| baseDir is [tools/tests/skdiff/baseDir/] |
| comparisonDir is [tools/tests/skdiff/comparisonDir/] |
| not writing any diffs to outputDir [tools/tests/skdiff/identical-bits-or-pixels/output-actual/] |
| |
| compared 3 file pairs: |
| [_] 2 file pairs contain exactly the same bits |
| [_] 1 file pairs contain the same pixel values, but not the same bits |
| [_] 0 file pairs have identical dimensions but some differing pixels |
| [_] 0 file pairs have differing dimensions |
| [_] 0 file pairs could not be compared |
| [_] 0 file pairs not compared yet |
| (results marked with [*] will cause nonzero return value) |
| |
| number of mismatching file pairs: 0 |