| /* |
| Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) |
| |
| This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| Library General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| #include <QtTest/QtTest> |
| |
| #include <qwebpage.h> |
| #include <qwebelement.h> |
| #include <qwidget.h> |
| #include <qwebview.h> |
| #include <qwebframe.h> |
| #include <qwebhistory.h> |
| #include <QAbstractItemView> |
| #include <QApplication> |
| #include <QComboBox> |
| #include <QPaintEngine> |
| #include <QPicture> |
| #include <QRegExp> |
| #include <QNetworkRequest> |
| #include <QNetworkReply> |
| #include <QTextCodec> |
| #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL |
| #include <qsslerror.h> |
| #endif |
| #include "../util.h" |
| |
| struct CustomType { |
| QString string; |
| }; |
| |
| Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Qt::BrushStyle) |
| |
| class MyQObject : public QObject |
| { |
| |
| Q_PROPERTY(int intProperty READ intProperty WRITE setIntProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QVariant variantProperty READ variantProperty WRITE setVariantProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList variantListProperty READ variantListProperty WRITE setVariantListProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap variantMapProperty READ variantMapProperty WRITE setVariantMapProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString stringProperty READ stringProperty WRITE setStringProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QStringList stringListProperty READ stringListProperty WRITE setStringListProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray byteArrayProperty READ byteArrayProperty WRITE setByteArrayProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QBrush brushProperty READ brushProperty WRITE setBrushProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(double hiddenProperty READ hiddenProperty WRITE setHiddenProperty SCRIPTABLE false) |
| Q_PROPERTY(int writeOnlyProperty WRITE setWriteOnlyProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(int readOnlyProperty READ readOnlyProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QKeySequence shortcut READ shortcut WRITE setShortcut) |
| Q_PROPERTY(CustomType propWithCustomType READ propWithCustomType WRITE setPropWithCustomType) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QWebElement webElementProperty READ webElementProperty WRITE setWebElementProperty) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QObject* objectStarProperty READ objectStarProperty WRITE setObjectStarProperty) |
| Q_ENUMS(Policy Strategy) |
| Q_FLAGS(Ability) |
| |
| public: |
| enum Policy { |
| FooPolicy = 0, |
| BarPolicy, |
| BazPolicy |
| }; |
| |
| enum Strategy { |
| FooStrategy = 10, |
| BarStrategy, |
| BazStrategy |
| }; |
| |
| enum AbilityFlag { |
| NoAbility = 0x000, |
| FooAbility = 0x001, |
| BarAbility = 0x080, |
| BazAbility = 0x200, |
| AllAbility = FooAbility | BarAbility | BazAbility |
| }; |
| |
| Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Ability, AbilityFlag) |
| |
| MyQObject(QObject* parent = 0) |
| : QObject(parent), |
| m_intValue(123), |
| m_variantValue(QLatin1String("foo")), |
| m_variantListValue(QVariantList() << QVariant(123) << QVariant(QLatin1String("foo"))), |
| m_stringValue(QLatin1String("bar")), |
| m_stringListValue(QStringList() << QLatin1String("zig") << QLatin1String("zag")), |
| m_brushValue(QColor(10, 20, 30, 40)), |
| m_hiddenValue(456.0), |
| m_writeOnlyValue(789), |
| m_readOnlyValue(987), |
| m_objectStar(0), |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked(-1) |
| { |
| m_variantMapValue.insert("a", QVariant(123)); |
| m_variantMapValue.insert("b", QVariant(QLatin1String("foo"))); |
| m_variantMapValue.insert("c", QVariant::fromValue<QObject*>(this)); |
| } |
| |
| ~MyQObject() { } |
| |
| int intProperty() const { |
| return m_intValue; |
| } |
| void setIntProperty(int value) { |
| m_intValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| QVariant variantProperty() const { |
| return m_variantValue; |
| } |
| void setVariantProperty(const QVariant &value) { |
| m_variantValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| QVariantList variantListProperty() const { |
| return m_variantListValue; |
| } |
| void setVariantListProperty(const QVariantList &value) { |
| m_variantListValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| QVariantMap variantMapProperty() const { |
| return m_variantMapValue; |
| } |
| void setVariantMapProperty(const QVariantMap &value) { |
| m_variantMapValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| QString stringProperty() const { |
| return m_stringValue; |
| } |
| void setStringProperty(const QString &value) { |
| m_stringValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| QStringList stringListProperty() const { |
| return m_stringListValue; |
| } |
| void setStringListProperty(const QStringList &value) { |
| m_stringListValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| QByteArray byteArrayProperty() const { |
| return m_byteArrayValue; |
| } |
| void setByteArrayProperty(const QByteArray &value) { |
| m_byteArrayValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| QBrush brushProperty() const { |
| return m_brushValue; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void setBrushProperty(const QBrush &value) { |
| m_brushValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| double hiddenProperty() const { |
| return m_hiddenValue; |
| } |
| void setHiddenProperty(double value) { |
| m_hiddenValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| int writeOnlyProperty() const { |
| return m_writeOnlyValue; |
| } |
| void setWriteOnlyProperty(int value) { |
| m_writeOnlyValue = value; |
| } |
| |
| int readOnlyProperty() const { |
| return m_readOnlyValue; |
| } |
| |
| QKeySequence shortcut() const { |
| return m_shortcut; |
| } |
| void setShortcut(const QKeySequence &seq) { |
| m_shortcut = seq; |
| } |
| |
| QWebElement webElementProperty() const { |
| return m_webElement; |
| } |
| |
| void setWebElementProperty(const QWebElement& element) { |
| m_webElement = element; |
| } |
| |
| CustomType propWithCustomType() const { |
| return m_customType; |
| } |
| void setPropWithCustomType(const CustomType &c) { |
| m_customType = c; |
| } |
| |
| QObject* objectStarProperty() const { |
| return m_objectStar; |
| } |
| |
| void setObjectStarProperty(QObject* object) { |
| m_objectStar = object; |
| } |
| |
| |
| int qtFunctionInvoked() const { |
| return m_qtFunctionInvoked; |
| } |
| |
| QVariantList qtFunctionActuals() const { |
| return m_actuals; |
| } |
| |
| void resetQtFunctionInvoked() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = -1; |
| m_actuals.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokable() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 0; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithIntArg(int arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 1; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithLonglongArg(qlonglong arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 2; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithFloatArg(float arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 3; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithDoubleArg(double arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 4; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithStringArg(const QString &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 5; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithIntArgs(int arg1, int arg2) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 6; |
| m_actuals << arg1 << arg2; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE int myInvokableReturningInt() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 7; |
| return 123; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE qlonglong myInvokableReturningLongLong() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 39; |
| return 456; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QString myInvokableReturningString() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 8; |
| return QLatin1String("ciao"); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithIntArg(int arg1, int arg2) { // overload |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 9; |
| m_actuals << arg1 << arg2; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithEnumArg(Policy policy) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 10; |
| m_actuals << policy; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithQualifiedEnumArg(MyQObject::Policy policy) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 36; |
| m_actuals << policy; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE Policy myInvokableReturningEnum() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 37; |
| return BazPolicy; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE MyQObject::Policy myInvokableReturningQualifiedEnum() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 38; |
| return BazPolicy; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QVector<int> myInvokableReturningVectorOfInt() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 11; |
| return QVector<int>(); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithVectorOfIntArg(const QVector<int> &) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 12; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QObject* myInvokableReturningQObjectStar() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 13; |
| return this; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QObjectList myInvokableWithQObjectListArg(const QObjectList &lst) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 14; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(lst); |
| return lst; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QVariant myInvokableWithVariantArg(const QVariant &v) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 15; |
| m_actuals << v; |
| return v; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap myInvokableWithVariantMapArg(const QVariantMap &vm) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 16; |
| m_actuals << vm; |
| return vm; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QList<int> myInvokableWithListOfIntArg(const QList<int> &lst) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 17; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(lst); |
| return lst; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QObject* myInvokableWithQObjectStarArg(QObject* obj) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 18; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(obj); |
| return obj; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QBrush myInvokableWithQBrushArg(const QBrush &brush) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 19; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(brush); |
| return brush; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithBrushStyleArg(Qt::BrushStyle style) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 43; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(style); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithVoidStarArg(void* arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 44; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(arg); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithAmbiguousArg(int arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 45; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(arg); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithAmbiguousArg(uint arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 46; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(arg); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithDefaultArgs(int arg1, const QString &arg2 = "") { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 47; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(arg1) << qVariantFromValue(arg2); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE QObject& myInvokableReturningRef() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 48; |
| return *this; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE const QObject& myInvokableReturningConstRef() const { |
| const_cast<MyQObject*>(this)->m_qtFunctionInvoked = 49; |
| return *this; |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithPointArg(const QPoint &arg) { |
| const_cast<MyQObject*>(this)->m_qtFunctionInvoked = 50; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(arg); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithPointArg(const QPointF &arg) { |
| const_cast<MyQObject*>(this)->m_qtFunctionInvoked = 51; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(arg); |
| } |
| Q_INVOKABLE void myInvokableWithBoolArg(bool arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 52; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| |
| void emitMySignal() { |
| emit mySignal(); |
| } |
| void emitMySignalWithIntArg(int arg) { |
| emit mySignalWithIntArg(arg); |
| } |
| void emitMySignal2(bool arg) { |
| emit mySignal2(arg); |
| } |
| void emitMySignal2() { |
| emit mySignal2(); |
| } |
| void emitMySignalWithDateTimeArg(QDateTime dt) { |
| emit mySignalWithDateTimeArg(dt); |
| } |
| void emitMySignalWithRegexArg(QRegExp r) { |
| emit mySignalWithRegexArg(r); |
| } |
| |
| public Q_SLOTS: |
| void mySlot() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 20; |
| } |
| void mySlotWithIntArg(int arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 21; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void mySlotWithDoubleArg(double arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 22; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void mySlotWithStringArg(const QString &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 23; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| |
| void myOverloadedSlot() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 24; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(QObject* arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 41; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue(arg); |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(bool arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 25; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QStringList &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 42; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(double arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 26; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(float arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 27; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(int arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 28; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QString &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 29; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QColor &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 30; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QBrush &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 31; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QDateTime &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 32; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QDate &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 33; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QRegExp &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 34; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QVariant &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 35; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| void myOverloadedSlot(const QWebElement &arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 36; |
| m_actuals << QVariant::fromValue<QWebElement>(arg); |
| } |
| |
| void qscript_call(int arg) { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 40; |
| m_actuals << arg; |
| } |
| |
| protected Q_SLOTS: |
| void myProtectedSlot() { |
| m_qtFunctionInvoked = 36; |
| } |
| |
| private Q_SLOTS: |
| void myPrivateSlot() { } |
| |
| void mySignal(); |
| void mySignalWithIntArg(int arg); |
| void mySignalWithDoubleArg(double arg); |
| void mySignal2(bool arg = false); |
| void mySignalWithDateTimeArg(QDateTime dt); |
| void mySignalWithRegexArg(QRegExp r); |
| |
| private: |
| int m_intValue; |
| QVariant m_variantValue; |
| QVariantList m_variantListValue; |
| QVariantMap m_variantMapValue; |
| QString m_stringValue; |
| QStringList m_stringListValue; |
| QByteArray m_byteArrayValue; |
| QBrush m_brushValue; |
| double m_hiddenValue; |
| int m_writeOnlyValue; |
| int m_readOnlyValue; |
| QKeySequence m_shortcut; |
| QWebElement m_webElement; |
| CustomType m_customType; |
| QObject* m_objectStar; |
| int m_qtFunctionInvoked; |
| QVariantList m_actuals; |
| }; |
| |
| class MyWebElementSlotOnlyObject : public QObject { |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString tagName READ tagName) |
| public slots: |
| void doSomethingWithWebElement(const QWebElement& element) |
| { |
| m_tagName = element.tagName(); |
| } |
| |
| public: |
| QString tagName() const |
| { |
| return m_tagName; |
| } |
| private: |
| QString m_tagName; |
| }; |
| |
| class MyOtherQObject : public MyQObject |
| { |
| public: |
| MyOtherQObject(QObject* parent = 0) |
| : MyQObject(parent) { } |
| }; |
| |
| class MyEnumTestQObject : public QObject |
| { |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString p1 READ p1) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString p2 READ p2) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString p3 READ p3 SCRIPTABLE false) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString p4 READ p4) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString p5 READ p5 SCRIPTABLE false) |
| Q_PROPERTY(QString p6 READ p6) |
| public: |
| MyEnumTestQObject(QObject* parent = 0) |
| : QObject(parent) { } |
| QString p1() const { |
| return QLatin1String("p1"); |
| } |
| QString p2() const { |
| return QLatin1String("p2"); |
| } |
| QString p3() const { |
| return QLatin1String("p3"); |
| } |
| QString p4() const { |
| return QLatin1String("p4"); |
| } |
| QString p5() const { |
| return QLatin1String("p5"); |
| } |
| QString p6() const { |
| return QLatin1String("p5"); |
| } |
| public Q_SLOTS: |
| void mySlot() { } |
| void myOtherSlot() { } |
| void mySignal(); |
| }; |
| |
| class tst_QWebFrame : public QObject |
| { |
| |
| public: |
| tst_QWebFrame(); |
| virtual ~tst_QWebFrame(); |
| bool eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event); |
| |
| public slots: |
| void init(); |
| void cleanup(); |
| |
| private slots: |
| void horizontalScrollAfterBack(); |
| void getSetStaticProperty(); |
| void getSetDynamicProperty(); |
| void getSetChildren(); |
| void callQtInvokable(); |
| void connectAndDisconnect(); |
| void classEnums(); |
| void classConstructor(); |
| void overrideInvokable(); |
| void transferInvokable(); |
| void findChild(); |
| void findChildren(); |
| void overloadedSlots(); |
| void webElementSlotOnly(); |
| void enumerate_data(); |
| void enumerate(); |
| void objectDeleted(); |
| void typeConversion(); |
| void arrayObjectEnumerable(); |
| void symmetricUrl(); |
| void progressSignal(); |
| void urlChange(); |
| void domCycles(); |
| void requestedUrl(); |
| void javaScriptWindowObjectCleared_data(); |
| void javaScriptWindowObjectCleared(); |
| void javaScriptWindowObjectClearedOnEvaluate(); |
| void setHtml(); |
| void setHtmlWithResource(); |
| void setHtmlWithBaseURL(); |
| void setHtmlWithJSAlert(); |
| void ipv6HostEncoding(); |
| void metaData(); |
| #if !defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) && !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) && !defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX) |
| // as maemo 5 && symbian do not use QComboBoxes to implement the popups |
| // this test does not make sense for it. |
| void popupFocus(); |
| #endif |
| void inputFieldFocus(); |
| void hitTestContent(); |
| void jsByteArray(); |
| void ownership(); |
| void nullValue(); |
| void baseUrl_data(); |
| void baseUrl(); |
| void hasSetFocus(); |
| void render(); |
| void renderHints(); |
| void scrollPosition(); |
| void scrollToAnchor(); |
| void scrollbarsOff(); |
| void evaluateWillCauseRepaint(); |
| void qObjectWrapperWithSameIdentity(); |
| void introspectQtMethods_data(); |
| void introspectQtMethods(); |
| void setContent_data(); |
| void setContent(); |
| void setCacheLoadControlAttribute(); |
| void setUrlWithPendingLoads(); |
| void setUrlWithFragment(); |
| void setUrlToEmpty(); |
| void setUrlToInvalid(); |
| void setUrlHistory(); |
| |
| private: |
| QString evalJS(const QString&s) { |
| // Convert an undefined return variant to the string "undefined" |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV(s); |
| if (ret.userType() == QMetaType::Void) |
| return "undefined"; |
| else |
| return ret.toString(); |
| } |
| QVariant evalJSV(const QString &s) { |
| return m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(s); |
| } |
| |
| QString evalJS(const QString&s, QString& type) { |
| return evalJSV(s, type).toString(); |
| } |
| QVariant evalJSV(const QString &s, QString& type) { |
| // As a special measure, if we get an exception we set the type to 'error' |
| // (in ecma, an Error object has typeof object, but qtscript has a convenience function) |
| // Similarly, an array is an object, but we'd prefer to have a type of 'array' |
| // Also, consider a QMetaType::Void QVariant to be undefined |
| QString escaped = s; |
| escaped.replace('\'', "\\'"); // Don't preescape your single quotes! |
| evalJS("var retvalue;\ |
| var typevalue; \ |
| try {\ |
| retvalue = eval('" + escaped + "'); \ |
| typevalue = typeof retvalue; \ |
| if (retvalue instanceof Array) \ |
| typevalue = 'array'; \ |
| } \ |
| catch(e) {\ |
| retvalue = e.name + ': ' + e.message;\ |
| typevalue = 'error';\ |
| }"); |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("retvalue"); |
| if (ret.userType() != QMetaType::Void) |
| type = evalJS("typevalue"); |
| else { |
| ret = QString("undefined"); |
| type = sUndefined; |
| } |
| evalJS("delete retvalue; delete typevalue"); |
| return ret; |
| } |
| QObject* firstChildByClassName(QObject* parent, const char* className) { |
| const QObjectList & children = parent->children(); |
| foreach (QObject* child, children) { |
| if (!strcmp(child->metaObject()->className(), className)) { |
| return child; |
| } |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| const QString sTrue; |
| const QString sFalse; |
| const QString sUndefined; |
| const QString sArray; |
| const QString sFunction; |
| const QString sError; |
| const QString sString; |
| const QString sObject; |
| const QString sNumber; |
| |
| private: |
| QWebView* m_view; |
| QWebPage* m_page; |
| MyQObject* m_myObject; |
| QWebView* m_inputFieldsTestView; |
| int m_inputFieldTestPaintCount; |
| }; |
| |
| tst_QWebFrame::tst_QWebFrame() |
| : sTrue("true"), sFalse("false"), sUndefined("undefined"), sArray("array"), sFunction("function"), sError("error"), |
| sString("string"), sObject("object"), sNumber("number"), m_inputFieldsTestView(0), m_inputFieldTestPaintCount(0) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| tst_QWebFrame::~tst_QWebFrame() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| bool tst_QWebFrame::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event) |
| { |
| // used on the inputFieldFocus test |
| if (watched == m_inputFieldsTestView) { |
| if (event->type() == QEvent::Paint) |
| m_inputFieldTestPaintCount++; |
| } |
| return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::init() |
| { |
| m_view = new QWebView(); |
| m_page = m_view->page(); |
| m_myObject = new MyQObject(); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("myObject", m_myObject); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::cleanup() |
| { |
| delete m_view; |
| delete m_myObject; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::getSetStaticProperty() |
| { |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><head><body></body></html>"); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.noSuchProperty"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // initial value (set in MyQObject constructor) |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.intProperty", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sNumber); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.type(), QVariant::Double); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.toInt(), 123); |
| } |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty === 123.0"), sTrue); |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.variantProperty", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sString); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.type(), QVariant::String); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.toString(), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| } |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty == 'foo'"), sTrue); |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.stringProperty", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sString); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.type(), QVariant::String); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.toString(), QLatin1String("bar")); |
| } |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty === 'bar'"), sTrue); |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.variantListProperty", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sArray); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.type(), QVariant::List); |
| QVariantList vl = ret.value<QVariantList>(); |
| QCOMPARE(vl.size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(vl.at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(vl.at(1).toString(), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| } |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantListProperty.length === 2"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantListProperty[0] === 123"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantListProperty[1] === 'foo'"), sTrue); |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.variantMapProperty", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sObject); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.type(), QVariant::Map); |
| QVariantMap vm = ret.value<QVariantMap>(); |
| QCOMPARE(vm.size(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(vm.value("a").toInt(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(vm.value("b").toString(), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| QCOMPARE(vm.value("c").value<QObject*>(), static_cast<QObject*>(m_myObject)); |
| } |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantMapProperty.a === 123"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantMapProperty.b === 'foo'"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantMapProperty.c.variantMapProperty.b === 'foo'"), sTrue); |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.stringListProperty", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sArray); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.type(), QVariant::List); |
| QVariantList vl = ret.value<QVariantList>(); |
| QCOMPARE(vl.size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(vl.at(0).toString(), QLatin1String("zig")); |
| QCOMPARE(vl.at(1).toString(), QLatin1String("zag")); |
| } |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringListProperty.length === 2"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.stringListProperty[0]"), sString); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringListProperty[0]"), QLatin1String("zig")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.stringListProperty[1]"), sString); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringListProperty[1]"), QLatin1String("zag")); |
| |
| // property change in C++ should be reflected in script |
| m_myObject->setIntProperty(456); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty == 456"), sTrue); |
| m_myObject->setIntProperty(789); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty == 789"), sTrue); |
| |
| m_myObject->setVariantProperty(QLatin1String("bar")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty === 'bar'"), sTrue); |
| m_myObject->setVariantProperty(42); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty === 42"), sTrue); |
| m_myObject->setVariantProperty(QVariant::fromValue(QBrush())); |
| //XFAIL |
| // QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.variantProperty"), sVariant); |
| |
| m_myObject->setStringProperty(QLatin1String("baz")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty === 'baz'"), sTrue); |
| m_myObject->setStringProperty(QLatin1String("zab")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty === 'zab'"), sTrue); |
| |
| // property change in script should be reflected in C++ |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty = 123"), QLatin1String("123")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty == 123"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->intProperty(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty = 'ciao!';" |
| "myObject.intProperty == 0"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->intProperty(), 0); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty = '123';" |
| "myObject.intProperty == 123"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->intProperty(), 123); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty = 'ciao'"), QLatin1String("ciao")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty"), QLatin1String("ciao")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->stringProperty(), QLatin1String("ciao")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty = 123;" |
| "myObject.stringProperty"), QLatin1String("123")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->stringProperty(), QLatin1String("123")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty = null"), QString()); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty"), QString()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->stringProperty(), QString()); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty = undefined"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringProperty"), QString()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->stringProperty(), QString()); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty = new Number(1234);" |
| "myObject.variantProperty").toDouble(), 1234.0); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->variantProperty().toDouble(), 1234.0); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty = new Boolean(1234);" |
| "myObject.variantProperty"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->variantProperty().toBool(), true); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty = null;" |
| "myObject.variantProperty.valueOf()"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->variantProperty(), QVariant()); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty = undefined;" |
| "myObject.variantProperty.valueOf()"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->variantProperty(), QVariant()); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty = 'foo';" |
| "myObject.variantProperty.valueOf()"), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->variantProperty(), QVariant(QLatin1String("foo"))); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty = 42;" |
| "myObject.variantProperty").toDouble(), 42.0); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->variantProperty().toDouble(), 42.0); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantListProperty = [1, 'two', true];" |
| "myObject.variantListProperty.length == 3"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantListProperty[0] === 1"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantListProperty[1]"), QLatin1String("two")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantListProperty[2] === true"), sTrue); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringListProperty = [1, 'two', true];" |
| "myObject.stringListProperty.length == 3"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.stringListProperty[0]"), sString); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringListProperty[0] == '1'"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.stringListProperty[1]"), sString); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringListProperty[1]"), QLatin1String("two")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.stringListProperty[2]"), sString); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.stringListProperty[2]"), QLatin1String("true")); |
| evalJS("myObject.webElementProperty=document.body;"); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.webElementProperty.tagName"), QLatin1String("BODY")); |
| |
| // try to delete |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("delete myObject.intProperty"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.intProperty == 123"), sTrue); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("delete myObject.variantProperty"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.variantProperty").toDouble(), 42.0); |
| |
| // custom property |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.customProperty"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.customProperty = 123;" |
| "myObject.customProperty == 123"), sTrue); |
| QVariant v = m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("myObject.customProperty"); |
| QCOMPARE(v.type(), QVariant::Double); |
| QCOMPARE(v.toInt(), 123); |
| |
| // non-scriptable property |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->hiddenProperty(), 456.0); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hiddenProperty"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hiddenProperty = 123;" |
| "myObject.hiddenProperty == 123"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->hiddenProperty(), 456.0); |
| |
| // write-only property |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->writeOnlyProperty(), 789); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.writeOnlyProperty"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.writeOnlyProperty = 123;" |
| "typeof myObject.writeOnlyProperty"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->writeOnlyProperty(), 123); |
| |
| // read-only property |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->readOnlyProperty(), 987); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.readOnlyProperty == 987"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.readOnlyProperty = 654;" |
| "myObject.readOnlyProperty == 987"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->readOnlyProperty(), 987); |
| |
| // QObject* property |
| m_myObject->setObjectStarProperty(0); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->objectStarProperty(), (QObject*)0); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.objectStarProperty == null"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.objectStarProperty"), sObject); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("Boolean(myObject.objectStarProperty)"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("String(myObject.objectStarProperty) == 'null'"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.objectStarProperty.objectStarProperty"), |
| sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->setObjectStarProperty(this); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.objectStarProperty != null"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.objectStarProperty"), sObject); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("Boolean(myObject.objectStarProperty)"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("String(myObject.objectStarProperty) != 'null'"), sTrue); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::getSetDynamicProperty() |
| { |
| // initially the object does not have the property |
| // In WebKit, RuntimeObjects do not inherit Object, so don't have hasOwnProperty |
| |
| //QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hasOwnProperty('dynamicProperty')"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.dynamicProperty"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // add a dynamic property in C++ |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->setProperty("dynamicProperty", 123), false); |
| //QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hasOwnProperty('dynamicProperty')"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.dynamicProperty != 'undefined'"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.dynamicProperty == 123"), sTrue); |
| |
| // property change in script should be reflected in C++ |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.dynamicProperty = 'foo';" |
| "myObject.dynamicProperty"), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->property("dynamicProperty").toString(), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| |
| // delete the property (XFAIL - can't delete properties) |
| QEXPECT_FAIL("", "can't delete properties", Continue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("delete myObject.dynamicProperty"), sTrue); |
| /* |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->property("dynamicProperty").isValid(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.dynamicProperty"), sUndefined); |
| // QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hasOwnProperty('dynamicProperty')"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.dynamicProperty"), sUndefined); |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::getSetChildren() |
| { |
| // initially the object does not have the child |
| // (again, no hasOwnProperty) |
| |
| //QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hasOwnProperty('child')"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.child"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // add a child |
| MyQObject* child = new MyQObject(m_myObject); |
| child->setObjectName("child"); |
| // QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hasOwnProperty('child')"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.child != 'undefined'"), sTrue); |
| |
| // add a grandchild |
| MyQObject* grandChild = new MyQObject(child); |
| grandChild->setObjectName("grandChild"); |
| // QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.child.hasOwnProperty('grandChild')"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.child.grandChild != 'undefined'"), sTrue); |
| |
| // delete grandchild |
| delete grandChild; |
| // QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.child.hasOwnProperty('grandChild')"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.child.grandChild == 'undefined'"), sTrue); |
| |
| // delete child |
| delete child; |
| // QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.hasOwnProperty('child')"), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.child == 'undefined'"), sTrue); |
| } |
| |
| Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QVector<int>) |
| Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QVector<double>) |
| Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QVector<QString>) |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::callQtInvokable() |
| { |
| qRegisterMetaType<QObjectList>(); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokable()"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 0); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals(), QVariantList()); |
| |
| // extra arguments should silently be ignored |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokable(10, 20, 30)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 0); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals(), QVariantList()); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithIntArg(123)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithIntArg('123')"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithLonglongArg(123)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toLongLong(), qlonglong(123)); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithFloatArg(123.5)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toDouble(), 123.5); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithDoubleArg(123.5)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 4); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toDouble(), 123.5); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithDoubleArg(new Number(1234.5))"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 4); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toDouble(), 1234.5); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithBoolArg(new Boolean(true))"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 52); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toBool(), true); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithStringArg('ciao')"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 5); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toString(), QLatin1String("ciao")); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithStringArg(123)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 5); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toString(), QLatin1String("123")); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithStringArg(null)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 5); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toString(), QString()); |
| QVERIFY(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toString().isEmpty()); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithStringArg(undefined)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 5); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toString(), QString()); |
| QVERIFY(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toString().isEmpty()); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithIntArgs(123, 456)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 6); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(1).toInt(), 456); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.myInvokableReturningInt()"), QLatin1String("123")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 7); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals(), QVariantList()); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.myInvokableReturningLongLong()"), QLatin1String("456")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 39); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals(), QVariantList()); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.myInvokableReturningString()"), QLatin1String("ciao")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 8); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals(), QVariantList()); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithIntArg(123, 456)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 9); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(1).toInt(), 456); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableWithVoidStarArg(null)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 44); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithVoidStarArg(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: incompatible type of argument(s) in call to myInvokableWithVoidStarArg(); candidates were\n myInvokableWithVoidStarArg(void*)")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), -1); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithAmbiguousArg(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: ambiguous call of overloaded function myInvokableWithAmbiguousArg(); candidates were\n myInvokableWithAmbiguousArg(int)\n myInvokableWithAmbiguousArg(uint)")); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithDefaultArgs(123, 'hello')", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 47); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(1).toString(), QLatin1String("hello")); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithDefaultArgs(456)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 47); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 456); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(1).toString(), QString()); |
| } |
| |
| // calling function that returns (const)ref |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableReturningRef()"); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, sUndefined); |
| //QVERIFY(!m_engine->hasUncaughtException()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 48); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("typeof myObject.myInvokableReturningConstRef()"); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, sUndefined); |
| //QVERIFY(!m_engine->hasUncaughtException()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 49); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableReturningQObjectStar()", type); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 13); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 0); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sObject); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.userType(), int(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithQObjectListArg([myObject])", type); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 14); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sArray); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.userType(), int(QVariant::List)); // All lists get downgraded to QVariantList |
| QVariantList vl = qvariant_cast<QVariantList>(ret); |
| QCOMPARE(vl.count(), 1); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| m_myObject->setVariantProperty(QVariant(123)); |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithVariantArg(myObject.variantProperty)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sNumber); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 15); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0), m_myObject->variantProperty()); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.userType(), int(QMetaType::Double)); // all JS numbers are doubles, even though this started as an int |
| QCOMPARE(ret.toInt(),123); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithVariantArg(null)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sObject); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 15); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0), QVariant()); |
| QVERIFY(!m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).isValid()); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithVariantArg(undefined)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sObject); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 15); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0), QVariant()); |
| QVERIFY(!m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).isValid()); |
| } |
| |
| /* XFAIL - variant support |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| m_myObject->setVariantProperty(QVariant::fromValue(QBrush())); |
| QVariant ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithVariantArg(myObject.variantProperty)"); |
| QVERIFY(ret.isVariant()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 15); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.toVariant(), m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0)); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.toVariant(), m_myObject->variantProperty()); |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithVariantArg(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sNumber); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 15); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0), QVariant(123)); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.userType(), int(QMetaType::Double)); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.toInt(),123); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithVariantMapArg({ a:123, b:'ciao' })", type); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 16); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| |
| QVariant v = m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0); |
| QCOMPARE(v.userType(), int(QMetaType::QVariantMap)); |
| |
| QVariantMap vmap = qvariant_cast<QVariantMap>(v); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.keys().size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.keys().at(0), QLatin1String("a")); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.value("a"), QVariant(123)); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.keys().at(1), QLatin1String("b")); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.value("b"), QVariant("ciao")); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(type, sObject); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(ret.userType(), int(QMetaType::QVariantMap)); |
| vmap = qvariant_cast<QVariantMap>(ret); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.keys().size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.keys().at(0), QLatin1String("a")); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.value("a"), QVariant(123)); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.keys().at(1), QLatin1String("b")); |
| QCOMPARE(vmap.value("b"), QVariant("ciao")); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithListOfIntArg([1, 5])", type); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 17); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QVariant v = m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0); |
| QCOMPARE(v.userType(), qMetaTypeId<QList<int> >()); |
| QList<int> ilst = qvariant_cast<QList<int> >(v); |
| QCOMPARE(ilst.size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(ilst.at(0), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(ilst.at(1), 5); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(type, sArray); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.userType(), int(QMetaType::QVariantList)); // ints get converted to doubles, so this is a qvariantlist |
| QVariantList vlst = qvariant_cast<QVariantList>(ret); |
| QCOMPARE(vlst.size(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(vlst.at(0).toInt(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(vlst.at(1).toInt(), 5); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QVariant ret = evalJSV("myObject.myInvokableWithQObjectStarArg(myObject)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 18); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QVariant v = m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0); |
| QCOMPARE(v.userType(), int(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); |
| QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<QObject*>(v), (QObject*)m_myObject); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(ret.userType(), int(QMetaType::QObjectStar)); |
| QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<QObject*>(ret), (QObject*)m_myObject); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(type, sObject); |
| } |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| // no implicit conversion from integer to QObject* |
| QString type; |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithQObjectStarArg(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString fun = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithQBrushArg"); |
| Q_ASSERT(fun.isFunction()); |
| QColor color(10, 20, 30, 40); |
| // QColor should be converted to a QBrush |
| QVariant ret = fun.call(QString(), QStringList() |
| << qScriptValueFromValue(m_engine, color)); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 19); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QVariant v = m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0); |
| QCOMPARE(v.userType(), int(QMetaType::QBrush)); |
| QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<QColor>(v), color); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(qscriptvalue_cast<QColor>(ret), color); |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| // private slots should not be part of the QObject binding |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.myPrivateSlot"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // protected slots should be fine |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myProtectedSlot()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 36); |
| |
| // call with too few arguments |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithIntArg()", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("SyntaxError: too few arguments in call to myInvokableWithIntArg(); candidates are\n myInvokableWithIntArg(int,int)\n myInvokableWithIntArg(int)")); |
| } |
| |
| // call function where not all types have been registered |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithBrushStyleArg(0)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: cannot call myInvokableWithBrushStyleArg(): unknown type `Qt::BrushStyle'")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), -1); |
| } |
| |
| // call function with incompatible argument type |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithQBrushArg(null)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: incompatible type of argument(s) in call to myInvokableWithQBrushArg(); candidates were\n myInvokableWithQBrushArg(QBrush)")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), -1); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::connectAndDisconnect() |
| { |
| // connect(function) |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.mySignal"), sFunction); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.mySignal.connect"), sFunction); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject.mySignal.disconnect"), sFunction); |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| } |
| |
| evalJS("myHandler = function() { window.gotSignal = true; window.signalArgs = arguments; window.slotThisObject = this; window.signalSender = __qt_sender__; }"); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignal()"); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs.length == 0"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalSender"),evalJS("myObject")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("slotThisObject == window"), sTrue); |
| |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs.length == 0"), sTrue); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.connect(myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignalWithIntArg(123); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs.length == 1"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs[0] == 123.0"), sTrue); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(myHandler)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| } |
| |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal2.connect(myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal2(true); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs.length == 1"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs[0]"), sTrue); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal2.disconnect(myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject['mySignal2()']"), sFunction); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject['mySignal2()'].connect"), sFunction); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof myObject['mySignal2()'].disconnect"), sFunction); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject['mySignal2()'].connect(myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal2(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject['mySignal2()'].disconnect(myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // connect(object, function) |
| evalJS("otherObject = { name:'foo' }"); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(otherObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(otherObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sFalse); |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(otherObject, myHandler)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| } |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(otherObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs.length == 0"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("slotThisObject"),evalJS("otherObject")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalSender"),evalJS("myObject")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("slotThisObject.name"), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(otherObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| evalJS("yetAnotherObject = { name:'bar', func : function() { } }"); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal2.connect(yetAnotherObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal2(true); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs.length == 1"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("slotThisObject == yetAnotherObject"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalSender == myObject"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("slotThisObject.name"), QLatin1String("bar")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal2.disconnect(yetAnotherObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal2.connect(myObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| evalJS("gotSignal = false"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal2(true); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("gotSignal"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalArgs.length == 1"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("slotThisObject == myObject"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("signalSender == myObject"), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal2.disconnect(myObject, myHandler)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // connect(obj, string) |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(yetAnotherObject, 'func')"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(myObject, 'mySlot')"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(yetAnotherObject, 'func')"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(myObject, 'mySlot')"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // check that emitting signals from script works |
| |
| // no arguments |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(myObject.mySlot)"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal()"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 20); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(myObject.mySlot)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // one argument |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.connect(myObject.mySlotWithIntArg)"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg(123)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 21); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.disconnect(myObject.mySlotWithIntArg)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.connect(myObject.mySlotWithDoubleArg)"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg(123)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 22); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toDouble(), 123.0); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.disconnect(myObject.mySlotWithDoubleArg)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.connect(myObject.mySlotWithStringArg)"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg(123)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 23); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toString(), QLatin1String("123")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.disconnect(myObject.mySlotWithStringArg)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // connecting to overloaded slot |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.connect(myObject.myOverloadedSlot)"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg(123)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 26); // double overload |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 123); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.disconnect(myObject.myOverloadedSlot)"), sUndefined); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.connect(myObject['myOverloadedSlot(int)'])"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg(456)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 28); // int overload |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), 456); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithIntArg.disconnect(myObject['myOverloadedSlot(int)'])"), sUndefined); |
| |
| // erroneous input |
| { |
| // ### QtScript adds .connect to all functions, WebKit does only to signals/slots |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("(function() { }).connect()", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("var o = { }; o.connect = Function.prototype.connect; o.connect()", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function")); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("(function() { }).connect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("var o = { }; o.connect = Function.prototype.connect; o.connect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function")); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokable.connect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.connect: MyQObject::myInvokable() is not a signal")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokable.connect(function() { })", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.connect: MyQObject::myInvokable() is not a signal")); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.connect: target is not a function")); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect()", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: no arguments given")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("var o = { }; o.disconnect = myObject.mySignal.disconnect; o.disconnect()", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: no arguments given")); |
| } |
| |
| /* XFAIL - Function.prototype doesn't get connect/disconnect, just signals/slots |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("(function() { }).disconnect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: this object is not a signal")); |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("var o = { }; o.disconnect = myObject.myInvokable.disconnect; o.disconnect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: MyQObject::myInvokable() is not a signal")); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokable.disconnect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: MyQObject::myInvokable() is not a signal")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokable.disconnect(function() { })", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: MyQObject::myInvokable() is not a signal")); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(123)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("TypeError: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: target is not a function")); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("myObject.mySignal.disconnect(function() { })", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: QtMetaMethod.disconnect: failed to disconnect from MyQObject::mySignal()")); |
| } |
| |
| // when the wrapper dies, the connection stays alive |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.mySignal.connect(myObject.mySlot)"), sUndefined); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal(); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 20); |
| evalJS("myObject = null"); |
| evalJS("gc()"); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignal(); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 20); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::classEnums() |
| { |
| // We don't do the meta thing currently, unfortunately!!! |
| /* |
| QString myClass = m_engine->newQMetaObject(m_myObject->metaObject(), m_engine->undefinedValue()); |
| m_engine->globalObject().setProperty("MyQObject", myClass); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<MyQObject::Policy>(evalJS("MyQObject.FooPolicy").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::FooPolicy); |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<MyQObject::Policy>(evalJS("MyQObject.BarPolicy").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::BarPolicy); |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<MyQObject::Policy>(evalJS("MyQObject.BazPolicy").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::BazPolicy); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<MyQObject::Strategy>(evalJS("MyQObject.FooStrategy").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::FooStrategy); |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<MyQObject::Strategy>(evalJS("MyQObject.BarStrategy").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::BarStrategy); |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<MyQObject::Strategy>(evalJS("MyQObject.BazStrategy").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::BazStrategy); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(MyQObject::Ability(evalJS("MyQObject.NoAbility").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::NoAbility); |
| QCOMPARE(MyQObject::Ability(evalJS("MyQObject.FooAbility").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::FooAbility); |
| QCOMPARE(MyQObject::Ability(evalJS("MyQObject.BarAbility").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::BarAbility); |
| QCOMPARE(MyQObject::Ability(evalJS("MyQObject.BazAbility").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::BazAbility); |
| QCOMPARE(MyQObject::Ability(evalJS("MyQObject.AllAbility").toInt()), |
| MyQObject::AllAbility); |
| |
| // enums from Qt are inherited through prototype |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<Qt::FocusPolicy>(evalJS("MyQObject.StrongFocus").toInt()), |
| Qt::StrongFocus); |
| QCOMPARE(static_cast<Qt::Key>(evalJS("MyQObject.Key_Left").toInt()), |
| Qt::Key_Left); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("MyQObject.className()"), QLatin1String("MyQObject")); |
| |
| qRegisterMetaType<MyQObject::Policy>("Policy"); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithEnumArg(MyQObject.BazPolicy)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 10); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), int(MyQObject::BazPolicy)); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.myInvokableWithQualifiedEnumArg(MyQObject.BazPolicy)"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 36); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toInt(), int(MyQObject::BazPolicy)); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QVariant ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableReturningEnum()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 37); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 0); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.isVariant()); |
| } |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| { |
| QVariant ret = evalJS("myObject.myInvokableReturningQualifiedEnum()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 38); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 0); |
| QCOMPARE(ret.isNumber()); |
| } |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::classConstructor() |
| { |
| /* |
| QString myClass = qScriptValueFromQMetaObject<MyQObject>(m_engine); |
| m_engine->globalObject().setProperty("MyQObject", myClass); |
| |
| QString myObj = evalJS("myObj = MyQObject()"); |
| QObject* qobj = myObj.toQObject(); |
| QVERIFY(qobj != 0); |
| QCOMPARE(qobj->metaObject()->className(), "MyQObject"); |
| QCOMPARE(qobj->parent(), (QObject*)0); |
| |
| QString qobjectClass = qScriptValueFromQMetaObject<QObject>(m_engine); |
| m_engine->globalObject().setProperty("QObject", qobjectClass); |
| |
| QString otherObj = evalJS("otherObj = QObject(myObj)"); |
| QObject* qqobj = otherObj.toQObject(); |
| QVERIFY(qqobj != 0); |
| QCOMPARE(qqobj->metaObject()->className(), "QObject"); |
| QCOMPARE(qqobj->parent(), qobj); |
| |
| delete qobj; |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::overrideInvokable() |
| { |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myObject.myInvokable()"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 0); |
| |
| /* XFAIL - can't write to functions with RuntimeObject |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable = function() { window.a = 123; }"); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), -1); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("window.a").toDouble(), 123.0); |
| |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable = function() { window.a = 456; }"); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), -1); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("window.a").toDouble(), 456.0); |
| */ |
| |
| evalJS("delete myObject.myInvokable"); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 0); |
| |
| /* XFAIL - ditto |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable = myObject.myInvokableWithIntArg"); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable(123)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 1); |
| */ |
| |
| evalJS("delete myObject.myInvokable"); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| // this form (with the '()') is read-only |
| evalJS("myObject['myInvokable()'] = function() { window.a = 123; }"); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 0); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::transferInvokable() |
| { |
| /* XFAIL - can't put to functions with RuntimeObject |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.foozball = myObject.myInvokable"); |
| evalJS("myObject.foozball()"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 0); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.foozball = myObject.myInvokableWithIntArg"); |
| evalJS("myObject.foozball(123)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 1); |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable = myObject.myInvokableWithIntArg"); |
| evalJS("myObject.myInvokable(123)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 1); |
| |
| MyOtherQObject other; |
| m_page->mainFrame()->addToJSWindowObject("myOtherObject", &other); |
| evalJS("myOtherObject.foo = myObject.foozball"); |
| other.resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myOtherObject.foo(456)"); |
| QCOMPARE(other.qtFunctionInvoked(), 1); |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::findChild() |
| { |
| /* |
| QObject* child = new QObject(m_myObject); |
| child->setObjectName(QLatin1String("myChildObject")); |
| |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChild('noSuchChild')"); |
| QCOMPARE(result.isNull()); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChild('myChildObject')"); |
| QCOMPARE(result.isQObject()); |
| QCOMPARE(result.toQObject(), child); |
| } |
| |
| delete child; |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::findChildren() |
| { |
| /* |
| QObject* child = new QObject(m_myObject); |
| child->setObjectName(QLatin1String("myChildObject")); |
| |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChildren('noSuchChild')"); |
| QCOMPARE(result.isArray()); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("length")).toDouble(), 0.0); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChildren('myChildObject')"); |
| QCOMPARE(result.isArray()); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("length")).toDouble(), 1.0); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("0")).toQObject(), child); |
| } |
| |
| QObject* namelessChild = new QObject(m_myObject); |
| |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChildren('myChildObject')"); |
| QCOMPARE(result.isArray()); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("length")).toDouble(), 1.0); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("0")).toQObject(), child); |
| } |
| |
| QObject* anotherChild = new QObject(m_myObject); |
| anotherChild->setObjectName(QLatin1String("anotherChildObject")); |
| |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChildren('anotherChildObject')"); |
| QCOMPARE(result.isArray()); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("length")).toDouble(), 1.0); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("0")).toQObject(), anotherChild); |
| } |
| |
| anotherChild->setObjectName(QLatin1String("myChildObject")); |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChildren('myChildObject')"); |
| QCOMPARE(result.isArray()); |
| QCOMPARE(result.property(QLatin1String("length")).toDouble(), 2.0); |
| QObject* o1 = result.property(QLatin1String("0")).toQObject(); |
| QObject* o2 = result.property(QLatin1String("1")).toQObject(); |
| if (o1 != child) { |
| QCOMPARE(o1, anotherChild); |
| QCOMPARE(o2, child); |
| } else { |
| QCOMPARE(o1, child); |
| QCOMPARE(o2, anotherChild); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // find all |
| { |
| QString result = evalJS("myObject.findChildren()"); |
| QVERIFY(result.isArray()); |
| int count = 3; |
| QCOMPARE(result.property("length"), QLatin1String(count); |
| for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
| QObject* o = result.property(i).toQObject(); |
| if (o == namelessChild || o == child || o == anotherChild) |
| --count; |
| } |
| QVERIFY(count == 0); |
| } |
| |
| delete anotherChild; |
| delete namelessChild; |
| delete child; |
| */ |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::overloadedSlots() |
| { |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(double) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(10)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 26); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(double) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(10.0)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 26); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QString) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot('10')"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 29); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(bool) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(true)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 25); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QDateTime) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(new Date())"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 32); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QRegExp) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(new RegExp())"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 34); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QVariant) |
| /* XFAIL |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| QString f = evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot"); |
| f.call(QString(), QStringList() << m_engine->newVariant(QVariant("ciao"))); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 35); |
| */ |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QRegExp) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(document.body)"); |
| QEXPECT_FAIL("", "https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37319", Continue); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 36); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QObject*) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(myObject)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 41); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QObject*) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(null)"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 41); |
| |
| // should pick myOverloadedSlot(QStringList) |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(['hello'])"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 42); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::enumerate_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("expectedNames"); |
| |
| QTest::newRow("enumerate all") |
| << (QStringList() |
| // meta-object-defined properties: |
| // inherited |
| << "objectName" |
| // non-inherited |
| << "p1" << "p2" << "p4" << "p6" |
| // dynamic properties |
| << "dp1" << "dp2" << "dp3" |
| // inherited slots |
| << "destroyed(QObject*)" << "destroyed()" |
| << "deleteLater()" |
| // not included because it's private: |
| // << "_q_reregisterTimers(void*)" |
| // signals |
| << "mySignal()" |
| // slots |
| << "mySlot()" << "myOtherSlot()"); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::enumerate() |
| { |
| QFETCH(QStringList, expectedNames); |
| |
| MyEnumTestQObject enumQObject; |
| // give it some dynamic properties |
| enumQObject.setProperty("dp1", "dp1"); |
| enumQObject.setProperty("dp2", "dp2"); |
| enumQObject.setProperty("dp3", "dp3"); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("myEnumObject", &enumQObject); |
| |
| // enumerate in script |
| { |
| evalJS("var enumeratedProperties = []"); |
| evalJS("for (var p in myEnumObject) { enumeratedProperties.push(p); }"); |
| QStringList result = evalJSV("enumeratedProperties").toStringList(); |
| QCOMPARE(result.size(), expectedNames.size()); |
| for (int i = 0; i < expectedNames.size(); ++i) |
| QCOMPARE(result.at(i), expectedNames.at(i)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::objectDeleted() |
| { |
| MyQObject* qobj = new MyQObject(); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("bar", qobj); |
| evalJS("bar.objectName = 'foo';"); |
| QCOMPARE(qobj->objectName(), QLatin1String("foo")); |
| evalJS("bar.intProperty = 123;"); |
| QCOMPARE(qobj->intProperty(), 123); |
| qobj->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("bar.myInvokable.call(bar);"); |
| QCOMPARE(qobj->qtFunctionInvoked(), 0); |
| |
| // do this, to ensure that we cache that it implements call |
| evalJS("bar()"); |
| |
| // now delete the object |
| delete qobj; |
| |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof bar"), sObject); |
| |
| // any attempt to access properties of the object should result in an exception |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("bar.objectName", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: cannot access member `objectName' of deleted QObject")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("bar.objectName = 'foo'", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: cannot access member `objectName' of deleted QObject")); |
| } |
| |
| // myInvokable is stored in member table (since we've accessed it before deletion) |
| { |
| QString type; |
| evalJS("bar.myInvokable", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sFunction); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("bar.myInvokable.call(bar);", type); |
| ret = evalJS("bar.myInvokable(bar)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: cannot call function of deleted QObject")); |
| } |
| // myInvokableWithIntArg is not stored in member table (since we've not accessed it) |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("bar.myInvokableWithIntArg", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: cannot access member `myInvokableWithIntArg' of deleted QObject")); |
| } |
| |
| // access from script |
| evalJS("window.o = bar;"); |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("o.objectName", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: cannot access member `objectName' of deleted QObject")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("o.myInvokable()", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: cannot call function of deleted QObject")); |
| } |
| { |
| QString type; |
| QString ret = evalJS("o.myInvokableWithIntArg(10)", type); |
| QCOMPARE(type, sError); |
| QCOMPARE(ret, QLatin1String("Error: cannot access member `myInvokableWithIntArg' of deleted QObject")); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::typeConversion() |
| { |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| |
| QDateTime localdt(QDate(2008,1,18), QTime(12,31,0)); |
| QDateTime utclocaldt = localdt.toUTC(); |
| QDateTime utcdt(QDate(2008,1,18), QTime(12,31,0), Qt::UTC); |
| |
| // Dates in JS (default to local) |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(new Date(2008,0,18,12,31,0))"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 32); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toDateTime().toUTC(), utclocaldt); |
| |
| m_myObject->resetQtFunctionInvoked(); |
| evalJS("myObject.myOverloadedSlot(new Date(Date.UTC(2008,0,18,12,31,0)))"); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionInvoked(), 32); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().size(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->qtFunctionActuals().at(0).toDateTime().toUTC(), utcdt); |
| |
| // Pushing QDateTimes into JS |
| // Local |
| evalJS("function checkDate(d) {window.__date_equals = (d.toString() == new Date(2008,0,18,12,31,0))?true:false;}"); |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithDateTimeArg.connect(checkDate)"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignalWithDateTimeArg(localdt); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("window.__date_equals"), sTrue); |
| evalJS("delete window.__date_equals"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignalWithDateTimeArg(utclocaldt); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("window.__date_equals"), sTrue); |
| evalJS("delete window.__date_equals"); |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithDateTimeArg.disconnect(checkDate); delete checkDate;"); |
| |
| // UTC |
| evalJS("function checkDate(d) {window.__date_equals = (d.toString() == new Date(Date.UTC(2008,0,18,12,31,0)))?true:false; }"); |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithDateTimeArg.connect(checkDate)"); |
| m_myObject->emitMySignalWithDateTimeArg(utcdt); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("window.__date_equals"), sTrue); |
| evalJS("delete window.__date_equals"); |
| evalJS("myObject.mySignalWithDateTimeArg.disconnect(checkDate); delete checkDate;"); |
| |
| // ### RegExps |
| } |
| |
| class StringListTestObject : public QObject { |
| public Q_SLOTS: |
| QVariant stringList() |
| { |
| return QStringList() << "Q" << "t"; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::arrayObjectEnumerable() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| QObject* qobject = new StringListTestObject(); |
| frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("test", qobject, QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership); |
| |
| const QString script("var stringArray = test.stringList();" |
| "var result = '';" |
| "for (var i in stringArray) {" |
| " result += stringArray[i];" |
| "}" |
| "result;"); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript(script).toString(), QString::fromLatin1("Qt")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::symmetricUrl() |
| { |
| QVERIFY(m_view->url().isEmpty()); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 0); |
| |
| QUrl dataUrl("data:text/html,<h1>Test"); |
| |
| m_view->setUrl(dataUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->url(), dataUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 0); |
| |
| // loading is _not_ immediate, so the text isn't set just yet. |
| QVERIFY(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toPlainText().isEmpty()); |
| |
| ::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toPlainText(), QString("Test")); |
| |
| QUrl dataUrl2("data:text/html,<h1>Test2"); |
| QUrl dataUrl3("data:text/html,<h1>Test3"); |
| |
| m_view->setUrl(dataUrl2); |
| m_view->setUrl(dataUrl3); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->url(), dataUrl3); |
| |
| ::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->history()->count(), 2); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toPlainText(), QString("Test3")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::progressSignal() |
| { |
| QSignalSpy progressSpy(m_view, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int))); |
| |
| QUrl dataUrl("data:text/html,<h1>Test"); |
| m_view->setUrl(dataUrl); |
| |
| ::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| QVERIFY(progressSpy.size() >= 2); |
| |
| // WebKit defines initialProgressValue as 10%, not 0% |
| QCOMPARE(progressSpy.first().first().toInt(), 10); |
| |
| // But we always end at 100% |
| QCOMPARE(progressSpy.last().first().toInt(), 100); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::urlChange() |
| { |
| QSignalSpy urlSpy(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl))); |
| |
| QUrl dataUrl("data:text/html,<h1>Test"); |
| m_view->setUrl(dataUrl); |
| |
| ::waitForSignal(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(urlSpy.size(), 1); |
| |
| QUrl dataUrl2("data:text/html,<html><head><title>title</title></head><body><h1>Test</body></html>"); |
| m_view->setUrl(dataUrl2); |
| |
| ::waitForSignal(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(urlSpy.size(), 2); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::domCycles() |
| { |
| m_view->setHtml("<html><body>"); |
| QVariant v = m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document"); |
| QVERIFY(v.type() == QVariant::Map); |
| } |
| |
| class FakeReply : public QNetworkReply { |
| |
| public: |
| FakeReply(const QNetworkRequest& request, QObject* parent = 0) |
| : QNetworkReply(parent) |
| { |
| setOperation(QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation); |
| setRequest(request); |
| if (request.url() == QUrl("qrc:/test1.html")) { |
| setHeader(QNetworkRequest::LocationHeader, QString("qrc:/test2.html")); |
| setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute, QUrl("qrc:/test2.html")); |
| } |
| #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL |
| else if (request.url() == QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html")) |
| setError(QNetworkReply::SslHandshakeFailedError, tr("Fake error !")); // force a ssl error |
| #endif |
| else if (request.url() == QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/")) |
| setError(QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError, tr("Invalid URL")); |
| |
| open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); |
| QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(timeout())); |
| } |
| ~FakeReply() |
| { |
| close(); |
| } |
| virtual void abort() {} |
| virtual void close() {} |
| |
| protected: |
| qint64 readData(char*, qint64) |
| { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| private slots: |
| void timeout() |
| { |
| if (request().url() == QUrl("qrc://test1.html")) |
| emit error(this->error()); |
| else if (request().url() == QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/")) |
| emit metaDataChanged(); |
| #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL |
| else if (request().url() == QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html")) |
| return; |
| #endif |
| |
| emit readyRead(); |
| emit finished(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| class FakeNetworkManager : public QNetworkAccessManager { |
| |
| public: |
| FakeNetworkManager(QObject* parent) : QNetworkAccessManager(parent) { } |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest& request, QIODevice* outgoingData) |
| { |
| QString url = request.url().toString(); |
| if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation) { |
| if (url == "qrc:/test1.html" || url == "http://abcdef.abcdef/") |
| return new FakeReply(request, this); |
| #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL |
| else if (url == "qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html") { |
| FakeReply* reply = new FakeReply(request, this); |
| QList<QSslError> errors; |
| emit sslErrors(reply, errors << QSslError(QSslError::UnspecifiedError)); |
| return reply; |
| } |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, request, outgoingData); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::requestedUrl() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| |
| // in few seconds, the image should be completely loaded |
| QSignalSpy spy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| FakeNetworkManager* networkManager = new FakeNetworkManager(&page); |
| page.setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager); |
| |
| frame->setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/test1.html")); |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("qrc:/test1.html")); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/test2.html")); |
| |
| frame->setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/non-existent.html")); |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("qrc:/non-existent.html")); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/non-existent.html")); |
| |
| frame->setUrl(QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef")); |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/")); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/")); |
| |
| #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL |
| qRegisterMetaType<QList<QSslError> >("QList<QSslError>"); |
| qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkReply* >("QNetworkReply*"); |
| |
| QSignalSpy spy2(page.networkAccessManager(), SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*,QList<QSslError>))); |
| frame->setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html")); |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(spy2.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html")); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl("qrc:/fake-ssl-error.html")); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::javaScriptWindowObjectCleared_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("html"); |
| QTest::addColumn<int>("signalCount"); |
| QTest::newRow("with <script>") << "<html><body><script>i=0</script><p>hello world</p></body></html>" << 1; |
| // NOTE: Empty scripts no longer cause this signal to be emitted. |
| QTest::newRow("with empty <script>") << "<html><body><script></script><p>hello world</p></body></html>" << 0; |
| QTest::newRow("without <script>") << "<html><body><p>hello world</p></body></html>" << 0; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::javaScriptWindowObjectCleared() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared())); |
| QFETCH(QString, html); |
| frame->setHtml(html); |
| |
| QFETCH(int, signalCount); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), signalCount); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::javaScriptWindowObjectClearedOnEvaluate() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared())); |
| frame->setHtml("<html></html>"); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 0); |
| frame->evaluateJavaScript("var a = 'a';"); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| // no new clear for a new script: |
| frame->evaluateJavaScript("var a = 1;"); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setHtml() |
| { |
| QString html("<html><head></head><body><p>hello world</p></body></html>"); |
| QSignalSpy spy(m_view->page(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->setHtml(html); |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(), html); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithResource() |
| { |
| QString html("<html><body><p>hello world</p><img src='qrc:/image.png'/></body></html>"); |
| |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| |
| // in few seconds, the image should be completey loaded |
| QSignalSpy spy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| frame->setHtml(html); |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images.length").toInt(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].width").toInt(), 128); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].height").toInt(), 128); |
| |
| QString html2 = |
| "<html>" |
| "<head>" |
| "<link rel='stylesheet' href='qrc:/style.css' type='text/css' />" |
| "</head>" |
| "<body>" |
| "<p id='idP'>some text</p>" |
| "</body>" |
| "</html>"; |
| |
| // in few seconds, the CSS should be completey loaded |
| frame->setHtml(html2); |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.size(), 2); |
| |
| QWebElement p = frame->documentElement().findAll("p").at(0); |
| QCOMPARE(p.styleProperty("color", QWebElement::CascadedStyle), QLatin1String("red")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithBaseURL() |
| { |
| if (!QDir(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR).exists()) |
| QSKIP(QString("This test requires access to resources found in '%1'").arg(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR).toLatin1().constData(), SkipAll); |
| |
| QDir::setCurrent(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR); |
| |
| QString html("<html><body><p>hello world</p><img src='resources/image2.png'/></body></html>"); |
| |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| |
| // in few seconds, the image should be completey loaded |
| QSignalSpy spy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| frame->setHtml(html, QUrl::fromLocalFile(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR)); |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images.length").toInt(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].width").toInt(), 128); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->evaluateJavaScript("document.images[0].height").toInt(), 128); |
| |
| // no history item has to be added. |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->history()->count(), 0); |
| } |
| |
| class MyPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| MyPage() : QWebPage(), alerts(0) {} |
| int alerts; |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual void javaScriptAlert(QWebFrame*, const QString& msg) |
| { |
| alerts++; |
| QCOMPARE(msg, QString("foo")); |
| // Should not be enough to trigger deferred loading, since we've upped the HTML |
| // tokenizer delay in the Qt frameloader. See HTMLTokenizer::continueProcessing() |
| QTest::qWait(1000); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setHtmlWithJSAlert() |
| { |
| QString html("<html><head></head><body><script>alert('foo');</script><p>hello world</p></body></html>"); |
| MyPage page; |
| m_view->setPage(&page); |
| page.mainFrame()->setHtml(html); |
| QCOMPARE(page.alerts, 1); |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(), html); |
| } |
| |
| class TestNetworkManager : public QNetworkAccessManager |
| { |
| public: |
| TestNetworkManager(QObject* parent) : QNetworkAccessManager(parent) {} |
| |
| QList<QUrl> requestedUrls; |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice* outgoingData) { |
| requestedUrls.append(request.url()); |
| QNetworkRequest redirectedRequest = request; |
| redirectedRequest.setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<p>hello")); |
| return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, redirectedRequest, outgoingData); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::ipv6HostEncoding() |
| { |
| TestNetworkManager* networkManager = new TestNetworkManager(m_page); |
| m_page->setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager); |
| networkManager->requestedUrls.clear(); |
| |
| QUrl baseUrl = QUrl::fromEncoded("http://[::1]/index.html"); |
| m_view->setHtml("<p>Hi", baseUrl); |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var r = new XMLHttpRequest();" |
| "r.open('GET', 'http://[::1]/test.xml', false);" |
| "r.send(null);" |
| ); |
| QCOMPARE(networkManager->requestedUrls.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(networkManager->requestedUrls.at(0), QUrl::fromEncoded("http://[::1]/test.xml")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::metaData() |
| { |
| m_view->setHtml("<html>" |
| " <head>" |
| " <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Test description\">" |
| " <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"HTML, JavaScript, Css\">" |
| " </head>" |
| "</html>"); |
| |
| QMultiMap<QString, QString> metaData = m_view->page()->mainFrame()->metaData(); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(metaData.count(), 2); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(metaData.value("description"), QString("Test description")); |
| QCOMPARE(metaData.value("keywords"), QString("HTML, JavaScript, Css")); |
| QCOMPARE(metaData.value("nonexistant"), QString()); |
| |
| m_view->setHtml("<html>" |
| " <head>" |
| " <meta name=\"samekey\" content=\"FirstValue\">" |
| " <meta name=\"samekey\" content=\"SecondValue\">" |
| " </head>" |
| "</html>"); |
| |
| metaData = m_view->page()->mainFrame()->metaData(); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(metaData.count(), 2); |
| |
| QStringList values = metaData.values("samekey"); |
| QCOMPARE(values.count(), 2); |
| |
| QVERIFY(values.contains("FirstValue")); |
| QVERIFY(values.contains("SecondValue")); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(metaData.value("nonexistant"), QString()); |
| } |
| |
| #if !defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) && !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) && !defined(QT_NO_COMBOBOX) |
| void tst_QWebFrame::popupFocus() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| view.setHtml("<html>" |
| " <body>" |
| " <select name=\"select\">" |
| " <option>1</option>" |
| " <option>2</option>" |
| " </select>" |
| " <input type=\"text\"> </input>" |
| " <textarea name=\"text_area\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"40\">" |
| "This test checks whether showing and hiding a popup" |
| "takes the focus away from the webpage." |
| " </textarea>" |
| " </body>" |
| "</html>"); |
| view.resize(400, 100); |
| // Call setFocus before show to work around http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-14762 |
| view.setFocus(); |
| view.show(); |
| QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&view); |
| view.activateWindow(); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(view.hasFocus()); |
| |
| // open the popup by clicking. check if focus is on the popup |
| const QWebElement webCombo = view.page()->mainFrame()->documentElement().findFirst(QLatin1String("select[name=select]")); |
| QTest::mouseClick(&view, Qt::LeftButton, 0, webCombo.geometry().center()); |
| QObject* webpopup = firstChildByClassName(&view, "QComboBox"); |
| QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>(webpopup); |
| QVERIFY(combo != 0); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(!view.hasFocus() && combo->view()->hasFocus()); // Focus should be on the popup |
| |
| // hide the popup and check if focus is on the page |
| combo->hidePopup(); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(view.hasFocus()); // Focus should be back on the WebView |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::inputFieldFocus() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| view.setHtml("<html><body><input type=\"text\"></input></body></html>"); |
| view.resize(400, 100); |
| view.show(); |
| QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&view); |
| view.activateWindow(); |
| view.setFocus(); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(view.hasFocus()); |
| |
| // double the flashing time, should at least blink once already |
| int delay = qApp->cursorFlashTime() * 2; |
| |
| // focus the lineedit and check if it blinks |
| const QWebElement inputElement = view.page()->mainFrame()->documentElement().findFirst(QLatin1String("input[type=text]")); |
| QTest::mouseClick(&view, Qt::LeftButton, 0, inputElement.geometry().center()); |
| m_inputFieldsTestView = &view; |
| view.installEventFilter( this ); |
| QTest::qWait(delay); |
| QVERIFY2(m_inputFieldTestPaintCount >= 3, |
| "The input field should have a blinking caret"); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::hitTestContent() |
| { |
| QString html("<html><body><p>A paragraph</p><br/><br/><br/><a href=\"about:blank\" target=\"_foo\" id=\"link\">link text</a></body></html>"); |
| |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| frame->setHtml(html); |
| page.setViewportSize(QSize(200, 0)); //no height so link is not visible |
| const QWebElement linkElement = frame->documentElement().findFirst(QLatin1String("a#link")); |
| QWebHitTestResult result = frame->hitTestContent(linkElement.geometry().center()); |
| QCOMPARE(result.linkText(), QString("link text")); |
| QWebElement link = result.linkElement(); |
| QCOMPARE(link.attribute("target"), QString("_foo")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::jsByteArray() |
| { |
| QByteArray ba("hello world"); |
| m_myObject->setByteArrayProperty(ba); |
| |
| // read-only property |
| QCOMPARE(m_myObject->byteArrayProperty(), ba); |
| QString type; |
| QVariant v = evalJSV("myObject.byteArrayProperty"); |
| QCOMPARE(int(v.type()), int(QVariant::ByteArray)); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(v.toByteArray(), ba); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::ownership() |
| { |
| // test ownership |
| { |
| QPointer<QObject> ptr = new QObject(); |
| QVERIFY(ptr != 0); |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("test", ptr, QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership); |
| } |
| QVERIFY(ptr == 0); |
| } |
| { |
| QPointer<QObject> ptr = new QObject(); |
| QVERIFY(ptr != 0); |
| QObject* before = ptr; |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("test", ptr, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership); |
| } |
| QVERIFY(ptr == before); |
| delete ptr; |
| } |
| { |
| QObject* parent = new QObject(); |
| QObject* child = new QObject(parent); |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("test", child, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership); |
| QVariant v = frame->evaluateJavaScript("test"); |
| QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<QObject*>(v), child); |
| delete parent; |
| v = frame->evaluateJavaScript("test"); |
| QCOMPARE(qvariant_cast<QObject*>(v), (QObject *)0); |
| } |
| { |
| QPointer<QObject> ptr = new QObject(); |
| QVERIFY(ptr != 0); |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("test", ptr, QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership); |
| } |
| // no parent, so it should be like ScriptOwnership |
| QVERIFY(ptr == 0); |
| } |
| { |
| QObject* parent = new QObject(); |
| QPointer<QObject> child = new QObject(parent); |
| QVERIFY(child != 0); |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| frame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("test", child, QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership); |
| } |
| // has parent, so it should be like QtOwnership |
| QVERIFY(child != 0); |
| delete parent; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::nullValue() |
| { |
| QVariant v = m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("null"); |
| QVERIFY(v.isNull()); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::baseUrl_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("html"); |
| QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("loadUrl"); |
| QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("url"); |
| QTest::addColumn<QUrl>("baseUrl"); |
| |
| QTest::newRow("null") << QString() << QUrl() |
| << QUrl("about:blank") << QUrl("about:blank"); |
| |
| QTest::newRow("foo") << QString() << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/") |
| << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/") << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/"); |
| |
| QString html = "<html>" |
| "<head>" |
| "<base href=\"http://foobaz.bar/\" />" |
| "</head>" |
| "</html>"; |
| QTest::newRow("customBaseUrl") << html << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/") |
| << QUrl("http://foobar.baz/") << QUrl("http://foobaz.bar/"); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::baseUrl() |
| { |
| QFETCH(QString, html); |
| QFETCH(QUrl, loadUrl); |
| QFETCH(QUrl, url); |
| QFETCH(QUrl, baseUrl); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setHtml(html, loadUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->mainFrame()->url(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->mainFrame()->baseUrl(), baseUrl); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::hasSetFocus() |
| { |
| QString html("<html><body><p>top</p>" \ |
| "<iframe width='80%' height='30%'/>" \ |
| "</body></html>"); |
| |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setHtml(html); |
| |
| waitForSignal(m_page->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(loadSpy.size(), 1); |
| |
| QList<QWebFrame*> children = m_page->mainFrame()->childFrames(); |
| QWebFrame* frame = children.at(0); |
| QString innerHtml("<html><body><p>another iframe</p>" \ |
| "<iframe width='80%' height='30%'/>" \ |
| "</body></html>"); |
| frame->setHtml(innerHtml); |
| |
| waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 200); |
| QCOMPARE(loadSpy.size(), 2); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setFocus(); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(m_page->mainFrame()->hasFocus()); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { |
| children.at(i)->setFocus(); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(children.at(i)->hasFocus()); |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->mainFrame()->hasFocus()); |
| } |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setFocus(); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(m_page->mainFrame()->hasFocus()); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::render() |
| { |
| QString html("<html>" \ |
| "<head><style>" \ |
| "body, iframe { margin: 0px; border: none; }" \ |
| "</style></head>" \ |
| "<body><iframe width='100px' height='100px'/></body>" \ |
| "</html>"); |
| |
| QWebPage page; |
| page.mainFrame()->setHtml(html); |
| |
| QList<QWebFrame*> frames = page.mainFrame()->childFrames(); |
| QWebFrame *frame = frames.at(0); |
| QString innerHtml("<body style='margin: 0px;'><img src='qrc:/image.png'/></body>"); |
| frame->setHtml(innerHtml); |
| |
| QPicture picture; |
| |
| QSize size = page.mainFrame()->contentsSize(); |
| page.setViewportSize(size); |
| |
| // render contents layer only (the iframe is smaller than the image, so it will have scrollbars) |
| QPainter painter1(&picture); |
| frame->render(&painter1, QWebFrame::ContentsLayer); |
| painter1.end(); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(size.width(), picture.boundingRect().width() + frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Vertical).width()); |
| QCOMPARE(size.height(), picture.boundingRect().height() + frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Horizontal).height()); |
| |
| // render everything, should be the size of the iframe |
| QPainter painter2(&picture); |
| frame->render(&painter2, QWebFrame::AllLayers); |
| painter2.end(); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(size.width(), picture.boundingRect().width()); // width: 100px |
| QCOMPARE(size.height(), picture.boundingRect().height()); // height: 100px |
| } |
| |
| |
| class DummyPaintEngine: public QPaintEngine { |
| public: |
| |
| DummyPaintEngine() |
| : QPaintEngine(QPaintEngine::AllFeatures) |
| , renderHints(0) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| bool begin(QPaintDevice*) |
| { |
| setActive(true); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool end() |
| { |
| setActive(false); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void updateState(const QPaintEngineState& state) |
| { |
| renderHints = state.renderHints(); |
| } |
| |
| void drawPath(const QPainterPath&) { } |
| void drawPixmap(const QRectF&, const QPixmap&, const QRectF&) { } |
| |
| QPaintEngine::Type type() const |
| { |
| return static_cast<QPaintEngine::Type>(QPaintEngine::User + 2); |
| } |
| |
| QPainter::RenderHints renderHints; |
| }; |
| |
| class DummyPaintDevice: public QPaintDevice { |
| public: |
| DummyPaintDevice() |
| : QPaintDevice() |
| , m_engine(new DummyPaintEngine) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| ~DummyPaintDevice() |
| { |
| delete m_engine; |
| } |
| |
| QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const |
| { |
| return m_engine; |
| } |
| |
| QPainter::RenderHints renderHints() const |
| { |
| return m_engine->renderHints; |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| int metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const; |
| |
| private: |
| DummyPaintEngine* m_engine; |
| friend class DummyPaintEngine; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| int DummyPaintDevice::metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const |
| { |
| switch (metric) { |
| case PdmWidth: |
| return 400; |
| break; |
| |
| case PdmHeight: |
| return 200; |
| break; |
| |
| case PdmNumColors: |
| return INT_MAX; |
| break; |
| |
| case PdmDepth: |
| return 32; |
| break; |
| |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::renderHints() |
| { |
| QString html("<html><body><p>Hello, world!</p></body></html>"); |
| |
| QWebPage page; |
| page.mainFrame()->setHtml(html); |
| page.setViewportSize(page.mainFrame()->contentsSize()); |
| |
| // We will call frame->render and trap the paint engine state changes |
| // to ensure that GraphicsContext does not clobber the render hints. |
| DummyPaintDevice buffer; |
| QPainter painter(&buffer); |
| |
| painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, false); |
| page.mainFrame()->render(&painter); |
| QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing)); |
| QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform)); |
| QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing)); |
| |
| painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true); |
| page.mainFrame()->render(&painter); |
| QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing); |
| QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform)); |
| QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing)); |
| |
| painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, true); |
| page.mainFrame()->render(&painter); |
| QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing); |
| QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); |
| QVERIFY(!(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing)); |
| |
| painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); |
| page.mainFrame()->render(&painter); |
| QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::TextAntialiasing); |
| QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); |
| QVERIFY(buffer.renderHints() & QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::scrollPosition() |
| { |
| // enlarged image in a small viewport, to provoke the scrollbars to appear |
| QString html("<html><body><img src='qrc:/image.png' height=500 width=500/></body></html>"); |
| |
| QWebPage page; |
| page.setViewportSize(QSize(200, 200)); |
| |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| frame->setHtml(html); |
| frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); |
| frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); |
| |
| // try to set the scroll offset programmatically |
| frame->setScrollPosition(QPoint(23, 29)); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().x(), 23); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), 29); |
| |
| int x = frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollX").toInt(); |
| int y = frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollY").toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(x, 23); |
| QCOMPARE(y, 29); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::scrollToAnchor() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| page.setViewportSize(QSize(480, 800)); |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| |
| QString html("<html><body><p style=\"margin-bottom: 1500px;\">Hello.</p>" |
| "<p><a id=\"foo\">This</a> is an anchor</p>" |
| "<p style=\"margin-bottom: 1500px;\"><a id=\"bar\">This</a> is another anchor</p>" |
| "</body></html>"); |
| frame->setHtml(html); |
| frame->setScrollPosition(QPoint(0, 0)); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().x(), 0); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), 0); |
| |
| QWebElement fooAnchor = frame->findFirstElement("a[id=foo]"); |
| |
| frame->scrollToAnchor("foo"); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), fooAnchor.geometry().top()); |
| |
| frame->scrollToAnchor("bar"); |
| frame->scrollToAnchor("foo"); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), fooAnchor.geometry().top()); |
| |
| frame->scrollToAnchor("top"); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->scrollPosition().y(), 0); |
| |
| frame->scrollToAnchor("bar"); |
| frame->scrollToAnchor("notexist"); |
| QVERIFY(frame->scrollPosition().y() != 0); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::scrollbarsOff() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| QWebFrame* mainFrame = view.page()->mainFrame(); |
| |
| mainFrame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); |
| mainFrame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); |
| |
| QString html("<script>" \ |
| " function checkScrollbar() {" \ |
| " if (innerWidth === document.documentElement.offsetWidth)" \ |
| " document.getElementById('span1').innerText = 'SUCCESS';" \ |
| " else" \ |
| " document.getElementById('span1').innerText = 'FAIL';" \ |
| " }" \ |
| "</script>" \ |
| "<body>" \ |
| " <div style='margin-top:1000px ; margin-left:1000px'>" \ |
| " <a id='offscreen' href='a'>End</a>" \ |
| " </div>" \ |
| "<span id='span1'></span>" \ |
| "</body>"); |
| |
| |
| view.setHtml(html); |
| ::waitForSignal(&view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("checkScrollbar();"); |
| QCOMPARE(mainFrame->documentElement().findAll("span").at(0).toPlainText(), QString("SUCCESS")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::horizontalScrollAfterBack() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| QWebFrame* frame = view.page()->mainFrame(); |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(view.page(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| view.page()->settings()->setMaximumPagesInCache(2); |
| frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); |
| frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); |
| |
| view.load(QUrl("qrc:/testiframe2.html")); |
| view.resize(200, 200); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| QTRY_VERIFY((frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Horizontal)).height()); |
| |
| view.load(QUrl("qrc:/testiframe.html")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2); |
| |
| view.page()->triggerAction(QWebPage::Back); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 3); |
| QTRY_VERIFY((frame->scrollBarGeometry(Qt::Horizontal)).height()); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::evaluateWillCauseRepaint() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| QString html("<html><body>top<div id=\"junk\" style=\"display: block;\">" |
| "junk</div>bottom</body></html>"); |
| view.setHtml(html); |
| view.show(); |
| |
| QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&view); |
| view.page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( |
| "document.getElementById('junk').style.display = 'none';"); |
| |
| ::waitForSignal(view.page(), SIGNAL(repaintRequested(QRect))); |
| } |
| |
| class TestFactory : public QObject |
| { |
| public: |
| TestFactory() |
| : obj(0), counter(0) |
| {} |
| |
| Q_INVOKABLE QObject* getNewObject() |
| { |
| delete obj; |
| obj = new QObject(this); |
| obj->setObjectName(QLatin1String("test") + QString::number(++counter)); |
| return obj; |
| |
| } |
| |
| QObject* obj; |
| int counter; |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::qObjectWrapperWithSameIdentity() |
| { |
| m_view->setHtml("<script>function triggerBug() { document.getElementById('span1').innerText = test.getNewObject().objectName; }</script>" |
| "<body><span id='span1'>test</span></body>"); |
| |
| QWebFrame* mainFrame = m_view->page()->mainFrame(); |
| QCOMPARE(mainFrame->toPlainText(), QString("test")); |
| |
| mainFrame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("test", new TestFactory, QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership); |
| |
| mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("triggerBug();"); |
| QCOMPARE(mainFrame->toPlainText(), QString("test1")); |
| |
| mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("triggerBug();"); |
| QCOMPARE(mainFrame->toPlainText(), QString("test2")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::introspectQtMethods_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("objectExpression"); |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("methodName"); |
| QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("expectedPropertyNames"); |
| |
| QTest::newRow("myObject.mySignal") |
| << "myObject" << "mySignal" << (QStringList() << "connect" << "disconnect" << "length" << "name"); |
| QTest::newRow("myObject.mySlot") |
| << "myObject" << "mySlot" << (QStringList() << "connect" << "disconnect" << "length" << "name"); |
| QTest::newRow("myObject.myInvokable") |
| << "myObject" << "myInvokable" << (QStringList() << "connect" << "disconnect" << "length" << "name"); |
| QTest::newRow("myObject.mySignal.connect") |
| << "myObject.mySignal" << "connect" << (QStringList() << "length" << "name"); |
| QTest::newRow("myObject.mySignal.disconnect") |
| << "myObject.mySignal" << "disconnect" << (QStringList() << "length" << "name"); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::introspectQtMethods() |
| { |
| QFETCH(QString, objectExpression); |
| QFETCH(QString, methodName); |
| QFETCH(QStringList, expectedPropertyNames); |
| |
| QString methodLookup = QString::fromLatin1("%0['%1']").arg(objectExpression).arg(methodName); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJSV(QString::fromLatin1("Object.getOwnPropertyNames(%0).sort()").arg(methodLookup)).toStringList(), expectedPropertyNames); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < expectedPropertyNames.size(); ++i) { |
| QString name = expectedPropertyNames.at(i); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS(QString::fromLatin1("%0.hasOwnProperty('%1')").arg(methodLookup).arg(name)), sTrue); |
| evalJS(QString::fromLatin1("var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(%0, '%1')").arg(methodLookup).arg(name)); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("typeof descriptor"), QString::fromLatin1("object")); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("descriptor.get"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("descriptor.set"), sUndefined); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS(QString::fromLatin1("descriptor.value === %0['%1']").arg(methodLookup).arg(name)), sTrue); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS(QString::fromLatin1("descriptor.enumerable")), sFalse); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS(QString::fromLatin1("descriptor.configurable")), sFalse); |
| } |
| |
| QVERIFY(evalJSV("var props=[]; for (var p in myObject.deleteLater) {props.push(p);}; props.sort()").toStringList().isEmpty()); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setContent_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("mimeType"); |
| QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("testContents"); |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("expected"); |
| |
| QString str = QString::fromUtf8("ὕαλον ϕαγεῖν δύναμαι· τοῦτο οὔ με βλάπτει"); |
| QTest::newRow("UTF-8 plain text") << "text/plain; charset=utf-8" << str.toUtf8() << str; |
| |
| QTextCodec *utf16 = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16"); |
| if (utf16) |
| QTest::newRow("UTF-16 plain text") << "text/plain; charset=utf-16" << utf16->fromUnicode(str) << str; |
| |
| str = QString::fromUtf8("Une chaîne de caractères à sa façon."); |
| QTest::newRow("latin-1 plain text") << "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" << str.toLatin1() << str; |
| |
| |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setContent() |
| { |
| QFETCH(QString, mimeType); |
| QFETCH(QByteArray, testContents); |
| QFETCH(QString, expected); |
| m_view->setContent(testContents, mimeType); |
| QWebFrame* mainFrame = m_view->page()->mainFrame(); |
| QCOMPARE(expected , mainFrame->toPlainText()); |
| } |
| |
| class CacheNetworkAccessManager : public QNetworkAccessManager { |
| public: |
| CacheNetworkAccessManager(QObject* parent = 0) |
| : QNetworkAccessManager(parent) |
| , m_lastCacheLoad(QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| virtual QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation, const QNetworkRequest& request, QIODevice*) |
| { |
| QVariant cacheLoad = request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute); |
| if (cacheLoad.isValid()) |
| m_lastCacheLoad = static_cast<QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl>(cacheLoad.toUInt()); |
| else |
| m_lastCacheLoad = QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork; // default value |
| return new FakeReply(request, this); |
| } |
| |
| QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl lastCacheLoad() const |
| { |
| return m_lastCacheLoad; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl m_lastCacheLoad; |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setCacheLoadControlAttribute() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| CacheNetworkAccessManager* manager = new CacheNetworkAccessManager(&page); |
| page.setNetworkAccessManager(manager); |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| |
| QNetworkRequest request(QUrl("http://abcdef.abcdef/")); |
| |
| request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache); |
| frame->load(request); |
| QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache); |
| |
| request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferCache); |
| frame->load(request); |
| QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::PreferCache); |
| |
| request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork); |
| frame->load(request); |
| QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork); |
| |
| request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork); |
| frame->load(request); |
| QCOMPARE(manager->lastCacheLoad(), QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::webElementSlotOnly() |
| { |
| MyWebElementSlotOnlyObject object; |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><head><body></body></html>"); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("myWebElementSlotObject", &object); |
| evalJS("myWebElementSlotObject.doSomethingWithWebElement(document.body)"); |
| QCOMPARE(evalJS("myWebElementSlotObject.tagName"), QString("BODY")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlWithPendingLoads() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| page.mainFrame()->setHtml("<img src='dummy:'/>"); |
| page.mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("about:blank")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlWithFragment() |
| { |
| QSKIP("Bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32723", SkipAll); |
| |
| // Based on bug report https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32723 |
| QWebPage page; |
| QSignalSpy spy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| const QUrl url("qrc:/test1.html#"); |
| QVERIFY(!url.fragment().isNull()); |
| |
| page.mainFrame()->setUrl(url); |
| ::waitForSignal(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| QVERIFY(!page.mainFrame()->toPlainText().isEmpty()); |
| QCOMPARE(page.mainFrame()->requestedUrl(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(page.mainFrame()->url(), url); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlToEmpty() |
| { |
| int expectedLoadFinishedCount = 0; |
| const QUrl aboutBlank("about:blank"); |
| const QUrl url("qrc:/test2.html"); |
| |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), QUrl()); |
| |
| QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| // Set existing url |
| frame->setUrl(url); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), url); |
| |
| // Set empty url |
| frame->setUrl(QUrl()); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), aboutBlank); |
| |
| // Set existing url |
| frame->setUrl(url); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| ::waitForSignal(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), url); |
| |
| // Load empty url |
| frame->load(QUrl()); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), aboutBlank); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlToInvalid() |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| QWebFrame* frame = page.mainFrame(); |
| |
| const QUrl invalidUrl("http://strange;hostname/here"); |
| QVERIFY(!invalidUrl.isEmpty()); |
| QVERIFY(!invalidUrl.isValid()); |
| QVERIFY(invalidUrl != QUrl()); |
| |
| frame->setUrl(invalidUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), invalidUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), invalidUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), invalidUrl); |
| |
| // QUrls equivalent to QUrl() will be treated as such. |
| const QUrl aboutBlank("about:blank"); |
| const QUrl anotherInvalidUrl("1http://bugs.webkit.org"); |
| QVERIFY(!anotherInvalidUrl.isEmpty()); // and they are not necessarily empty. |
| QVERIFY(!anotherInvalidUrl.isValid()); |
| QCOMPARE(anotherInvalidUrl, QUrl()); |
| |
| frame->setUrl(anotherInvalidUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), anotherInvalidUrl); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->baseUrl(), aboutBlank); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebFrame::setUrlHistory() |
| { |
| const QUrl aboutBlank("about:blank"); |
| QUrl url; |
| int expectedLoadFinishedCount = 0; |
| QWebFrame* frame = m_page->mainFrame(); |
| QSignalSpy spy(frame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 0); |
| |
| frame->setUrl(QUrl()); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 0); |
| |
| url = QUrl("http://non.existant/"); |
| frame->setUrl(url); |
| ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 0); |
| |
| url = QUrl("qrc:/test1.html"); |
| frame->setUrl(url); |
| ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 1); |
| |
| frame->setUrl(QUrl()); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), aboutBlank); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 1); |
| |
| // Loading same page as current in history, so history count doesn't change. |
| url = QUrl("qrc:/test1.html"); |
| frame->setUrl(url); |
| ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 1); |
| |
| url = QUrl("qrc:/test2.html"); |
| frame->setUrl(url); |
| ::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| expectedLoadFinishedCount++; |
| QCOMPARE(spy.count(), expectedLoadFinishedCount); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->url(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(frame->requestedUrl(), url); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 2); |
| } |
| |
| QTEST_MAIN(tst_QWebFrame) |
| #include "tst_qwebframe.moc" |