blob: 7cc16f711edebd4d1a535419ee4044d5478086dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010, Linaro Limited.
* This file is part of PowerDebug.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Daniel Lezcano <> (IBM Corporation)
* - initial API and implementation
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#undef _GNU_SOURCE
#include <mntent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "powerdebug.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "utils.h"
#define SYSFS_GPIO "/sys/class/gpio"
#define MAX_VALUE_BYTE 10
struct gpio_info {
bool expanded;
int active_low;
int value;
char direction[MAX_VALUE_BYTE];
char edge[MAX_VALUE_BYTE];
char *prefix;
} *gpios_info;
static struct tree *gpio_tree = NULL;
static struct gpio_info *gpio_alloc(void)
struct gpio_info *gi;
gi = malloc(sizeof(*gi));
if (gi) {
memset(gi, -1, sizeof(*gi));
memset(gi->direction, 0, MAX_VALUE_BYTE);
memset(gi->edge, 0, MAX_VALUE_BYTE);
gi->prefix = NULL;
return gi;
static int gpio_filter_cb(const char *name)
/* let's ignore some directories in order to avoid to be
* pulled inside the sysfs circular symlinks mess/hell
* (choose the word which fit better)
if (!strcmp(name, "device"))
return 1;
if (!strcmp(name, "subsystem"))
return 1;
if (!strcmp(name, "driver"))
return 1;
/* we want to ignore the gpio chips */
if (strstr(name, "chip"))
return 1;
/* we are not interested by the power value */
if (!strcmp(name, "power"))
return 1;
return 0;
static inline int read_gpio_cb(struct tree *t, void *data)
struct gpio_info *gpio = t->private;
file_read_value(t->path, "active_low", "%d", &gpio->active_low);
file_read_value(t->path, "value", "%d", &gpio->value);
file_read_value(t->path, "edge", "%8s", &gpio->edge);
file_read_value(t->path, "direction", "%4s", &gpio->direction);
return 0;
static int read_gpio_info(struct tree *tree)
return tree_for_each(tree, read_gpio_cb, NULL);
static int fill_gpio_cb(struct tree *t, void *data)
struct gpio_info *gpio;
gpio = gpio_alloc();
if (!gpio)
return -1;
t->private = gpio;
/* we skip the root node but we set it expanded for its children */
if (!t->parent) {
gpio->expanded = true;
return 0;
return read_gpio_cb(t, data);
static int fill_gpio_tree(void)
return tree_for_each(gpio_tree, fill_gpio_cb, NULL);
static int dump_gpio_cb(struct tree *t, void *data)
struct gpio_info *gpio = t->private;
struct gpio_info *pgpio;
if (!t->parent) {
gpio->prefix = "";
return 0;
pgpio = t->parent->private;
if (!gpio->prefix)
if (asprintf(&gpio->prefix, "%s%s%s", pgpio->prefix,
t->depth > 1 ? " ": "", t->next ? "|" : " ") < 0)
return -1;
printf("%s%s-- %s (", gpio->prefix, !t->next ? "`" : "", t->name);
if (gpio->active_low != -1)
printf(" active_low:%d", gpio->active_low);
if (gpio->value != -1)
printf(", value:%d", gpio->value);
if (gpio->edge[0] != 0)
printf(", edge:%s", gpio->edge);
if (gpio->direction[0] != 0)
printf(", direction:%s", gpio->direction);
printf(" )\n");
return 0;
int dump_gpio_info(void)
return tree_for_each(gpio_tree, dump_gpio_cb, NULL);
int gpio_dump(void)
int ret;
printf("\nGpio Tree :\n");
ret = dump_gpio_info();
return ret;
static char *gpio_line(struct tree *t)
struct gpio_info *gpio = t->private;
char *gpioline;
if (asprintf(&gpioline, "%-20s %-10d %-10d %-10s %-10s", t->name,
gpio->value, gpio->active_low, gpio->edge, gpio->direction) < 0)
return NULL;
return gpioline;
static int _gpio_print_info_cb(struct tree *t, void *data)
int *line = data;
char *buffer;
/* we skip the root node of the tree */
if (!t->parent)
return 0;
buffer = gpio_line(t);
if (!buffer)
return -1;
display_print_line(GPIO, *line, buffer, 0, t);
return 0;
static int gpio_print_info_cb(struct tree *t, void *data)
/* we skip the root node of the tree */
if (!t->parent)
return 0;
return _gpio_print_info_cb(t, data);
static int gpio_print_header(void)
char *buf;
int ret;
if (asprintf(&buf, "%-20s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s",
"Name", "Value", "Active_low", "Edge", "Direction") < 0)
return -1;
ret = display_column_name(buf);
return ret;
static int gpio_print_info(struct tree *tree)
int ret, line = 0;
ret = tree_for_each(tree, gpio_print_info_cb, &line);
return ret;
static int gpio_display(bool refresh)
if (refresh && read_gpio_info(gpio_tree))
return -1;
return gpio_print_info(gpio_tree);
static int gpio_change(int keyvalue)
struct tree *t = display_get_row_data(GPIO);
struct gpio_info *gpio = t->private;
if (!t || !gpio)
return -1;
switch (keyvalue) {
case 'D':
/* Only change direction when gpio interrupt not set.*/
if (!strstr(gpio->edge, "none"))
return 0;
if (strstr(gpio->direction, "in"))
strcpy(gpio->direction, "out");
else if (strstr(gpio->direction, "out"))
strcpy(gpio->direction, "in");
file_write_value(t->path, "direction", "%s", &gpio->direction);
file_read_value(t->path, "direction", "%s", &gpio->direction);
file_read_value(t->path, "value", "%d", &gpio->value);
case 'V':
/* Only change value when gpio direction is out. */
if (!strstr(gpio->edge, "none")
|| !strstr(gpio->direction, "out"))
return 0;
if (gpio->value)
file_write_value(t->path, "direction", "%s", &"low");
file_write_value(t->path, "direction", "%s", &"high");
file_read_value(t->path, "value", "%d", &gpio->value);
return -1;
return 0;
static struct display_ops gpio_ops = {
.display = gpio_display,
.change = gpio_change,
* Initialize the gpio framework
int gpio_init(void)
gpio_tree = tree_load(SYSFS_GPIO, gpio_filter_cb, false);
if (!gpio_tree)
return -1;
if (fill_gpio_tree())
return -1;
return display_register(GPIO, &gpio_ops);