blob: 2faaa9f43d43c77330bd824d54a31a71f8fa6179 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997
* Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
* Copyright (c) 1999
* Boris Fomitchev
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
* or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
* Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
* provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
* modified is included with the above copyright notice.
# include <stl/_pair.h>
# include <stl/_alloc.h>
template <class _Iterator>
void _Decrement(_Iterator& __it, const bidirectional_iterator_tag &)
{ --__it; }
template <class _Iterator>
void _Decrement(_Iterator& __it, const random_access_iterator_tag &)
{ --__it; }
template <class _Iterator>
void _Decrement(_Iterator& __it, const forward_iterator_tag &)
template <class _Iterator>
void _Advance(_Iterator&, ptrdiff_t, const forward_iterator_tag &)
template <class _Iterator>
void _Advance(_Iterator& __it, ptrdiff_t, const bidirectional_iterator_tag &)
template <class _Iterator>
void _Advance(_Iterator& __it, ptrdiff_t __n, const random_access_iterator_tag &)
{ __it += __n; }
template <class _Iterator>
ptrdiff_t _DBG_distance(const _Iterator& __x, const _Iterator& __y, const random_access_iterator_tag &)
{ return __x - __y; }
template <class _Iterator>
ptrdiff_t _DBG_distance(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&, const forward_iterator_tag &) {
return 0;
template <class _Iterator>
ptrdiff_t _DBG_distance(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&, const bidirectional_iterator_tag &) {
return 0;
template <class _Iterator>
bool _CompareIt(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&, const forward_iterator_tag &) {
return false;
template <class _Iterator>
bool _CompareIt(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&, const bidirectional_iterator_tag &) {
return false;
template <class _Iterator>
bool _CompareIt(const _Iterator& __x, const _Iterator& __y, const random_access_iterator_tag &)
{ return __x < __y; }
template <class _Iterator>
bool _Dereferenceable(const _Iterator& __it)
{ return (__it._Get_container_ptr() != 0) && !(__it._M_iterator == (__it._Get_container_ptr())->end()); }
template <class _Iterator>
bool _Incrementable(const _Iterator& __it, ptrdiff_t __n, const forward_iterator_tag &)
{ return (__n == 1) && _Dereferenceable(__it); }
template <class _Iterator>
bool _Incrementable(const _Iterator& __it, ptrdiff_t __n, const bidirectional_iterator_tag &) {
typedef typename _Iterator::_Container_type __container_type;
__container_type* __c = __it._Get_container_ptr();
return (__c != 0) && ((__n == 1 && __it._M_iterator != __c->end() ) ||
(__n == -1 && __it._M_iterator != __c->begin()));
template <class _Iterator>
bool _Incrementable(const _Iterator& __it, ptrdiff_t __n, const random_access_iterator_tag &) {
typedef typename _Iterator::_Container_type __container_type;
__container_type* __c = __it._Get_container_ptr();
if (__c == 0) return false;
ptrdiff_t __new_pos = (__it._M_iterator - __c->begin()) + __n;
return (__new_pos >= 0) && (__STATIC_CAST(typename __container_type::size_type, __new_pos) <= __c->size());
template <class _Container>
struct _DBG_iter_base : public __owned_link {
typedef typename _Container::value_type value_type;
typedef typename _Container::reference reference;
typedef typename _Container::pointer pointer;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef typename _Container::iterator _Nonconst_iterator;
typedef typename _Container::const_iterator _Const_iterator;
typedef _Container _Container_type;
typedef typename iterator_traits<_Const_iterator>::iterator_category _Iterator_category;
typedef typename _Container::_Iterator_category _Iterator_category;
typedef _Iterator_category iterator_category;
_DBG_iter_base() : __owned_link(0) {}
_DBG_iter_base(const __owned_list* __c, const _Const_iterator& __it) :
#if defined(__HP_aCC) && (__HP_aCC < 60000)
__owned_link(__c), _M_iterator(*__REINTERPRET_CAST(const _Nonconst_iterator *, &__it)) {}
__owned_link(__c), _M_iterator(*(const _Nonconst_iterator*)&__it) {}
_Container* _Get_container_ptr() const {
return (_Container*)__stl_debugger::_Get_container_ptr(this);
void __increment();
void __decrement();
void __advance(ptrdiff_t __n);
// protected:
_Nonconst_iterator _M_iterator;
template <class _Container>
inline void _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::__increment() {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_Incrementable(*this, 1, _Iterator_category()))
template <class _Container>
inline void _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::__decrement() {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_Incrementable(*this, -1, _Iterator_category()))
_Decrement(_M_iterator, _Iterator_category());
template <class _Container>
inline void _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::__advance(ptrdiff_t __n) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(_Incrementable(*this, __n, _Iterator_category()))
_Advance(_M_iterator, __n, _Iterator_category());
template <class _Container>
ptrdiff_t operator-(const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __x,
const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __y ) {
typedef typename _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::_Iterator_category _Iterator_category;
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(__check_same_owner(__x, __y))
return _DBG_distance(__x._M_iterator,__y._M_iterator, _Iterator_category());
template <class _Container, class _Traits>
struct _DBG_iter_mid : public _DBG_iter_base<_Container> {
typedef _DBG_iter_mid<_Container, typename _Traits::_NonConstTraits> _Nonconst_self;
typedef typename _Container::iterator _Nonconst_iterator;
typedef typename _Container::const_iterator _Const_iterator;
_DBG_iter_mid() {}
explicit _DBG_iter_mid(const _Nonconst_self& __it) :
_DBG_iter_base<_Container>(__it) {}
_DBG_iter_mid(const __owned_list* __c, const _Const_iterator& __it) :
_DBG_iter_base<_Container>(__c, __it) {}
template <class _Container, class _Traits>
struct _DBG_iter : public _DBG_iter_mid<_Container, _Traits> {
typedef _DBG_iter_base<_Container> _Base;
typedef typename _Base::value_type value_type;
typedef typename _Base::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename _Traits::reference reference;
typedef typename _Traits::pointer pointer;
typedef typename _Base::_Nonconst_iterator _Nonconst_iterator;
typedef typename _Base::_Const_iterator _Const_iterator;
typedef _DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits> _Self;
typedef _DBG_iter_mid<_Container, typename _Traits::_NonConstTraits> _Nonconst_mid;
typedef typename _Base::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename _Base::_Iterator_category _Iterator_category;
_DBG_iter() {}
// boris : real type of iter would be nice
_DBG_iter(const __owned_list* __c, const _Const_iterator& __it) :
_DBG_iter_mid<_Container, _Traits>(__c, __it) {}
// This allows conversions from iterator to const_iterator without being
// redundant with the copy constructor below.
_DBG_iter(const _Nonconst_mid& __rhs) :
_DBG_iter_mid<_Container, _Traits>(__rhs) {}
_DBG_iter(const _Self& __rhs) :
_DBG_iter_mid<_Container, _Traits>(__rhs) {}
// This allows conversions from iterator to const_iterator without being
// redundant with the copy assignment operator below.
_Self& operator=(const _Nonconst_mid& __rhs) {
(_Base&)*this = __rhs;
return *this;
_Self& operator=(const _Self& __rhs) {
(_Base&)*this = __rhs;
return *this;
reference operator*() const;
_Self& operator++() {
return *this;
_Self operator++(int) {
_Self __tmp = *this;
return __tmp;
_Self& operator--() {
return *this;
_Self operator--(int) {
_Self __tmp = *this;
return __tmp;
_Self& operator+=(difference_type __n) {
return *this;
_Self& operator-=(difference_type __n) {
return *this;
_Self operator+(difference_type __n) const {
_Self __tmp(*this);
return __tmp;
_Self operator-(difference_type __n) const {
_Self __tmp(*this);
return __tmp;
reference operator[](difference_type __n) const { return *(*this + __n); }
template <class _Container, class _Traits>
_STLP_TYPENAME_ON_RETURN_TYPE _DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits>::reference
_DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits>::operator*() const {
return *this->_M_iterator;
template <class _Container>
inline bool
operator==(const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __x, const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __y) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(__check_same_or_null_owner(__x, __y))
return __x._M_iterator == __y._M_iterator;
template <class _Container>
inline bool
operator<(const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __x, const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __y) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(__check_same_or_null_owner(__x, __y))
typedef typename _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::_Iterator_category _Category;
return _CompareIt(__x._M_iterator , __y._M_iterator, _Category());
template <class _Container>
inline bool
operator>(const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __x,
const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __y) {
typedef typename _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::_Iterator_category _Category;
return _CompareIt(__y._M_iterator , __x._M_iterator, _Category());
template <class _Container>
inline bool
operator>=(const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __x, const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __y) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(__check_same_or_null_owner(__x, __y))
typedef typename _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::_Iterator_category _Category;
return !_CompareIt(__x._M_iterator , __y._M_iterator, _Category());
template <class _Container>
inline bool
operator<=(const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __x,
const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __y) {
typedef typename _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::_Iterator_category _Category;
return !_CompareIt(__y._M_iterator , __x._M_iterator, _Category());
template <class _Container>
inline bool
operator!=(const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __x,
const _DBG_iter_base<_Container>& __y) {
_STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(__check_same_or_null_owner(__x, __y))
return __x._M_iterator != __y._M_iterator;
template <class _Container, class _Traits>
inline _DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits>
operator+(ptrdiff_t __n, const _DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits>& __it) {
_DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits> __tmp(__it);
return __tmp += __n;
template <class _Iterator>
inline _Iterator _Non_Dbg_iter(_Iterator __it)
{ return __it; }
template <class _Container, class _Traits>
inline typename _DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits>::_Nonconst_iterator
_Non_Dbg_iter(_DBG_iter<_Container, _Traits> __it)
{ return __it._M_iterator; }
* Helper classes to check iterator range or pointer validity
* at construction time.
template <class _Container>
class __construct_checker {
typedef typename _Container::value_type value_type;
__construct_checker() {}
__construct_checker(const value_type* __p) {
template <class _InputIter>
__construct_checker(const _InputIter& __f, const _InputIter& __l) {
typedef typename _IsIntegral<_InputIter>::_Ret _Integral;
_M_check_dispatch(__f, __l, _Integral());
template <class _Integer>
void _M_check_dispatch(_Integer , _Integer, const __true_type& /*IsIntegral*/) {}
template <class _InputIter>
void _M_check_dispatch(const _InputIter& __f, const _InputIter& __l, const __false_type& /*IsIntegral*/) {
__construct_checker(const value_type* __f, const value_type* __l) {
typedef _DBG_iter_base<_Container> _IteType;
__construct_checker(const _IteType& __f, const _IteType& __l) {
# if defined (_STLP_NESTED_TYPE_PARAM_BUG) ||\
(defined (__SUNPRO_CC) && __SUNPRO_CC < 0x600) ||\
(defined (_STLP_MSVC) && (_STLP_MSVC < 1100))
# endif
template <class _Container>
inline ptrdiff_t*
distance_type(const _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base<_Container>&) { return (ptrdiff_t*) 0; }
template <class _Container>
inline _STLP_TYPENAME_ON_RETURN_TYPE _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::value_type*
value_type(const _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base<_Container>&) {
typedef typename _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::value_type _Val;
return (_Val*)0;
template <class _Container>
inline _STLP_TYPENAME_ON_RETURN_TYPE _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::_Iterator_category
iterator_category(const _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base<_Container>&) {
typedef typename _STLP_PRIV _DBG_iter_base<_Container>::_Iterator_category _Category;
return _Category();
# endif
#endif /* INTERNAL_H */
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