blob: 3a5b43742e1213b1df4f01dd8cf5993d50cab88c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
(C) 1997 Torben Weis (
(C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
(C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef HTMLParser_h
#define HTMLParser_h
#include "QualifiedName.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include "HTMLParserErrorCodes.h"
namespace WebCore {
class DoctypeToken;
class Document;
class DocumentFragment;
class HTMLDocument;
class HTMLFormElement;
class HTMLHeadElement;
class HTMLMapElement;
class Node;
class Token;
struct HTMLStackElem;
* The parser for HTML. It receives a stream of tokens from the HTMLTokenizer, and
* builds up the Document structure from it.
class HTMLParser : Noncopyable {
HTMLParser(HTMLDocument*, bool reportErrors);
virtual ~HTMLParser();
* parses one token delivered by the tokenizer
PassRefPtr<Node> parseToken(Token*);
// Parses a doctype token.
void parseDoctypeToken(DoctypeToken*);
* tokenizer says it's not going to be sending us any more tokens
void finished();
* resets the parser
void reset();
bool skipMode() const { return !m_skipModeTag.isNull(); }
bool isHandlingResidualStyleAcrossBlocks() const { return m_handlingResidualStyleAcrossBlocks; }
void setCurrent(Node*);
void derefCurrent();
void setSkipMode(const QualifiedName& qName) { m_skipModeTag = qName.localName(); }
PassRefPtr<Node> getNode(Token*);
bool bodyCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool canvasCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool commentCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool ddCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool dtCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool formCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool framesetCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool headCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool iframeCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool isindexCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool mapCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool nestedCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool nestedPCloserCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool nestedStyleCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool noembedCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool noframesCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool nolayerCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool noscriptCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool pCloserCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool pCloserStrictCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool selectCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool tableCellCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool tableSectionCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
bool textCreateErrorCheck(Token*, RefPtr<Node>&);
void processCloseTag(Token*);
bool insertNode(Node*, bool flat = false);
bool handleError(Node*, bool flat, const AtomicString& localName, int tagPriority);
void pushBlock(const AtomicString& tagName, int level);
void popBlock(const AtomicString& tagName, bool reportErrors = false);
void popBlock(const QualifiedName& qName, bool reportErrors = false) { return popBlock(qName.localName(), reportErrors); } // Convenience function for readability.
void popOneBlock();
void moveOneBlockToStack(HTMLStackElem*& head);
inline HTMLStackElem* popOneBlockCommon();
void popInlineBlocks();
void freeBlock();
void createHead();
static bool isResidualStyleTag(const AtomicString& tagName);
static bool isAffectedByResidualStyle(const AtomicString& tagName);
void handleResidualStyleCloseTagAcrossBlocks(HTMLStackElem*);
void reopenResidualStyleTags(HTMLStackElem*, Node* malformedTableParent);
bool allowNestedRedundantTag(const AtomicString& tagName);
static bool isHeaderTag(const AtomicString& tagName);
void popNestedHeaderTag();
bool isInline(Node*) const;
void startBody(); // inserts the isindex element
PassRefPtr<Node> handleIsindex(Token*);
void checkIfHasPElementInScope();
bool hasPElementInScope()
if (m_hasPElementInScope == Unknown)
return m_hasPElementInScope == InScope;
void reportError(HTMLParserErrorCode errorCode, const AtomicString* tagName1 = 0, const AtomicString* tagName2 = 0, bool closeTags = false)
{ if (!m_reportErrors) return; reportErrorToConsole(errorCode, tagName1, tagName2, closeTags); }
void reportErrorToConsole(HTMLParserErrorCode, const AtomicString* tagName1, const AtomicString* tagName2, bool closeTags);
Document* document;
// The currently active element (the one new elements will be added to). Can be a document fragment, a document or an element.
Node* current;
// We can't ref a document, but we don't want to constantly check if a node is a document just to decide whether to deref.
bool didRefCurrent;
HTMLStackElem* blockStack;
enum ElementInScopeState { NotInScope, InScope, Unknown };
ElementInScopeState m_hasPElementInScope;
RefPtr<HTMLFormElement> m_currentFormElement; // currently active form
RefPtr<HTMLMapElement> m_currentMapElement; // current map
HTMLHeadElement* head; // head element; needed for HTML which defines <base> after </head>
RefPtr<Node> m_isindexElement; // a possible <isindex> element in the head
bool inBody;
bool haveContent;
bool haveFrameSet;
AtomicString m_skipModeTag; // tells the parser to discard all tags until it reaches the one specified
bool m_isParsingFragment;
bool m_reportErrors;
bool m_handlingResidualStyleAcrossBlocks;
int inStrayTableContent;
#endif // HTMLParser_h