blob: 52c1d0ec9f30248df1c888056d68129e0b856f3d [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- misc. strings -->
<!ENTITY vg-jemail "">
<!ENTITY vg-vemail "">
<!ENTITY cl-email "">
<!ENTITY vg-lifespan "2000-2010">
<!-- valgrind release + version stuff -->
<!ENTITY rel-type "Release">
<!ENTITY rel-version "3.6.0">
<!ENTITY rel-date "21 October 2010">
<!-- where the docs are installed -->
<!ENTITY vg-docs-path "$INSTALL/share/doc/valgrind/html/index.html">
<!-- valgrind website links used in lots of places in the docs -->
<!-- kept in here 'cos everytime the website gets changed, it`s -->
<!-- a real pain tracking the links down in the docs -->
<!ENTITY vg-url "">
<!ENTITY vg-lists-url "">
<!ENTITY vg-devs-url "">
<!ENTITY vg-repo-url "">
<!ENTITY vg-pubs-url "">
<!ENTITY vg-docs-url "">
<!ENTITY cl-gui-url "">