
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
return (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType();
if (type instanceof BoundedType) {
return extractRawTypeOf(((BoundedType) type).firstBound());
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
* If type is a TypeVariable, then it is needed to gather data elsewhere. Usually TypeVariables are declared
* on the class definition, such as such as List<E>.
return extractRawTypeOf(contextualActualTypeParameters.get(type));
throw new MockitoException("Raw extraction not supported for : '" + type + "'");
public List<Type> extraInterfaces() {
Type type = extractActualBoundedTypeOf(typeVariable);
if (type instanceof BoundedType) {
return Arrays.asList(((BoundedType) type).interfaceBounds());
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
return Collections.singletonList(type);
if (type instanceof Class) {
return Collections.emptyList();
throw new MockitoException("Cannot extract extra-interfaces from '" + typeVariable + "' : '" + type + "'");
* @return Returns an array with the extracted raw types of {@link #extraInterfaces()}.
* @see #extractRawTypeOf(java.lang.reflect.Type)
public Class<?>[] rawExtraInterfaces() {
List<Type> extraInterfaces = extraInterfaces();
List<Class<?>> rawExtraInterfaces = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
for (Type extraInterface : extraInterfaces) {
Class<?> rawInterface = extractRawTypeOf(extraInterface);
// avoid interface collision with actual raw type (with typevariables, resolution ca be quite aggressive)
if(!rawType().equals(rawInterface)) {
return rawExtraInterfaces.toArray(new Class[rawExtraInterfaces.size()]);
private Type extractActualBoundedTypeOf(Type type) {
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
If type is a TypeVariable, then it is needed to gather data elsewhere. Usually TypeVariables are declared
on the class definition, such as such as List<E>.
return extractActualBoundedTypeOf(contextualActualTypeParameters.get(type));
if (type instanceof BoundedType) {
Type actualFirstBound = extractActualBoundedTypeOf(((BoundedType) type).firstBound());
if (!(actualFirstBound instanceof BoundedType)) {
return type; // avoid going one step further, ie avoid : O(TypeVar) -> K(TypeVar) -> Some ParamType
return actualFirstBound;
return type; // irrelevant, we don't manage other types as they are not bounded.
* Non-Generic metadata for {@link Class} returned via {@link Method#getGenericReturnType()}.
private static class NotGenericReturnTypeSupport extends GenericMetadataSupport {
private final Class<?> returnType;
public NotGenericReturnTypeSupport(Type genericReturnType) {
returnType = (Class<?>) genericReturnType;
public Class<?> rawType() {
return returnType;
* Type representing bounds of a type
* @see TypeVarBoundedType
* @see <a href=""></a>
* @see WildCardBoundedType
* @see <a href=""></a>
public static interface BoundedType extends Type {
Type firstBound();
Type[] interfaceBounds();
* Type representing bounds of a type variable, allows to keep all bounds information.
* <p>It uses the first bound in the array, as this array is never null and always contains at least
* one element (Object is always here if no bounds are declared).</p>
* <p>If upper bounds are declared with SomeClass and additional interfaces, then firstBound will be SomeClass and
* interfacesBound will be an array of the additional interfaces.
* i.e. <code>SomeClass</code>.
* <pre class="code"><code class="java">
* interface UpperBoundedTypeWithClass<E extends Comparable<E> & Cloneable> {
* E get();
* }
* // will return Comparable type
* </code></pre>
* </p>
* @see <a href=""></a>
public static class TypeVarBoundedType implements BoundedType {
private TypeVariable typeVariable;
public TypeVarBoundedType(TypeVariable typeVariable) {
this.typeVariable = typeVariable;
* @return either a class or an interface (parameterized or not), if no bounds declared Object is returned.
public Type firstBound() {
return typeVariable.getBounds()[0]; //
* On a Type Variable (typeVar extends C_0 & I_1 & I_2 & etc), will return an array
* containing I_1 and I_2.
* @return other bounds for this type, these bounds can only be only interfaces as the JLS says,
* empty array if no other bound declared.
public Type[] interfaceBounds() {
Type[] interfaceBounds = new Type[typeVariable.getBounds().length - 1];
System.arraycopy(typeVariable.getBounds(), 1, interfaceBounds, 0, typeVariable.getBounds().length - 1);
return interfaceBounds;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
return typeVariable.equals(((TypeVarBoundedType) o).typeVariable);
public int hashCode() {
return typeVariable.hashCode();
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(", interfaceBounds=").append(Arrays.deepToString(interfaceBounds()));
return sb.toString();
public TypeVariable typeVariable() {
return typeVariable;
* Type representing bounds of a wildcard, allows to keep all bounds information.
* <p>The JLS says that lower bound and upper bound are mutually exclusive, and that multiple bounds
* are not allowed.
* @see <a href=""></a>
public static class WildCardBoundedType implements BoundedType {
private WildcardType wildcard;
public WildCardBoundedType(WildcardType wildcard) {
this.wildcard = wildcard;
* @return The first bound, either a type or a reference to a TypeVariable
public Type firstBound() {
Type[] lowerBounds = wildcard.getLowerBounds();
Type[] upperBounds = wildcard.getUpperBounds();
return lowerBounds.length != 0 ? lowerBounds[0] : upperBounds[0];
* @return An empty array as, wildcard don't support multiple bounds.
public Type[] interfaceBounds() {
return new Type[0];
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
return wildcard.equals(((TypeVarBoundedType) o).typeVariable);
public int hashCode() {
return wildcard.hashCode();
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(", interfaceBounds=[]}");
return sb.toString();
public WildcardType wildCard() {
return wildcard;