blob: 5b2d8aeae161a41b8fe6953f8645e29b365cef44 [file] [log] [blame]
Test setting the pathname attribute of the URL in HTMLAnchorElement.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Set pathname that starts with slash
PASS a.href is ''
Set pathname that does not start with slash and contains '?'
PASS a.href is ''
Set pathname that starts with double slash and contains '#'
PASS a.href is ''
Set a pathname containing .. in it
PASS a.href is ''
Set pathname to null
PASS a.href is ''
Set pathname to empty string
PASS a.href is ''
Set pathname that includes illegal characters to URL that contains illegal characters.
PASS a.href is '|d[]()'
Set pathname to URL that contains '@' in host
PASS a.href is 'http://w@/path#ww'
Set pathname to a URL with non-hierarchical protocol
PASS a.href is 'tel:+1800-555-1212'
PASS successfullyParsed is true