blob: 89fce55f700209aacb93e32799bb74a49710e090 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrResourceCache.h"
#include "GrResource.h"
GrResourceEntry::GrResourceEntry(const GrResourceKey& key, GrResource* resource)
: fKey(key), fResource(resource) {
// we assume ownership of the resource, and will unref it when we die
GrResourceEntry::~GrResourceEntry() {
void GrResourceEntry::validate() const {
GrAssert(fResource->getCacheEntry() == this);
class GrResourceCache::Key {
typedef GrResourceEntry T;
const GrResourceKey& fKey;
Key(const GrResourceKey& key) : fKey(key) {}
uint32_t getHash() const { return fKey.hashIndex(); }
static bool LT(const T& entry, const Key& key) {
return entry.key() < key.fKey;
static bool EQ(const T& entry, const Key& key) {
return entry.key() == key.fKey;
static uint32_t GetHash(const T& entry) {
return entry.key().hashIndex();
static bool LT(const T& a, const T& b) {
return a.key() < b.key();
static bool EQ(const T& a, const T& b) {
return a.key() == b.key();
GrResourceCache::GrResourceCache(int maxCount, size_t maxBytes) :
fMaxBytes(maxBytes) {
fHighWaterEntryCount = 0;
fHighWaterEntryBytes = 0;
fHighWaterClientDetachedCount = 0;
fHighWaterClientDetachedBytes = 0;
fEntryCount = 0;
fEntryBytes = 0;
fClientDetachedCount = 0;
fClientDetachedBytes = 0;
fPurging = false;
GrResourceCache::~GrResourceCache() {
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
EntryList::Iter iter;
// Unlike the removeAll, here we really remove everything, including locked resources.
while (GrResourceEntry* entry = fList.head()) {
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
// remove from our cache
fCache.remove(entry->fKey, entry);
// remove from our llist
this->internalDetach(entry, false);
delete entry;
void GrResourceCache::getLimits(int* maxResources, size_t* maxResourceBytes) const{
if (maxResources) {
*maxResources = fMaxCount;
if (maxResourceBytes) {
*maxResourceBytes = fMaxBytes;
void GrResourceCache::setLimits(int maxResources, size_t maxResourceBytes) {
bool smaller = (maxResources < fMaxCount) || (maxResourceBytes < fMaxBytes);
fMaxCount = maxResources;
fMaxBytes = maxResourceBytes;
if (smaller) {
void GrResourceCache::internalDetach(GrResourceEntry* entry,
bool clientDetach) {
// update our stats
if (clientDetach) {
fClientDetachedCount += 1;
fClientDetachedBytes += entry->resource()->sizeInBytes();
if (fHighWaterClientDetachedCount < fClientDetachedCount) {
fHighWaterClientDetachedCount = fClientDetachedCount;
if (fHighWaterClientDetachedBytes < fClientDetachedBytes) {
fHighWaterClientDetachedBytes = fClientDetachedBytes;
} else {
fEntryCount -= 1;
fEntryBytes -= entry->resource()->sizeInBytes();
void GrResourceCache::attachToHead(GrResourceEntry* entry,
bool clientReattach) {
// update our stats
if (clientReattach) {
fClientDetachedCount -= 1;
fClientDetachedBytes -= entry->resource()->sizeInBytes();
} else {
fEntryCount += 1;
fEntryBytes += entry->resource()->sizeInBytes();
if (fHighWaterEntryCount < fEntryCount) {
fHighWaterEntryCount = fEntryCount;
if (fHighWaterEntryBytes < fEntryBytes) {
fHighWaterEntryBytes = fEntryBytes;
GrResource* GrResourceCache::find(const GrResourceKey& key) {
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
GrResourceEntry* entry = fCache.find(key);
if (NULL == entry) {
return NULL;
this->internalDetach(entry, false);
this->attachToHead(entry, false);
return entry->fResource;
bool GrResourceCache::hasKey(const GrResourceKey& key) const {
return NULL != fCache.find(key);
void GrResourceCache::create(const GrResourceKey& key, GrResource* resource) {
GrAssert(NULL == resource->getCacheEntry());
// we don't expect to create new resources during a purge. In theory
// this could cause purgeAsNeeded() into an infinite loop (e.g.
// each resource destroyed creates and locks 2 resources and
// unlocks 1 thereby causing a new purge).
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
GrResourceEntry* entry = SkNEW_ARGS(GrResourceEntry, (key, resource));
this->attachToHead(entry, false);
fCache.insert(key, entry);
GrPrintf("--- add resource to cache %p, count=%d bytes= %d %d\n",
entry, fEntryCount, resource->sizeInBytes(), fEntryBytes);
void GrResourceCache::makeExclusive(GrResourceEntry* entry) {
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
this->internalDetach(entry, true);
fCache.remove(entry->key(), entry);
void GrResourceCache::removeInvalidResource(GrResourceEntry* entry) {
// If the resource went invalid while it was detached then purge it
// This can happen when a 3D context was lost,
// the client called GrContext::contextDestroyed() to notify Gr,
// and then later an SkGpuDevice's destructor releases its backing
// texture (which was invalidated at contextDestroyed time).
fClientDetachedCount -= 1;
fEntryCount -= 1;
size_t size = entry->resource()->sizeInBytes();
fClientDetachedBytes -= size;
fEntryBytes -= size;
void GrResourceCache::makeNonExclusive(GrResourceEntry* entry) {
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
if (entry->resource()->isValid()) {
attachToHead(entry, true);
fCache.insert(entry->key(), entry);
} else {
* Destroying a resource may potentially trigger the unlock of additional
* resources which in turn will trigger a nested purge. We block the nested
* purge using the fPurging variable. However, the initial purge will keep
* looping until either all resources in the cache are unlocked or we've met
* the budget. There is an assertion in createAndLock to check against a
* resource's destructor inserting new resources into the cache. If these
* new resources were unlocked before purgeAsNeeded completed it could
* potentially make purgeAsNeeded loop infinitely.
void GrResourceCache::purgeAsNeeded() {
if (!fPurging) {
fPurging = true;
bool withinBudget = false;
bool changed = false;
// The purging process is repeated several times since one pass
// may free up other resources
do {
EntryList::Iter iter;
changed = false;
// Note: the following code relies on the fact that the
// doubly linked list doesn't invalidate its data/pointers
// outside of the specific area where a deletion occurs (e.g.,
// in internalDetach)
GrResourceEntry* entry = iter.init(fList, EntryList::Iter::kTail_IterStart);
while (NULL != entry) {
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
if (fEntryCount <= fMaxCount && fEntryBytes <= fMaxBytes) {
withinBudget = true;
GrResourceEntry* prev = iter.prev();
if (1 == entry->fResource->getRefCnt()) {
changed = true;
// remove from our cache
fCache.remove(entry->key(), entry);
// remove from our llist
this->internalDetach(entry, false);
GrPrintf("--- ~resource from cache %p [%d %d]\n",
delete entry;
entry = prev;
} while (!withinBudget && changed);
fPurging = false;
void GrResourceCache::purgeAllUnlocked() {
GrAutoResourceCacheValidate atcv(this);
// we can have one GrResource holding a lock on another
// so we don't want to just do a simple loop kicking each
// entry out. Instead change the budget and purge.
int savedMaxBytes = fMaxBytes;
int savedMaxCount = fMaxCount;
fMaxBytes = (size_t) -1;
fMaxCount = 0;
GrAssert(fExclusiveList.countEntries() == fClientDetachedCount);
GrAssert(countBytes(fExclusiveList) == fClientDetachedBytes);
if (!fCache.count()) {
// Items may have been detached from the cache (such as the backing
// texture for an SkGpuDevice). The above purge would not have removed
// them.
GrAssert(fEntryCount == fClientDetachedCount);
GrAssert(fEntryBytes == fClientDetachedBytes);
fMaxBytes = savedMaxBytes;
fMaxCount = savedMaxCount;
size_t GrResourceCache::countBytes(const EntryList& list) {
size_t bytes = 0;
EntryList::Iter iter;
const GrResourceEntry* entry = iter.init(const_cast<EntryList&>(list),
for ( ; NULL != entry; entry = iter.prev()) {
bytes += entry->resource()->sizeInBytes();
return bytes;
static bool both_zero_or_nonzero(int count, size_t bytes) {
return (count == 0 && bytes == 0) || (count > 0 && bytes > 0);
void GrResourceCache::validate() const {
GrAssert(both_zero_or_nonzero(fEntryCount, fEntryBytes));
GrAssert(both_zero_or_nonzero(fClientDetachedCount, fClientDetachedBytes));
GrAssert(fClientDetachedBytes <= fEntryBytes);
GrAssert(fClientDetachedCount <= fEntryCount);
GrAssert((fEntryCount - fClientDetachedCount) == fCache.count());
EntryList::Iter iter;
// check that the exclusively held entries are okay
const GrResourceEntry* entry = iter.init(const_cast<EntryList&>(fExclusiveList),
for ( ; NULL != entry; entry = {
// check that the shareable entries are okay
entry = iter.init(const_cast<EntryList&>(fList), EntryList::Iter::kHead_IterStart);
int count = 0;
for ( ; NULL != entry; entry = {
count += 1;
GrAssert(count == fEntryCount - fClientDetachedCount);
size_t bytes = countBytes(fList);
GrAssert(bytes == fEntryBytes - fClientDetachedBytes);
bytes = countBytes(fExclusiveList);
GrAssert(bytes == fClientDetachedBytes);
GrAssert(fList.countEntries() == fEntryCount - fClientDetachedCount);
GrAssert(fExclusiveList.countEntries() == fClientDetachedCount);
#endif // GR_DEBUG
void GrResourceCache::printStats() {
int locked = 0;
EntryList::Iter iter;
GrResourceEntry* entry = iter.init(fList, EntryList::Iter::kTail_IterStart);
for ( ; NULL != entry; entry = iter.prev()) {
if (entry->fResource->getRefCnt() > 1) {
SkDebugf("Budget: %d items %d bytes\n", fMaxCount, fMaxBytes);
SkDebugf("\t\tEntry Count: current %d (%d locked) high %d\n",
fEntryCount, locked, fHighWaterEntryCount);
SkDebugf("\t\tEntry Bytes: current %d high %d\n",
fEntryBytes, fHighWaterEntryBytes);
SkDebugf("\t\tDetached Entry Count: current %d high %d\n",
fClientDetachedCount, fHighWaterClientDetachedCount);
SkDebugf("\t\tDetached Bytes: current %d high %d\n",
fClientDetachedBytes, fHighWaterClientDetachedBytes);