blob: 21960e03f22353c266ea2add3505dcb0e642217a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003
* François Dumont
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
* or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
* Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
* without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
* provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
* modified is included with the above copyright notice.
struct __true_type {};
struct __false_type {};
#if defined (_STLP_USE_NAMESPACES)
using _STLP_STD::__true_type;
using _STLP_STD::__false_type;
//bool to type
template <int _Is>
struct __bool2type
{ typedef __true_type _Ret; };
struct __bool2type<1> { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
struct __bool2type<0> { typedef __false_type _Ret; };
//type to bool
template <class __bool_type>
struct __type2bool { enum {_Ret = 1}; };
struct __type2bool<__true_type> { enum {_Ret = 1}; };
struct __type2bool<__false_type> { enum {_Ret = 0}; };
template <class _BoolType>
struct _Not { typedef __false_type _Ret; };
struct _Not<__false_type> { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
// logical and of 2 predicated
template <class _P1, class _P2>
struct _Land2 { typedef __false_type _Ret; };
struct _Land2<__true_type, __true_type> { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
// logical and of 3 predicated
template <class _P1, class _P2, class _P3>
struct _Land3 { typedef __false_type _Ret; };
struct _Land3<__true_type, __true_type, __true_type> { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
//logical or of 2 predicated
template <class _P1, class _P2>
struct _Lor2 { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
struct _Lor2<__false_type, __false_type> { typedef __false_type _Ret; };
// logical or of 3 predicated
template <class _P1, class _P2, class _P3>
struct _Lor3 { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
struct _Lor3<__false_type, __false_type, __false_type> { typedef __false_type _Ret; };
// class template __select
// Selects one of two types based upon a boolean constant
// Invocation: __select<_Cond, T, U>::Result
// where:
// flag is a compile-time boolean constant
// T and U are types
// Result evaluates to T if flag is true, and to U otherwise.
// BEWARE: If the compiler do not support partial template specialization or nested template
//classes the default behavior of the __select is to consider the condition as false and so return
//the second template type!!
template <bool _Cond, class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct __select { typedef _Tp1 _Ret; };
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct __select<false, _Tp1, _Tp2> { typedef _Tp2 _Ret; };
# if defined (__BORLANDC__)
template <class _CondT, class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct __selectT { typedef _Tp1 _Ret; };
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct __selectT<__false_type, _Tp1, _Tp2> { typedef _Tp2 _Ret; };
# endif
template <int _Cond>
struct __select_aux {
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct _In {
typedef _Tp1 _Ret;
struct __select_aux<0> {
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct _In {
typedef _Tp2 _Ret;
template <int _Cond, class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct __select {
typedef typename __select_aux<_Cond>::_STLP_TEMPLATE _In<_Tp1, _Tp2>::_Ret _Ret;
//default behavior
template <int _Cond, class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct __select {
typedef _Tp2 _Ret;
// Boris : simulation technique is used here according to Adobe Open Source License Version 1.0.
// Copyright 2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated and others. All rights reserved.
// Authors: Mat Marcus and Jesse Jones
// The original version of this source code may be found at
// These are the discriminating functions
template <class _Tp>
char _STLP_CALL _IsSameFun(bool, _Tp const volatile*, _Tp const volatile*); // no implementation is required
char* _STLP_CALL _IsSameFun(bool, ...); // no implementation is required
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct _IsSame {
static _Tp1* __null_rep1();
static _Tp2* __null_rep2();
enum { _Ret = (sizeof(_IsSameFun(false,__null_rep1(), __null_rep2())) == sizeof(char)) };
typedef typename __bool2type<_Ret>::_Ret _RetT;
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct _IsSameAux {
typedef __false_type _RetT;
enum { _Ret = 0 };
template <class _Tp>
struct _UnConstType { typedef _Tp _Type; };
template <class _Tp>
struct _UnVolatileType { typedef _Tp _Type; };
template <class _Tp>
struct _UnCVType {
typedef typename _UnVolatileType<_Tp>::_Type _UnVType;
typedef typename _UnConstType<_UnVType>::_Type _Type;
template <class _Tp>
struct _IsSameAux<_Tp, _Tp> {
typedef __true_type _RetT;
enum { _Ret = 1 };
template <class _Tp>
struct _UnConstType<const _Tp> { typedef _Tp _Type; };
template <class _Tp>
struct _UnVolatileType<volatile _Tp> { typedef _Tp _Type; };
# endif
# if defined(__BORLANDC__)
template<class _Tp>
struct _UnConstPtr { typedef _Tp _Type; };
template<class _Tp>
struct _UnConstPtr<_Tp*> { typedef _Tp _Type; };
template<class _Tp>
struct _UnConstPtr<const _Tp*> { typedef _Tp _Type; };
# endif
# endif
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct _IsSame {
typedef typename _UnCVType<_Tp1>::_Type _Type1;
typedef typename _UnCVType<_Tp2>::_Type _Type2;
typedef _IsSameAux<_Type1, _Type2> _Aux;
enum { _Ret = _Aux::_Ret };
typedef typename _Aux::_RetT _RetT;
* The following struct will tell you if 2 types are the same, the limitations are:
* - it compares the types without the const or volatile qualifiers, int and const int
* will be considered as same for instance.
* - the previous remarks do not apply to pointer types, int* and int const* won't be
* considered as comparable. (int * and int *const are).
template <class _Tp1, class _Tp2>
struct _AreSameUnCVTypes {
enum { _Same = _IsSame<_Tp1, _Tp2>::_Ret };
typedef typename _IsSame<_Tp1, _Tp2>::_RetT _Ret;
/* Rather than introducing a new macro for the following constrution we use
* is used for a similar feature.
template <class _Src, class _Dst>
struct _ConversionHelper {
static char _Test(bool, _Dst);
static char* _Test(bool, ...);
static _Src _MakeSource();
template <class _Src, class _Dst>
struct _IsConvertible {
typedef _ConversionHelper<_Src*, const volatile _Dst*> _H;
enum { value = (sizeof(char) == sizeof(_H::_Test(false, _H::_MakeSource()))) };
typedef typename __bool2type<value>::_Ret _Ret;
/* This struct is intended to say if a pointer can be convertible to an other
* taking into account cv qualifications. It shouldn't be instanciated with
* something else than pointer type as it uses pass by value parameter that
* results in compilation error when parameter type has a special memory
* alignment
template <class _Src, class _Dst>
struct _IsCVConvertible {
#if !defined (__BORLANDC__)
typedef _ConversionHelper<_Src, _Dst> _H;
enum { value = (sizeof(char) == sizeof(_H::_Test(false, _H::_MakeSource()))) };
enum { _Is1 = __type2bool<_IsConst<_Src>::_Ret>::_Ret };
enum { _Is2 = _IsConvertible<_UnConstPtr<_Src>::_Type, _UnConstPtr<_Dst>::_Type>::value };
enum { value = _Is1 ? 0 : _Is2 };
typedef typename __bool2type<value>::_Ret _Ret;
template <class _Src, class _Dst>
struct _IsConvertible {
enum {value = 0};
typedef __false_type _Ret;
template <class _Tp>
struct _IsConst { typedef __false_type _Ret; };
template <class _Tp>
struct _IsConst <const _Tp> { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
# if defined(__BORLANDC__)
template<class _Tp>
struct _IsConst <const _Tp*> { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
template<class _Tp>
struct _IsConst <const volatile _Tp*> { typedef __true_type _Ret; };
# endif
#endif /* _STLP_TYPE_MANIPS_H */