blob: 4d5ca51fd1d5a1a74593607698c87e07f53925a8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Based on from Mozilla
* -------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Other contributors:
* Darin Fisher (original author)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
* (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
* License Version 2.0, found at
* (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
* version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
* licenses (the MPL or the GPL) and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the LGPL, indicate your decision by
* deletingthe provisions above and replace them with the notice and
* other provisions required by the MPL or the GPL, as the case may be.
* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
* version of this file under any of the LGPL, the MPL or the GPL.
#ifndef URLParser_h
#define URLParser_h
#include "URLComponent.h"
#include "URLSegments.h"
namespace WTF {
template<typename CHAR>
class URLParser {
enum SpecialPort {
UnspecifiedPort = -1,
InvalidPort = -2,
// This handles everything that may be an authority terminator, including
// backslash. For special backslash handling see parseAfterScheme.
static bool isPossibleAuthorityTerminator(CHAR ch)
return isURLSlash(ch) || ch == '?' || ch == '#' || ch == ';';
// Given an already-identified auth section, breaks it into its constituent
// parts. The port number will be parsed and the resulting integer will be
// filled into the given *port variable, or -1 if there is no port number
// or it is invalid.
static void parseAuthority(const CHAR* spec, const URLComponent& auth, URLComponent& username, URLComponent& password, URLComponent& host, URLComponent& port)
// FIXME: add ASSERT(auth.isValid()); // We should always get an authority.
if (!auth.length()) {
// Search backwards for @, which is the separator between the user info
// and the server info. RFC 3986 forbids @ from occuring in auth, but
// someone might include it in a password unescaped.
int i = auth.begin() + auth.length() - 1;
while (i > auth.begin() && spec[i] != '@')
if (spec[i] == '@') {
// Found user info: <user-info>@<server-info>
parseUserInfo(spec, URLComponent(auth.begin(), i - auth.begin()), username, password);
parseServerInfo(spec, URLComponent::fromRange(i + 1, auth.begin() + auth.length()), host, port);
} else {
// No user info, everything is server info.
parseServerInfo(spec, auth, host, port);
static bool extractScheme(const CHAR* spec, int specLength, URLComponent& scheme)
// Skip leading whitespace and control characters.
int begin = 0;
while (begin < specLength && shouldTrimFromURL(spec[begin]))
if (begin == specLength)
return false; // Input is empty or all whitespace.
// Find the first colon character.
for (int i = begin; i < specLength; i++) {
if (spec[i] == ':') {
scheme = URLComponent::fromRange(begin, i);
return true;
return false; // No colon found: no scheme
// Fills in all members of the URLSegments structure (except for the
// scheme) for standard URLs.
// |spec| is the full spec being parsed, of length |specLength|.
// |afterScheme| is the character immediately following the scheme (after
// the colon) where we'll begin parsing.
static void parseAfterScheme(const CHAR* spec, int specLength, int afterScheme, URLSegments& parsed)
int numberOfSlashes = consecutiveSlashes(spec, afterScheme, specLength);
int afterSlashes = afterScheme + numberOfSlashes;
// First split into two main parts, the authority (username, password,
// host, and port) and the full path (path, query, and reference).
URLComponent authority;
URLComponent fullPath;
// Found "//<some data>", looks like an authority section. Treat
// everything from there to the next slash (or end of spec) to be the
// authority. Note that we ignore the number of slashes and treat it as
// the authority.
int authEnd = nextAuthorityTerminator(spec, afterSlashes, specLength);
authority = URLComponent(afterSlashes, authEnd - afterSlashes);
if (authEnd == specLength) // No beginning of path found.
fullPath = URLComponent();
else // Everything starting from the slash to the end is the path.
fullPath = URLComponent(authEnd, specLength - authEnd);
// Now parse those two sub-parts.
parseAuthority(spec, authority, parsed.username, parsed.password,, parsed.port);
parsePath(spec, fullPath, parsed.path, parsed.query, parsed.fragment);
// The main parsing function for standard URLs. Standard URLs have a scheme,
// host, path, etc.
static void parseStandardURL(const CHAR* spec, int specLength, URLSegments& parsed)
// FIXME: add ASSERT(specLength >= 0);
// Strip leading & trailing spaces and control characters.
int begin = 0;
trimURL(spec, begin, specLength);
int afterScheme;
if (extractScheme(spec, specLength, parsed.scheme))
afterScheme = parsed.scheme.end() + 1; // Skip past the colon.
else {
// Say there's no scheme when there is a colon. We could also say
// that everything is the scheme. Both would produce an invalid
// URL, but this way seems less wrong in more cases.
afterScheme = begin;
parseAfterScheme(spec, specLength, afterScheme, parsed);
static void parsePath(const CHAR* spec, const URLComponent& path, URLComponent& filepath, URLComponent& query, URLComponent& fragment)
// path = [/]<segment1>/<segment2>/<...>/<segmentN>;<param>?<query>#<fragment>
// Special case when there is no path.
if (!path.isValid()) {
// FIXME: add ASSERT(path.length() > 0); // We should never have 0 length paths.
// Search for first occurrence of either ? or #.
int pathEnd = path.begin() + path.length();
int querySeparator = -1; // Index of the '?'
int refSeparator = -1; // Index of the '#'
for (int i = path.begin(); i < pathEnd; i++) {
switch (spec[i]) {
case '?':
if (querySeparator < 0)
querySeparator = i;
case '#':
refSeparator = i;
i = pathEnd; // Break out of the loop.
// Markers pointing to the character after each of these corresponding
// components. The code below works from the end back to the beginning,
// and will update these indices as it finds components that exist.
int fileEnd, queryEnd;
// Fragment: from the # to the end of the path.
if (refSeparator >= 0) {
fileEnd = refSeparator;
queryEnd = refSeparator;
fragment = URLComponent::fromRange(refSeparator + 1, pathEnd);
} else {
fileEnd = pathEnd;
queryEnd = pathEnd;
// Query fragment: everything from the ? to the next boundary (either
// the end of the path or the fragment fragment).
if (querySeparator >= 0) {
fileEnd = querySeparator;
query = URLComponent::fromRange(querySeparator + 1, queryEnd);
} else
// File path: treat an empty file path as no file path.
if (fileEnd != path.begin())
filepath = URLComponent::fromRange(path.begin(), fileEnd);
// Initializes a path URL which is merely a scheme followed by a path.
// Examples include "about:foo" and "javascript:alert('bar');"
static void parsePathURL(const CHAR* spec, int specLength, URLSegments& parsed)
// Get the non-path and non-scheme parts of the URL out of the way, we
// never use them.
// Strip leading & trailing spaces and control characters.
// FIXME: Perhaps this is unnecessary?
int begin = 0;
trimURL(spec, begin, specLength);
// Handle empty specs or ones that contain only whitespace or control
// chars.
if (begin == specLength) {
// Extract the scheme, with the path being everything following. We also
// handle the case where there is no scheme.
if (extractScheme(&spec[begin], specLength - begin, parsed.scheme)) {
// Offset the results since we gave extractScheme a substring.
parsed.scheme.setBegin(parsed.scheme.begin() + begin);
// For compatibility with the standard URL parser, we treat no path
// as -1, rather than having a length of 0 (we normally wouldn't
// care so much for these non-standard URLs).
if (parsed.scheme.end() == specLength - 1)
parsed.path = URLComponent::fromRange(parsed.scheme.end() + 1, specLength);
} else {
// No scheme found, just path.
parsed.path = URLComponent::fromRange(begin, specLength);
static void parseMailtoURL(const CHAR* spec, int specLength, URLSegments& parsed)
// FIXME: add ASSERT(specLength >= 0);
// Get the non-path and non-scheme parts of the URL out of the way, we
// never use them.
parsed.query.reset(); // May use this; reset for convenience.
// Strip leading & trailing spaces and control characters.
int begin = 0;
trimURL(spec, begin, specLength);
// Handle empty specs or ones that contain only whitespace or control
// chars.
if (begin == specLength) {
int pathBegin = -1;
int pathEnd = -1;
// Extract the scheme, with the path being everything following. We also
// handle the case where there is no scheme.
if (extractScheme(&spec[begin], specLength - begin, parsed.scheme)) {
// Offset the results since we gave extractScheme a substring.
parsed.scheme.setBegin(parsed.scheme.begin() + begin);
if (parsed.scheme.end() != specLength - 1) {
pathBegin = parsed.scheme.end() + 1;
pathEnd = specLength;
} else {
// No scheme found, just path.
pathBegin = begin;
pathEnd = specLength;
// Split [pathBegin, pathEnd) into a path + query.
for (int i = pathBegin; i < pathEnd; ++i) {
if (spec[i] == '?') {
parsed.query = URLComponent::fromRange(i + 1, pathEnd);
pathEnd = i;
// For compatibility with the standard URL parser, treat no path as
// -1, rather than having a length of 0
if (pathBegin == pathEnd)
parsed.path = URLComponent::fromRange(pathBegin, pathEnd);
static int parsePort(const CHAR* spec, const URLComponent& component)
// Easy success case when there is no port.
const int maxDigits = 5;
if (component.isEmptyOrInvalid())
return UnspecifiedPort;
URLComponent nonZeroDigits(component.end(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < component.length(); ++i) {
if (spec[component.begin() + i] != '0') {
nonZeroDigits = URLComponent::fromRange(component.begin() + i, component.end());
if (!nonZeroDigits.length())
return 0; // All digits were 0.
if (nonZeroDigits.length() > maxDigits)
return InvalidPort;
int port = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nonZeroDigits.length(); ++i) {
CHAR ch = spec[nonZeroDigits.begin() + i];
if (!isPortDigit(ch))
return InvalidPort;
port *= 10;
port += static_cast<char>(ch) - '0';
if (port > 65535)
return InvalidPort;
return port;
static void extractFileName(const CHAR* spec, const URLComponent& path, URLComponent& fileName)
// Handle empty paths: they have no file names.
if (path.isEmptyOrInvalid()) {
// Search backwards for a parameter, which is a normally unused field
// in a URL delimited by a semicolon. We parse the parameter as part of
// the path, but here, we don't want to count it. The last semicolon is
// the parameter.
int fileEnd = path.end();
for (int i = path.end() - 1; i > path.begin(); --i) {
if (spec[i] == ';') {
fileEnd = i;
// Now search backwards from the filename end to the previous slash
// to find the beginning of the filename.
for (int i = fileEnd - 1; i >= path.begin(); --i) {
if (isURLSlash(spec[i])) {
// File name is everything following this character to the end
fileName = URLComponent::fromRange(i + 1, fileEnd);
// No slash found, this means the input was degenerate (generally paths
// will start with a slash). Let's call everything the file name.
fileName = URLComponent::fromRange(path.begin(), fileEnd);
static bool extractQueryKeyValue(const CHAR* spec, URLComponent& query, URLComponent& key, URLComponent& value)
if (query.isEmptyOrInvalid())
return false;
int start = query.begin();
int current = start;
int end = query.end();
// We assume the beginning of the input is the beginning of the "key"
// and we skip to the end of it.
while (current < end && spec[current] != '&' && spec[current] != '=')
key.setLength(current - key.begin());
// Skip the separator after the key (if any).
if (current < end && spec[current] == '=')
// Find the value part.
while (current < end && spec[current] != '&')
value.setLength(current - value.begin());
// Finally skip the next separator if any
if (current < end && spec[current] == '&')
// Save the new query
query = URLComponent::fromRange(current, end);
return true;
// FIXME: This should be protected or private.
// We treat slashes and backslashes the same for IE compatibility.
static inline bool isURLSlash(CHAR ch)
return ch == '/' || ch == '\\';
// Returns true if we should trim this character from the URL because it is
// a space or a control character.
static inline bool shouldTrimFromURL(CHAR ch)
return ch <= ' ';
// Given an already-initialized begin index and end index (the index after
// the last CHAR in spec), this shrinks the range to eliminate
// "should-be-trimmed" characters.
static inline void trimURL(const CHAR* spec, int& begin, int& end)
// Strip leading whitespace and control characters.
while (begin < end && shouldTrimFromURL(spec[begin]))
// Strip trailing whitespace and control characters. We need the >i
// test for when the input string is all blanks; we don't want to back
// past the input.
while (end > begin && shouldTrimFromURL(spec[end - 1]))
// Counts the number of consecutive slashes starting at the given offset
// in the given string of the given length.
static inline int consecutiveSlashes(const CHAR *string, int beginOffset, int stringLength)
int count = 0;
while (beginOffset + count < stringLength && isURLSlash(string[beginOffset + count]))
return count;
// URLParser cannot be constructed.
// Returns true if the given character is a valid digit to use in a port.
static inline bool isPortDigit(CHAR ch)
return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9';
// Returns the offset of the next authority terminator in the input starting
// from startOffset. If no terminator is found, the return value will be equal
// to specLength.
static int nextAuthorityTerminator(const CHAR* spec, int startOffset, int specLength)
for (int i = startOffset; i < specLength; i++) {
if (isPossibleAuthorityTerminator(spec[i]))
return i;
return specLength; // Not found.
static void parseUserInfo(const CHAR* spec, const URLComponent& user, URLComponent& username, URLComponent& password)
// Find the first colon in the user section, which separates the
// username and password.
int colonOffset = 0;
while (colonOffset < user.length() && spec[user.begin() + colonOffset] != ':')
if (colonOffset < user.length()) {
// Found separator: <username>:<password>
username = URLComponent(user.begin(), colonOffset);
password = URLComponent::fromRange(user.begin() + colonOffset + 1, user.begin() + user.length());
} else {
// No separator, treat everything as the username
username = user;
password = URLComponent();
static void parseServerInfo(const CHAR* spec, const URLComponent& serverInfo, URLComponent& host, URLComponent& port)
if (!serverInfo.length()) {
// No server info, host name is empty.
// If the host starts with a left-bracket, assume the entire host is an
// IPv6 literal. Otherwise, assume none of the host is an IPv6 literal.
// This assumption will be overridden if we find a right-bracket.
// Our IPv6 address canonicalization code requires both brackets to
// exist, but the ability to locate an incomplete address can still be
// useful.
int ipv6Terminator = spec[serverInfo.begin()] == '[' ? serverInfo.end() : -1;
int colon = -1;
// Find the last right-bracket, and the last colon.
for (int i = serverInfo.begin(); i < serverInfo.end(); i++) {
switch (spec[i]) {
case ']':
ipv6Terminator = i;
case ':':
colon = i;
if (colon > ipv6Terminator) {
// Found a port number: <hostname>:<port>
host = URLComponent::fromRange(serverInfo.begin(), colon);
if (!host.length())
port = URLComponent::fromRange(colon + 1, serverInfo.end());
} else {
// No port: <hostname>
host = serverInfo;
} // namespace WTF
#endif // URLParser_h