blob: 6c909c2b09b6073d6c8dc9f16cc31e7d5175b06c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="Card 1">
<p>Test for onevent element which binds prev task with onenterforward event</p>
<p>Clicking "Go" will cause it to jump to the card2, but which binds prev task to onenterforward event within onevent element, as a result, it will jump back to card 1</p>
<anchor title="Go to card2">Go
<go href="#card2"/>
<card id="card2" title="Card 2">
<p>Test for onevent element which binds prev task with onenterforward event</p>
<p>This is card2. When card 2 is entered forward, it will jump back to the previous page</p>
<onevent type="onenterforward">