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#ifndef _CV_HPP_
#define _CV_HPP_
#ifdef __cplusplus
* CvBaseImageFilter: Base class for filtering operations *
#define CV_WHOLE 0
#define CV_START 1
#define CV_END 2
#define CV_MIDDLE 4
typedef void (*CvRowFilterFunc)( const uchar* src, uchar* dst, void* params );
typedef void (*CvColumnFilterFunc)( uchar** src, uchar* dst, int dst_step, int count, void* params );
class CV_EXPORTS CvBaseImageFilter
/* calls init() */
CvBaseImageFilter( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _is_separable, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual ~CvBaseImageFilter();
/* initializes the class for processing an image of maximal width _max_width,
input image has data type _src_type, the output will have _dst_type.
_is_separable != 0 if the filter is separable
(specific behaviour is defined in a derived class), 0 otherwise.
_ksize and _anchor specify the kernel size and the anchor point. _anchor=(-1,-1) means
that the anchor is at the center.
to get interpolate pixel values outside the image _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_*** is used,
_border_value specify the pixel value in case of IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT border mode.
before initialization clear() is called if necessary.
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _is_separable, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
/* releases all the internal buffers.
for the further use of the object, init() needs to be called. */
virtual void clear();
/* processes input image or a part of it.
input is represented either as matrix (CvMat* src)
or a list of row pointers (uchar** src2).
in the later case width, _src_y1 and _src_y2 are used to specify the size.
_dst is the output image/matrix.
_src_roi specifies the roi inside the input image to process,
(0,0,-1,-1) denotes the whole image.
_dst_origin is the upper-left corner of the filtered roi within the output image.
_phase is either CV_START, or CV_END, or CV_MIDDLE, or CV_START|CV_END, or CV_WHOLE,
which is the same as CV_START|CV_END.
CV_START means that the input is the first (top) stripe of the processed image [roi],
CV_END - the input is the last (bottom) stripe of the processed image [roi],
CV_MIDDLE - the input is neither first nor last stripe.
CV_WHOLE - the input is the whole processed image [roi].
virtual int process( const CvMat* _src, CvMat* _dst,
CvRect _src_roi=cvRect(0,0,-1,-1),
CvPoint _dst_origin=cvPoint(0,0), int _flags=0 );
/* retrieve various parameters of the filtering object */
int get_src_type() const { return src_type; }
int get_dst_type() const { return dst_type; }
int get_work_type() const { return work_type; }
CvSize get_kernel_size() const { return ksize; }
CvPoint get_anchor() const { return anchor; }
int get_width() const { return prev_x_range.end_index - prev_x_range.start_index; }
CvRowFilterFunc get_x_filter_func() const { return x_func; }
CvColumnFilterFunc get_y_filter_func() const { return y_func; }
/* initializes work_type, buf_size and max_rows */
virtual void get_work_params();
/* it is called (not always) from process when _phase=CV_START or CV_WHOLE.
the method initializes ring buffer (buf_end, buf_head, buf_tail, buf_count, rows),
prev_width, prev_x_range, const_row, border_tab, border_tab_sz* */
virtual void start_process( CvSlice x_range, int width );
/* forms pointers to "virtual rows" above or below the processed roi using the specified
border mode */
virtual void make_y_border( int row_count, int top_rows, int bottom_rows );
virtual int fill_cyclic_buffer( const uchar* src, int src_step,
int y, int y1, int y2 );
enum { ALIGN=32 };
int max_width;
/* currently, work_type must be the same as src_type in case of non-separable filters */
int min_depth, src_type, dst_type, work_type;
/* pointers to convolution functions, initialized by init method.
for non-separable filters only y_conv should be set */
CvRowFilterFunc x_func;
CvColumnFilterFunc y_func;
uchar* buffer;
uchar** rows;
int top_rows, bottom_rows, max_rows;
uchar *buf_start, *buf_end, *buf_head, *buf_tail;
int buf_size, buf_step, buf_count, buf_max_count;
bool is_separable;
CvSize ksize;
CvPoint anchor;
int max_ky, border_mode;
CvScalar border_value;
uchar* const_row;
int* border_tab;
int border_tab_sz1, border_tab_sz;
CvSlice prev_x_range;
int prev_width;
/* Derived class, for linear separable filtering. */
class CV_EXPORTS CvSepFilter : public CvBaseImageFilter
CvSepFilter( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
const CvMat* _kx, const CvMat* _ky,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual ~CvSepFilter();
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
const CvMat* _kx, const CvMat* _ky,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual void init_deriv( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
int dx, int dy, int aperture_size, int flags=0 );
virtual void init_gaussian( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
int gaussian_size, double sigma );
/* dummy method to avoid compiler warnings */
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _is_separable, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual void clear();
const CvMat* get_x_kernel() const { return kx; }
const CvMat* get_y_kernel() const { return ky; }
int get_x_kernel_flags() const { return kx_flags; }
int get_y_kernel_flags() const { return ky_flags; }
static void init_gaussian_kernel( CvMat* kernel, double sigma=-1 );
static void init_sobel_kernel( CvMat* _kx, CvMat* _ky, int dx, int dy, int flags=0 );
static void init_scharr_kernel( CvMat* _kx, CvMat* _ky, int dx, int dy, int flags=0 );
CvMat *kx, *ky;
int kx_flags, ky_flags;
/* Derived class, for linear non-separable filtering. */
class CV_EXPORTS CvLinearFilter : public CvBaseImageFilter
CvLinearFilter( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
const CvMat* _kernel,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual ~CvLinearFilter();
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
const CvMat* _kernel,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
/* dummy method to avoid compiler warnings */
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _is_separable, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual void clear();
const CvMat* get_kernel() const { return kernel; }
uchar* get_kernel_sparse_buf() { return k_sparse; }
int get_kernel_sparse_count() const { return k_sparse_count; }
CvMat *kernel;
uchar* k_sparse;
int k_sparse_count;
/* Box filter ("all 1's", optionally normalized) filter. */
class CV_EXPORTS CvBoxFilter : public CvBaseImageFilter
CvBoxFilter( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _normalized, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _normalized, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual ~CvBoxFilter();
bool is_normalized() const { return normalized; }
double get_scale() const { return scale; }
uchar* get_sum_buf() { return sum; }
int* get_sum_count_ptr() { return &sum_count; }
virtual void start_process( CvSlice x_range, int width );
uchar* sum;
int sum_count;
bool normalized;
double scale;
/* Laplacian operator: (d2/dx + d2/dy)I. */
class CV_EXPORTS CvLaplaceFilter : public CvSepFilter
CvLaplaceFilter( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _normalized, int _ksize,
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual ~CvLaplaceFilter();
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _normalized, int _ksize,
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
/* dummy methods to avoid compiler warnings */
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _is_separable, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
const CvMat* _kx, const CvMat* _ky,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
bool is_normalized() const { return normalized; }
bool is_basic_laplacian() const { return basic_laplacian; }
void get_work_params();
bool basic_laplacian;
bool normalized;
/* basic morphological operations: erosion & dilation */
class CV_EXPORTS CvMorphology : public CvBaseImageFilter
CvMorphology( int _operation, int _max_width, int _src_dst_type,
int _element_shape, CvMat* _element,
CvSize _ksize=cvSize(0,0), CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual ~CvMorphology();
virtual void init( int _operation, int _max_width, int _src_dst_type,
int _element_shape, CvMat* _element,
CvSize _ksize=cvSize(0,0), CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
/* dummy method to avoid compiler warnings */
virtual void init( int _max_width, int _src_type, int _dst_type,
bool _is_separable, CvSize _ksize,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1),
int _border_mode=IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE,
CvScalar _border_value=cvScalarAll(0) );
virtual void clear();
const CvMat* get_element() const { return element; }
int get_element_shape() const { return el_shape; }
int get_operation() const { return operation; }
uchar* get_element_sparse_buf() { return el_sparse; }
int get_element_sparse_count() const { return el_sparse_count; }
enum { RECT=0, CROSS=1, ELLIPSE=2, CUSTOM=100, BINARY = 0, GRAYSCALE=256 };
enum { ERODE=0, DILATE=1 };
static void init_binary_element( CvMat* _element, int _element_shape,
CvPoint _anchor=cvPoint(-1,-1) );
void start_process( CvSlice x_range, int width );
int fill_cyclic_buffer( const uchar* src, int src_step,
int y0, int y1, int y2 );
uchar* el_sparse;
int el_sparse_count;
CvMat *element;
int el_shape;
int operation;
struct CV_EXPORTS CvLevMarq
CvLevMarq( int nparams, int nerrs, CvTermCriteria criteria=
bool completeSymmFlag=false );
void init( int nparams, int nerrs, CvTermCriteria criteria=
bool completeSymmFlag=false );
bool update( const CvMat*& param, CvMat*& J, CvMat*& err );
bool updateAlt( const CvMat*& param, CvMat*& JtJ, CvMat*& JtErr, double*& errNorm );
void clear();
void step();
enum { DONE=0, STARTED=1, CALC_J=2, CHECK_ERR=3 };
CvMat* mask;
CvMat* prevParam;
CvMat* param;
CvMat* J;
CvMat* err;
CvMat* JtJ;
CvMat* JtJN;
CvMat* JtErr;
CvMat* JtJV;
CvMat* JtJW;
double prevErrNorm, errNorm;
int lambdaLg10;
CvTermCriteria criteria;
int state;
int iters;
bool completeSymmFlag;
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _CV_HPP_ */
/* End of file. */