blob: 98a1b78b7a321ad222cc797080e3860df39ed23c [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef InlineTextBox_h
#define InlineTextBox_h
#include "InlineBox.h"
#include "RenderText.h" // so textRenderer() can be inline
#include "TextRun.h"
namespace WebCore {
struct CompositionUnderline;
struct DocumentMarker;
const unsigned short cNoTruncation = USHRT_MAX;
const unsigned short cFullTruncation = USHRT_MAX - 1;
// Helper functions shared by InlineTextBox / SVGRootInlineBox
void updateGraphicsContext(GraphicsContext*, const Color& fillColor, const Color& strokeColor, float strokeThickness, ColorSpace);
Color correctedTextColor(Color textColor, Color backgroundColor);
class InlineTextBox : public InlineBox {
InlineTextBox(RenderObject* obj)
: InlineBox(obj)
, m_prevTextBox(0)
, m_nextTextBox(0)
, m_start(0)
, m_len(0)
, m_truncation(cNoTruncation)
InlineTextBox* prevTextBox() const { return m_prevTextBox; }
InlineTextBox* nextTextBox() const { return m_nextTextBox; }
void setNextTextBox(InlineTextBox* n) { m_nextTextBox = n; }
void setPreviousTextBox(InlineTextBox* p) { m_prevTextBox = p; }
unsigned start() const { return m_start; }
unsigned end() const { return m_len ? m_start + m_len - 1 : m_start; }
unsigned len() const { return m_len; }
void setStart(unsigned start) { m_start = start; }
void setLen(unsigned len) { m_len = len; }
void offsetRun(int d) { m_start += d; }
unsigned short truncation() { return m_truncation; }
bool hasHyphen() const { return m_hasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen; }
void setHasHyphen(bool hasHyphen) { m_hasEllipsisBoxOrHyphen = hasHyphen; }
bool canHaveLeadingExpansion() const { return m_hasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion; }
void setCanHaveLeadingExpansion(bool canHaveLeadingExpansion) { m_hasSelectedChildrenOrCanHaveLeadingExpansion = canHaveLeadingExpansion; }
static inline bool compareByStart(const InlineTextBox* first, const InlineTextBox* second) { return first->start() < second->start(); }
virtual int baselinePosition(FontBaseline) const;
virtual int lineHeight() const;
bool getEmphasisMarkPosition(RenderStyle*, TextEmphasisPosition&) const;
int selectionTop();
int selectionBottom();
int selectionHeight();
virtual IntRect calculateBoundaries() const { return IntRect(x(), y(), width(), height()); }
virtual IntRect selectionRect(int absx, int absy, int startPos, int endPos);
bool isSelected(int startPos, int endPos) const;
void selectionStartEnd(int& sPos, int& ePos);
virtual void paint(PaintInfo&, int tx, int ty);
virtual bool nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, int x, int y, int tx, int ty);
RenderText* textRenderer() const;
virtual void deleteLine(RenderArena*);
virtual void extractLine();
virtual void attachLine();
virtual RenderObject::SelectionState selectionState();
virtual void clearTruncation() { m_truncation = cNoTruncation; }
virtual float placeEllipsisBox(bool flowIsLTR, float visibleLeftEdge, float visibleRightEdge, float ellipsisWidth, bool& foundBox);
virtual bool isLineBreak() const;
void setExpansion(float expansion) { m_logicalWidth -= m_expansion; m_expansion = expansion; m_logicalWidth += m_expansion; }
virtual bool isInlineTextBox() const { return true; }
virtual int caretMinOffset() const;
virtual int caretMaxOffset() const;
virtual unsigned caretMaxRenderedOffset() const;
float textPos() const; // returns the x position relative to the left start of the text line.
virtual int offsetForPosition(float x, bool includePartialGlyphs = true) const;
virtual float positionForOffset(int offset) const;
bool containsCaretOffset(int offset) const; // false for offset after line break
// Needs to be public, so the static paintTextWithShadows() function can use it.
static FloatSize applyShadowToGraphicsContext(GraphicsContext*, const ShadowData*, const FloatRect& textRect, bool stroked, bool opaque, bool horizontal);
InlineTextBox* m_prevTextBox; // The previous box that also uses our RenderObject
InlineTextBox* m_nextTextBox; // The next box that also uses our RenderObject
int m_start;
unsigned short m_len;
unsigned short m_truncation; // Where to truncate when text overflow is applied. We use special constants to
// denote no truncation (the whole run paints) and full truncation (nothing paints at all).
void paintCompositionBackground(GraphicsContext*, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle*, const Font&, int startPos, int endPos);
void paintDocumentMarkers(GraphicsContext*, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle*, const Font&, bool background);
void paintCompositionUnderline(GraphicsContext*, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, const CompositionUnderline&);
void paintCustomHighlight(int tx, int ty, const AtomicString& type);
void paintDecoration(GraphicsContext*, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, int decoration, const ShadowData*);
void paintSelection(GraphicsContext*, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle*, const Font&);
void paintSpellingOrGrammarMarker(GraphicsContext*, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, const DocumentMarker&, RenderStyle*, const Font&, bool grammar);
void paintTextMatchMarker(GraphicsContext*, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, const DocumentMarker&, RenderStyle*, const Font&);
void computeRectForReplacementMarker(const DocumentMarker&, RenderStyle*, const Font&);
TextRun::ExpansionBehavior expansionBehavior() const
return (canHaveLeadingExpansion() ? TextRun::AllowLeadingExpansion : TextRun::ForbidLeadingExpansion)
| (m_expansion && nextLeafChild() ? TextRun::AllowTrailingExpansion : TextRun::ForbidTrailingExpansion);
inline RenderText* InlineTextBox::textRenderer() const
return toRenderText(renderer());
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // InlineTextBox_h