| /* |
| Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) |
| Copyright (C) 2009 Girish Ramakrishnan <girish@forwardbias.in> |
| Copyright (C) 2010 Holger Hans Peter Freyther |
| |
| This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| Library General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "../util.h" |
| #include "../WebCoreSupport/DumpRenderTreeSupportQt.h" |
| #include <QClipboard> |
| #include <QDir> |
| #include <QGraphicsWidget> |
| #include <QLineEdit> |
| #include <QMainWindow> |
| #include <QMenu> |
| #include <QPushButton> |
| #include <QStyle> |
| #include <QtTest/QtTest> |
| #include <QTextCharFormat> |
| #include <qgraphicsscene.h> |
| #include <qgraphicsview.h> |
| #include <qgraphicswebview.h> |
| #include <qnetworkcookiejar.h> |
| #include <qnetworkrequest.h> |
| #include <qwebdatabase.h> |
| #include <qwebelement.h> |
| #include <qwebframe.h> |
| #include <qwebhistory.h> |
| #include <qwebpage.h> |
| #include <qwebsecurityorigin.h> |
| #include <qwebview.h> |
| #include <qimagewriter.h> |
| |
| class EventSpy : public QObject, public QList<QEvent::Type> |
| { |
| public: |
| EventSpy(QObject* objectToSpy) |
| { |
| objectToSpy->installEventFilter(this); |
| } |
| |
| virtual bool eventFilter(QObject* receiver, QEvent* event) |
| { |
| append(event->type()); |
| return false; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| class tst_QWebPage : public QObject |
| { |
| |
| public: |
| tst_QWebPage(); |
| virtual ~tst_QWebPage(); |
| |
| public slots: |
| void init(); |
| void cleanup(); |
| void cleanupFiles(); |
| |
| private slots: |
| void initTestCase(); |
| void cleanupTestCase(); |
| |
| void contextMenuCopy(); |
| void acceptNavigationRequest(); |
| void geolocationRequestJS(); |
| void loadFinished(); |
| void acceptNavigationRequestWithNewWindow(); |
| void userStyleSheet(); |
| void loadHtml5Video(); |
| void modified(); |
| void contextMenuCrash(); |
| void updatePositionDependentActionsCrash(); |
| void database(); |
| void createPluginWithPluginsEnabled(); |
| void createPluginWithPluginsDisabled(); |
| void destroyPlugin_data(); |
| void destroyPlugin(); |
| void createViewlessPlugin_data(); |
| void createViewlessPlugin(); |
| void graphicsWidgetPlugin(); |
| void multiplePageGroupsAndLocalStorage(); |
| void cursorMovements(); |
| void textSelection(); |
| void textEditing(); |
| void backActionUpdate(); |
| void frameAt(); |
| void requestCache(); |
| void loadCachedPage(); |
| void protectBindingsRuntimeObjectsFromCollector(); |
| void localURLSchemes(); |
| void testOptionalJSObjects(); |
| void testEnablePersistentStorage(); |
| void consoleOutput(); |
| void inputMethods_data(); |
| void inputMethods(); |
| void inputMethodsTextFormat_data(); |
| void inputMethodsTextFormat(); |
| void defaultTextEncoding(); |
| void errorPageExtension(); |
| void errorPageExtensionInIFrames(); |
| void errorPageExtensionInFrameset(); |
| void userAgentApplicationName(); |
| |
| void viewModes(); |
| |
| void crashTests_LazyInitializationOfMainFrame(); |
| |
| void screenshot_data(); |
| void screenshot(); |
| |
| #if defined(ENABLE_WEBGL) && ENABLE_WEBGL |
| void acceleratedWebGLScreenshotWithoutView(); |
| void unacceleratedWebGLScreenshotWithoutView(); |
| #endif |
| |
| void originatingObjectInNetworkRequests(); |
| void testJSPrompt(); |
| void showModalDialog(); |
| void testStopScheduledPageRefresh(); |
| void findText(); |
| void supportedContentType(); |
| void infiniteLoopJS(); |
| void navigatorCookieEnabled(); |
| void deleteQWebViewTwice(); |
| void renderOnRepaintRequestedShouldNotRecurse(); |
| |
| #ifdef Q_OS_MAC |
| void macCopyUnicodeToClipboard(); |
| #endif |
| |
| private: |
| QWebView* m_view; |
| QWebPage* m_page; |
| }; |
| |
| tst_QWebPage::tst_QWebPage() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| tst_QWebPage::~tst_QWebPage() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::init() |
| { |
| m_view = new QWebView(); |
| m_page = m_view->page(); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::cleanup() |
| { |
| delete m_view; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::cleanupFiles() |
| { |
| QFile::remove("Databases.db"); |
| QDir::current().rmdir("http_www.myexample.com_0"); |
| QFile::remove("http_www.myexample.com_0.localstorage"); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::initTestCase() |
| { |
| cleanupFiles(); // In case there are old files from previous runs |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::cleanupTestCase() |
| { |
| cleanupFiles(); // Be nice |
| } |
| |
| class NavigationRequestOverride : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| NavigationRequestOverride(QWebView* parent, bool initialValue) : QWebPage(parent), m_acceptNavigationRequest(initialValue) {} |
| |
| bool m_acceptNavigationRequest; |
| protected: |
| virtual bool acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrame* frame, const QNetworkRequest &request, QWebPage::NavigationType type) { |
| Q_UNUSED(frame); |
| Q_UNUSED(request); |
| Q_UNUSED(type); |
| |
| return m_acceptNavigationRequest; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::acceptNavigationRequest() |
| { |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| NavigationRequestOverride* newPage = new NavigationRequestOverride(m_view, false); |
| m_view->setPage(newPage); |
| |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><body><form name='tstform' action='data:text/html,foo'method='get'>" |
| "<input type='text'><input type='submit'></form></body></html>"), QUrl()); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("tstform.submit();"); |
| |
| newPage->m_acceptNavigationRequest = true; |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("tstform.submit();"); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(m_view->page()->mainFrame()->toPlainText(), QString("foo?")); |
| |
| // Restore default page |
| m_view->setPage(0); |
| } |
| |
| class JSTestPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| JSTestPage(QObject* parent = 0) |
| : QWebPage(parent) {} |
| |
| public slots: |
| bool shouldInterruptJavaScript() { |
| return true; |
| } |
| void requestPermission(QWebFrame* frame, QWebPage::Feature feature) |
| { |
| if (m_allowGeolocation) |
| setFeaturePermission(frame, feature, PermissionGrantedByUser); |
| else |
| setFeaturePermission(frame, feature, PermissionDeniedByUser); |
| } |
| |
| public: |
| void setGeolocationPermission(bool allow) |
| { |
| m_allowGeolocation = allow; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool m_allowGeolocation; |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::infiniteLoopJS() |
| { |
| JSTestPage* newPage = new JSTestPage(m_view); |
| m_view->setPage(newPage); |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><body>test</body></html>"), QUrl()); |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var run = true;var a = 1;while(run){a++;}"); |
| delete newPage; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::geolocationRequestJS() |
| { |
| JSTestPage* newPage = new JSTestPage(m_view); |
| |
| if (newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QLatin1String("!navigator.geolocation")).toBool()) { |
| delete newPage; |
| QSKIP("Geolocation is not supported.", SkipSingle); |
| } |
| |
| connect(newPage, SIGNAL(featurePermissionRequested(QWebFrame*, QWebPage::Feature)), |
| newPage, SLOT(requestPermission(QWebFrame*, QWebPage::Feature))); |
| |
| newPage->setGeolocationPermission(false); |
| m_view->setPage(newPage); |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><body>test</body></html>"), QUrl()); |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var errorCode = 0; function error(err) { errorCode = err.code; } function success(pos) { } navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error)"); |
| QTest::qWait(2000); |
| QVariant empty = m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("errorCode"); |
| |
| QVERIFY(empty.type() == QVariant::Double && empty.toInt() != 0); |
| |
| newPage->setGeolocationPermission(true); |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("errorCode = 0; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error);"); |
| empty = m_view->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("errorCode"); |
| |
| //http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source.html#position |
| //PositionError: const unsigned short PERMISSION_DENIED = 1; |
| QVERIFY(empty.type() == QVariant::Double && empty.toInt() != 1); |
| delete newPage; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::loadFinished() |
| { |
| qRegisterMetaType<QWebFrame*>("QWebFrame*"); |
| qRegisterMetaType<QNetworkRequest*>("QNetworkRequest*"); |
| QSignalSpy spyLoadStarted(m_view, SIGNAL(loadStarted())); |
| QSignalSpy spyLoadFinished(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->load(QUrl("data:text/html,<frameset cols=\"25%,75%\"><frame src=\"data:text/html," |
| "<head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'></head>foo \">" |
| "<frame src=\"data:text/html,bar\"></frameset>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spyLoadFinished.count(), 1); |
| |
| QTRY_VERIFY(spyLoadStarted.count() > 1); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(spyLoadFinished.count() > 1); |
| |
| spyLoadFinished.clear(); |
| |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->load(QUrl("data:text/html,<frameset cols=\"25%,75%\"><frame src=\"data:text/html," |
| "foo \"><frame src=\"data:text/html,bar\"></frameset>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spyLoadFinished.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(spyLoadFinished.count(), 1); |
| } |
| |
| class ConsolePage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| ConsolePage(QObject* parent = 0) : QWebPage(parent) {} |
| |
| virtual void javaScriptConsoleMessage(const QString& message, int lineNumber, const QString& sourceID) |
| { |
| messages.append(message); |
| lineNumbers.append(lineNumber); |
| sourceIDs.append(sourceID); |
| } |
| |
| QStringList messages; |
| QList<int> lineNumbers; |
| QStringList sourceIDs; |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::consoleOutput() |
| { |
| ConsolePage page; |
| page.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("this is not valid JavaScript"); |
| QCOMPARE(page.messages.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(page.lineNumbers.at(0), 1); |
| } |
| |
| class TestPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| TestPage(QObject* parent = 0) : QWebPage(parent) {} |
| |
| struct Navigation { |
| QPointer<QWebFrame> frame; |
| QNetworkRequest request; |
| NavigationType type; |
| }; |
| |
| QList<Navigation> navigations; |
| QList<QWebPage*> createdWindows; |
| |
| virtual bool acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrame* frame, const QNetworkRequest &request, NavigationType type) { |
| Navigation n; |
| n.frame = frame; |
| n.request = request; |
| n.type = type; |
| navigations.append(n); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| virtual QWebPage* createWindow(WebWindowType) { |
| QWebPage* page = new TestPage(this); |
| createdWindows.append(page); |
| return page; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::acceptNavigationRequestWithNewWindow() |
| { |
| TestPage* page = new TestPage(m_view); |
| page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LinksIncludedInFocusChain, true); |
| m_page = page; |
| m_view->setPage(m_page); |
| |
| m_view->setUrl(QString("data:text/html,<a href=\"data:text/html,Reached\" target=\"_blank\">Click me</a>")); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))); |
| |
| QFocusEvent fe(QEvent::FocusIn); |
| m_page->event(&fe); |
| |
| QVERIFY(m_page->focusNextPrevChild(/*next*/ true)); |
| |
| QKeyEvent keyEnter(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Enter, Qt::NoModifier); |
| m_page->event(&keyEnter); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(page->navigations.count(), 2); |
| |
| TestPage::Navigation n = page->navigations.at(1); |
| QVERIFY(n.frame.isNull()); |
| QCOMPARE(n.request.url().toString(), QString("data:text/html,Reached")); |
| QVERIFY(n.type == QWebPage::NavigationTypeLinkClicked); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(page->createdWindows.count(), 1); |
| } |
| |
| class TestNetworkManager : public QNetworkAccessManager |
| { |
| public: |
| TestNetworkManager(QObject* parent) : QNetworkAccessManager(parent) {} |
| |
| QList<QUrl> requestedUrls; |
| QList<QNetworkRequest> requests; |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual QNetworkReply* createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice* outgoingData) { |
| requests.append(request); |
| requestedUrls.append(request.url()); |
| return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, request, outgoingData); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::userStyleSheet() |
| { |
| TestNetworkManager* networkManager = new TestNetworkManager(m_page); |
| m_page->setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager); |
| networkManager->requestedUrls.clear(); |
| |
| m_page->settings()->setUserStyleSheetUrl(QUrl("data:text/css;charset=utf-8;base64," |
| + QByteArray("p { background-image: url('http://does.not/exist.png');}").toBase64())); |
| m_view->setHtml("<p>hello world</p>"); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))); |
| |
| QVERIFY(networkManager->requestedUrls.count() >= 1); |
| QCOMPARE(networkManager->requestedUrls.at(0), QUrl("http://does.not/exist.png")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::loadHtml5Video() |
| { |
| QByteArray url("http://does.not/exist?a=1%2Cb=2"); |
| m_view->setHtml("<p><video id ='video' src='" + url + "' autoplay/></p>"); |
| QTest::qWait(2000); |
| QUrl mUrl = DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::mediaContentUrlByElementId(m_page->mainFrame(), "video"); |
| QCOMPARE(mUrl.toEncoded(), url); |
| #else |
| QSKIP("This test requires Qt Multimedia", SkipAll); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::viewModes() |
| { |
| m_view->setHtml("<body></body>"); |
| m_page->setProperty("_q_viewMode", "minimized"); |
| |
| QVariant empty = m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.styleMedia.matchMedium(\"(-webkit-view-mode)\")"); |
| QVERIFY(empty.type() == QVariant::Bool && empty.toBool()); |
| |
| QVariant minimized = m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.styleMedia.matchMedium(\"(-webkit-view-mode: minimized)\")"); |
| QVERIFY(minimized.type() == QVariant::Bool && minimized.toBool()); |
| |
| QVariant maximized = m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.styleMedia.matchMedium(\"(-webkit-view-mode: maximized)\")"); |
| QVERIFY(maximized.type() == QVariant::Bool && !maximized.toBool()); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::modified() |
| { |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<body>blub")); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<body id=foo contenteditable>blah")); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))); |
| |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->isModified()); |
| |
| // m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("alert(document.getElementById('foo'))"); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById('foo').focus()"); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.execCommand('InsertText', true, 'Test');"); |
| |
| QVERIFY(m_page->isModified()); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.execCommand('Undo', true);"); |
| |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->isModified()); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.execCommand('Redo', true);"); |
| |
| QVERIFY(m_page->isModified()); |
| |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->canGoBack()); |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->history()->canGoForward()); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->history()->count(), 2); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->backItem().isValid()); |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->history()->forwardItem().isValid()); |
| |
| m_page->history()->back(); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))); |
| |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->history()->canGoBack()); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->canGoForward()); |
| |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->isModified()); |
| |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->currentItemIndex() == 0); |
| |
| m_page->history()->setMaximumItemCount(3); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->maximumItemCount() == 3); |
| |
| QVariant variant("string test"); |
| m_page->history()->currentItem().setUserData(variant); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->currentItem().userData().toString() == "string test"); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<body>This is second page")); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<body>This is third page")); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->count() == 2); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<body>This is fourth page")); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->history()->count() == 2); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,<body>This is fifth page")); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(m_page, SIGNAL(saveFrameStateRequested(QWebFrame*,QWebHistoryItem*)))); |
| } |
| |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51331 |
| void tst_QWebPage::updatePositionDependentActionsCrash() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| view.setHtml("<p>test"); |
| QPoint pos(0, 0); |
| view.page()->updatePositionDependentActions(pos); |
| QMenu* contextMenu = 0; |
| foreach (QObject* child, view.children()) { |
| contextMenu = qobject_cast<QMenu*>(child); |
| if (contextMenu) |
| break; |
| } |
| QVERIFY(!contextMenu); |
| } |
| |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20357 |
| void tst_QWebPage::contextMenuCrash() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| view.setHtml("<p>test"); |
| QPoint pos(0, 0); |
| QContextMenuEvent event(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, pos); |
| view.page()->swallowContextMenuEvent(&event); |
| view.page()->updatePositionDependentActions(pos); |
| QMenu* contextMenu = 0; |
| foreach (QObject* child, view.children()) { |
| contextMenu = qobject_cast<QMenu*>(child); |
| if (contextMenu) |
| break; |
| } |
| QVERIFY(contextMenu); |
| delete contextMenu; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::database() |
| { |
| QString path = QDir::currentPath(); |
| m_page->settings()->setOfflineStoragePath(path); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->settings()->offlineStoragePath() == path); |
| |
| QWebSettings::setOfflineStorageDefaultQuota(1024 * 1024); |
| QVERIFY(QWebSettings::offlineStorageDefaultQuota() == 1024 * 1024); |
| |
| m_page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true); |
| m_page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::OfflineStorageDatabaseEnabled, true); |
| |
| QString dbFileName = path + "Databases.db"; |
| |
| if (QFile::exists(dbFileName)) |
| QFile::remove(dbFileName); |
| |
| qRegisterMetaType<QWebFrame*>("QWebFrame*"); |
| QSignalSpy spy(m_page, SIGNAL(databaseQuotaExceeded(QWebFrame*,QString))); |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><head><script>var db; db=openDatabase('testdb', '1.0', 'test database API', 50000); </script></head><body><div></div></body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spy.count(), 1); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var db2; db2=openDatabase('testdb', '1.0', 'test database API', 50000);"); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spy.count(),1); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("localStorage.test='This is a test for local storage';"); |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><body id='b'>text</body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| |
| QVariant s1 = m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("localStorage.test"); |
| QCOMPARE(s1.toString(), QString("This is a test for local storage")); |
| |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("sessionStorage.test='This is a test for session storage';"); |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><body id='b'>text</body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| QVariant s2 = m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("sessionStorage.test"); |
| QCOMPARE(s2.toString(), QString("This is a test for session storage")); |
| |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><head></head><body><div></div></body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var db3; db3=openDatabase('testdb', '1.0', 'test database API', 50000);db3.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Test (text TEXT)', []); }, function(tx, result) { }, function(tx, error) { });"); |
| QTest::qWait(200); |
| |
| // Remove all databases. |
| QWebSecurityOrigin origin = m_page->mainFrame()->securityOrigin(); |
| QList<QWebDatabase> dbs = origin.databases(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < dbs.count(); i++) { |
| QString fileName = dbs[i].fileName(); |
| QVERIFY(QFile::exists(fileName)); |
| QWebDatabase::removeDatabase(dbs[i]); |
| QVERIFY(!QFile::exists(fileName)); |
| } |
| QVERIFY(!origin.databases().size()); |
| // Remove removed test :-) |
| QWebDatabase::removeAllDatabases(); |
| QVERIFY(!origin.databases().size()); |
| } |
| |
| class PluginPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| PluginPage(QObject *parent = 0) |
| : QWebPage(parent) {} |
| |
| struct CallInfo |
| { |
| CallInfo(const QString &c, const QUrl &u, |
| const QStringList &pn, const QStringList &pv, |
| QObject *r) |
| : classid(c), url(u), paramNames(pn), |
| paramValues(pv), returnValue(r) |
| {} |
| QString classid; |
| QUrl url; |
| QStringList paramNames; |
| QStringList paramValues; |
| QObject *returnValue; |
| }; |
| |
| QList<CallInfo> calls; |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual QObject *createPlugin(const QString &classid, const QUrl &url, |
| const QStringList ¶mNames, |
| const QStringList ¶mValues) |
| { |
| QObject *result = 0; |
| if (classid == "pushbutton") |
| result = new QPushButton(); |
| else if (classid == "lineedit") |
| result = new QLineEdit(); |
| #endif |
| else if (classid == "graphicswidget") |
| result = new QGraphicsWidget(); |
| if (result) |
| result->setObjectName(classid); |
| calls.append(CallInfo(classid, url, paramNames, paramValues, result)); |
| return result; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| static void createPlugin(QWebView *view) |
| { |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| PluginPage* newPage = new PluginPage(view); |
| view->setPage(newPage); |
| |
| // type has to be application/x-qt-plugin |
| view->setHtml(QString("<html><body><object type='application/x-foobarbaz' classid='pushbutton' id='mybutton'/></body></html>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->calls.count(), 0); |
| |
| view->setHtml(QString("<html><body><object type='application/x-qt-plugin' classid='pushbutton' id='mybutton'/></body></html>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->calls.count(), 1); |
| { |
| PluginPage::CallInfo ci = newPage->calls.takeFirst(); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.classid, QString::fromLatin1("pushbutton")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.url, QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("type")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("application/x-qt-plugin")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("classid")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("pushbutton")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("id")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("mybutton")); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue != 0); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue->inherits("QPushButton")); |
| } |
| // test JS bindings |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById('mybutton').toString()").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("[object HTMLObjectElement]")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("mybutton.toString()").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("[object HTMLObjectElement]")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("typeof mybutton.objectName").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("string")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("mybutton.objectName").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("pushbutton")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("typeof mybutton.clicked").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("function")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("mybutton.clicked.toString()").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("function clicked() {\n [native code]\n}")); |
| |
| view->setHtml(QString("<html><body><table>" |
| "<tr><object type='application/x-qt-plugin' classid='lineedit' id='myedit'/></tr>" |
| "<tr><object type='application/x-qt-plugin' classid='pushbutton' id='mybutton'/></tr>" |
| "</table></body></html>"), QUrl("http://foo.bar.baz")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->calls.count(), 2); |
| { |
| PluginPage::CallInfo ci = newPage->calls.takeFirst(); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.classid, QString::fromLatin1("lineedit")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.url, QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("type")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("application/x-qt-plugin")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("classid")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("lineedit")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("id")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("myedit")); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue != 0); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue->inherits("QLineEdit")); |
| } |
| { |
| PluginPage::CallInfo ci = newPage->calls.takeFirst(); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.classid, QString::fromLatin1("pushbutton")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.url, QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("type")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("application/x-qt-plugin")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("classid")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("pushbutton")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("id")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("mybutton")); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue != 0); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue->inherits("QPushButton")); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::graphicsWidgetPlugin() |
| { |
| m_view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); |
| QGraphicsWebView webView; |
| |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(&webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| PluginPage* newPage = new PluginPage(&webView); |
| webView.setPage(newPage); |
| |
| // type has to be application/x-qt-plugin |
| webView.setHtml(QString("<html><body><object type='application/x-foobarbaz' classid='graphicswidget' id='mygraphicswidget'/></body></html>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->calls.count(), 0); |
| |
| webView.setHtml(QString("<html><body><object type='application/x-qt-plugin' classid='graphicswidget' id='mygraphicswidget'/></body></html>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->calls.count(), 1); |
| { |
| PluginPage::CallInfo ci = newPage->calls.takeFirst(); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.classid, QString::fromLatin1("graphicswidget")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.url, QUrl()); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("type")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(0), QString::fromLatin1("application/x-qt-plugin")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("classid")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(1), QString::fromLatin1("graphicswidget")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramNames.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("id")); |
| QCOMPARE(ci.paramValues.at(2), QString::fromLatin1("mygraphicswidget")); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue); |
| QVERIFY(ci.returnValue->inherits("QGraphicsWidget")); |
| } |
| // test JS bindings |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById('mygraphicswidget').toString()").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("[object HTMLObjectElement]")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("mygraphicswidget.toString()").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("[object HTMLObjectElement]")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("typeof mygraphicswidget.objectName").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("string")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("mygraphicswidget.objectName").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("graphicswidget")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("typeof mygraphicswidget.geometryChanged").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("function")); |
| QCOMPARE(newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("mygraphicswidget.geometryChanged.toString()").toString(), |
| QString::fromLatin1("function geometryChanged() {\n [native code]\n}")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::createPluginWithPluginsEnabled() |
| { |
| m_view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); |
| createPlugin(m_view); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::createPluginWithPluginsDisabled() |
| { |
| // Qt Plugins should be loaded by QtWebKit even when PluginsEnabled is |
| // false. The client decides whether a Qt plugin is enabled or not when |
| // it decides whether or not to instantiate it. |
| m_view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, false); |
| createPlugin(m_view); |
| } |
| |
| // Standard base class for template PluginTracerPage. In tests it is used as interface. |
| class PluginCounterPage : public QWebPage { |
| public: |
| int m_count; |
| QPointer<QObject> m_widget; |
| QObject* m_pluginParent; |
| PluginCounterPage(QObject* parent = 0) |
| : QWebPage(parent) |
| , m_count(0) |
| , m_widget(0) |
| , m_pluginParent(0) |
| { |
| settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); |
| } |
| ~PluginCounterPage() |
| { |
| if (m_pluginParent) |
| m_pluginParent->deleteLater(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| template<class T> |
| class PluginTracerPage : public PluginCounterPage { |
| public: |
| PluginTracerPage(QObject* parent = 0) |
| : PluginCounterPage(parent) |
| { |
| // this is a dummy parent object for the created plugin |
| m_pluginParent = new T; |
| } |
| virtual QObject* createPlugin(const QString&, const QUrl&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&) |
| { |
| m_count++; |
| m_widget = new T; |
| // need a cast to the specific type, as QObject::setParent cannot be called, |
| // because it is not virtual. Instead it is necesary to call QWidget::setParent, |
| // which also takes a QWidget* instead of a QObject*. Therefore we need to |
| // upcast to T*, which is a QWidget. |
| static_cast<T*>(m_widget.data())->setParent(static_cast<T*>(m_pluginParent)); |
| return m_widget; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| class PluginFactory { |
| public: |
| enum FactoredType {QWidgetType, QGraphicsWidgetType}; |
| static PluginCounterPage* create(FactoredType type, QObject* parent = 0) |
| { |
| PluginCounterPage* result = 0; |
| switch (type) { |
| case QWidgetType: |
| result = new PluginTracerPage<QWidget>(parent); |
| break; |
| case QGraphicsWidgetType: |
| result = new PluginTracerPage<QGraphicsWidget>(parent); |
| break; |
| default: {/*Oops*/}; |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| static void prepareTestData() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<int>("type"); |
| QTest::newRow("QWidget") << (int)PluginFactory::QWidgetType; |
| QTest::newRow("QGraphicsWidget") << (int)PluginFactory::QGraphicsWidgetType; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::destroyPlugin_data() |
| { |
| PluginFactory::prepareTestData(); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::destroyPlugin() |
| { |
| QFETCH(int, type); |
| PluginCounterPage* page = PluginFactory::create((PluginFactory::FactoredType)type, m_view); |
| m_view->setPage(page); |
| |
| // we create the plugin, so the widget should be constructed |
| QString content("<html><body><object type=\"application/x-qt-plugin\" classid=\"QProgressBar\"></object></body></html>"); |
| m_view->setHtml(content); |
| QVERIFY(page->m_widget); |
| QCOMPARE(page->m_count, 1); |
| |
| // navigate away, the plugin widget should be destructed |
| m_view->setHtml("<html><body>Hi</body></html>"); |
| QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(1); |
| QVERIFY(!page->m_widget); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::createViewlessPlugin_data() |
| { |
| PluginFactory::prepareTestData(); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::createViewlessPlugin() |
| { |
| QFETCH(int, type); |
| PluginCounterPage* page = PluginFactory::create((PluginFactory::FactoredType)type); |
| QString content("<html><body><object type=\"application/x-qt-plugin\" classid=\"QProgressBar\"></object></body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml(content); |
| QCOMPARE(page->m_count, 1); |
| QVERIFY(page->m_widget); |
| QVERIFY(page->m_pluginParent); |
| QVERIFY(page->m_widget->parent() == page->m_pluginParent); |
| delete page; |
| |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::multiplePageGroupsAndLocalStorage() |
| { |
| QDir dir(QDir::currentPath()); |
| dir.mkdir("path1"); |
| dir.mkdir("path2"); |
| |
| QWebView view1; |
| QWebView view2; |
| |
| view1.page()->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true); |
| view1.page()->settings()->setLocalStoragePath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::currentPath() + "/path1")); |
| DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::webPageSetGroupName(view1.page(), "group1"); |
| view2.page()->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, true); |
| view2.page()->settings()->setLocalStoragePath(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::currentPath() + "/path2")); |
| DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::webPageSetGroupName(view2.page(), "group2"); |
| QCOMPARE(DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::webPageGroupName(view1.page()), QString("group1")); |
| QCOMPARE(DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::webPageGroupName(view2.page()), QString("group2")); |
| |
| |
| view1.setHtml(QString("<html><body> </body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| view2.setHtml(QString("<html><body> </body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| |
| view1.page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("localStorage.test='value1';"); |
| view2.page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("localStorage.test='value2';"); |
| |
| view1.setHtml(QString("<html><body> </body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| view2.setHtml(QString("<html><body> </body></html>"), QUrl("http://www.myexample.com")); |
| |
| QVariant s1 = view1.page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("localStorage.test"); |
| QCOMPARE(s1.toString(), QString("value1")); |
| |
| QVariant s2 = view2.page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("localStorage.test"); |
| QCOMPARE(s2.toString(), QString("value2")); |
| |
| QTest::qWait(1000); |
| |
| QFile::remove(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::currentPath() + "/path1/http_www.myexample.com_0.localstorage")); |
| QFile::remove(QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::currentPath() + "/path2/http_www.myexample.com_0.localstorage")); |
| dir.rmdir(QDir::toNativeSeparators("./path1")); |
| dir.rmdir(QDir::toNativeSeparators("./path2")); |
| } |
| |
| class CursorTrackedPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| |
| CursorTrackedPage(QWidget *parent = 0): QWebPage(parent) { |
| setViewportSize(QSize(1024, 768)); // big space |
| } |
| |
| QString selectedText() { |
| return mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.getSelection().toString()").toString(); |
| } |
| |
| int selectionStartOffset() { |
| return mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).startOffset").toInt(); |
| } |
| |
| int selectionEndOffset() { |
| return mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).endOffset").toInt(); |
| } |
| |
| // true if start offset == end offset, i.e. no selected text |
| int isSelectionCollapsed() { |
| return mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).collapsed").toBool(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::cursorMovements() |
| { |
| CursorTrackedPage* page = new CursorTrackedPage; |
| QString content("<html><body><p id=one>The quick brown fox</p><p id=two>jumps over the lazy dog</p><p>May the source<br/>be with you!</p></body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml(content); |
| |
| // this will select the first paragraph |
| QString script = "var range = document.createRange(); " \ |
| "var node = document.getElementById(\"one\"); " \ |
| "range.selectNode(node); " \ |
| "getSelection().addRange(range);"; |
| page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(script); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectedText().trimmed(), QString::fromLatin1("The quick brown fox")); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectedHtml().trimmed(), QString::fromLatin1("<span class=\"Apple-style-span\" style=\"border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: medium; \"><p id=\"one\">The quick brown fox</p></span>")); |
| |
| // these actions must exist |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousChar) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfBlock) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfBlock) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfDocument) != 0); |
| |
| // right now they are disabled because contentEditable is false |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousChar)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfBlock)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfBlock)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfDocument)->isEnabled(), false); |
| |
| // make it editable before navigating the cursor |
| page->setContentEditable(true); |
| |
| // here the actions are enabled after contentEditable is true |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousChar)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToNextLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfBlock)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfBlock)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfDocument)->isEnabled(), true); |
| |
| // cursor will be before the word "jump" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| |
| // cursor will be between 'j' and 'u' in the word "jump" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 1); |
| |
| // cursor will be between 'u' and 'm' in the word "jump" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 2); |
| |
| // cursor will be after the word "jump" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 5); |
| |
| // cursor will be after the word "lazy" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 19); |
| |
| // cursor will be between 'z' and 'y' in "lazy" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 18); |
| |
| // cursor will be between 'a' and 'z' in "lazy" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 17); |
| |
| // cursor will be before the word "lazy" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 15); |
| |
| // cursor will be before the word "quick" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 4); |
| |
| // cursor will be between 'p' and 's' in the word "jumps" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 4); |
| |
| // cursor will be before the word "jumps" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfLine); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| |
| // cursor will be after the word "dog" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfLine); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 23); |
| |
| // cursor will be between 'w' and 'n' in "brown" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfLine); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 14); |
| |
| // cursor will be after the word "fox" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfLine); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 19); |
| |
| // cursor will be before the word "The" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| |
| // cursor will be after the word "you!" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfDocument); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 12); |
| |
| // cursor will be before the word "be" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfBlock); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| |
| // cursor will be after the word "you!" |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfBlock); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 12); |
| |
| // try to move before the document start |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| |
| // try to move past the document end |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfDocument); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextChar); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 12); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfDocument); |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToNextWord); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 12); |
| |
| delete page; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::textSelection() |
| { |
| CursorTrackedPage* page = new CursorTrackedPage; |
| QString content("<html><body><p id=one>The quick brown fox</p>" \ |
| "<p id=two>jumps over the lazy dog</p>" \ |
| "<p>May the source<br/>be with you!</p></body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml(content); |
| |
| // these actions must exist |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectAll) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextChar) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousChar) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextWord) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousWord) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfLine) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfBlock) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfBlock) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfDocument) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfDocument) != 0); |
| |
| // right now they are disabled because contentEditable is false and |
| // there isn't an existing selection to modify |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextChar)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousChar)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextWord)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousWord)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfLine)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfBlock)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfBlock)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfDocument)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfDocument)->isEnabled(), false); |
| |
| // ..but SelectAll is awalys enabled |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectAll)->isEnabled(), true); |
| |
| // Verify hasSelection returns false since there is no selection yet... |
| QCOMPARE(page->hasSelection(), false); |
| |
| // this will select the first paragraph |
| QString selectScript = "var range = document.createRange(); " \ |
| "var node = document.getElementById(\"one\"); " \ |
| "range.selectNode(node); " \ |
| "getSelection().addRange(range);"; |
| page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(selectScript); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectedText().trimmed(), QString::fromLatin1("The quick brown fox")); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectedHtml().trimmed(), QString::fromLatin1("<span class=\"Apple-style-span\" style=\"border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: medium; \"><p id=\"one\">The quick brown fox</p></span>")); |
| |
| // Make sure hasSelection returns true, since there is selected text now... |
| QCOMPARE(page->hasSelection(), true); |
| |
| // here the actions are enabled after a selection has been created |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextChar)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousChar)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfBlock)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfBlock)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfDocument)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfDocument)->isEnabled(), true); |
| |
| // make it editable before navigating the cursor |
| page->setContentEditable(true); |
| |
| // cursor will be before the word "The", this makes sure there is a charet |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| |
| // here the actions are enabled after contentEditable is true |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextChar)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousChar)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectNextLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectPreviousLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfLine)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfBlock)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfBlock)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectStartOfDocument)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SelectEndOfDocument)->isEnabled(), true); |
| |
| delete page; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::textEditing() |
| { |
| CursorTrackedPage* page = new CursorTrackedPage; |
| QString content("<html><body><p id=one>The quick brown fox</p>" \ |
| "<p id=two>jumps over the lazy dog</p>" \ |
| "<p>May the source<br/>be with you!</p></body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml(content); |
| |
| // these actions must exist |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::Cut) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::Copy) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::Paste) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::DeleteStartOfWord) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::DeleteEndOfWord) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionDefault) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionLeftToRight) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionRightToLeft) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleBold) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleItalic) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleUnderline) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::InsertParagraphSeparator) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::InsertLineSeparator) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::PasteAndMatchStyle) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::RemoveFormat) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleStrikethrough) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleSubscript) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleSuperscript) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::InsertUnorderedList) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::InsertOrderedList) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::Indent) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::Outdent) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::AlignCenter) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::AlignJustified) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::AlignLeft) != 0); |
| QVERIFY(page->action(QWebPage::AlignRight) != 0); |
| |
| // right now they are disabled because contentEditable is false |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Cut)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Paste)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::DeleteStartOfWord)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::DeleteEndOfWord)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionDefault)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionLeftToRight)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionRightToLeft)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleBold)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleItalic)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleUnderline)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertParagraphSeparator)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertLineSeparator)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::PasteAndMatchStyle)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::RemoveFormat)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleStrikethrough)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleSubscript)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleSuperscript)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertUnorderedList)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertOrderedList)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Indent)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Outdent)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignCenter)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignJustified)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignLeft)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignRight)->isEnabled(), false); |
| |
| // Select everything |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectAll); |
| |
| // make sure it is enabled since there is a selection |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Copy)->isEnabled(), true); |
| |
| // make it editable before navigating the cursor |
| page->setContentEditable(true); |
| |
| // clear the selection |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument); |
| QVERIFY(page->isSelectionCollapsed()); |
| QCOMPARE(page->selectionStartOffset(), 0); |
| |
| // make sure it is disabled since there isn't a selection |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Copy)->isEnabled(), false); |
| |
| // here the actions are enabled after contentEditable is true |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Paste)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::DeleteStartOfWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::DeleteEndOfWord)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionDefault)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionLeftToRight)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::SetTextDirectionRightToLeft)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleBold)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleItalic)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleUnderline)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertParagraphSeparator)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertLineSeparator)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::PasteAndMatchStyle)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleStrikethrough)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleSubscript)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::ToggleSuperscript)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertUnorderedList)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::InsertOrderedList)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Indent)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Outdent)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignCenter)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignJustified)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignLeft)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::AlignRight)->isEnabled(), true); |
| |
| // make sure these are disabled since there isn't a selection |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Cut)->isEnabled(), false); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::RemoveFormat)->isEnabled(), false); |
| |
| // make sure everything is selected |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectAll); |
| |
| // this is only true if there is an editable selection |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::Cut)->isEnabled(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->action(QWebPage::RemoveFormat)->isEnabled(), true); |
| |
| delete page; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::requestCache() |
| { |
| TestPage page; |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| page.mainFrame()->setUrl(QString("data:text/html,<a href=\"data:text/html,Reached\" target=\"_blank\">Click me</a>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page.navigations.count(), 1); |
| |
| page.mainFrame()->setUrl(QString("data:text/html,<a href=\"data:text/html,Reached\" target=\"_blank\">Click me2</a>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page.navigations.count(), 2); |
| |
| page.triggerAction(QWebPage::Stop); |
| QVERIFY(page.history()->canGoBack()); |
| page.triggerAction(QWebPage::Back); |
| |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 3); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page.navigations.count(), 3); |
| QCOMPARE(page.navigations.at(0).request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork).toInt(), |
| (int)QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork); |
| QCOMPARE(page.navigations.at(1).request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork).toInt(), |
| (int)QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork); |
| QCOMPARE(page.navigations.at(2).request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferNetwork).toInt(), |
| (int)QNetworkRequest::PreferCache); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::loadCachedPage() |
| { |
| TestPage page; |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| page.settings()->setMaximumPagesInCache(3); |
| |
| page.mainFrame()->load(QUrl("data:text/html,This is first page")); |
| |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page.navigations.count(), 1); |
| |
| QUrl firstPageUrl = page.mainFrame()->url(); |
| page.mainFrame()->load(QUrl("data:text/html,This is second page")); |
| |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page.navigations.count(), 2); |
| |
| page.triggerAction(QWebPage::Stop); |
| QVERIFY(page.history()->canGoBack()); |
| |
| QSignalSpy urlSpy(page.mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl))); |
| QVERIFY(urlSpy.isValid()); |
| |
| page.triggerAction(QWebPage::Back); |
| ::waitForSignal(page.mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl))); |
| QCOMPARE(urlSpy.size(), 1); |
| |
| QList<QVariant> arguments1 = urlSpy.takeFirst(); |
| QCOMPARE(arguments1.at(0).toUrl(), firstPageUrl); |
| |
| } |
| void tst_QWebPage::backActionUpdate() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| QWebPage *page = view.page(); |
| QAction *action = page->action(QWebPage::Back); |
| QVERIFY(!action->isEnabled()); |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| QUrl url = QUrl("qrc:///resources/framedindex.html"); |
| page->mainFrame()->load(url); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| QVERIFY(!action->isEnabled()); |
| QTest::mouseClick(&view, Qt::LeftButton, 0, QPoint(10, 10)); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 2); |
| |
| QVERIFY(action->isEnabled()); |
| } |
| |
| void frameAtHelper(QWebPage* webPage, QWebFrame* webFrame, QPoint framePosition) |
| { |
| if (!webFrame) |
| return; |
| |
| framePosition += QPoint(webFrame->pos()); |
| QList<QWebFrame*> children = webFrame->childFrames(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { |
| if (children.at(i)->childFrames().size() > 0) |
| frameAtHelper(webPage, children.at(i), framePosition); |
| |
| QRect frameRect(children.at(i)->pos() + framePosition, children.at(i)->geometry().size()); |
| QVERIFY(children.at(i) == webPage->frameAt(frameRect.topLeft())); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::frameAt() |
| { |
| QWebView webView; |
| QWebPage* webPage = webView.page(); |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(webPage, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| QUrl url = QUrl("qrc:///resources/iframe.html"); |
| webPage->mainFrame()->load(url); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| frameAtHelper(webPage, webPage->mainFrame(), webPage->mainFrame()->pos()); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::inputMethods_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("viewType"); |
| QTest::newRow("QWebView") << "QWebView"; |
| QTest::newRow("QGraphicsWebView") << "QGraphicsWebView"; |
| } |
| |
| static Qt::InputMethodHints inputMethodHints(QObject* object) |
| { |
| if (QGraphicsObject* o = qobject_cast<QGraphicsObject*>(object)) |
| return o->inputMethodHints(); |
| if (QWidget* w = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(object)) |
| return w->inputMethodHints(); |
| return Qt::InputMethodHints(); |
| } |
| |
| static bool inputMethodEnabled(QObject* object) |
| { |
| if (QGraphicsObject* o = qobject_cast<QGraphicsObject*>(object)) |
| return o->flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemAcceptsInputMethod; |
| if (QWidget* w = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(object)) |
| return w->testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| static void clickOnPage(QWebPage* page, const QPoint& position) |
| { |
| QMouseEvent evpres(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, position, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier); |
| page->event(&evpres); |
| QMouseEvent evrel(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, position, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier); |
| page->event(&evrel); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::inputMethods() |
| { |
| QFETCH(QString, viewType); |
| QWebPage* page = new QWebPage; |
| QObject* view = 0; |
| QObject* container = 0; |
| if (viewType == "QWebView") { |
| QWebView* wv = new QWebView; |
| wv->setPage(page); |
| view = wv; |
| container = view; |
| } else if (viewType == "QGraphicsWebView") { |
| QGraphicsWebView* wv = new QGraphicsWebView; |
| wv->setPage(page); |
| view = wv; |
| |
| QGraphicsView* gv = new QGraphicsView; |
| QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene(gv); |
| gv->setScene(scene); |
| scene->addItem(wv); |
| wv->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 500, 500)); |
| |
| container = gv; |
| } else |
| QVERIFY2(false, "Unknown view type"); |
| |
| page->settings()->setFontFamily(QWebSettings::SerifFont, "FooSerifFont"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><body>" \ |
| "<input type='text' id='input1' style='font-family: serif' value='' maxlength='20'/><br>" \ |
| "<input type='password'/>" \ |
| "</body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setFocus(); |
| |
| EventSpy viewEventSpy(container); |
| |
| QWebElementCollection inputs = page->mainFrame()->documentElement().findAll("input"); |
| QPoint textInputCenter = inputs.at(0).geometry().center(); |
| |
| clickOnPage(page, textInputCenter); |
| |
| // This part of the test checks if the SIP (Software Input Panel) is triggered, |
| // which normally happens on mobile platforms, when a user input form receives |
| // a mouse click. |
| int inputPanel = 0; |
| if (viewType == "QWebView") { |
| if (QWebView* wv = qobject_cast<QWebView*>(view)) |
| inputPanel = wv->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_RequestSoftwareInputPanel); |
| } else if (viewType == "QGraphicsWebView") { |
| if (QGraphicsWebView* wv = qobject_cast<QGraphicsWebView*>(view)) |
| inputPanel = wv->style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_RequestSoftwareInputPanel); |
| } |
| |
| // For non-mobile platforms RequestSoftwareInputPanel event is not called |
| // because there is no SIP (Software Input Panel) triggered. In the case of a |
| // mobile platform, an input panel, e.g. virtual keyboard, is usually invoked |
| // and the RequestSoftwareInputPanel event is called. For these two situations |
| // this part of the test can verified as the checks below. |
| if (inputPanel) |
| QVERIFY(viewEventSpy.contains(QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel)); |
| else |
| QVERIFY(!viewEventSpy.contains(QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel)); |
| viewEventSpy.clear(); |
| |
| clickOnPage(page, textInputCenter); |
| QVERIFY(viewEventSpy.contains(QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel)); |
| |
| //ImMicroFocus |
| QVariant variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMicroFocus); |
| QRect focusRect = variant.toRect(); |
| QVERIFY(inputs.at(0).geometry().contains(variant.toRect().topLeft())); |
| |
| //ImFont |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImFont); |
| QFont font = variant.value<QFont>(); |
| QCOMPARE(page->settings()->fontFamily(QWebSettings::SerifFont), font.family()); |
| |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> inputAttributes; |
| |
| //Insert text. |
| { |
| QInputMethodEvent eventText("QtWebKit", inputAttributes); |
| QSignalSpy signalSpy(page, SIGNAL(microFocusChanged())); |
| page->event(&eventText); |
| QCOMPARE(signalSpy.count(), 0); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| QInputMethodEvent eventText("", inputAttributes); |
| eventText.setCommitString(QString("QtWebKit"), 0, 0); |
| page->event(&eventText); |
| } |
| |
| //ImMaximumTextLength |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImMaximumTextLength); |
| QCOMPARE(20, variant.toInt()); |
| |
| //Set selection |
| inputAttributes << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, 3, 2, QVariant()); |
| QInputMethodEvent eventSelection("",inputAttributes); |
| page->event(&eventSelection); |
| |
| //ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| int anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 3); |
| |
| //ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| int cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 5); |
| |
| //ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| QString selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("eb")); |
| |
| //Set selection with negative length |
| inputAttributes << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, 6, -5, QVariant()); |
| QInputMethodEvent eventSelection3("",inputAttributes); |
| page->event(&eventSelection3); |
| |
| //ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 1); |
| |
| //ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 6); |
| |
| //ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("tWebK")); |
| |
| //ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| QString value = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(value, QString("QtWebKit")); |
| |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| // Clear the selection, so the next test does not clear any contents. |
| QInputMethodEvent::Attribute newSelection(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, 0, 0, QVariant()); |
| attributes.append(newSelection); |
| QInputMethodEvent event("composition", attributes); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // A ongoing composition should not change the surrounding text before it is committed. |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| value = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(value, QString("QtWebKit")); |
| |
| // Cancel current composition first |
| inputAttributes << QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, 0, 0, QVariant()); |
| QInputMethodEvent eventSelection4("", inputAttributes); |
| page->event(&eventSelection4); |
| |
| // START - Tests for Selection when the Editor is NOT in Composition mode |
| |
| // LEFT to RIGHT selection |
| // Deselect the selection by sending MouseButtonPress events |
| // This moves the current cursor to the end of the text |
| clickOnPage(page, textInputCenter); |
| |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event(QString(), attributes); |
| event.setCommitString("XXX", 0, 0); |
| page->event(&event); |
| event.setCommitString(QString(), -2, 2); // Erase two characters. |
| page->event(&event); |
| event.setCommitString(QString(), -1, 1); // Erase one character. |
| page->event(&event); |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| value = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(value, QString("QtWebKit")); |
| } |
| |
| //Move to the start of the line |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToStartOfLine); |
| |
| QKeyEvent keyRightEventPress(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Right, Qt::NoModifier); |
| QKeyEvent keyRightEventRelease(QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_Right, Qt::NoModifier); |
| |
| //Move 2 characters RIGHT |
| for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { |
| page->event(&keyRightEventPress); |
| page->event(&keyRightEventRelease); |
| } |
| |
| //Select to the end of the line |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectEndOfLine); |
| |
| //ImAnchorPosition QtWebKit |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 2); |
| |
| //ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 8); |
| |
| //ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("WebKit")); |
| |
| //RIGHT to LEFT selection |
| //Deselect the selection (this moves the current cursor to the end of the text) |
| clickOnPage(page, textInputCenter); |
| |
| //ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 8); |
| |
| //ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 8); |
| |
| //ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| QKeyEvent keyLeftEventPress(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Left, Qt::NoModifier); |
| QKeyEvent keyLeftEventRelease(QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_Left, Qt::NoModifier); |
| |
| //Move 2 characters LEFT |
| for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { |
| page->event(&keyLeftEventPress); |
| page->event(&keyLeftEventRelease); |
| } |
| |
| //Select to the start of the line |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectStartOfLine); |
| |
| //ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 6); |
| |
| //ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 0); |
| |
| //ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("QtWebK")); |
| |
| //END - Tests for Selection when the Editor is not in Composition mode |
| |
| //ImhHiddenText |
| QPoint passwordInputCenter = inputs.at(1).geometry().center(); |
| clickOnPage(page, passwordInputCenter); |
| |
| QVERIFY(inputMethodEnabled(view)); |
| QVERIFY(inputMethodHints(view) & Qt::ImhHiddenText); |
| |
| clickOnPage(page, textInputCenter); |
| QVERIFY(!(inputMethodHints(view) & Qt::ImhHiddenText)); |
| |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><body><p>nothing to input here"); |
| viewEventSpy.clear(); |
| |
| QWebElement para = page->mainFrame()->findFirstElement("p"); |
| clickOnPage(page, para.geometry().center()); |
| |
| QVERIFY(!viewEventSpy.contains(QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel)); |
| |
| //START - Test for sending empty QInputMethodEvent |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><body>" \ |
| "<input type='text' id='input3' value='QtWebKit2'/>" \ |
| "</body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var inputEle = document.getElementById('input3'); inputEle.focus(); inputEle.select();"); |
| |
| //Send empty QInputMethodEvent |
| QInputMethodEvent emptyEvent; |
| page->event(&emptyEvent); |
| |
| QString inputValue = page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById('input3').value").toString(); |
| QCOMPARE(inputValue, QString("QtWebKit2")); |
| //END - Test for sending empty QInputMethodEvent |
| |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><body>" \ |
| "<input type='text' id='input4' value='QtWebKit inputMethod'/>" \ |
| "</body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var inputEle = document.getElementById('input4'); inputEle.focus(); inputEle.select();"); |
| |
| // Clear the selection, also cancel the ongoing composition if there is one. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent::Attribute newSelection(QInputMethodEvent::Selection, 0, 0, QVariant()); |
| attributes.append(newSelection); |
| QInputMethodEvent event("", attributes); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| QString surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("QtWebKit inputMethod")); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 0); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 0); |
| |
| // 1. Insert a character to the begining of the line. |
| // Send temporary text, which makes the editor has composition 'm'. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("m", attributes); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("QtWebKit inputMethod")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 0); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 0); |
| |
| // Send temporary text, which makes the editor has composition 'n'. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("n", attributes); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("QtWebKit inputMethod")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 0); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 0); |
| |
| // Send commit text, which makes the editor conforms composition. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("", attributes); |
| event.setCommitString("o"); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oQtWebKit inputMethod")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 1); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 1); |
| |
| // 2. insert a character to the middle of the line. |
| // Send temporary text, which makes the editor has composition 'd'. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("d", attributes); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oQtWebKit inputMethod")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 1); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 1); |
| |
| // Send commit text, which makes the editor conforms composition. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("", attributes); |
| event.setCommitString("e"); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oeQtWebKit inputMethod")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 2); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 2); |
| |
| // 3. Insert a character to the end of the line. |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::MoveToEndOfLine); |
| |
| // Send temporary text, which makes the editor has composition 't'. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("t", attributes); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oeQtWebKit inputMethod")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 22); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 22); |
| |
| // Send commit text, which makes the editor conforms composition. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("", attributes); |
| event.setCommitString("t"); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oeQtWebKit inputMethodt")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 23); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 23); |
| |
| // 4. Replace the selection. |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectPreviousWord); |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("inputMethodt")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oeQtWebKit inputMethodt")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 11); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 23); |
| |
| // Send temporary text, which makes the editor has composition 'w'. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("w", attributes); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oeQtWebKit ")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 11); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 11); |
| |
| // Send commit text, which makes the editor conforms composition. |
| { |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attributes; |
| QInputMethodEvent event("", attributes); |
| event.setCommitString("2"); |
| page->event(&event); |
| } |
| |
| // ImCurrentSelection |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCurrentSelection); |
| selectionValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(selectionValue, QString("")); |
| |
| // ImSurroundingText |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImSurroundingText); |
| surroundingValue = variant.value<QString>(); |
| QCOMPARE(surroundingValue, QString("oeQtWebKit 2")); |
| |
| // ImCursorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImCursorPosition); |
| cursorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(cursorPosition, 12); |
| |
| // ImAnchorPosition |
| variant = page->inputMethodQuery(Qt::ImAnchorPosition); |
| anchorPosition = variant.toInt(); |
| QCOMPARE(anchorPosition, 12); |
| |
| // Check sending RequestSoftwareInputPanel event |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><body>" \ |
| "<input type='text' id='input5' value='QtWebKit inputMethod'/>" \ |
| "<div id='btnDiv' onclick='i=document.getElementById("input5"); i.focus();'>abc</div>"\ |
| "</body></html>"); |
| QWebElement inputElement = page->mainFrame()->findFirstElement("div"); |
| clickOnPage(page, inputElement.geometry().center()); |
| |
| QVERIFY(!viewEventSpy.contains(QEvent::RequestSoftwareInputPanel)); |
| |
| // START - Newline test for textarea |
| qApp->processEvents(); |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><body>" \ |
| "<textarea rows='5' cols='1' id='input5' value=''/>" \ |
| "</body></html>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("var inputEle = document.getElementById('input5'); inputEle.focus(); inputEle.select();"); |
| QKeyEvent keyEnter(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Enter, Qt::NoModifier); |
| page->event(&keyEnter); |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attribs; |
| |
| QInputMethodEvent eventText("\n", attribs); |
| page->event(&eventText); |
| |
| QInputMethodEvent eventText2("third line", attribs); |
| page->event(&eventText2); |
| qApp->processEvents(); |
| |
| QString inputValue2 = page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById('input5').value").toString(); |
| QCOMPARE(inputValue2, QString("\n\nthird line")); |
| // END - Newline test for textarea |
| |
| delete container; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::inputMethodsTextFormat_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("string"); |
| QTest::addColumn<int>("start"); |
| QTest::addColumn<int>("length"); |
| |
| QTest::newRow("") << QString("") << 0 << 0; |
| QTest::newRow("Q") << QString("Q") << 0 << 1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt") << QString("Qt") << 0 << 1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt") << QString("Qt") << 0 << 2; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt") << QString("Qt") << 1 << 1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt ") << QString("Qt ") << 0 << 1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt ") << QString("Qt ") << 1 << 1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt ") << QString("Qt ") << 2 << 1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt ") << QString("Qt ") << 2 << -1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt ") << QString("Qt ") << -2 << 3; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt ") << QString("Qt ") << 0 << 3; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt by") << QString("Qt by") << 0 << 1; |
| QTest::newRow("Qt by Nokia") << QString("Qt by Nokia") << 0 << 1; |
| } |
| |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::inputMethodsTextFormat() |
| { |
| QWebPage* page = new QWebPage; |
| QWebView* view = new QWebView; |
| view->setPage(page); |
| page->settings()->setFontFamily(QWebSettings::SerifFont, "FooSerifFont"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><body>" \ |
| "<input type='text' id='input1' style='font-family: serif' value='' maxlength='20'/>"); |
| page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById('input1').focus()"); |
| page->mainFrame()->setFocus(); |
| view->show(); |
| |
| QFETCH(QString, string); |
| QFETCH(int, start); |
| QFETCH(int, length); |
| |
| QList<QInputMethodEvent::Attribute> attrs; |
| QTextCharFormat format; |
| format.setUnderlineStyle(QTextCharFormat::SingleUnderline); |
| format.setUnderlineColor(Qt::red); |
| attrs.append(QInputMethodEvent::Attribute(QInputMethodEvent::TextFormat, start, length, format)); |
| QInputMethodEvent im(string, attrs); |
| page->event(&im); |
| |
| QTest::qWait(1000); |
| |
| delete view; |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::protectBindingsRuntimeObjectsFromCollector() |
| { |
| QSignalSpy loadSpy(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| PluginPage* newPage = new PluginPage(m_view); |
| m_view->setPage(newPage); |
| |
| m_view->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); |
| |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><body><object type='application/x-qt-plugin' classid='lineedit' id='mylineedit'/></body></html>")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(loadSpy.count(), 1); |
| |
| newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("function testme(text) { var lineedit = document.getElementById('mylineedit'); lineedit.setText(text); lineedit.selectAll(); }"); |
| |
| newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("testme('foo')"); |
| |
| DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::garbageCollectorCollect(); |
| |
| // don't crash! |
| newPage->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("testme('bar')"); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::localURLSchemes() |
| { |
| int i = QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(); |
| |
| QWebSecurityOrigin::removeLocalScheme("file"); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(), i); |
| QWebSecurityOrigin::addLocalScheme("file"); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(), i); |
| |
| QWebSecurityOrigin::removeLocalScheme("qrc"); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(), i - 1); |
| QWebSecurityOrigin::addLocalScheme("qrc"); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(), i); |
| |
| QString myscheme = "myscheme"; |
| QWebSecurityOrigin::addLocalScheme(myscheme); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(), i + 1); |
| QVERIFY(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().contains(myscheme)); |
| QWebSecurityOrigin::removeLocalScheme(myscheme); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(), i); |
| QWebSecurityOrigin::removeLocalScheme(myscheme); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(QWebSecurityOrigin::localSchemes().size(), i); |
| } |
| |
| static inline bool testFlag(QWebPage& webPage, QWebSettings::WebAttribute settingAttribute, const QString& jsObjectName, bool settingValue) |
| { |
| webPage.settings()->setAttribute(settingAttribute, settingValue); |
| return webPage.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(QString("(window.%1 != undefined)").arg(jsObjectName)).toBool(); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::testOptionalJSObjects() |
| { |
| // Once a feature is enabled and the JS object is accessed turning off the setting will not turn off |
| // the visibility of the JS object any more. For this reason this test uses two QWebPage instances. |
| // Part of the test is to make sure that the QWebPage instances do not interfere with each other so turning on |
| // a feature for one instance will not turn it on for another. |
| |
| QWebPage webPage1; |
| QWebPage webPage2; |
| |
| webPage1.currentFrame()->setHtml(QString("<html><body>test</body></html>"), QUrl()); |
| webPage2.currentFrame()->setHtml(QString("<html><body>test</body></html>"), QUrl()); |
| |
| QEXPECT_FAIL("","Feature enabled/disabled checking problem. Look at bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29867", Continue); |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage1, QWebSettings::OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled, "applicationCache", false), false); |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage2, QWebSettings::OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled, "applicationCache", true), true); |
| QEXPECT_FAIL("","Feature enabled/disabled checking problem. Look at bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29867", Continue); |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage1, QWebSettings::OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled, "applicationCache", false), false); |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage2, QWebSettings::OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled, "applicationCache", false), true); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage1, QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, "localStorage", false), false); |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage2, QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, "localStorage", true), true); |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage1, QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, "localStorage", false), false); |
| QCOMPARE(testFlag(webPage2, QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled, "localStorage", false), true); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::testEnablePersistentStorage() |
| { |
| QWebPage webPage; |
| |
| // By default all persistent options should be disabled |
| QCOMPARE(webPage.settings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled), false); |
| QCOMPARE(webPage.settings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::OfflineStorageDatabaseEnabled), false); |
| QCOMPARE(webPage.settings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled), false); |
| QVERIFY(webPage.settings()->iconDatabasePath().isEmpty()); |
| |
| QWebSettings::enablePersistentStorage(); |
| |
| |
| QTRY_COMPARE(webPage.settings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::LocalStorageEnabled), true); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(webPage.settings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::OfflineStorageDatabaseEnabled), true); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(webPage.settings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled), true); |
| |
| QTRY_VERIFY(!webPage.settings()->offlineStoragePath().isEmpty()); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(!webPage.settings()->offlineWebApplicationCachePath().isEmpty()); |
| QTRY_VERIFY(!webPage.settings()->iconDatabasePath().isEmpty()); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::defaultTextEncoding() |
| { |
| QWebFrame* mainFrame = m_page->mainFrame(); |
| |
| QString defaultCharset = mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("document.defaultCharset").toString(); |
| QVERIFY(!defaultCharset.isEmpty()); |
| QCOMPARE(QWebSettings::globalSettings()->defaultTextEncoding(), defaultCharset); |
| |
| m_page->settings()->setDefaultTextEncoding(QString("utf-8")); |
| QString charset = mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("document.defaultCharset").toString(); |
| QCOMPARE(charset, QString("utf-8")); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->settings()->defaultTextEncoding(), charset); |
| |
| m_page->settings()->setDefaultTextEncoding(QString()); |
| charset = mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("document.defaultCharset").toString(); |
| QVERIFY(!charset.isEmpty()); |
| QCOMPARE(charset, defaultCharset); |
| |
| QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setDefaultTextEncoding(QString("utf-8")); |
| charset = mainFrame->evaluateJavaScript("document.defaultCharset").toString(); |
| QCOMPARE(charset, QString("utf-8")); |
| QCOMPARE(QWebSettings::globalSettings()->defaultTextEncoding(), charset); |
| } |
| |
| class ErrorPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| |
| ErrorPage(QWidget* parent = 0): QWebPage(parent) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| virtual bool supportsExtension(Extension extension) const |
| { |
| return extension == ErrorPageExtension; |
| } |
| |
| virtual bool extension(Extension, const ExtensionOption* option, ExtensionReturn* output) |
| { |
| ErrorPageExtensionReturn* errorPage = static_cast<ErrorPageExtensionReturn*>(output); |
| |
| errorPage->contentType = "text/html"; |
| errorPage->content = "error"; |
| return true; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::errorPageExtension() |
| { |
| ErrorPage* page = new ErrorPage; |
| m_view->setPage(page); |
| |
| QSignalSpy spyLoadFinished(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| |
| m_view->setUrl(QUrl("data:text/html,foo")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spyLoadFinished.count(), 1); |
| |
| page->mainFrame()->setUrl(QUrl("http://non.existent/url")); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spyLoadFinished.count(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(page->mainFrame()->toPlainText(), QString("error")); |
| QCOMPARE(page->history()->count(), 2); |
| QCOMPARE(page->history()->currentItem().url(), QUrl("http://non.existent/url")); |
| QCOMPARE(page->history()->canGoBack(), true); |
| QCOMPARE(page->history()->canGoForward(), false); |
| |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Back); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page->history()->canGoBack(), false); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page->history()->canGoForward(), true); |
| |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Forward); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page->history()->canGoBack(), true); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page->history()->canGoForward(), false); |
| |
| page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Back); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page->history()->canGoBack(), false); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page->history()->canGoForward(), true); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(page->history()->currentItem().url(), QUrl("data:text/html,foo")); |
| |
| m_view->setPage(0); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::errorPageExtensionInIFrames() |
| { |
| ErrorPage* page = new ErrorPage; |
| m_view->setPage(page); |
| |
| m_view->page()->mainFrame()->load(QUrl( |
| "data:text/html," |
| "<h1>h1</h1>" |
| "<iframe src='data:text/html,<p/>p'></iframe>" |
| "<iframe src='http://non.existent/url'></iframe>")); |
| QSignalSpy spyLoadFinished(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spyLoadFinished.count(), 1); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(page->mainFrame()->childFrames()[1]->toPlainText(), QString("error")); |
| |
| m_view->setPage(0); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::errorPageExtensionInFrameset() |
| { |
| ErrorPage* page = new ErrorPage; |
| m_view->setPage(page); |
| |
| m_view->load(QUrl("qrc:///resources/index.html")); |
| |
| QSignalSpy spyLoadFinished(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool))); |
| QTRY_COMPARE(spyLoadFinished.count(), 1); |
| QCOMPARE(page->mainFrame()->childFrames()[1]->toPlainText(), QString("error")); |
| |
| m_view->setPage(0); |
| } |
| |
| class FriendlyWebPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| friend class tst_QWebPage; |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::userAgentApplicationName() |
| { |
| const QString oldApplicationName = QCoreApplication::applicationName(); |
| FriendlyWebPage page; |
| |
| const QString applicationNameMarker = QString::fromUtf8("StrangeName\342\210\236"); |
| QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(applicationNameMarker); |
| QVERIFY(page.userAgentForUrl(QUrl()).contains(applicationNameMarker)); |
| |
| QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(oldApplicationName); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::crashTests_LazyInitializationOfMainFrame() |
| { |
| { |
| QWebPage webPage; |
| } |
| { |
| QWebPage webPage; |
| webPage.selectedText(); |
| } |
| { |
| QWebPage webPage; |
| webPage.selectedHtml(); |
| } |
| { |
| QWebPage webPage; |
| webPage.triggerAction(QWebPage::Back, true); |
| } |
| { |
| QWebPage webPage; |
| QPoint pos(10,10); |
| webPage.updatePositionDependentActions(pos); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void takeScreenshot(QWebPage* page) |
| { |
| QWebFrame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); |
| page->setViewportSize(mainFrame->contentsSize()); |
| QImage image(page->viewportSize(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); |
| QPainter painter(&image); |
| mainFrame->render(&painter); |
| painter.end(); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::screenshot_data() |
| { |
| QTest::addColumn<QString>("html"); |
| QTest::newRow("WithoutPlugin") << "<html><body id='b'>text</body></html>"; |
| QTest::newRow("WindowedPlugin") << QString("<html><body id='b'>text<embed src='resources/test.swf'></embed></body></html>"); |
| QTest::newRow("WindowlessPlugin") << QString("<html><body id='b'>text<embed src='resources/test.swf' wmode='transparent'></embed></body></html>"); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::screenshot() |
| { |
| if (!QDir(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR).exists()) |
| QSKIP(QString("This test requires access to resources found in '%1'").arg(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR).toLatin1().constData(), SkipAll); |
| |
| QDir::setCurrent(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR); |
| |
| QFETCH(QString, html); |
| QWebPage* page = new QWebPage; |
| page->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); |
| QWebFrame* mainFrame = page->mainFrame(); |
| mainFrame->setHtml(html, QUrl::fromLocalFile(TESTS_SOURCE_DIR)); |
| ::waitForSignal(mainFrame, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), 2000); |
| |
| // take screenshot without a view |
| takeScreenshot(page); |
| |
| QWebView* view = new QWebView; |
| view->setPage(page); |
| |
| // take screenshot when attached to a view |
| takeScreenshot(page); |
| |
| delete page; |
| delete view; |
| |
| QDir::setCurrent(QApplication::applicationDirPath()); |
| } |
| |
| #if defined(ENABLE_WEBGL) && ENABLE_WEBGL |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54138 |
| static void webGLScreenshotWithoutView(bool accelerated) |
| { |
| QWebPage page; |
| page.settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::WebGLEnabled, true); |
| page.settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::AcceleratedCompositingEnabled, accelerated); |
| QWebFrame* mainFrame = page.mainFrame(); |
| mainFrame->setHtml("<html><body>" |
| "<canvas id='webgl' width='300' height='300'></canvas>" |
| "<script>document.getElementById('webgl').getContext('experimental-webgl')</script>" |
| "</body></html>"); |
| |
| takeScreenshot(&page); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::acceleratedWebGLScreenshotWithoutView() |
| { |
| webGLScreenshotWithoutView(true); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::unacceleratedWebGLScreenshotWithoutView() |
| { |
| webGLScreenshotWithoutView(false); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::originatingObjectInNetworkRequests() |
| { |
| TestNetworkManager* networkManager = new TestNetworkManager(m_page); |
| m_page->setNetworkAccessManager(networkManager); |
| networkManager->requests.clear(); |
| |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<frameset cols=\"25%,75%\"><frame src=\"data:text/html," |
| "<head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'></head>foo \">" |
| "<frame src=\"data:text/html,bar\"></frameset>"), QUrl()); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))); |
| |
| QCOMPARE(networkManager->requests.count(), 2); |
| |
| QList<QWebFrame*> childFrames = m_page->mainFrame()->childFrames(); |
| QCOMPARE(childFrames.count(), 2); |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) |
| QVERIFY(qobject_cast<QWebFrame*>(networkManager->requests.at(i).originatingObject()) == childFrames.at(i)); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Test fixups for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30914 |
| * |
| * From JS we test the following conditions. |
| * |
| * OK + QString() => SUCCESS, empty string (but not null) |
| * OK + "text" => SUCCESS, "text" |
| * CANCEL + QString() => CANCEL, null string |
| * CANCEL + "text" => CANCEL, null string |
| */ |
| class JSPromptPage : public QWebPage { |
| public: |
| JSPromptPage() |
| {} |
| |
| bool javaScriptPrompt(QWebFrame* frame, const QString& msg, const QString& defaultValue, QString* result) |
| { |
| if (msg == QLatin1String("test1")) { |
| *result = QString(); |
| return true; |
| } else if (msg == QLatin1String("test2")) { |
| *result = QLatin1String("text"); |
| return true; |
| } else if (msg == QLatin1String("test3")) { |
| *result = QString(); |
| return false; |
| } else if (msg == QLatin1String("test4")) { |
| *result = QLatin1String("text"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| qFatal("Unknown msg."); |
| return QWebPage::javaScriptPrompt(frame, msg, defaultValue, result); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::testJSPrompt() |
| { |
| JSPromptPage page; |
| bool res; |
| |
| // OK + QString() |
| res = page.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( |
| "var retval = prompt('test1');" |
| "retval=='' && retval.length == 0;").toBool(); |
| QVERIFY(res); |
| |
| // OK + "text" |
| res = page.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( |
| "var retval = prompt('test2');" |
| "retval=='text' && retval.length == 4;").toBool(); |
| QVERIFY(res); |
| |
| // Cancel + QString() |
| res = page.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( |
| "var retval = prompt('test3');" |
| "retval===null;").toBool(); |
| QVERIFY(res); |
| |
| // Cancel + "text" |
| res = page.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript( |
| "var retval = prompt('test4');" |
| "retval===null;").toBool(); |
| QVERIFY(res); |
| } |
| |
| class TestModalPage : public QWebPage |
| { |
| public: |
| TestModalPage(QObject* parent = 0) : QWebPage(parent) { |
| } |
| virtual QWebPage* createWindow(WebWindowType) { |
| QWebPage* page = new TestModalPage(); |
| connect(page, SIGNAL(windowCloseRequested()), page, SLOT(deleteLater())); |
| return page; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::showModalDialog() |
| { |
| TestModalPage page; |
| page.mainFrame()->setHtml(QString("<html></html>")); |
| QString res = page.mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("window.showModalDialog('javascript:window.returnValue=dialogArguments; window.close();', 'This is a test');").toString(); |
| QCOMPARE(res, QString("This is a test")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::testStopScheduledPageRefresh() |
| { |
| // Without QWebPage::StopScheduledPageRefresh |
| QWebPage page1; |
| page1.setNetworkAccessManager(new TestNetworkManager(&page1)); |
| page1.mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><head>" |
| "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"content=\"0;URL=qrc:///resources/index.html\">" |
| "</head><body><h1>Page redirects immediately...</h1>" |
| "</body></html>"); |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(&page1, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))); |
| QTest::qWait(500); |
| QCOMPARE(page1.mainFrame()->url(), QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:///resources/index.html"))); |
| |
| // With QWebPage::StopScheduledPageRefresh |
| QWebPage page2; |
| page2.setNetworkAccessManager(new TestNetworkManager(&page2)); |
| page2.mainFrame()->setHtml("<html><head>" |
| "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"content=\"1;URL=qrc:///resources/index.html\">" |
| "</head><body><h1>Page redirect test with 1 sec timeout...</h1>" |
| "</body></html>"); |
| page2.triggerAction(QWebPage::StopScheduledPageRefresh); |
| QTest::qWait(1500); |
| QCOMPARE(page2.mainFrame()->url().toString(), QLatin1String("about:blank")); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::findText() |
| { |
| m_view->setHtml(QString("<html><head></head><body><div>foo bar</div></body></html>")); |
| m_page->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectAll); |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->selectedText().isEmpty()); |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->selectedHtml().isEmpty()); |
| m_page->findText(""); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->selectedText().isEmpty()); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->selectedHtml().isEmpty()); |
| QStringList words = (QStringList() << "foo" << "bar"); |
| foreach (QString subString, words) { |
| m_page->findText(subString, QWebPage::FindWrapsAroundDocument); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->selectedText(), subString); |
| QCOMPARE(m_page->selectedHtml(), QString("<span class=\"Apple-style-span\" style=\"border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: medium; \">%1</span>").arg(subString)); |
| m_page->findText(""); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->selectedText().isEmpty()); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->selectedHtml().isEmpty()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct ImageExtensionMap { |
| const char* extension; |
| const char* mimeType; |
| }; |
| |
| static const ImageExtensionMap extensionMap[] = { |
| { "bmp", "image/bmp" }, |
| { "css", "text/css" }, |
| { "gif", "image/gif" }, |
| { "html", "text/html" }, |
| { "htm", "text/html" }, |
| { "ico", "image/x-icon" }, |
| { "jpeg", "image/jpeg" }, |
| { "jpg", "image/jpeg" }, |
| { "js", "application/x-javascript" }, |
| { "mng", "video/x-mng" }, |
| { "pbm", "image/x-portable-bitmap" }, |
| { "pgm", "image/x-portable-graymap" }, |
| { "pdf", "application/pdf" }, |
| { "png", "image/png" }, |
| { "ppm", "image/x-portable-pixmap" }, |
| { "rss", "application/rss+xml" }, |
| { "svg", "image/svg+xml" }, |
| { "text", "text/plain" }, |
| { "tif", "image/tiff" }, |
| { "tiff", "image/tiff" }, |
| { "txt", "text/plain" }, |
| { "xbm", "image/x-xbitmap" }, |
| { "xml", "text/xml" }, |
| { "xpm", "image/x-xpm" }, |
| { "xsl", "text/xsl" }, |
| { "xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml" }, |
| { "wml", "text/vnd.wap.wml" }, |
| { "wmlc", "application/vnd.wap.wmlc" }, |
| { 0, 0 } |
| }; |
| |
| static QString getMimeTypeForExtension(const QString &ext) |
| { |
| const ImageExtensionMap *e = extensionMap; |
| while (e->extension) { |
| if (ext.compare(QLatin1String(e->extension), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) |
| return QLatin1String(e->mimeType); |
| ++e; |
| } |
| |
| return QString(); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::supportedContentType() |
| { |
| QStringList contentTypes; |
| |
| // Add supported non image types... |
| contentTypes << "text/html" << "text/xml" << "text/xsl" << "text/plain" << "text/" |
| << "application/xml" << "application/xhtml+xml" << "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml" |
| << "application/rss+xml" << "application/atom+xml" << "application/json"; |
| |
| // Add supported image types... |
| Q_FOREACH(const QByteArray& imageType, QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()) { |
| const QString mimeType = getMimeTypeForExtension(imageType); |
| if (!mimeType.isEmpty()) |
| contentTypes << mimeType; |
| } |
| |
| // Get the mime types supported by webkit... |
| const QStringList supportedContentTypes = m_page->supportedContentTypes(); |
| |
| Q_FOREACH(const QString& mimeType, contentTypes) |
| QVERIFY2(supportedContentTypes.contains(mimeType), QString("'%1' is not a supported content type!").arg(mimeType).toLatin1()); |
| |
| Q_FOREACH(const QString& mimeType, contentTypes) |
| QVERIFY2(m_page->supportsContentType(mimeType), QString("Cannot handle content types '%1'!").arg(mimeType).toLatin1()); |
| } |
| |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::navigatorCookieEnabled() |
| { |
| m_page->networkAccessManager()->setCookieJar(0); |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->networkAccessManager()->cookieJar()); |
| QVERIFY(!m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("navigator.cookieEnabled").toBool()); |
| |
| m_page->networkAccessManager()->setCookieJar(new QNetworkCookieJar()); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->networkAccessManager()->cookieJar()); |
| QVERIFY(m_page->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript("navigator.cookieEnabled").toBool()); |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef Q_OS_MAC |
| void tst_QWebPage::macCopyUnicodeToClipboard() |
| { |
| QString unicodeText = QString::fromUtf8("αβγδεζηθικλμπ"); |
| m_page->mainFrame()->setHtml(QString("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></head><body>%1</body></html>").arg(unicodeText)); |
| m_page->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectAll); |
| m_page->triggerAction(QWebPage::Copy); |
| |
| QString clipboardData = QString::fromUtf8(QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->data(QLatin1String("text/html"))); |
| |
| QVERIFY(clipboardData.contains(QLatin1String("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />"))); |
| QVERIFY(clipboardData.contains(unicodeText)); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::contextMenuCopy() |
| { |
| QWebView view; |
| |
| view.setHtml("<a href=\"http://www.google.com\">You cant miss this</a>"); |
| |
| view.page()->triggerAction(QWebPage::SelectAll); |
| QVERIFY(!view.page()->selectedText().isEmpty()); |
| |
| QWebElement link = view.page()->mainFrame()->findFirstElement("a"); |
| QPoint pos(link.geometry().center()); |
| QContextMenuEvent event(QContextMenuEvent::Mouse, pos); |
| view.page()->swallowContextMenuEvent(&event); |
| view.page()->updatePositionDependentActions(pos); |
| |
| QList<QMenu*> contextMenus = view.findChildren<QMenu*>(); |
| QVERIFY(!contextMenus.isEmpty()); |
| QMenu* contextMenu = contextMenus.first(); |
| QVERIFY(contextMenu); |
| |
| QList<QAction *> list = contextMenu->actions(); |
| int index = list.indexOf(view.page()->action(QWebPage::Copy)); |
| QVERIFY(index != -1); |
| } |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::deleteQWebViewTwice() |
| { |
| for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { |
| QMainWindow mainWindow; |
| QWebView* webView = new QWebView(&mainWindow); |
| mainWindow.setCentralWidget(webView); |
| webView->load(QUrl("qrc:///resources/frame_a.html")); |
| mainWindow.show(); |
| connect(webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), &mainWindow, SLOT(close())); |
| QApplication::instance()->exec(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class RepaintRequestedRenderer : public QObject { |
| public: |
| RepaintRequestedRenderer(QWebPage* page, QPainter* painter) |
| : m_page(page) |
| , m_painter(painter) |
| , m_recursionCount(0) |
| { |
| connect(m_page, SIGNAL(repaintRequested(QRect)), this, SLOT(onRepaintRequested(QRect))); |
| } |
| |
| signals: |
| void finished(); |
| |
| private slots: |
| void onRepaintRequested(const QRect& rect) |
| { |
| QCOMPARE(m_recursionCount, 0); |
| |
| m_recursionCount++; |
| m_page->mainFrame()->render(m_painter, rect); |
| m_recursionCount--; |
| |
| QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "finished", Qt::QueuedConnection); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| QWebPage* m_page; |
| QPainter* m_painter; |
| int m_recursionCount; |
| }; |
| |
| void tst_QWebPage::renderOnRepaintRequestedShouldNotRecurse() |
| { |
| QSize viewportSize(720, 576); |
| QWebPage page; |
| |
| QImage image(viewportSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32); |
| QPainter painter(&image); |
| |
| page.setPreferredContentsSize(viewportSize); |
| page.setViewportSize(viewportSize); |
| RepaintRequestedRenderer r(&page, &painter); |
| |
| page.mainFrame()->setHtml("zalan loves trunk", QUrl()); |
| |
| QVERIFY(::waitForSignal(&r, SIGNAL(finished()))); |
| } |
| |
| QTEST_MAIN(tst_QWebPage) |
| #include "tst_qwebpage.moc" |